
375 lines
14 KiB

# Configuration Helper
# Copyright (C) 2020 Eric Callahan <>
# This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license
from __future__ import annotations
import configparser
import os
import hashlib
from utils import SentinelClass
from components.gpio import GpioOutputPin
# Annotation imports
from typing import (
from moonraker import Server
from components.gpio import GpioFactory
_T = TypeVar("_T")
ConfigVal = Union[None, int, float, bool, str]
SENTINEL = SentinelClass.get_instance()
class ConfigError(Exception):
class ConfigHelper:
error = ConfigError
def __init__(self,
server: Server,
config: configparser.ConfigParser,
section: str,
orig_sects: List[str],
parsed: Dict[str, Dict[str, ConfigVal]] = {}
) -> None:
self.server = server
self.config = config
self.section = section
self.orig_sections = orig_sects
self.parsed = parsed
if self.section not in self.parsed:
self.parsed[self.section] = {}
self.sections = config.sections
self.has_section = config.has_section
def get_server(self) -> Server:
return self.server
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> ConfigHelper:
return self.getsection(key)
def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
return key in self.config
def has_option(self, option: str) -> bool:
return self.config.has_option(self.section, option)
def get_name(self) -> str:
return self.section
def get_options(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
return dict(self.config[self.section])
def get_hash(self) -> hashlib._Hash:
hash = hashlib.sha256()
for option in self.config[self.section]:
return hash
def get_prefix_sections(self, prefix: str) -> List[str]:
return [s for s in self.sections() if s.startswith(prefix)]
def getsection(self, section: str) -> ConfigHelper:
if section not in self.config:
raise ConfigError(f"No section [{section}] in config")
return ConfigHelper(self.server, self.config, section,
self.orig_sections, self.parsed)
def _get_option(self,
func: Callable[..., Any],
option: str,
default: Union[SentinelClass, _T],
above: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
below: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
minval: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
maxval: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None
) -> _T:
val = func(self.section, option)
except configparser.NoOptionError:
if isinstance(default, SentinelClass):
raise ConfigError(
f"No option found ({option}) in section [{self.section}]"
) from None
val = default
except Exception:
raise ConfigError(
f"Error parsing option ({option}) from "
f"section [{self.section}]")
self._check_option(option, val, above, below, minval, maxval)
if self.section in self.orig_sections:
# Only track sections included in the original config
if isinstance(val, GpioOutputPin):
self.parsed[self.section][option] = str(val)
self.parsed[self.section][option] = val
return val
def _check_option(self,
option: str,
value: Union[int, float],
above: Optional[Union[int, float]],
below: Optional[Union[int, float]],
minval: Optional[Union[int, float]],
maxval: Optional[Union[int, float]]
) -> None:
if above is not None and value <= above:
raise self.error(
f"Config Error: Section [{self.section}], Option "
f"'{option}: {value}': value is not above {above}")
if below is not None and value >= below:
raise self.error(
f"Config Error: Section [{self.section}], Option "
f"'{option}: {value}': value is not below {below}")
if minval is not None and value < minval:
raise self.error(
f"Config Error: Section [{self.section}], Option "
f"'{option}: {value}': value is below minimum value {minval}")
if maxval is not None and value > maxval:
raise self.error(
f"Config Error: Section [{self.section}], Option "
f"'{option}: {value}': value is above maximum value {minval}")
def get(self,
option: str,
default: Union[SentinelClass, _T] = SENTINEL
) -> Union[str, _T]:
return self._get_option(
self.config.get, option, default)
def getint(self,
option: str,
default: Union[SentinelClass, _T] = SENTINEL,
above: Optional[int] = None,
below: Optional[int] = None,
minval: Optional[int] = None,
maxval: Optional[int] = None
) -> Union[int, _T]:
return self._get_option(
self.config.getint, option, default,
above, below, minval, maxval)
def getboolean(self,
option: str,
default: Union[SentinelClass, _T] = SENTINEL
) -> Union[bool, _T]:
return self._get_option(
self.config.getboolean, option, default)
def getfloat(self,
option: str,
default: Union[SentinelClass, _T] = SENTINEL,
above: Optional[float] = None,
below: Optional[float] = None,
minval: Optional[float] = None,
maxval: Optional[float] = None
) -> Union[float, _T]:
return self._get_option(
self.config.getfloat, option, default,
above, below, minval, maxval)
def getlists(self,
option: str,
default: Union[SentinelClass, _T] = SENTINEL,
list_type: Type = str,
separators: Tuple[str, ...] = ('\n',),
count: Optional[Tuple[Optional[int], ...]] = None
) -> Union[List[Any], _T]:
if count is not None and len(count) != len(separators):
raise ConfigError(
f"Option '{option}' in section "
f"[{self.section}]: length of 'count' argument must ",
"match length of 'separators' argument")
count = tuple(None for _ in range(len(separators)))
def list_parser(value: str,
ltype: Type,
seps: Tuple[str, ...],
expected_cnt: Tuple[Optional[int], ...]
) -> List[Any]:
sep = seps[0]
seps = seps[1:]
cnt = expected_cnt[0]
expected_cnt = expected_cnt[1:]
ret: List[Any] = []
if seps:
sub_lists = [val.strip() for val in value.split(sep)
if val.strip()]
for sub_list in sub_lists:
ret.append(list_parser(sub_list, ltype, seps,
ret = [ltype(val.strip()) for val in value.split(sep)
if val.strip()]
if cnt is not None and len(ret) != cnt:
raise ConfigError(
f"List length mismatch, expected {cnt}, "
f"parsed {len(ret)}")
return ret
def getlist_wrapper(sec: str, opt: str) -> List[Any]:
val = self.config.get(sec, opt)
assert count is not None
return list_parser(val, list_type, separators, count)
return self._get_option(getlist_wrapper, option, default)
def getlist(self,
option: str,
default: Union[SentinelClass, _T] = SENTINEL,
separator: str = '\n',
count: Optional[int] = None
) -> Union[List[str], _T]:
return self.getlists(option, default, str, (separator,), (count,))
def getintlist(self,
option: str,
default: Union[SentinelClass, _T] = SENTINEL,
separator: str = '\n',
count: Optional[int] = None
) -> Union[List[int], _T]:
return self.getlists(option, default, int, (separator,), (count,))
def getfloatlist(self,
option: str,
default: Union[SentinelClass, _T] = SENTINEL,
separator: str = '\n',
count: Optional[int] = None
) -> Union[List[float], _T]:
return self.getlists(option, default, float, (separator,), (count,))
def getdict(self,
option: str,
default: Union[SentinelClass, _T] = SENTINEL,
separators: Tuple[str, str] = ('\n', '='),
dict_type: Type = str,
allow_empty_fields: bool = False
) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], _T]:
if len(separators) != 2:
raise ConfigError(
"The `separators` argument of getdict() must be a Tuple"
"of length of 2")
def getdict_wrapper(sec: str, opt: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
val = self.config.get(sec, opt)
ret: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for line in val.split(separators[0]):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
parts = line.split(separators[1], 1)
if len(parts) == 1:
if allow_empty_fields:
ret[parts[0].strip()] = None
raise ConfigError(
f"Failed to parse dictionary field, {line}")
ret[parts[0].strip()] = dict_type(parts[1].strip())
return ret
return self._get_option(getdict_wrapper, option, default)
def getgpioout(self,
option: str,
default: Union[SentinelClass, _T] = SENTINEL,
initial_value: int = 0
) -> Union[GpioOutputPin, _T]:
gpio: Optional[GpioFactory]
gpio = self.server.load_component(self, 'gpio', None)
if gpio is None:
raise ConfigError(
f"Section [{self.section}], option '{option}', "
"GPIO Component not available")
def getgpio_wrapper(sec: str, opt: str) -> GpioOutputPin:
val = self.config.get(sec, opt)
assert gpio is not None
return gpio.setup_gpio_out(val, initial_value)
return self._get_option(getgpio_wrapper, option, default)
def read_supplemental_config(self, file_name: str) -> ConfigHelper:
cfg_file_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(file_name))
if not os.path.isfile(cfg_file_path):
raise ConfigError(
f"Configuration File Not Found: '{cfg_file_path}''")
sup_cfg = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
except Exception:
raise ConfigError(f"Error Reading Config: '{cfg_file_path}'")
sections = sup_cfg.sections()
return ConfigHelper(self.server, sup_cfg, sections[0], sections)
def write_config(self, file_obj: IO[str]) -> None:
def get_parsed_config(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, ConfigVal]]:
return dict(self.parsed)
def validate_config(self) -> None:
for sect in self.orig_sections:
if sect not in self.parsed:
f"Unparsed config section [{sect}] detected. This "
"may be the result of a component that failed to "
"load. In the future this will result in a startup "
parsed_opts = self.parsed[sect]
for opt, val in self.config.items(sect):
if opt not in parsed_opts:
f"Unparsed config option '{opt}: {val}' detected in "
f"section [{sect}]. This may be an option no longer "
"available or could be the result of a module that "
"failed to load. In the future this will result "
"in a startup error.")
def get_configuration(server: Server,
app_args: Dict[str, Any]
) -> ConfigHelper:
cfg_file_path: str = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(
if not os.path.isfile(cfg_file_path):
raise ConfigError(
f"Configuration File Not Found: '{cfg_file_path}''")
if not os.access(cfg_file_path, os.R_OK | os.W_OK):
raise ConfigError(
"Moonraker does not have Read/Write permission for "
f"config file at path '{cfg_file_path}'")
config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
except Exception as e:
raise ConfigError(f"Error Reading Config: '{cfg_file_path}'") from e
server_cfg = config['server']
except KeyError:
raise ConfigError("No section [server] in config")
orig_sections = config.sections()
except Exception:
return ConfigHelper(server, config, 'server', orig_sections)