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This document provides a guide on how to install Moonraker on a Raspberry Pi running Raspian/Rasperry Pi OS. Other SBCs and/or linux distributions may work, however they may need a custom install script. Moonraker requires Python 3.7 or greater, verify that your distribution's Python 3 packages meet this requirement.

Klipper should be installed prior to installing Moonraker. Please see Klipper's Documention for instructions on how to do this. After installation you should make sure that the prerequistes are configured.

After Klipper is installed, you need to modify its "default" file. This file contains klipper's command line arguments, and you must add an argument that instructs Klippy to create a Unix Domain socket:

sudo nano /etc/default/klipper

You should see a file that looks something like the following:

# Configuration for /etc/init.d/klipper



KLIPPY_ARGS="/home/pi/klipper/klippy/ /home/pi/printer.cfg -l /tmp/klippy.log"

You need to add -a /tmp/klippy_uds to KLIPPY_ARGS:

# Configuration for /etc/init.d/klipper



KLIPPY_ARGS="/home/pi/klipper/klippy/ /home/pi/printer.cfg -l /tmp/klippy.log -a /tmp/klippy_uds"

You may also want to take this opportunity to change the location of printer.cfg to match Moonraker's "config_path" option (see the configuration document for more information on the config_path). For example, if the config_path option is set to ~/printer_config, your klipper defaults file might look like the following:

# Configuration for /etc/init.d/klipper



KLIPPY_ARGS="/home/pi/klipper/klippy/ /home/pi/printer_config/printer.cfg -l /tmp/klippy.log -a /tmp/klippy_uds"

If necessary, create the config directory and move printer.cfg to it:

cd ~
mkdir printer_config
mv printer.cfg printer_config

You can now install the Moonraker application:

cd ~
git clone

Prior to installation it is a good idea to create moonraker.conf. If you are using the config_path, create it in the specified directory otherwise create it in the HOME directory. A sample moonraker.conf may be found in the docs folder of this repo.

For a default installation run the following commands:

cd ~/moonraker/scripts

Or to install with moonraker.conf in the config_path:

cd ~/moonraker/scripts
./ -f -c /home/pi/printer_config/moonraker.conf

The install script has a few command line options that may be useful, particularly for those upgrading:

  • -r
    This will rebuild the virtual environment for existing installations. Sometimes this is necessary when a dependency has been added.
  • -f
    This will tell the script to overwrite Moonraker's "defaults" file. By default the script will not modify the "defaults" file if it is detected as present.
  • -c /path/to/moonraker.conf
    This allows the user to specify the path to Moonraker's config file. The default location is /home/<user>/moonraker.conf.

When the script completes it should start both Moonraker and Klipper. In klippy.log you should find the following entry:
webhooks client <uid>: Client info {'program': 'Moonraker', 'version': '<version>'}\

Now you may install a client, such as Mainsail or Fluidd

Command line Usage

The configuration and log file paths may be specified via the command line.

usage: [-h] [-c <configfile>] [-l <logfile>]

Moonraker - Klipper API Server

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c <configfile>, --configfile <configfile>
                        Location of moonraker configuration file
  -l <logfile>, --logfile <logfile>
                        log file name and location

The default configuration is:

  • config file - ~/moonraker.conf
  • log file - /tmp/moonraker.log

It is recommended to use the defaults, however one may change these arguments by editing /etc/default/moonraker.

Prerequisites (Klipper Configuration)

Moonraker depends on the following Klippy extras for full functionality:

  • [virtual_sdcard]
  • [pause_resume]
  • [display_status]

If you have a filament_switch_sensor configured then pause_resume will automatically be loaded. Likewise, if you have a display configured then display_status will be automatically loaded. If your configuration is missing one or both, you can simply add the bare sections to printer.cfg:



path: ~/gcode_files


  • While Klipper does not set any hard limits on the location of the path option for the virtual_sdcard, Moonraker does have specific requirements for the location of this folder:
    • It must be directory located in the HOME path or in /etc/moonraker
    • It may not be the HOME directory itself. It is ok for this folder to be /etc/moonraker, however that is not recommended. Something like /etc/moonraker/gcode_files would be more appropriate.
    • If you choose to place files in /etc/moonraker you must be sure that Moonraker has permission to read/write to the directory.
  • Upon first starting Moonraker is not aware of the gcode file path, thus it cannot serve gcode files, add directories, etc. After Klippy enters the "ready" state it sends Moonraker the gcode file path. Once Moonraker receives the path it will retain it regardless of Klippy's state, and update it if the path is changed in printer.cfg.

Please see for details on how to configure moonraker.conf.