
18 KiB

Moonraker Version 0.1 - August 11 2020

  • It is no longer possible to configure the subscription timer. All subscribed objects will update at an interval of 250ms.
  • Request timeout configuration has been removed. The server will no longer apply a timeout to requests. Any requests pending when Klippy disconnects will be aborted with an error. All pending requests are logged each minute.
  • The RESET_SD gcode is now SDCARD_RESET_FILE
  • The "virtual_sdcard" object has removed the following items:
    • "filename"
    • "total_duration"
    • "print_duration"
    • "filament_used"
  • A new object, "print_stats", has been added. It reports the following items:
    • "filename"
    • "total_duration"
    • "print_duration"
    • "filament_used"
    • "state" - can be one of the following:
      • "standby" - sd print not in progress
      • "printing" - print in progress
      • "paused" - print paused
      • "error" - print experienced an error
      • "complete" - print complete
    • "message" - contains error message when state is "error"
  • The behavior of print_stats is slightly different. When a print is finished the stats are not cleared. They will remain populated with the final data until the user issues a SDCARD_RESET_FILE gcode.
  • Moonraker Configuration has moved to moonraker.conf
  • Klippy now hosts the Unix Domain Socket. As a result, the order in which the Klipper and Moonraker services are started no longer matters.
  • The notify_filelist_changed event has been refactored for clarity. It now returns a result in the following format:
      action: "<action>",
      item: {
        path: "<file or directory path>",
        root: "<root_name>",
        size: <file size>,
        modified: "<date modified>"
      source_item: {
        path: "<file or directory path>",
        root: "<root_name>"
    Note that the source_item is only present for move_item and copy_item actions. Below is a list of all available actions:
    • upload_file
    • delete_file
    • create_dir
    • delete_dir
    • move_item
    • copy_item

Moonraker Version .08-alpha - 7/2/2020

  • Moonraker has moved to its own repo.
  • Python 3 support has been added.
  • API Key management has moved from Klippy to Moonraker
  • File Management has moved from Klippy to Moonraker. All static files are now located in the the /server/files root path:
    • klippy.log - /server/files/klippy.log
    • moonraker.log - /server/files/moonraker.log
    • gcode files - /server/files/gcodes/(.*) Note that the new file manager will be capable of serving and listing files in directories aside from "gcodes".
  • Added basic plugin support
  • Added metadata support for SuperSlicer
  • Added thumbnail extraction from SuperSlicer and PrusaSlicer gcode files
  • For status requests, virtual_sdcard.current_file has been renamed to virtual_sdcard.filename
  • Clients should not send M112 via gcode to execute an emegency shutdown. They should instead use the new API which exposes this functionality.
  • New APIs:
    • POST /printer/emergency_stop - post_printer_emergency_stop
    • GET /server/files/metadata - get_file_metadata
    • GET /server/files/directory
    • POST /server/files/directory
    • DELETE /server/files/directory
  • The following API changes have been made:
    Previous URI New URI Previous JSON_RPC method New JSON_RPC method
    GET /printer/objects GET /printer/objects/list get_printer_objects get_printer_objects_list
    GET /printer/subscriptions GET /printer/objects/subscription get_printer_subscriptions get_printer_objects_subscription
    POST /printer/subscriptions POST /printer/objects/subscription post_printer_subscriptions post_printer_objects_subscription
    GET /printer/status GET /printer/objects/status get_printer_status get_printer_objects_status
    POST /printer/gcode POST /printer/gcode/script post_printer_gcode post_printer_gcode_script
    GET /printer/klippy.log GET /server/files/klippy.log
    GET /server/moonraker.log GET /server/files/moonraker.log
    GET /printer/files GET /server/files/list get_printer_files get_file_list
    POST /printer/files/upload POST /server/files/upload
    GET /printer/files/ GET /server/files/gcodes/
    DELETE /printer/files/ DELETE /server/files/
    GET /printer/endstops GET /printer/query_endstops/status get_printer_endstops get_printer_query_endstops_status

Moonraker Version .07-alpha - 5/7/2020

  • The server process is no longer managed directly by Klippy. It has moved into its own process dubbed Moonraker. Please see for installation instructions.
  • API Changes:
    • /printer/temperature_store is now /server/temperature_store, or get_server_temperature_store via the websocket
    • /printer/log is now /printer/klippy.log
    • /server/moonraker.log has been added to fetch the server's log file
  • Klippy Changes:
    • The remote_api directory has been removed. There is now a single module that handles server configuration.
    • has been changed to handle communications with the server
    • has been changed to pass itself to webhooks
    • has been changed to specifiy the correct status code when an error is generated attempting to upload or delete a file
  • The nginx configuration will need the following additional section:
    location /server {
        proxy_pass http://apiserver/server;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;

Version .06-alpha - 5/4/2020

  • Add /machine/reboot and /machine/shutdown endpoints. These may be used to reboot or shutdown the host machine
  • Fix issue where websocket was blocked on long transactions, resulting in the connection being closed
  • Log all client requests over the websocket
  • Add /printer/temperature_store endpoint. Clients may use this to fetch stored temperature data. By default the store for each temperature sensor is updated every 1s, with the store holding 20 minutes of data.

Version .05-alpha - 04/23/2020

  • The [web_server] module has been renamed to [remote_api]. Please update printer.cfg accordingly
  • Static files no longer served by the API server. As a result, there is no web_path option in [remote_api].
  • The server process now now forwards logging requests back to the Klippy Host, thus all logging is done in klippy.log. The temporary endpoint serving klippy_server.log has been removed.
  • /printer/info now includes two additional keys:
    • error_detected - Boolean value set to true if a host error has been detected
    • message - The current Klippy State message. If an error is detected this message may be presented to the user. This is the same message returned when by the STATUS gcode.
  • The server process is now launched immediately after the config file is read. This allows the client limited access to Klippy in the event of a startup error, assuming the config file was successfully parsed and the remote_api configuration section is valid. Note that when the server is initally launched not all endpoints will be available. The following endponts are guaranteed when the server is launched:
    • /websocket
    • /printer/info
    • /printer/restart
    • /printer/firmware_restart
    • /printer/log
    • /printer/gcode
    • /access/api_key
    • /access/oneshot_token The following startup sequence is recommened for clients which make use of the websocket:
    • Attempt to connect to /websocket until successful
    • Once connected, query /printer/info for the ready status. If not ready check error_detected. If not ready and no error, continue querying on a timer until the printer is either ready or an error is detected.
    • After the printer has identified itself as ready make subscription requests, get the current file list, etc
    • If the websocket disconnects the client can assume that the server is shutdown. It should consider the printer's state to be NOT ready and try reconnecting to the websocket until successful.

Version .04-alpha - 04/20/2020

  • Add /printer/gcode/help endpoint to
  • Allow the clients to fetch .json files in the root web directory
  • Add support for detailed print tracking to This includes filament usage and print time tracking
  • Add new module for advanced gcode file management. Gcode files may exist in subdirectories. This module also supports extracting metadata from gcode files.
  • Clean up API registration. All endpoints are now registered by Klippy host modules outside of static files and /api/version, which is used for compatibility with OctoPrint's file upload API.
  • The server now runs in its own process. Communication between the Host and the server is done over a duplex pipe. Currently this results in a second log file being generated specifically for the server at /tmp/klippy_server.log. This is likely a temporary solution, and as such a temporary endpoint has been added at /printer/klippy_server.log. Users can use the browser to download the log by navigating to http://<host>/printer/klippy_server.log.

Version .03-alpha - 03/09/2020

  • Require that the configured port be above 1024.
  • Fix hard crash if the webserver fails to start.
  • Fix file uploads with names containing whitespace
  • Serve static files based on their relative directory, ie a request for "/js/main.js" will now look for the files in "<web_path>/js/main.js".
  • Fix bug in CORS where DELETE requests raised an exception
  • Disable the server when running Klippy in batch mode
  • The the /printer/cancel, /printer/pause and /printer/resume gcodes are now registed by the pause_resume module. This results in the following changes:
    • The cancel_gcode, pause_gcode, and resume_gcode options have been removed from the [web_server] section.
    • The /printer/pause and /printer/resume endpoints will run the "PAUSE" and "RESUME" gcodes respectively. These gcodes can be overridden by a gcode_macro to run custom PAUSE and RESUME commands. For example:
      [gcode_macro PAUSE]
      rename_existing: BASE_PAUSE
        {% if not printer.pause_resume.is_paused %}
        {% endif %}
      [gcode_macro M600]
      default_parameter_X: 50
      default_parameter_Y: 0
      default_parameter_Z: 10
        {% if not printer.pause_resume.is_paused %}
        {% endif %}
        G1 E-.8 F2700
        G1 Z{Z}
        G1 X{X} Y{Y} F3000
      If you are calling "PAUSE" in any other macro of config section, please remember that it will execute the macro. If that is not your intention, change "PAUSE" in those sections to the renamed version, in the example above it is BASE_PAUSE.
    • The cancel endpoint runs a "CANCEL_PRINT" gcode. Users will need to define their own gcode macro for this
    • Remove "notify_paused_state_changed" and "notify_printer_state_changed" events. The data from these events can be fetched via status subscriptions.
    • "idle_timeout" and "pause_resume" now default to tier 1 status updates, which sets their default refresh time is 250ms.
    • Some additional status attributes have been added to At the moment they are experimental and subject to change:
      • 'is_active' - returns true when the virtual_sdcard is processing. Note that this will return false when the printer is paused
      • 'current_file' - The name of the currently loaded file. If no file is loaded returns an empty string.
      • 'print_duration' - The approximate duration (in seconds) of the current print. This value does not include time spent paused. Returns 0 when no file is loaded.
      • 'total_duration' - The total duration of the current print, including time spent paused. This can be useful for approximating the local time the print started Returns 0 when no file is loaded.
      • 'filament_used' - The approximate amount of filament used. This does not include changes to flow rate. Returns 0 when no file is loaded.
      • 'file_position' - The current position (in bytes) of the loaded file Returns 0 when no file is loaded.
      • 'progress' - This attribute already exists, however it has been changed to retain its value while the print is paused. Previously it would reset to 0 when paused. Returns 0 when no file is loaded.

Version .02-alpha - 02/27/2020

  • Migrated Framework and Server from Bottle/Eventlet to Tornado. This resolves an issue where the server hangs for a period of time if the network connection abruptly drops.
  • A webhooks host module has been created. Other modules can use this the webhooks to register endpoints, even if the web_server is not configured.
  • Two modules have been renamed, is now and is now These names more accurately reflect their current functionality.
  • Tornado Websockets support string encoded frames. Thus it is no longer necessary for clients to use a FileReader object to convert incoming websocket data from a Blob into a String.
  • The endpoint for querying endstops has changed from GET /printer/extras/endstops to GET /printer/endstops
  • Serveral API changes have been made to accomodate the addition of webhooks:
    • GET /printer/klippy_info is now GET /printer/info. This endpoint no longer returns host information, as that can be retrieved direct via the location object in javascript. Instead it returns CPU information.
    • GET /printer/objects is no longer used to accomodate multiple request types by modifying the "Accept" headers. Each request has been broken down in their their own endpoints:
      • GET /printer/objects returns all available printer objects that may be queried
      • GET /printer/status?gcode=gcode_position,speed&toolhead returns the status of the printer objects and attribtues
      • GET /printer/subscriptions returns all printer objects that are current being subscribed to along with their poll times
      • POST /printer/subscriptions?gcode&toolhead requests that the printer add the specified objects and attributes to the list of subscribed objects
    • Requests that query the Klippy host with additional parameters can no longer use variable paths. For example, POST /printer/gcode/<gcode> is no longer valid. Parameters must be added to the query string. This currently affects two endpoints:
      • POST /printer/gcode/<gcode> is now POST /printer/gcode?script=<gcode>
      • POST printer/print/start/<filename> is now POST /printer/print/start?filename=<filename>
    • The websocket API also required changes to accomodate dynamically registered endpoints. Each method name is now generated from its comparable HTTP request. The new method names are listed below:
      new method old method
      get_printer_files get_file_list
      get_printer_info get_klippy_info
      get_printer_objects get_object_info
      get_printer_subscriptions get_subscribed
      get_printer_status get_status
      post_printer_subscriptions add_subscription
      post_printer_gcode run_gcode
      post_printer_print_start start_print
      post_printer_print_pause pause_print
      post_printer_print_resume resume_print
      post_printer_print_cancel cancel_print
      post_printer_restart restart
      post_printer_firmware_restart firmware_restart
      get_printer_endstops get_endstops
    • As with the http API, a change was necessary to the way arguments are send along with the request. Webocket requests should now send "keyword arguments" rather than "variable arguments". The test client has been updated to reflect these changes, see main.js and json-rpc.js, specifically the new method call_method_with_kwargs. For status requests this simply means that it is no longer necessary to wrap the Object in an Array. The gcode and start print requests now look for named parameters, ie:
      • gcode requests - {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "post_printer_gcode", params: {script: "M117 FooBar"}, id: <request id>}
      • start print - {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "post_printer_print_start", params: {filename: "my_file.gcode"}, id:<request id>}

Version .01-alpha - 02/14/2020

  • The module has been refactored to contain the bottle application and all routes within a class. Bottle is now imported and patched dynamically within this class's constructor. This resolves an issue where the "request" context was lost when the Klippy host restarts.
  • Change the Websocket API to use the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol. See the test client (main.js and json-rpc.js) for an example client side implementation.
  • Remove file transfer support from the websocket. Use the HTTP for all file transfer requests.
  • Add support for Klippy Host modules to register their own urls. has been updated with an example. As a result of this change, the endpoint for endstop query has been changed to /printer/extras/endstops.
  • Add support for "paused", "resumed", and "cleared" pause events.
  • Add routes for downloading klippy.log, restart, and firmware_restart.
  • Remove support for trailing slashes in HTTP API routes.
  • Support "start print after upload" requests
  • Add support for user configured request timeouts
  • The test client has been updated to work with the new changes