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This file will track changes that require user intervention, such as a configuration change or a reinstallation.

January 22th 2022

  • The color_order option in the [wled] section has been deprecated. This is configured in wled directly. This is not a breaking change, the setting will simply be ignored not affecting functionality.

December 24th 2021

  • The password_file option in the [mqtt] section has been deprecated. Use the password option instead. This option may be a template, thus can resolve secrets stored in the [secrets] module.

November 7th 2021

  • Previously all core components received configuration through the [server] config section. As Moonraker's core functionality has expanded this is becoming unsustainable, thus core components should now be configured in their own section. For example, the config_path and log_path should now be configured in the [file_manager] section of moonraker.conf. See the configuration documentation for details. This is not a breaking change, core components will still fall back to checking the [server] section for configuration.

April 19th 2021

  • The [authorization] module is now a component, thus is only loaded if the user has it configured in moonraker.conf. This deprecates the previous enable option, as it is enabled if configured and disabled otherwise.
  • The API Key is now stored in the database. This deprecates the api_key_file option in the [authorization] module. Users can no longer read the contents of the API Key file to retrieve the API Key. Instead, users can run scripts/ to print the API Key. Alternative a user can navigate to http://{moonraker-host}/access/api_key from a trusted client to retrieve the API Key.

March 10th 2021

  • The cors_domain option in the [authoriztion] section is now checked for dangerous entries. If a domain entry contains a wildcard in the top level domain (ie: http://www.*) then it will be rejected, as malicious website can easily reproduce this match.

March 6th 2021

  • The enable_debug_logging in the [server] section now defaults to False. This dramatically reduces the amount of logging produced by Moonraker for the typical user.

March 4th 2021

  • To enable Octoprint compatibility with slicer uploads it is now required to add [octoprint_compat] to moonraker.conf. After making this change it is necessary to restart the Moonraker service so the module is loaded.

December 31st 2020

  • The file manager no longer restricts the config_path to a folder within the HOME directory. The path may not be the system root, however it can reside anywhere else on the file system as long as Moonraker has read and write access to the directory. This applies to gcode path received from Klipper via the virtual_sdcard section as well.

December 6th 2020

  • Moonraker is now installed as a systemd service. This allows logging to stdout which can be viewed with the journalctl -u moonraker command. This changes requires the user to rerun the install script. If moonraker.conf is not located in the home directory, the command will looks something like the following:

      cd ~/moonraker
      ./scripts/ -f -c /home/pi/klipper_config/moonraker.conf

    Otherwise you can run the install script with no arguments.

November 19th 2020

  • The install script ( now has command-line options:
    -r Rebuild the python virtual env
    -f Force an overwrite of /etc/default/moonraker during installation
    -c /path/to/moonraker.conf Allows user to specify the path to moonraker.conf during configuration. Using this in conjunction with -f will update the defaults file wih the new path.

  • New dependencies have been added to Moonraker which require reinstallation. Run the following command to reinstall and rebuild the virtualenv:

      ~/moonraker/scripts/ -r
  • The power plugin configuration has changed. See the install guide for details on the new configuration.

  • Users transitioning from the previous version of the power plugin will need to unexport any curently used pins. For example, the following command may be used to unexport pin 19:

      echo 19 > /sys/class/gpio/unexport

    Alternatively one may reboot the machine after upgrading:

    cd ~/moonraker/ git pull ~/moonraker/scripts/ -r sudo reboot

    Make sure that the power plugin configuration has been updated prior to rebooting the machine.