421 lines
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421 lines
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# Centralized webcam configuration
# Copyright (C) 2022 Eric Callahan <arksine.code@gmail.com>
# This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license
from __future__ import annotations
import re
import ipaddress
import socket
import uuid
import logging
from typing import (
from ..server import Server
from ..confighelper import ConfigHelper
from ..common import WebRequest
from .database import MoonrakerDatabase
from .machine import Machine
from .shell_command import ShellCommandFactory
from .http_client import HttpClient
# This provides a mapping of fields defined by Moonraker to fields
# defined by the database.
"name": "name", "service": "service", "target_fps": "targetFps",
"stream_url": "urlStream", "snapshot_url": "urlSnapshot",
"flip_horizontal": "flipX", "flip_vertical": "flipY",
"enabled": "enabled", "target_fps_idle": "targetFpsIdle",
"aspect_ratio": "aspectRatio", "icon": "icon"
class WebcamManager:
def __init__(self, config: ConfigHelper) -> None:
self.server = config.get_server()
self.webcams: Dict[str, WebCam] = {}
# parse user configured webcams
prefix_sections = config.get_prefix_sections("webcam ")
for section in prefix_sections:
cam_cfg = config[section]
webcam = WebCam.from_config(cam_cfg)
self.webcams[webcam.name] = webcam
"/server/webcams/list", ["GET"], self._handle_webcam_list
"/server/webcams/item", ["GET", "POST", "DELETE"],
"/server/webcams/test", ["POST"], self._handle_webcam_test
"machine:public_ip_changed", self._set_default_host_ip
async def component_init(self) -> None:
machine: Machine = self.server.lookup_component("machine")
if machine.public_ip:
db: MoonrakerDatabase = self.server.lookup_component("database")
saved_cams: Dict[str, Any] = await db.get_item("webcams", default={})
for cam_data in saved_cams.values():
webcam = WebCam.from_database(self.server, cam_data)
if webcam.name in self.webcams:
self.webcams[webcam.name] = webcam
except Exception:
logging.exception("Failed to process webcam from db")
def _set_default_host_ip(self, ip: str) -> None:
default_host = ""
if ip:
addr = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
except Exception:
logging.debug(f"Invalid IP Recd: {ip}")
if addr.version == 6:
default_host = f"http://[{addr}]"
default_host = f"http://{addr}"
logging.info(f"Default public webcam address set: {default_host}")
def get_webcams(self) -> Dict[str, WebCam]:
return self.webcams
def _list_webcams(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
return [wc.as_dict() for wc in self.webcams.values()]
async def _find_dbcam_by_uuid(
self, name: str
) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]:
db: MoonrakerDatabase = self.server.lookup_component("database")
saved_cams: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
saved_cams = await db.get_item("webcams", default={})
for uid, cam_data in saved_cams.items():
if name == cam_data["name"]:
return uid, cam_data
return "", {}
async def _save_cam(self, webcam: WebCam) -> None:
uid, cam_data = await self._find_dbcam_by_uuid(webcam.name)
if not uid:
uid = str(uuid.uuid4())
for mfield, dbfield in CAM_FIELDS.items():
cam_data[dbfield] = getattr(webcam, mfield)
cam_data["location"] = webcam.location
cam_data["rotation"] = webcam.rotation
cam_data["extra_data"] = webcam.extra_data
db: MoonrakerDatabase = self.server.lookup_component("database")
db.insert_item("webcams", uid, cam_data)
async def _delete_cam(self, webcam: WebCam) -> None:
uid, cam = await self._find_dbcam_by_uuid(webcam.name)
if not uid:
db: MoonrakerDatabase = self.server.lookup_component("database")
db.delete_item("webcams", uid)
async def _handle_webcam_request(
self, web_request: WebRequest
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
action = web_request.get_action()
name = web_request.get_str("name")
webcam_data: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if action == "GET":
if name not in self.webcams:
raise self.server.error(f"Webcam {name} not found", 404)
webcam_data = self.webcams[name].as_dict()
elif action == "POST":
webcam = self.webcams.get(name, None)
if webcam is not None:
if webcam.source == "config":
raise self.server.error(
f"Cannot overwrite webcam '{name}' sourced from "
"Moonraker configuration"
webcam = WebCam.from_web_request(self.server, web_request)
self.webcams[name] = webcam
webcam_data = webcam.as_dict()
await self._save_cam(webcam)
elif action == "DELETE":
if name not in self.webcams:
raise self.server.error(f"Webcam {name} not found", 404)
elif self.webcams[name].source == "config":
raise self.server.error(
f"Cannot delete webcam '{name}' sourced from "
"Moonraker configuration"
webcam = self.webcams.pop(name)
webcam_data = webcam.as_dict()
await self._delete_cam(webcam)
if action != "GET":
"webcam:webcams_changed", {"webcams": self._list_webcams()}
return {"webcam": webcam_data}
async def _handle_webcam_list(
self, web_request: WebRequest
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {"webcams": self._list_webcams()}
async def _handle_webcam_test(
self, web_request: WebRequest
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
name = web_request.get_str("name")
if name not in self.webcams:
raise self.server.error(f"Webcam '{name}' not found", 404)
client: HttpClient = self.server.lookup_component("http_client")
cam = self.webcams[name]
result: Dict[str, Any] = {
"name": name,
"snapshot_reachable": False
for img_type in ["snapshot", "stream"]:
func = getattr(cam, f"get_{img_type}_url")
result[f"{img_type}_url"] = await func(True)
except Exception:
logging.exception(f"Error Processing {img_type} url")
result[f"{img_type}_url"] = ""
url: str = result["snapshot_url"]
if result.get("snapshot_url", "").startswith("http"):
ret = await client.get(url, connect_timeout=1., request_timeout=1.)
result["snapshot_reachable"] = not ret.has_error()
return result
class WebCam:
_default_host: str = ""
def __init__(self, server: Server, **kwargs) -> None:
self._server = server
self.enabled: bool = kwargs["enabled"]
self.icon: str = kwargs["icon"]
self.aspect_ratio: str = kwargs["aspect_ratio"]
self.target_fps_idle: int = kwargs["target_fps_idle"]
self.name: str = kwargs["name"]
self.location: str = kwargs["location"]
self.service: str = kwargs["service"]
self.target_fps: int = kwargs["target_fps"]
self.stream_url: str = kwargs["stream_url"]
self.snapshot_url: str = kwargs["snapshot_url"]
self.flip_horizontal: bool = kwargs["flip_horizontal"]
self.flip_vertical: bool = kwargs["flip_vertical"]
self.rotation: int = kwargs["rotation"]
self.source: str = kwargs["source"]
self.extra_data: Dict[str, Any] = kwargs.get("extra_data", {})
if self.rotation not in [0, 90, 180, 270]:
raise server.error(f"Invalid value for 'rotation': {self.rotation}")
prefix, sep, postfix = self.aspect_ratio.partition(":")
if not (prefix.isdigit() and sep == ":" and postfix.isdigit()):
raise server.error(
f"Invalid value for 'aspect_ratio': {self.aspect_ratio}"
def as_dict(self):
return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k[0] != "_"}
async def get_stream_url(self, convert_local: bool = False) -> str:
return await self._get_url(self.stream_url, convert_local)
async def get_snapshot_url(self, convert_local: bool = False) -> str:
return await self._get_url(self.snapshot_url, convert_local)
async def _get_url(self, url: str, convert_local: bool) -> str:
if not url:
raise self._server.error("Empty URL Provided")
match = re.match(r"\w+://[^/]+", url)
if match is None:
# assume a partial URL on the default host
url = f"{self._default_host}/{url.lstrip('/')}"
if not convert_local:
return url
return await self.convert_local(url)
def _get_local_ips(self) -> List[str]:
all_ips: List[str] = []
machine: Machine = self._server.lookup_component("machine")
sys_info = machine.get_system_info()
network = sys_info.get("network", {})
iface: Dict[str, Any]
for iface in network.values():
addresses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = iface["ip_addresses"]
for addr_info in addresses:
return all_ips
async def convert_local(self, url: str) -> str:
match = re.match(r"(\w+)://([^/]+)(/.*)?", url)
if match is None:
return url
scheme = match.group(1)
addr = match.group(2)
fragment = match.group(3)
if fragment is None:
fragment = ""
if addr[0] == "[":
# ipv6 address
addr_match = re.match(r"\[(.+)\](:\d+)?", addr)
# ipv4 address or hostname
addr_match = re.match(r"([^:]+)(:\d+)?", addr)
if addr_match is None:
return url
addr = addr_match.group(1)
port: Optional[str] = addr_match.group(2)
default_ports = {"http": "80", "https": "443", "rtsp": "554"}
if port is None:
if scheme not in default_ports:
return url
port = default_ports[scheme]
port = port.lstrip(":")
# attempt to convert hostname to IP
eventloop = self._server.get_event_loop()
addr_info = await eventloop.run_in_thread(
socket.getaddrinfo, addr, int(port)
if addr_info:
addr = addr_info[0][4][0]
except Exception:
ip = ipaddress.ip_address(addr)
except Exception:
# Invalid IP, can't convert.
return url
if ip.is_loopback:
return url
# Check to see if this ip address is on the local machine
if addr not in self._get_local_ips():
return url
scmd: ShellCommandFactory
scmd = self._server.lookup_component("shell_command")
# Use the ss command to list all tcp ports
resp: str = await scmd.exec_cmd("ss -ltn")
lines = resp.split("\n")[1:]
for line in lines:
parts = line.strip().split()
if len(parts) < 5:
laddr, lport = parts[3].split(":")
if lport == port:
if laddr == "[::]":
return f"{scheme}://[::1]:{port}{fragment}"
elif laddr == "":
return f"{scheme}://{port}{fragment}"
except scmd.error:
return url
def update(self, web_request: WebRequest) -> None:
for field in web_request.get_args().keys():
attr = getattr(self, field)
except AttributeError:
if isinstance(attr, int):
val: Any = web_request.get_int(field)
elif isinstance(attr, float):
val = web_request.get_float(field)
elif isinstance(attr, bool):
val = web_request.get_boolean(field)
elif isinstance(attr, str):
val = web_request.get_str(field)
val = web_request.get(field)
setattr(self, field, val)
def set_default_host(host: str) -> None:
WebCam._default_host = host
def from_config(cls, config: ConfigHelper) -> WebCam:
webcam: Dict[str, Any] = {}
webcam["name"] = config.get_name().split(maxsplit=1)[-1]
webcam["enabled"] = config.getboolean("enabled", True)
webcam["icon"] = config.get("icon", "mdiWebcam")
webcam["aspect_ratio"] = config.get("aspect_ratio", "4:3")
webcam["location"] = config.get("location", "printer")
webcam["service"] = config.get("service", "mjpegstreamer")
webcam["target_fps"] = config.getint("target_fps", 15)
webcam["target_fps_idle"] = config.getint("target_fps_idle", 5)
webcam["stream_url"] = config.get("stream_url")
webcam["snapshot_url"] = config.get("snapshot_url", "")
webcam["flip_horizontal"] = config.getboolean("flip_horizontal", False)
webcam["flip_vertical"] = config.getboolean("flip_vertical", False)
webcam["rotation"] = config.getint("rotation", 0)
webcam["source"] = "config"
server = config.get_server()
return cls(config.get_server(), **webcam)
except server.error as err:
raise config.error(str(err)) from err
def from_web_request(
cls, server: Server, web_request: WebRequest
) -> WebCam:
webcam: Dict[str, Any] = {}
webcam["name"] = web_request.get_str("name")
webcam["enabled"] = web_request.get_boolean("enabled", True)
webcam["icon"] = web_request.get_str("icon", "mdiWebcam")
webcam["aspect_ratio"] = web_request.get_str("aspect_ratio", "4:3")
webcam["location"] = web_request.get_str("location", "printer")
webcam["service"] = web_request.get_str("service", "mjpegstreamer")
webcam["target_fps"] = web_request.get_int("target_fps", 15)
webcam["target_fps_idle"] = web_request.get_int("target_fps_idle", 5)
webcam["stream_url"] = web_request.get_str("stream_url")
webcam["snapshot_url"] = web_request.get_str("snapshot_url", "")
webcam["flip_horizontal"] = web_request.get_boolean("flip_horizontal", False)
webcam["flip_vertical"] = web_request.get_boolean("flip_vertical", False)
webcam["rotation"] = web_request.get_int("rotation", 0)
webcam["extra_data"] = web_request.get("extra_data", {})
webcam["source"] = "database"
return cls(server, **webcam)
def from_database(cls, server: Server, cam_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> WebCam:
webcam: Dict[str, Any] = {}
webcam["name"] = cam_data["name"]
webcam["enabled"] = cam_data.get("enabled", True)
webcam["icon"] = cam_data.get("icon", "mdiWebcam")
webcam["aspect_ratio"] = cam_data.get("aspectRatio", "4:3")
webcam["location"] = cam_data.get("location", "printer")
webcam["service"] = cam_data.get("service", "mjpegstreamer")
webcam["target_fps"] = cam_data.get("targetFps", 15)
webcam["target_fps_idle"] = cam_data.get("targetFpsIdle", 5)
webcam["stream_url"] = cam_data.get("urlStream", "")
webcam["snapshot_url"] = cam_data.get("urlSnapshot", "")
webcam["flip_horizontal"] = cam_data.get("flipX", False)
webcam["flip_vertical"] = cam_data.get("flipY", False)
webcam["rotation"] = cam_data.get("rotation", webcam.get("rotate", 0))
webcam["extra_data"] = cam_data.get("extra_data", {})
webcam["source"] = "database"
return cls(server, **webcam)
def load_component(config: ConfigHelper) -> WebcamManager:
return WebcamManager(config)