869 lines
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869 lines
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# Common classes used throughout Moonraker
# Copyright (C) 2023 Eric Callahan <arksine.code@gmail.com>
# This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
import logging
import copy
import re
from enum import Enum, Flag, auto
from dataclasses import dataclass
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from .utils import ServerError, Sentinel
from .utils import json_wrapper as jsonw
# Annotation imports
from typing import (
from .server import Server
from .components.websockets import WebsocketManager
from .components.authorization import Authorization
from .utils import IPAddress
from asyncio import Future
_T = TypeVar("_T")
_C = TypeVar("_C", str, bool, float, int)
_F = TypeVar("_F", bound="ExtendedFlag")
ConvType = Union[str, bool, float, int]
ArgVal = Union[None, int, float, bool, str]
RPCCallback = Callable[..., Coroutine]
AuthComp = Optional[Authorization]
ENDPOINT_PREFIXES = ["printer", "server", "machine", "access", "api", "debug"]
class ExtendedFlag(Flag):
def from_string(cls: Type[_F], flag_name: str) -> _F:
str_name = flag_name.upper()
for name, member in cls.__members__.items():
if name == str_name:
return cls(member.value)
raise ValueError(f"No flag member named {flag_name}")
def from_string_list(cls: Type[_F], flag_list: List[str]) -> _F:
ret = cls(0)
for flag in flag_list:
flag = flag.upper()
ret |= cls.from_string(flag)
return ret
def all(cls: Type[_F]) -> _F:
return ~cls(0)
if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
def __len__(self) -> int:
return bin(self._value_).count("1")
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(self._value_.bit_length()):
val = 1 << i
if val & self._value_ == val:
yield self.__class__(val)
class RequestType(ExtendedFlag):
The Request Type is also known as the "Request Method" for
HTTP/REST APIs. The use of "Request Method" nomenclature
is discouraged in Moonraker as it could be confused with
the JSON-RPC "method" field.
GET = auto()
POST = auto()
DELETE = auto()
class TransportType(ExtendedFlag):
HTTP = auto()
WEBSOCKET = auto()
MQTT = auto()
INTERNAL = auto()
class ExtendedEnum(Enum):
def from_string(cls, enum_name: str):
str_name = enum_name.upper()
for name, member in cls.__members__.items():
if name == str_name:
return cls(member.value)
raise ValueError(f"No enum member named {enum_name}")
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self._name_.lower() # type: ignore
class JobEvent(ExtendedEnum):
def finished(self) -> bool:
return self.value >= 5
def aborted(self) -> bool:
return self.value >= 6
def is_printing(self) -> bool:
return self.value in [2, 4]
class KlippyState(ExtendedEnum):
def from_string(cls, enum_name: str, msg: str = ""):
str_name = enum_name.upper()
for name, member in cls.__members__.items():
if name == str_name:
instance = cls(member.value)
if msg:
return instance
raise ValueError(f"No enum member named {enum_name}")
def set_message(self, msg: str) -> None:
self._state_message: str = msg
def message(self) -> str:
if hasattr(self, "_state_message"):
return self._state_message
return ""
def startup_complete(self) -> bool:
return self.value > 2
class RenderableTemplate(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __str__(self) -> str:
def render(self, context: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> str:
async def render_async(self, context: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> str:
class APIDefinition:
endpoint: str
http_path: str
rpc_methods: List[str]
request_types: RequestType
transports: TransportType
callback: Callable[[WebRequest], Coroutine]
auth_required: bool
_cache: ClassVar[Dict[str, APIDefinition]] = {}
def __str__(self) -> str:
tprt_str = "|".join([tprt.name for tprt in self.transports if tprt.name])
val: str = f"(Transports: {tprt_str})"
if TransportType.HTTP in self.transports:
req_types = "|".join([rt.name for rt in self.request_types if rt.name])
val += f" (HTTP Request: {req_types} {self.http_path})"
if self.rpc_methods:
methods = " ".join(self.rpc_methods)
val += f" (RPC Methods: {methods})"
val += f" (Auth Required: {self.auth_required})"
return val
def request(
args: Dict[str, Any],
request_type: RequestType,
transport: Optional[APITransport] = None,
ip_addr: Optional[IPAddress] = None,
user: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> Coroutine:
return self.callback(
WebRequest(self.endpoint, args, request_type, transport, ip_addr, user)
def need_object_parser(self) -> bool:
return self.endpoint.startswith("objects/")
def rpc_items(self) -> zip[Tuple[RequestType, str]]:
return zip(self.request_types, self.rpc_methods)
def create(
endpoint: str,
request_types: Union[List[str], RequestType],
callback: Callable[[WebRequest], Coroutine],
transports: Union[List[str], TransportType] = TransportType.all(),
auth_required: bool = True,
is_remote: bool = False
) -> APIDefinition:
if isinstance(request_types, list):
request_types = RequestType.from_string_list(request_types)
if isinstance(transports, list):
transports = TransportType.from_string_list(transports)
if endpoint in cls._cache:
return cls._cache[endpoint]
http_path = f"/printer/{endpoint.strip('/')}" if is_remote else endpoint
prf_match = re.match(r"/([^/]+)", http_path)
if TransportType.HTTP in transports:
# Validate the first path segment for definitions that support the
# HTTP transport. We want to restrict components from registering
# using unknown paths.
if prf_match is None or prf_match.group(1) not in ENDPOINT_PREFIXES:
prefixes = [f"/{prefix} " for prefix in ENDPOINT_PREFIXES]
raise ServerError(
f"Invalid endpoint name '{endpoint}', must start with one of "
f"the following: {prefixes}"
rpc_methods: List[str] = []
if is_remote:
# Request Types have no meaning for remote requests. Therefore
# both GET and POST http requests are accepted. JRPC requests do
# not need an associated RequestType, so the unknown value is used.
request_types = RequestType.GET | RequestType.POST
rpc_methods.append(http_path[1:].replace('/', '.'))
elif transports != TransportType.HTTP:
name_parts = http_path[1:].split('/')
if len(request_types) > 1:
for rtype in request_types:
func_name = rtype.name.lower() + "_" + name_parts[-1]
rpc_methods.append(".".join(name_parts[:-1] + [func_name]))
if len(request_types) != len(rpc_methods):
raise ServerError(
"Invalid API definition. Number of websocket methods must "
"match the number of request methods"
api_def = cls(
endpoint, http_path, rpc_methods, request_types,
transports, callback, auth_required
cls._cache[endpoint] = api_def
return api_def
def pop_cached_def(cls, endpoint: str) -> Optional[APIDefinition]:
return cls._cache.pop(endpoint, None)
def get_cache(cls) -> Dict[str, APIDefinition]:
return cls._cache
def reset_cache(cls) -> None:
class APITransport:
def transport_type(self) -> TransportType:
return TransportType.INTERNAL
def user_info(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
return None
def ip_addr(self) -> Optional[IPAddress]:
return None
def screen_rpc_request(
self, api_def: APIDefinition, req_type: RequestType, args: Dict[str, Any]
) -> None:
return None
def send_status(
self, status: Dict[str, Any], eventtime: float
) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
class BaseRemoteConnection(APITransport):
def on_create(self, server: Server) -> None:
self.server = server
self.eventloop = server.get_event_loop()
self.wsm: WebsocketManager = self.server.lookup_component("websockets")
self.rpc: JsonRPC = self.server.lookup_component("jsonrpc")
self._uid = id(self)
self.is_closed: bool = False
self.queue_busy: bool = False
self.pending_responses: Dict[int, Future] = {}
self.message_buf: List[Union[bytes, str]] = []
self._connected_time: float = 0.
self._identified: bool = False
self._client_data: Dict[str, str] = {
"name": "unknown",
"version": "",
"type": "",
"url": ""
self._need_auth: bool = False
self._user_info: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
def user_info(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
return self._user_info
def user_info(self, uinfo: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
self._user_info = uinfo
self._need_auth = False
def need_auth(self) -> bool:
return self._need_auth
def uid(self) -> int:
return self._uid
def hostname(self) -> str:
return ""
def start_time(self) -> float:
return self._connected_time
def identified(self) -> bool:
return self._identified
def client_data(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
return self._client_data
def client_data(self, data: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
self._client_data = data
self._identified = True
def transport_type(self) -> TransportType:
return TransportType.WEBSOCKET
def screen_rpc_request(
self, api_def: APIDefinition, req_type: RequestType, args: Dict[str, Any]
) -> None:
async def _process_message(self, message: str) -> None:
response = await self.rpc.dispatch(message, self)
if response is not None:
except Exception:
logging.exception("Websocket Command Error")
def queue_message(self, message: Union[bytes, str, Dict[str, Any]]):
if isinstance(message, dict):
message = jsonw.dumps(message)
if self.queue_busy:
self.queue_busy = True
def authenticate(
token: Optional[str] = None,
api_key: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
auth: AuthComp = self.server.lookup_component("authorization", None)
if auth is None:
if token is not None:
self.user_info = auth.validate_jwt(token)
elif api_key is not None and self.user_info is None:
self.user_info = auth.validate_api_key(api_key)
elif self._need_auth:
raise self.server.error("Unauthorized", 401)
def check_authenticated(self, api_def: APIDefinition) -> None:
if not self._need_auth:
auth: AuthComp = self.server.lookup_component("authorization", None)
if auth is None:
if api_def.auth_required:
raise self.server.error("Unauthorized", 401)
def on_user_logout(self, user: str) -> bool:
if self._user_info is None:
return False
if user == self._user_info.get("username", ""):
self._user_info = None
return True
return False
async def _write_messages(self):
if self.is_closed:
self.message_buf = []
self.queue_busy = False
while self.message_buf:
msg = self.message_buf.pop(0)
await self.write_to_socket(msg)
self.queue_busy = False
async def write_to_socket(self, message: Union[bytes, str]) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError("Children must implement write_to_socket")
def send_status(self,
status: Dict[str, Any],
eventtime: float
) -> None:
if not status:
'jsonrpc': "2.0",
'method': "notify_status_update",
'params': [status, eventtime]})
def call_method_with_response(
method: str,
params: Optional[Union[List, Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
) -> Awaitable:
fut = self.eventloop.create_future()
msg: Dict[str, Any] = {
'jsonrpc': "2.0",
'method': method,
'id': id(fut)
if params:
msg["params"] = params
self.pending_responses[id(fut)] = fut
return fut
def call_method(
method: str,
params: Optional[Union[List, Dict[str, Any]]] = None
) -> None:
msg: Dict[str, Any] = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": method
if params:
msg["params"] = params
def send_notification(self, name: str, data: List) -> None:
self.wsm.notify_clients(name, data, [self._uid])
def resolve_pending_response(
self, response_id: int, result: Any
) -> bool:
fut = self.pending_responses.pop(response_id, None)
if fut is None:
return False
if isinstance(result, ServerError):
return True
def close_socket(self, code: int, reason: str) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError("Children must implement close_socket()")
class WebRequest:
def __init__(
endpoint: str,
args: Dict[str, Any],
request_type: RequestType = RequestType(0),
transport: Optional[APITransport] = None,
ip_addr: Optional[IPAddress] = None,
user: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
self.endpoint = endpoint
self.args = args
self.transport = transport
self.request_type = request_type
self.ip_addr: Optional[IPAddress] = ip_addr
self.current_user = user
def get_endpoint(self) -> str:
return self.endpoint
def get_request_type(self) -> RequestType:
return self.request_type
def get_action(self) -> str:
return self.request_type.name or ""
def get_args(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return self.args
def get_subscribable(self) -> Optional[APITransport]:
return self.transport
def get_client_connection(self) -> Optional[BaseRemoteConnection]:
if isinstance(self.transport, BaseRemoteConnection):
return self.transport
return None
def get_ip_address(self) -> Optional[IPAddress]:
return self.ip_addr
def get_current_user(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
return self.current_user
def _get_converted_arg(self,
key: str,
default: Union[Sentinel, _T],
dtype: Type[_C]
) -> Union[_C, _T]:
if key not in self.args:
if default is Sentinel.MISSING:
raise ServerError(f"No data for argument: {key}")
return default
val = self.args[key]
if dtype is not bool:
return dtype(val)
if isinstance(val, str):
val = val.lower()
if val in ["true", "false"]:
return True if val == "true" else False # type: ignore
elif isinstance(val, bool):
return val # type: ignore
raise TypeError
except Exception:
raise ServerError(
f"Unable to convert argument [{key}] to {dtype}: "
f"value recieved: {val}")
def get(self,
key: str,
default: Union[Sentinel, _T] = Sentinel.MISSING
) -> Union[_T, Any]:
val = self.args.get(key, default)
if val is Sentinel.MISSING:
raise ServerError(f"No data for argument: {key}")
return val
def get_str(self,
key: str,
default: Union[Sentinel, _T] = Sentinel.MISSING
) -> Union[str, _T]:
return self._get_converted_arg(key, default, str)
def get_int(self,
key: str,
default: Union[Sentinel, _T] = Sentinel.MISSING
) -> Union[int, _T]:
return self._get_converted_arg(key, default, int)
def get_float(self,
key: str,
default: Union[Sentinel, _T] = Sentinel.MISSING
) -> Union[float, _T]:
return self._get_converted_arg(key, default, float)
def get_boolean(self,
key: str,
default: Union[Sentinel, _T] = Sentinel.MISSING
) -> Union[bool, _T]:
return self._get_converted_arg(key, default, bool)
def _parse_list(
key: str,
sep: str,
ltype: Type[_C],
count: Optional[int],
default: Union[Sentinel, _T]
) -> Union[List[_C], _T]:
if key not in self.args:
if default is Sentinel.MISSING:
raise ServerError(f"No data for argument: {key}")
return default
value = self.args[key]
if isinstance(value, str):
ret = [ltype(val.strip()) for val in value.split(sep) if val.strip()]
except Exception as e:
raise ServerError(
f"Invalid list format received for argument '{key}', "
"parsing failed."
) from e
elif isinstance(value, list):
for val in value:
if not isinstance(val, ltype):
raise ServerError(
f"Invalid list format for argument '{key}', expected all "
f"values to be of type {ltype.__name__}."
# List already parsed
ret = value
raise ServerError(
f"Invalid value received for argument '{key}'. Expected List type, "
f"received {type(value).__name__}"
if count is not None and len(ret) != count:
raise ServerError(
f"Invalid list received for argument '{key}', count mismatch. "
f"Expected {count} items, got {len(ret)}."
return ret
def get_list(
key: str,
default: Union[Sentinel, _T] = Sentinel.MISSING,
sep: str = ",",
count: Optional[int] = None
) -> Union[_T, List[str]]:
return self._parse_list(key, sep, str, count, default)
class JsonRPC:
def __init__(self, server: Server) -> None:
self.methods: Dict[str, Tuple[RequestType, APIDefinition]] = {}
self.sanitize_response = False
self.verbose = server.is_verbose_enabled()
def _log_request(self, rpc_obj: Dict[str, Any], trtype: TransportType) -> None:
if not self.verbose:
self.sanitize_response = False
output = rpc_obj
method: Optional[str] = rpc_obj.get("method")
params: Dict[str, Any] = rpc_obj.get("params", {})
if isinstance(method, str):
if (
method.startswith("access.") or
method == "machine.sudo.password"
self.sanitize_response = True
if params and isinstance(params, dict):
output = copy.deepcopy(rpc_obj)
output["params"] = {key: "<sanitized>" for key in params}
elif method == "server.connection.identify":
output = copy.deepcopy(rpc_obj)
for field in ["access_token", "api_key"]:
if field in params:
output["params"][field] = "<sanitized>"
logging.debug(f"{trtype} Received::{jsonw.dumps(output).decode()}")
def _log_response(
self, resp_obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], trtype: TransportType
) -> None:
if not self.verbose:
if resp_obj is None:
output = resp_obj
if self.sanitize_response and "result" in resp_obj:
output = copy.deepcopy(resp_obj)
output["result"] = "<sanitized>"
self.sanitize_response = False
logging.debug(f"{trtype} Response::{jsonw.dumps(output).decode()}")
def register_method(
name: str,
request_type: RequestType,
api_definition: APIDefinition
) -> None:
self.methods[name] = (request_type, api_definition)
def get_method(self, name: str) -> Optional[Tuple[RequestType, APIDefinition]]:
return self.methods.get(name, None)
def remove_method(self, name: str) -> None:
self.methods.pop(name, None)
async def dispatch(
data: Union[str, bytes],
transport: APITransport
) -> Optional[bytes]:
transport_type = transport.transport_type
obj: Union[Dict[str, Any], List[dict]] = jsonw.loads(data)
except Exception:
if isinstance(data, bytes):
data = data.decode()
msg = f"{transport_type} data not valid json: {data}"
err = self.build_error(-32700, "Parse error")
return jsonw.dumps(err)
if isinstance(obj, list):
responses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
for item in obj:
self._log_request(item, transport_type)
resp = await self.process_object(item, transport)
if resp is not None:
self._log_response(resp, transport_type)
if responses:
return jsonw.dumps(responses)
self._log_request(obj, transport_type)
response = await self.process_object(obj, transport)
if response is not None:
self._log_response(response, transport_type)
return jsonw.dumps(response)
return None
async def process_object(
obj: Dict[str, Any],
transport: APITransport
) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
req_id: Optional[int] = obj.get('id', None)
rpc_version: str = obj.get('jsonrpc', "")
if rpc_version != "2.0":
return self.build_error(-32600, "Invalid Request", req_id)
method_name = obj.get('method', Sentinel.MISSING)
if method_name is Sentinel.MISSING:
self.process_response(obj, transport)
return None
if not isinstance(method_name, str):
return self.build_error(
-32600, "Invalid Request", req_id, method_name=str(method_name)
method_info = self.methods.get(method_name, None)
if method_info is None:
return self.build_error(
-32601, "Method not found", req_id, method_name=method_name
request_type, api_definition = method_info
transport_type = transport.transport_type
if transport_type not in api_definition.transports:
return self.build_error(
-32601, f"Method not found for transport {transport_type.name}",
req_id, method_name=method_name
params: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if 'params' in obj:
params = obj['params']
if not isinstance(params, dict):
return self.build_error(
-32602, "Invalid params:", req_id, method_name=method_name
return await self.execute_method(
method_name, request_type, api_definition, req_id, transport, params
def process_response(
self, obj: Dict[str, Any], conn: APITransport
) -> None:
if not isinstance(conn, BaseRemoteConnection):
logging.debug(f"RPC Response to non-socket request: {obj}")
response_id = obj.get("id")
if response_id is None:
logging.debug(f"RPC Response with null ID: {obj}")
result = obj.get("result")
if result is None:
name = conn.client_data["name"]
error = obj.get("error")
msg = f"Invalid Response: {obj}"
code = -32600
if isinstance(error, dict):
msg = error.get("message", msg)
code = error.get("code", code)
msg = f"{name} rpc error: {code} {msg}"
ret = ServerError(msg, 418)
ret = result
conn.resolve_pending_response(response_id, ret)
async def execute_method(
method_name: str,
request_type: RequestType,
api_definition: APIDefinition,
req_id: Optional[int],
transport: APITransport,
params: Dict[str, Any]
) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
transport.screen_rpc_request(api_definition, request_type, params)
result = await api_definition.request(
params, request_type, transport, transport.ip_addr, transport.user_info
except TypeError as e:
return self.build_error(
-32602, f"Invalid params:\n{e}", req_id, True, method_name
except ServerError as e:
code = e.status_code
if code == 404:
code = -32601
elif code == 401:
code = -32602
return self.build_error(code, str(e), req_id, True, method_name)
except Exception as e:
return self.build_error(-31000, str(e), req_id, True, method_name)
if req_id is None:
return None
return self.build_result(result, req_id)
def build_result(self, result: Any, req_id: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
'jsonrpc': "2.0",
'result': result,
'id': req_id
def build_error(
code: int,
msg: str,
req_id: Optional[int] = None,
is_exc: bool = False,
method_name: str = ""
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if method_name:
method_name = f"Requested Method: {method_name}, "
log_msg = f"JSON-RPC Request Error - {method_name}Code: {code}, Message: {msg}"
if is_exc and self.verbose:
return {
'jsonrpc': "2.0",
'error': {'code': code, 'message': msg},
'id': req_id