
58 KiB


Most API methods are supported over both the Websocket and HTTP transports. File Transfer and "/access" requests are only available over HTTP. The Websocket is required to receive server generated events such as gcode responses. For information on how to set up the Websocket, please see the Appendix at the end of this document.

HTTP API Overview

Moonraker's HTTP API could best be described as "RESTish". Attempts are made to conform to REST standards, however the dynamic nature of Moonraker's API registration along with the desire to keep consistency between mulitple API protocols results in an HTTP API that does not completely adhere to the standard.

Moonraker is capable of parsing request arguments from the both the body (either JSON or form-data depending on the Content-Type header) and from the query string. All arguments are grouped together in one data structure, with body arguments taking precedence over query arguments. Thus if the same argument is supplied both in the body and in the query string the body argument would be used. It is left up to the client developer to decide exactly how they want to provide arguments, however future API documention will make recommendations. As of March 1st 2021 this document exclusively illustrates arguments via the query string.

All successful HTTP requests will return a json encoded object in the form of:

{result: <response data>}

Response data is generally an object itself, however for some requests this may simply be an "ok" string.

Should a request result in an error, a standard error code along with an error specific message is returned.

Query string type hints

By default all arguments passed via the query string are represented as strings. Most endpoint handlers know the data type for each of their arguments, thus they can perform conversion from a string type if necessary. However some endpoints accept arguments of a "generic" type, thus the client is responsible for specifying the type if "string" is not desirable. This is not a problem for websocket requests as the JSON parser can extract the appropriate type. HTTP requests must provide "type hints" in these scenarios. Moonraker supplies support for the following query string type hints:

  • int
  • bool
  • float
  • json The json type hint can be specified to pass an array or an object via the query string. Remember to percent encode the json string so that the query string is correctly parsed.

Type hints may be specified by post-fixing them to a key, with a ":" separating the key and the hint. For example, lets assume that we have a request that takes seconds (integer) and enabled (boolean) arguments. The query string with type hints might look like:


A query string that takes a value argument with which we want to assing an object, {foo: 21.5, bar: "hello"} might look like:


As you can see, a percent encoded json string is not human readable, thus using this functionality should be seen as a "last resort." If at all possible clients should attempt to put these arguments in the body of a request.

Websocket API Overview

The Websocket API is based on JSON-RPC, an encoded request should look something like:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "API method",
    "params": {"arg_one": 1, "arg_two": true},
    "id": 354

The params field may be left out if the API request takes no arguments. The id should be a unique integer value that has no chance of colliding with other JSON-RPC requests. The method is the API method, as defined for each API in this document.

A successful request will return a response like the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {"res_data": "success"},
    "id": 354

The result will generally contain an object, but as with the HTTP API in some cases it may simply return a string. The id field will return an id that matches the one provided by the request.

Requests that result in an error will receive a properly formatted JSON-RPC response:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "error": {"code": 36000, "message": "Error Message"},
    "id": 354

Some errors may not return a request ID, such as an improperly formatted request.

The test/client folder includes a basic test interface with example usage for most of the requests below. It also includes a basic JSON-RPC implementation that uses promises to return responses and errors (see json-rcp.js).

Printer Administration

Get Klippy host information:

  • HTTP command:
    GET /printer/info

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An object containing the build version, cpu info, Klippy's current state.

      state: "<klippy state>",
      state_message: "<current state message>",
      hostname: "<hostname>",
      software_version: "<version>",
      cpu_info: "<cpu_info>",
      klipper_path: "<moonraker use only>",
      python_path: "<moonraker use only>",
      log_file: "<moonraker use only>",
      config_file: "<moonraker use only>",

Emergency Stop

  • HTTP command:
    POST /printer/emergency_stop

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "printer.emergency_stop", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:

Restart the host

  • HTTP command:
    POST /printer/restart

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "printer.restart", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:

Restart the firmware (restarts the host and all connected MCUs)

  • HTTP command:
    POST /printer/firmware_restart

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "printer.firmware_restart", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:

Printer Status

List available printer objects:

  • HTTP command:
    GET /printer/objects/list

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "printer.objects.list", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An a list of "printer objects" that are currently available for query or subscription. This list will be passed in an "objects" parameter.

    { objects: ["gcode", "toolhead", "bed_mesh", "configfile",....]}

Query printer object status:

  • HTTP command:
    GET /printer/objects/query?gcode

    The above will fetch a status update for all gcode attributes. The query string can contain multiple items, and specify individual attributes:


  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "printer.objects.query", params: {objects: {gcode: null, toolhead: ["position", "status"]}}, id: <request id>}

    Note that an empty array will fetch all available attributes for its key.

  • Returns:
    An object where the top level items are "eventtime" and "status". The "status" item contains data about the requested update.

      eventtime: <klippy time of update>,
      status: {
        gcode: {
          busy: true,
          gcode_position: [0, 0, 0 ,0],
        toolhead: {
          position: [0, 0, 0, 0],
          status: "Ready",

See for details on the printer objects available for query.

Subscribe to printer object status:

  • HTTP command:
    POST /printer/objects/subscribe?connection_id=123456789& gcode=gcode_position,bus&extruder=target

    Note: The HTTP API requires that a connection_id is passed via the query string or as part of the form. This should be the ID reported from a currently connected websocket. A request that includes only the connection_id argument will cancel the subscription on the specified websocket.

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "printer.objects.subscribe", params: {objects: {gcode: null, toolhead: ["position", "status"]}}, id: <request id>}

    Note that if objects is an empty object then the subscription will be cancelled.

  • Returns:
    Status data for objects in the request, with the format matching that of the /printer/objects/query:

      eventtime: <klippy time of update>,
      status: {
        gcode: {
          busy: true,
          gcode_position: [0, 0, 0 ,0],
        toolhead: {
          position: [0, 0, 0, 0],
          status: "Ready",

See for details on the printer objects available for subscription.

Status updates for subscribed objects are sent asynchronously over the websocket. See the notify_status_update notification for details.

Query Endstops

  • HTTP command:
    GET /printer/query_endstops/status

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "printer.query_endstops.status", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An object containing the current endstop state, with each attribute in the format of endstop:<state>, where "state" can be "open" or "TRIGGERED", for example:

  {x: "TRIGGERED",
   y: "open",
   z: "open"}

Query Server Info

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/info

  • Websocket command: {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An object containing the server's state, structured as follows:

    klippy_connected: <bool>,
    klippy_state: <string>,
    plugins: [<strings>]

Note that klippy_state will match the state value received from /printer/info. The klippy_connected item tracks the state of the connection to Klippy. The plugins key will return a list of all enabled plugins. This can be used by clients to check if an optional plugin is available.

Get Server Configuration

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/config

  • Websocket command: {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.config", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An object containing the server's configuration, structured as follows:

    config: {
        server: {
        authorization: {

Fetch stored temperature data

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/temperature_store

  • Websocket command: {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.temperature_store", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An object where the keys are the available temperature sensor names, and with the value being an array of stored temperatures. The array is updated every 1 second by default, containing a total of 1200 values (20 minutes). The array is organized from oldest temperature to most recent (left to right). Note that when the host starts each array is initialized to 0s.

        extruder: {
            temperatures: [],
            targets: [],
            powers: []
        temperature_fan my_fan: {
            temperatures: [],
            targets: [],
            speeds: [],
        temperature_sensor my_sensor: {
            temperatures: []

Fetch stored gcode info

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/gcode_store

    Optionally, a count argument may be added to specify the number of responses to fetch. If omitted, the entire gcode store will be sent (up to 1000 responses).

    GET /server/gcode_store?count=100

  • Websocket command: {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.gcode_store", id: <request id>}

    OR {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.gcode_store", params: {count: <integer>} id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An object with the field gcode_store that contains an array of objects. Each object will contain a message field and a time field:

    gcode_store: [
        message: <string>,
        time: unix_time_stamp,
        type: <string>
      }, ...

Each message field contains a gcode response received at the time indicated in the time field. Note that the time stamp refers to unix time (in seconds). This can be used to create a JavaScript Date object:

for (let resp of result.gcode_store) {
  let date = new Date(resp.time * 1000);
  // Do something with date and resp.message ...

The type field will either be "command" or "response".

Restart Server

  • HTTP command:
    POST /server/restart

  • Websocket command: {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.restart", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    "ok" upon receipt of the restart request. After the request is returns, the server will restart. Any existing connection will be disconnected. A restart will result in the creation of a new server instance where the configuration is reloaded.

Get Websocket ID

  • HTTP command:
    Not Available

  • Websocket command: {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    This connected websocket's unique identifer in the format shown below. Note that this API call is only available over the websocket.

    websocket_id: <int>

Gcode Controls

Run a gcode:

  • HTTP command:
    POST /printer/gcode/script?script=<gc>

    For example,
    POST /printer/gcode/script?script=RESPOND MSG=Hello
    Will echo "Hello" to the terminal.

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "printer.gcode.script", params: {script: <gc>}, id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An acknowledgement that the gcode has completed execution:


Get GCode Help

  • HTTP command:
    GET /printer/gcode/help

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "", params: {script: <gc>}, id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An object where they keys are gcode handlers and values are the associated help strings. Note that help strings are not available for basic gcode handlers such as G1, G28, etc.

Print Management

Print a file

  • HTTP command:
    POST /printer/print/start?filename=<file name>

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "printer.print.start", params: {filename: <file name>, id:<request id>}

  • Returns:
    ok on success

Pause a print

  • HTTP command:
    POST /printer/print/pause

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "printer.print.pause", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:

Resume a print

  • HTTP command:
    POST /printer/print/resume

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "printer.print.resume", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:

Cancel a print

  • HTTP command:
    POST /printer/print/cancel

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "printer.print.cancel", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:

Machine Commands

Shutdown the Operating System

  • HTTP command:
    POST /machine/shutdown

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "machine.shutdown", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    No return value as the server will shut down upon execution

Reboot the Operating System

  • HTTP command:
    POST /machine/reboot

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "machine.reboot", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    No return value as the server will shut down upon execution

Restart a system service

Restarts a system service via sudo systemctl restart <name>. Currently only moonraker, klipper, and webcamd are allowed.

  • HTTP command:
    POST /machine/services/restart?service=<service_name>

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "", params: {service: "service name"}, id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    ok when complete. Note that if moonraker is chosen, the return value will be sent prior to the restart.

Stop a system service

Stops a system service via sudo systemctl stop <name>. Currently only webcamd and klipper are allowed.

  • HTTP command:
    POST /machine/services/stop?service=<service_name>

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "", params: {service: "service name"}, id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    ok when complete

Start a system service

Starts a system service via sudo systemctl start <name>. Currently only webcamd and klipper are allowed.

  • HTTP command:
    POST /machine/services/start?service=<service_name>

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "", params: {service: "service name"}, id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    ok when complete

Get Process Info

Returns system usage information about the moonraker process.

  • HTTP command:
    GET /machine/proc_info

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "machine.proc_info", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An object in the following format:

        proc_info: [
                time: <system time of sample>,
                cpu_usage: <usage percent>,
                memory: <memory_used>,
                mem_units: "<kB, mB, etc>"
        throttled_state: {
            bits: <throttled bits>,
            flags: ["flag1", "flag2", ...]

    Process information is sampled every second. The proc_info field will return up to 30 samples, each sample with the following fields:

    • time: Time of the sample (in seconds since the Epoch)
    • cpu_usage: A floating point value between 0-100, representing the CPU usage of the Moonraker process.
    • memory: Integer value representing the current amount of memory allocated in RAM (resident set size).
    • mem_units: A string indentifying the units of the value in the memory field. This is typically "kB", but not guaranteed. If the system running Moonraker supports vcgencmd then Moonraker will check the current throttled flags via vcgencmd get_throttled and report them in the throttled_state field:
    • bits: An integer value that represents the bits reported by vcgencmd get_throttled
    • flags: Descriptive flags parsed out of the bits. One or more of the following flags may be reported:
      • "Under-Voltage Detected"
      • "Frequency Capped"
      • "Currently Throttled"
      • "Temperature Limit Active"
      • "Previously Under-Volted"
      • "Previously Frequency Capped"
      • "Previously Throttled"
      • "Previously Temperature Limited" The first four flags indicate an active throttling condition, whereas the last four indicate a previous condition (may or may not still be active). If vcgencmd is not available the throttled_state will report null.

File Operations

Most file operations are available over both APIs, however file upload, file download, and file delete are currently only available via HTTP APIs.

Moonraker organizes different local directories into "roots". For example, gcodes are located at http:\\host\server\files\gcodes\*, otherwise known as the "gcodes" root. The following roots are available:

  • gcodes
  • config
  • config_examples (read-only)
  • docs (read-only)

Write operations (upload, delete, make directory, remove directory) are only available on the gcodes and config roots. Note that the config root is only available if the "config_path" option has been set in Moonraker's configuration.

List Available Files

Walks through a directory and fetches all files. All file names include a path relative to the specified "root". Note that if the query st

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/files/list?root=gcodes

    If the query string is omitted then the command will return the "gcodes" file list by default.

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.files.list", params: {root: "gcodes"} , id: <request id>}

    If params are are omitted then the command will return the "gcodes" file list.

  • Returns:
    A list of objects containing file data in the following format:

  {filename: "file name",
   size: <file_size>,
   modified: <unix_time>,

Get GCode Metadata

Get file metadata for a specified gcode file. If the file is located in a subdirectory, then the file name should include the path relative to the "gcodes" root. For example, if the file is located at:
http://host/server/files/gcodes/my_sub_dir/my_print.gcode Then the filename should be my_sub_dir/my_print.gcode.

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/files/metadata?filename=<filename>

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.files.metadata", params: {filename: "filename"} , id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    Metadata for the requested file if it exists. If any fields failed parsing they will be omitted. The metadata will always include the file name, modified time, and size.

    filename: "file name",
    size: <file_size>,
    modified: <unix_time>,
    slicer: "Slicer Name",
    slicer_version: "<version>",
    first_layer_height: <mm>,
    first_layer_bed_temp: <C>,
    first_layer_extr_temp: <C>,
    layer_height: <mm>,
    object_height: <mm>,
    estimated_time: <time_in_seconds>,
    filament_total: <mm>,
    gcode_start_byte: <byte_location_of_first_gcode_command>,
    gcode_end_byte: <byte_location_of_last_gcode_command>,
    thumbnails: [
        width: <in_pixels>,
        height: <in_pixels>,
        size: <length_of_string>,
        data: <base64_string>
      }, ...

Get directory information

Returns a list of files and subdirectories given a supplied path. Unlike /server/files/list, this command does not walk through subdirectories.

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/files/directory?path=gcodes/my_subdir&extended=true

    If the query string is omitted then the command will return the "gcodes" file list by default.

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.files.get_directory", params: {path: "gcodes/my_subdir", extended: true} , id: <request id>}

    If the "params" are omitted then the command will return the "gcodes" file list by default.

The extended argument is optional, and defaults to false. If specified and set to true, then data returned for gcode files will also include metadata if it is available.

  • Returns:
    An object containing file and subdirectory information in the following format:
    files: [
        filename: "file name",
        size: <file_size>,
        modified: <unix_time>
      }, ...
    dirs: [
        dirname: "directory name",
        modified: <unix_time>

Make new directory

Creates a new directory at the specified path.

  • HTTP command:
    POST /server/files/directory?path=gcodes/my_new_dir

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.files.post_directory", params: {path: "gcodes/my_new_dir"}, id: <request id>}

ok if successful

Delete directory

Deletes a directory at the specified path.

  • HTTP command:
    DELETE /server/files/directory?path=gcodes/my_subdir

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.files.delete_directory", params: {path: "gcodes/my_subdir"} , id: <request id>}

    If the specified directory contains files then the delete request will fail, however it is possible to "force" deletion of the directory and all files in it with and additional argument in the query string:
    DELETE /server/files/directory?path=gcodes/my_subdir&force=true

    OR to the JSON-RPC params:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "get_directory", params: {path: "gcodes/my_subdir", force: True}, id: <request id>}

    Note that a forced deletion will still check in with Klippy to be sure that a file in the requested directory is not loaded by the virtual_sdcard.

  • Returns:
    ok if successful

Move a file or directory

Moves a file or directory from one location to another. Note that the following conditions must be met for a move successful move:

  • The source must exist
  • The source and destinations must have the same "root" directory
  • The user (typically "Pi") must have the appropriate file permissions
  • Neither the source nor destination can be loaded by the virtual_sdcard. If the source or destination is a directory, it cannot contain a file loaded by the virtual_sdcard.

When specifying the source and dest, the "root" directory should be prefixed. Currently the only supported roots are "gcodes/" and "config/".

This API may also be used to rename a file or directory. Be aware that an attempt to rename a directory to a directory that already exists will result in moving the source directory to the destination directory.

  • HTTP command:
    POST /server/files/move?source=gcodes/my_file.gcode &dest=gcodes/subdir/my_file.gcode

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.files.move", params: {source: "gcodes/my_file.gcode", dest: "gcodes/subdir/my_file.gcode"}, id: <request id>}

Copy a file or directory

Copies a file or directory from one location to another. A successful copy has the pre-requesites as a move with one exception, a copy may complete if the source file/directory is loaded by the virtual_sdcard. As with the move API, the source and destination should have the root prefixed.

  • HTTP command:
    POST /server/files/copy?source=gcodes/my_file.gcode &dest=gcodes/subdir/my_file.gcode

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.files.copy", params: {source: "gcodes/my_file.gcode", dest: "gcodes/subdir/my_file.gcode"}, id: <request id>}

Gcode File Download

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/files/gcodes/<file_name>

  • Websocket command:
    Not Available

  • Returns:
    The requested file

File Upload

Upload a file. Currently files may be uploaded to the "gcodes" or "config" root, with "gcodes" being the default location. If one wishes to upload to a subdirectory, the path may be added to the upload's file name (relative to the root). If the directory does not exist an error will be returned. Alternatively, the "path" argument may be set, as explained below.

  • HTTP command:
    POST /server/files/upload

    The file to be uploaded should be added to the FormData per the XHR spec. The following arguments may be added to the form:

    • root: The root location in which to upload the file. Currently this may be "gcodes" or "config". If not specified the default is "gcodes".
    • path: This argument may contain a path (relative to the root) indicating a subdirectory to which the file is written. If a "path" is present, the server will attempt to create any subdirectories that do not exist. Arguments available only for the "gcodes" root:
    • print: If set to "true", Klippy will attempt to start the print after uploading. Note that this value should be a string type, not boolean. This provides compatibility with Octoprint's legacy upload API.
  • Websocket command:
    Not Available

  • Returns:
    The file name along with a successful response.

    {'result': "file_name"}

    If the supplied root is "gcodes", a "print_started" attribute is also returned.

    {'result': "file_name", 'print_started': <boolean>}

Gcode File Delete

Delete a file in the "gcodes" root. A relative path may be added to the file to delete a file in a subdirectory.

  • HTTP command:
    DELETE /server/files/gcodes/<file_name>

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.files.delete_file", params: {path: "gcodes/<file_name>"}, id: <request id>}

    If the gcode file exists within a subdirectory, the relative path should be included in the file name.

  • Returns:
    The HTTP request returns the name of the deleted file.

Download included config file

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/files/config/<file_name>

  • Websocket command:
    Not Available

  • Returns:
    The requested file

Delete included config file

Delete a file in the "config" root. A relative path may be added to the file to delete a file in a subdirectory.

  • HTTP command:
    DELETE /server/files/config/<file_name>

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.files.delete_file", params: {path: "config/<file_name>}, id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    The HTTP request returns the name of the deleted file.

Download a config example

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/files/config_examples/<file_name>

  • Websocket command:
    Not Available

  • Returns:
    The requested file

Download Klipper documentation

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/files/docs/<file_name>

  • Websocket command:
    Not Available

  • Returns:
    The requested file

Download klippy.log

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/files/klippy.log

  • Websocket command:
    Not Available

  • Returns:

Download moonraker.log

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/files/moonraker.log

  • Websocket command:
    Not Available

  • Returns:


Untrusted Clients must use a key to access the API by including it in the X-Api-Key header for each HTTP Request. The API below allows authorized clients to receive and change the current API Key.

Get the Current API Key

  • HTTP command:
    GET /access/api_key

  • Websocket command:
    Not Available

  • Returns:
    The current API key

Generate a New API Key

  • HTTP command:
    POST /access/api_key

  • Websocket command:
    Not available

  • Returns:
    The newly generated API key. This overwrites the previous key. Note that the API key change is applied immediately, all subsequent HTTP requests from untrusted clients must use the new key.

Generate a Oneshot Token

Some HTTP Requests do not expose the ability the change the headers, which is required to apply the X-Api-Key. To accomodiate these requests it a client may ask the server for a Oneshot Token. Tokens expire in 5 seconds and may only be used once, making them relatively for inclusion in the query string.

  • HTTP command:
    GET /access/oneshot_token

  • Websocket command: Not available

  • Returns:
    A temporary token that may be added to a requests query string for access to any API endpoint. The query string should be added in the form of: ?token=randomly_generated_token

Database APIs

The following endpoints provide access to Moonraker's ldbm database. The database is divided into "namespaces", each client may define its own namespace to store information. From the client's point of view, a namespace is an "object". Items in the database are accessed by providing a namespace and a key. A key may be specifed as string, where a "." is a delimeter to access nested objects. Alternatively the key may be specified as an array of strings, where each string references a nested object. This is useful for scenarios where your namespace contain keys that include a "." character.

Moonraker reserves "moonraker" and "gcode_metadata" namespaces. Clients may read from these namespaces but they may not modify them.

For example, assume the following object is stored in the "superclient" namespace:

    settings: {
        console: {
            enable_autocomple: True
    theme: {
        background_color: "black"

One may access the "enable_autocomplete" field by supplying superclient as the "namespace" parameter and settings.console.enable_autocomplete or ["settings", "console", "enable_autocomplete"] as the "key" parameter for the request. The entire settings object could be accessed by providing settings or ["settings"] as the key parameter. The entire namespace may be read by omitting the "key" parameter, however as explained below it is not possible to modify a namespace without specifying a key.

List Namespaces

Lists all available namespaces.

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/database/list

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.database.list", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An object containing an array of namespaces in the following format:

        'namespaces': ["namespace1", "namespace2"...]

Get Database Item

Retreives an item from a specified namespace. The key parameter may be omitted, in which case an object representing the entire namespace will be returned in the value field. If the key is provided and does not exist in the database an error will be returned.

  • HTTP command:
    GET /server/database/item?namespace=my_namespace&key=item.location

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.database.get_item", params: {namespace: "my_namespace", key: "item.location"}, id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An object containing the following fields:

        'namespace': "requested_namespace",
        'key': "requested_key"
        'value': <value at key>

Add Database Item

Inserts an item into the database. If the namespace does not exist it will be created. If the key specifies parent objects, all parents will be created if they do not exist. If the key exists it will be overwritten with the provided value. The key parameter must be provided, it is not possible to assign a value directly to a namespace.

  • HTTP command:
    POST /server/database/item?namespace=my_namespace&key=item.location&value:int=100

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.database.post_item", params: {namespace: "my_namespace", key: "item.location", value: 100}, id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An object containing the following fields:

        'namespace': "requested_namespace",
        'key': "requested_key"
        'value': <the value inserted>

Delete Database Item

Deletes an item from the database at the specified key. If the key does not exist in the database an error will be returned. If the deleted item results in an empty namespace, the namespace will be removed from the database.

  • HTTP command:
    DELETE /server/database/item?namespace=my_namespace&key=item.location

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.database.delete_item", params: {namespace: "my_namespace", key: "item.location"}, id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    An object containing the following fields:

        'namespace': "requested_namespace",
        'key': "requested_key"
        'value': <value at deleted key>

Update Manager APIs

The following endpoints are available when the [update_manager] plugin has been configured:

Get update status

Retreives the current state of each "package" available for update. Typically this will consist of information regarding moonraker, klipper, a client, and system packages. If moonraker has not yet received information from Klipper then its status will be omitted. If a client has not been configured then its status will also be omitted. One may request that the update info be refreshed by sending a refresh=true argument. Note that the refresh parameter is ignored if an update is in progress or if a print is in progress. In these cases the current status will be returned immediately.

  • HTTP command:
    GET /machine/update/status?refresh=false

    If the query string is omitted then "refresh" will default to false.

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "machine.update.status", params: {refresh: false} , id: <request id>}

    If the "params" are omitted then "refresh" will default to false.

  • Returns:
    Status information in the following format:

        'version_info': {
            'moonraker': {
                branch: <string>,
                remote_alias: <string>,
                version: <string>,
                remote_version: <string>,
                current_hash: <string>,
                remote_hash: <string>,
                is_valid: <bool>,
                is_dirty: <bool>,
                detached: <bool>,
                debug_enabled: <bool>
            'klipper': {
                branch: <string>,
                remote_alias: <string>,
                version: <string>,
                remote_version: <string>,
                current_hash: <string>,
                remote_hash: <string>,
                is_valid: <bool>,
                is_dirty: <bool>,
                detached: <bool>,
                debug_enabled: <bool>
            'client_name_1': {
                name: <string>,
                version: <string>,
                remote_version: <string>
            'system': {
                package_count: <int>,
                package_list: <array>
        busy: false,
        github_rate_limit: <int>,
        github_requests_remaining: <int>
        github_limit_reset_time: <int>,
    • The busy field is set to true if an update is in progress. Moonraker will not allow concurrent updates.
    • The github_rate_limit is the maximum number of github API requests the user currently has. An unathenticated user typically has 60 requests per hour.
    • The github_requests_remaining is the number of API request the user currently has remaining.
    • The github_limit_reset_time is reported as seconds since the epoch. When this time is reached the user's limit will be reset.
    • The moonraker and klipper objects have the following fields:
      • branch: the name of the current git branch. This should typically be "master".
      • remote_alias: the alias for the remote. This should typically be "origin".
      • version: version of the current repo on disk
      • remote_version: version of the latest available update
      • current_hash: hash of the most recent commit on disk
      • remote_hash: hash of the most recent commit pushed to the remote
      • is_valid: True if installation is a valid git repo on the master branch and an "origin" set to the official remote
      • is_dirty: True if the repo has been modified
      • detached: True if the repo is currently in a detached state
      • debug_enabled: True when "enable_repo_debug" has been configured. This will bypass repo validation, allowing detached updates, and updates from a remote/origin other than "origin/master".
    • Multiple client fields may be present. Web clients have the following fields:
      • name: Name of the configured client
      • version: version of the installed client.
      • remote_version: version of the latest release published to GitHub A git_repo client will have fields that match that of klipper and moonraker
    • The system object has the following fields:
      • package_count: The number of system packages available for update
      • package_list: An array containing the names of packages available for update

Update Moonraker

Pulls the most recent version of Moonraker from GitHub and restarts the service. If "include_deps" is set to true an attempt will be made to install new packages (via apt-get) and python dependencies (via pip). Note that Moonraker uses semantic versioning to check for dependency changes automatically, so it is generally not necessary to set include_deps to true. If an update is requested while a print is in progress then this request will return an error.

  • HTTP command:
    POST /machine/update/moonraker?include_deps=false

    If the query string is omitted then "include_deps" will default to false.

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "machine.update.moonraker", params: {include_deps: false}, id: <request id>}

    If the "params" are omitted then "include_deps" will default to false.

  • Returns:
    ok when complete

Update Klipper

Pulls the most recent version of Klipper from GitHub and restarts the service. If "include_deps" is set to true an attempt will be made to install new packages (via apt-get) and python dependencies (via pip). At the moment there is no method for automatically checking for updated Klipper dependencies, so clients might wish to make this option available to users via the UI. If an update is requested while a print is in progress then this request will return an error.

  • HTTP command:
    POST /machine/update/klipper?include_deps=false

    If the query string is omitted then "include_deps" will default to false.

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "machine.update.klipper", params: {include_deps: false}, id: <request id>}

    If the "params" are omitted then "include_deps" will default to false.

  • Returns:
    ok when complete

Update Client

If one more more [update_manager client client_name] sections have been configured this endpoint can be used to install the most recently published release of the client. If an update is requested while a print is in progress then this request will return an error. The name argument is requred, it's value should match the client_name of the configured section.

  • HTTP command:
    POST /machine/update/client?name=client_name

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "machine.update.client", params: {name: "client_name"}, id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    ok when complete

Update System Packages

Upgrades the system packages. Currently only apt-get is supported. If an update is requested while a print is in progress then this request will return an error.

  • HTTP command:
    POST /machine/update/system

  • Websocket command:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "machine.update.system", id: <request id>}

  • Returns:
    ok when complete

Power APIs

The APIs below are available when the [power] plugin has been configured.

Get Devices

  • HTTP command:
    GET /machine/device_power/devices

  • Websocket command:

  • Returns:
    An array of objects containing info for each configured device.

      devices: [
          device: <device_name>,
          status: <device_status>,
          type: <device_type>
        }, ...

Get Device Status

  • HTTP command:
    GET /machine/device_power/status?dev_one&dev_two

  • Websocket command:
    {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"machine.device_power.status","id":"1", "params":{"dev_one":null, "dev_two": null}}

  • Returns:
    An object containing status for each requested device

      dev_one: <device_status>,
      dev_two: <device_status>,

Power On Device(s)

  • HTTP command:
    POST /machine/device_power/on?dev_one&dev_two

  • Websocket command:
    {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"machine.device_power.on","id":"1", "params":{"dev_one":null, "dev_two": null}}

  • Returns:
    An object containing status for each requested device

      dev_one: <device_status>,
      dev_two: <device_status>,

Power Off Device(s)

  • HTTP command:
    POST /machine/device_power/off?dev_one&dev_two

  • Websocket command:
    {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"","id":"1", "params":{"dev_one":null, "dev_two": null}}

  • Returns:
    An object containing status for each requested device

      dev_one: <device_status>,
      dev_two: <device_status>,

Octoprint API emulation

Partial support of Octoprint API is implemented with the purpose of allowing uploading of sliced prints to a mainsail instance. Currently we support Slic3r derivatives and Cura with Cura-Octoprint.

Version information

  • HTTP command:
    GET /api/version

  • Returns:
    An object containing simulated Octoprint version information

      server: "1.5.0",
      api: "0.1",
      text: "Octoprint (Moonraker v0.3.1-12)"

Server status

  • HTTP command:
    GET /api/server

  • Returns:
    An object containing simulated Octoprint server status

      server: "1.5.0",
      safemode: <None or "settings">

Login verification & User information

  • HTTP command:
    GET /api/login

  • HTTP command:
    GET /api/server

  • Returns:
    An object containing stubbed Octoprint login/user verification

      _is_external_client: false,
      _login_mechanism: "apikey",
      name: "_api",
      active: true,
      user: true,
      admin: true,
      apikey: null,
      permissions: [],
      groups: ["admins", "users"],

Get settings

  • HTTP command:
    GET /api/server

  • Returns:
    An object containing stubbed Octoprint settings. The webcam route is hardcoded to Fluidd/Mainsail default path. We say we have the UFP plugin installed so that Cura-Octoprint will upload in the preferred UFP format.

      plugins: {
        UltimakerFormatPackage: {
          align_inline_thumbnail: false,
          inline_thumbnail: false,
          inline_thumbnail_align_value: "left",
          inline_thumbnail_scale_value: "50",
          installed: true,
          installed_version: "0.2.2",
          scale_inline_thumbnail: false,
          state_panel_thumbnail: true
      feature: {
        sdSupport: false,
        temperatureGraph: false
      webcam: {
        flipH: false,
        flipV: false,
        rotate90: false,
        streamUrl: "/webcam/?action=stream",
        webcamEnabled': true

File Upload

  • HTTP command:
    POST /api/files/local Otherwise identical to the standard Moonraker POST /server/files/upload API.

Get Job status

  • HTTP command:
    GET /api/job

  • Returns:
    An object containing stubbed Octoprint Job status

      job: {
        file: {name: null},
        estimatedPrintTime: null,
        filament: {length: null},
        user: None
      progress: {
        completion: null,
        filepos: null,
        printTime: null,
        printTimeLeft: null,
        printTimeOrigin: null
      state: <One of "Offline","Error", "Operational", "Printing", "Paused">

Get Printer status

  • HTTP command:
    GET /api/printer

  • Returns:
    An object containing Octoprint Printer status

      temperature: {
        <list of heater names: "bed", "tool<n>">: {
          actual: <actual temp>,
          offset: 0,
          target: <target temp>
      state: {
        text': state,
        flags': {
          operational: <bool>,
          paused: <bool>,
          printing: <bool>,
          cancelling: <bool>,
          pausing: False,
          error: <bool>,
          ready: <bool>,
          closedOrError: <bool>

Send GCode command

  • HTTP command:
    POST /api/printer/command

    JSON payload with parameter:

    • commands: List of GCode strings
  • Returns:
    An blank JSON object


List Printer profiles

  • HTTP command:
    GET /api/printerprofiles

  • Returns:
    An object containing simulates Octoprint Printer profile

      profiles: {
        _default: {
          id: "_default",
          name: "Default",
          color: "default",
          model: "Default",
          default': true,
          current': true,
          heatedBed: <true if "heater_bed" heater exists>,
          heatedChamber: <true if "chamber" heater exists>

Websocket notifications

Printer generated events are sent over the websocket as JSON-RPC 2.0 notifications. These notifications are sent to all connected clients in the following format:

{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: <event method name>}


{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: <event method name>, params: [<event parameter>]}

If a notification has parameters, the params value will always be wrapped in an array as directed by the JSON-RPC standard. Currently all notifications available are broadcast with either no parameters or a single parameter.

Gcode response:

All calls to gcode.respond() are forwarded over the websocket. They arrive as a "gcode_response" notification:

{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify_gcode_response", params: ["response"]}

Status subscriptions:

Status Subscriptions arrive as a "notify_status_update" notification:

{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify_status_update", params: [<status_data>]}

The structure of the status data is identical to the structure that is returned from an object query's "status" attribute.

Klippy Ready:

Notify clients when Klippy has reported a ready state

{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify_klippy_ready"}

Klippy Shutdown:

Notify clients when Klippy has reported a shutdown state

{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify_klippy_shutdown"}

Klippy Disconnected:

Notify clients when Moonraker's connection to Klippy has terminated

{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify_klippy_disconnected"}

File List Changed

When a client makes a change to the virtual sdcard file list (via upload or delete) a notification is broadcast to alert all connected clients of the change:

{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify_filelist_changed", params: [<file changed info>]}

The param is an object in the following format, where the "action" is the operation that prompted the change, and the "item" contains information about the item that has changed:

{action: "<action>",
  item: {
    path: "<file or directory path>",
    root: "<root_name>",
    size: <file size>,
    modified: "<date modified>"

Note that file move and copy actions also include a "source item" that contains the path and root of the source file or directory.

{action: "<action>",
  item: {
    path: "<file or directory path>",
    root: "<root_name>",
    size: <file size>,
    modified: "<date modified>"
  source_item: {
    path: "<file or directory path>",
    root: "<root_name>"

The following actions are currently available:

  • upload_file
  • delete_file
  • create_dir
  • delete_dir
  • move_item
  • copy_item

Metadata Update

When a new file is uploaded via the API a websocket notification is broadcast to all connected clients after parsing is complete:

{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify_metadata_update", params: [metadata]}

Where metadata is an object in the following format:

  filename: "file name",
  size: <file size>,
  modified: "last modified date",
  slicer: "Slicer Name",
  first_layer_height: <in mm>,
  layer_height: <in mm>,
  object_height: <in mm>,
  estimated_time: <time in seconds>,
  filament_total: <in mm>,
  thumbnails: [
      width: <in pixels>,
      height: <in pixels>,
      size: <length of string>,
      data: <base64 string>
    }, ...

Update Manager Responses

The update manager will send asyncronous messages to the client during an update:

{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify_update_response", params: [response]}

Where response is an object int he following format:

    application: <string>,
    proc_id: <int>,
    message: <string>,
    complete: <boolean>
  • The application field contains the name of application currently being updated. Generally this will be either "moonraker", "klipper", "system", or "client".
  • The proc_id field contains a unique id associated with the current update process. This id is generated for each update request.
  • The message field contains an asyncronous message sent during the update process.
  • The complete field is set to true on the final message sent during an update, indicating that the update completed successfully. Otherwise it will be false.

Update Manager Refreshed

The update manager periodically auto refreshes the state of each application it is tracking. After an auto refresh has completed the following notification is broadcast:

{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify_update_refreshed", params: [update_info]}

Where update_info is an object that matches the response from an update status request.

CPU Throttled

If the system supports throttled CPU monitoring Moonraker will send the following notification when it detectes an active throttled condition.

{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify_cpu_throttled", params: [throttled_state]}

Where throtled_state is an object that matches the throttled_state in the response from a process info request. It is possible for clients to receive this notification multiple times if the system repeatedly transitions between an active and inactive throttled condition.


Websocket setup

All transmissions over the websocket are done via json using the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol. While the websever expects a json encoded string, one limitation of Eventlet's websocket is that it can not send string encoded frames. Thus the client will receive data om the server in the form of a binary Blob that must be read using a FileReader object then decoded.

The websocket is located at ws://host:port/websocket, for example:

var s = new WebSocket("ws://" + + "/websocket");

It also should be noted that if authorization is enabled, an untrusted client must request a "oneshot token" and add that token's value to the websocket's query string:

ws://host:port/websocket?token=<32 character base32 string>

This is necessary as it isn't currently possible to add X-Api-Key to a Websocket object's request header.

The following startup sequence is recommened for clients which make use of the websocket:

  1. Attempt to connect to /websocket until successful using a timer-like mechanism
  2. Once connected, query /printer/info (or for the ready status.
    • If the response returns an error (such as 404), set a timeout for 2 seconds and try again.
    • If the response returns success, check the result's state attribute
      • If state == "ready" you may proceed to request status of printer objects make subscriptions, get the file list, etc.
      • If state == "error" then Klippy has experienced an error
        • If an error is detected it might be wise to prompt the user. You can get a description of the error from the state_message attribute
      • If state == "shutdown" then Klippy is in a shutdown state.
      • If state == "startup" then re-request printer info in 2s.
  • Repeat step 2 until Klipper reports ready.
  • Client's should watch for the notify_klippy_disconnected event. If it reports disconnected then Klippy has either been stopped or restarted. In this instance the client should repeat the steps above to determine when klippy is ready.

Basic Print Status

An advanced client will likely use subscriptions and notifications to interact with Moonraker, however simple clients such as home automation software and embedded devices (ie: ESP32) may only wish to monitor the status of a print. Below is a high level walkthrough for receiving print state via polling.

  • Set up a timer to poll at the desired interval. Depending on your use case, 1 to 2 seconds is recommended.
  • On each cycle, issue the following request:
    • GET http://host/printer/objects/query?webhooks&virtual_sdcard&print_stats
      Or via json-rpc:
      {'jsonrpc': "2.0", 'method': "printer.objects.query", 'params': {'objects': {'webhooks': null, 'virtual_sdcard': null, 'print_stats': null}}, id: <request id>}
  • If the request returns an error or the returned result.status is an empty object printer objects are not available for query. Each queried object should be available in result.status. The client should check to make sure that all objects are received before proceeding.
  • Inspect webhooks.ready. If the value is not "ready" the printer is not available. webhooks.message contains a message pertaining to the current state.
  • If the printer is ready, inspect print_stats.state. It may be one of the following values:
    • "standby": No print in progress
    • "printing": The printer is currently printing
    • "paused": A print in progress has been paused
    • "error": The print exited with an error. print_stats.message contains a related error message
    • "complete": The last print has completed
  • If print_stats.state is not "standby" then print_stats.filename will report the name of the currently loaded file.
  • print_stats.filename can be used to fetch file metadata. It is only necessary to fetch metadata once per print.
    GET http://host/server/files/metadata?filename=<filename>
    Or via json-rpc:
    {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.files.metadata", params: {filename: "filename"} , id: <request id>}
    If metadata extraction failed then this request will return an error. Some metadata fields are only populated for specific slicers, and unsupported slicers will only return the size and modifed date.
  • There are multiple ways to calculate the ETA, this example will use file progress, as it is possible calculate the ETA with or without metadata.
    • If metadata.estimated_time is available, the eta calculation can be done as:
      // assume "result" is the response from the status query
      let vsd = result.status.virtual_sdcard;
      let prog_time = vsd.progress * metadata.estimated_time;
      let eta = metadata.estimated_time - prog_time
      Alternatively, one can simply subtract the print duration from the estimated time:
      // assume "result" is the response from the status query
      let pstats = result.status.print_status;
      let eta = metadata.estimated_time - pstats.print_duration;
      if (eta < 0)
        eta = 0;
    • If no metadata is available, print duration and progress can be used to calculate the ETA:
      // assume "result" is the response from the status query
      let vsd = result.status.virtual_sdcard;
      let pstats = result.status.print_stats;
      let total_time = pstats.print_duration / vsd.progress;
      let eta = total_time - pstats.print_duration;
  • It is possible to query additional object if a client wishes to display more information (ie: temperatures). See for more information.

Bed Mesh Coordinates

The bed_mesh printer object may be used to generate three dimensional coordinates of a probed area (or mesh). Below is an example (in javascript) of how to transform the data received from a bed_mesh object query into an array of 3D coordinates.

// assume that we have executed an object query for bed_mesh and have the
// result.  This example generates 3D coordinates for the probed matrix,
// however it would work with the mesh matrix as well
function process_mesh(result) {
  let bed_mesh = result.status.bed_mesh
  let matrix = bed_mesh.probed_matrix;
  if (!(matrix instanceof Array) ||  matrix.length < 3 ||
      !(matrix[0] instanceof Array) || matrix[0].length < 3)
      // make sure that the matrix is valid
  let coordinates = [];
  let x_distance = (bed_mesh.mesh_max[0] - bed_mesh.mesh_min[0]) /
    (matrix[0].length - 1);
  let y_distance = (bed_mesh.mesh_max[1] - bed_mesh.mesh_min[1]) /
    (matrix.length - 1);
  let x_idx = 0;
  let y_idx = 0;
  for (const x_axis of matrix) {
    x_idx = 0;
    let y_coord = bed_mesh.mesh_min[1] + (y_idx * y_distance);
    for (const z_coord of x_axis) {
      let x_coord = bed_mesh.mesh_min[0] + (x_idx * x_distance);
      coordinates.push([x_coord, y_coord, z_coord]);
// Use the array of coordinates visualize the probed area
// or mesh..