## This document keeps a record of notable changes to Moonraker's Web API. ### July 18th 2023 - Moonraker API Version 1.3.0 - Added [Spoolman](web_api.md#spoolman-apis) APIs. - Added [Rollback](web_api.md#rollback-to-the-previous-version) API to the `update_manager` - The `update_manager` status response has new fields for items of the `git_repo` and `web` types: - `recovery_url`: Url of the repo a "hard" recovery will fetch from - `rollback_version`: Version the extension will revert to when a rollback is requested - `warnings`: An array of strings containing various warnings detected during repo init. Some warnings may explain an invalid state while others may alert users to potential issues, such as a `git_repo` remote url not matching the expected (ie: configured) url. - Additionally, the `need_channel_update` field has been removed as the method changing channels is done exclusively in the configuration. ### February 20th 2023 - The following new endpoints are available when at least one `[sensor]` section has been configured: - `GET /server/sensors/list` - `GET /server/sensors/sensor` - `GET /server/sensors/measurements` See [web_api.md](web_api.md) for details on these new endpoints. - A `sensors:sensor_update` notification has been added. When at least one monitored sensor is reporting a changed value Moonraker will broadcast this notification. See [web_api.md](web_api.md) for details on this new notification. ### February 17 2023 - Moonraker API Version 1.2.1 - An error in the return value for some file manager endpoints has been corrected. Specifically, the returned result contains an `item` object with a `path` field that was prefixed with the root (ie: "gcodes"). This is inconsistent with the websocket notification and has been corrected to remove the prefix. This affects the following endpoints: - `POST /server/files/directory` | `server.files.post_directory` - `DELETE /server/files/directory` | `server.files.delete_directory` - `POST /server/files/move` | `server.files.move` - `POST /server/files/copy` | `server.files.copy` ### March 4th 2022 - Moonraker API Version 1.0.1 - The `server.websocket.id` endpoint has been deprecated. It is recommended to use `server.connection.identify` method to identify your client. This method returns a `connection_id` which is the websocket's unique id. See [the documentation](web_api.md#identify-connection) for details. ### May 8th 2021 - The `file_manager` has been refactored to support system file file events through `inotify`. Only mutable `roots` are monitored, (currently `gcodes` and `config`). Subfolders within these these roots are also monitored, however hidden folders are not. The following changes API changes have been made to acccommodate this functionality: - The `notify_filelist_changed` actions have changed. The new actions are as follows: - `create_file`: sent when a new file has been created. This includes file uploads and copied files. - `create_dir`: sent when a new directory has been created. - `delete_file`: sent when a file has been deleted. - `delete_dir`: sent when a directory has been deleted. - `move_file`: sent when a file has moved. - `move_dir`: sent when a directory has moved. - `modify_file`: sent when an existing file has been modified - `root_update`: sent when a root directory location has been set. For example, if a user changes the gcode path in Klipper, this action is sent with a `notify_filelist_changed` notification. - File list notifications for gcode files are now only sent after all metadata has been processed. Likewise, requests to copy, move, or upload a file will only return after metadata has been processed. Notifications are synced with requests so that the request should always return before the notification is sent. - Thumbnails are now stored in the `.thumbs` directory to prevent changes to thumbnails from emitting filelist notications. This change will be reflected in the metadata's `relative_path` field, so clients that use this field should not need to take additional action. Note that existing thumbnails will remain in the `thumbs` directory and filelist notifications will be sent for changes to these thumbnails. - The `notify_metadata_update` notification has been removed Clients - can reliably expect metadata to be available for new or moved gcode files when a request returns. - The return values for several endpoints have been updated. They now contain information similar to that which is pushed by the `notify_filelist_changed` notification. - The deprecated `data` field in gcode metadata has been removed. The `size` field now returns the size of the `.png` file. ### March 15th 2021 - The `data` field for gcode thumbnails is now deprecated and will be removed in the near future. Thumbnails are now saved to png files in a `thumbs` directory relative to a gcode file's location. This path is available in the `relative_path` field for each thumbnail entry in the metadata. ### January 31st 2021 - The `GET /server/temperature_store` endpoint now only returns fields that each sensor reports. For example, if a particuarly temperature sensor does not report "target" or "power", then the corresponding fields will not be reported for that sensor in response to the `temperature_store` request. ### January 22nd 2021 - The `POST /machine/update/client` endpoint now requires a `name` argument. This change added multiple client support - The response to `GET /machine/update/status` no longer returns a `client` field. Instead it will add fields matching the `name` of each configured client. Keep in mind that the client object could have a different set of fields depending on the type of a client. The easy way to check for this is to see if a `branch` field is present. If so, this client is a `git repo`. Otherwise it is a `web` client. ### January 4th 2021 - A `notify_update_refreshed` notification has been added. Moonraker now auto-refreshes the update status at roughly a 2 hour interval. When an auto-refresh is complete this notification is broadcast. Included is an object that matches the response from `/machine/update/status`. - The behavior of some of the `update_manager` APIs has changed: - The `refresh` argument for `/machine/update/status` is now more of a suggestion than a rule. If an update or a print is in progress then the request will ignore the refresh argument and immediately return the current status. Generally speaking requesting a refresh should not be necessary with addition of auto refresh. - The update requests (ie `/machine/update/klipper`) will now return an error if a print is in progress. If the requested update is in progress then the request will return valid with a message stating that the update is in progress. If another object is being updated then the request will be queued and block until it its complete. ### January 1st 2021 - A `notify_klippy_shutdown` websocket notification has been added ### December 30th 2020 - Some additional fields are now reported in the response to `GET /machine/update/status`. ### November 28th 2020 - The following new endpoints are available when the `[update_manager]` section has been configured: - `GET /machine/update/status` - `POST /machine/update/moonraker` - `POST /machine/update/klipper` - `POST /machine/update/client` - `POST /machine/update/system` - The following endpoint has been added and is available as part of the core API: - `POST /machine/services/restart` See [web_api.md](web_api.md) for details on these new endpoints. ### November 23rd 2020 - Moonraker now serves Klipper's "docs" directory. This can be access at `GET /server/files/docs/`. ### November 19th 2020 - The path for the power APIs has changed from `gpio_power` to `device_power`: - `GET /machine/device_power/devices`\ `{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"machine.device_power.devices","id":"1"}`\ Returns an array of objects listing all detected devices. Each object in the array is guaranteed to have the following fields: - `device`: The device name - `status`: May be "init", "on", "off", or "error" - `type`: May be "gpio" or "tplink_smartplug" - `GET /machine/device_power/status?dev_name`\ `{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"machine.device_power.status","id":"1", "params":{"dev_name":null}}`\ It is no longer possible to call this method with no arguments. Status will only be returned for the requested device, to get status of all devices use `/machine/device_power/devices`. As before, this returns an object in the format of `{device_name: status}`, where device_name is the name of the device and `status` is the devices current status. - `POST /machine/device_power/on?dev_name`\ `{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"machine.device_power.on","id":"1", "params":{"dev_name":null}}`\ Toggles device on. Returns the current status of the device. - `POST /machine/device_power/off?dev_name`\ `{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"machine.device_power.off","id":"1", "params":{"dev_name":null}}`\ Toggles device off. Returns the current status of the device. - The `notify_power_changed` notification now includes an object containing device info, matching that which would be recieved from a single item in `/machine/power/devices`. ### November 12th 2020 - Two new fields have been added to the gcode metadata: - `gcode_start_byte`: Indicates the byte position in the file where the first "Gxx" or "Mxx" command is detected. - `gcode_end_byte`: Indicates the byte position in the file where the last "Gxx" or "Mxx" command is detected. These fields may be used to more accurately predict print progress based on the file size. ### November 11th 2020 - The `server.websocket.id` API has been added. This returns a unique ID that Moonraker uses to track each client connection. As such, this API is only available over the websocket, there is no complementary HTTP request. - All HTTP API request may now include arguments in either the query string or in the request's body. - Subscriptions are now managed on a per connection basis. Each connection will only recieve updates for objects in which they are currently subscribed. If an "empty" request is sent, the subscription will be cancelled. - The `POST /printer/object/subscribe` now requires a `connection_id` argument. This is used to identify which connection's associated subscription should be updated. Currenlty subscriptions are only supported over the a websocket connection, one may use the id received from `server.websocket.id`. - The `notify_klippy_ready` websocket notification has been added. ### November 2nd 2020 - The `GET /server/files/directory` endpoint now accepts a new optional argument, `extended`. If `extended=true`, then the data returned for gcode files will also include extracted metadata if it exists. ### October 25th 2020 - The `modified` field reported for files and directories is no longer represented as a string. It is now a floating point value representing unix time (in seconds). This can be used to display the "last modified date" based on the client's timezone. ### October 21st 2020 - The `/server/gcode_store` endpoint no longer returns a string in the result's `gcode_store` field. It now returns an Array of objects, each object containing `message` and `time` fields. The time refers to a timestamp in unix time (seconds), and may be used to determine when the gcode store received the accompanying `message`. ### September 30th 2020 - Two new endpoints have been added: - `GET /server/info` (`server.info`) - `GET /server/gcode_store` (`server.gcode_store`) See web_api.md for details on their usage. ### September 7th 2020 - A new websocket API has been added, `server.files.delete_file`: ``` {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.files.delete_file", params: {path: "/"}, id: } ``` Where is either "gcodes" or "config", and is the relative path to the file for deletion. For example: `path: "gcodes/my_sub_dir/my_gcode_file.gcode"` ### September 3rd 2020 - The Websocket APIs have changed for clarity. The APIs methods now use namespaces similar to those found in common programming languages. This change affects all websocket APIs, however websocket events have not changed. Below is a chart mapping the Previous API to the New API: | Previous Websocket Method | New Websocket Method | |---------------------------|----------------------| | get_printer_info | printer.info | | post_printer_emergency_stop | printer.emergency_stop | | post_printer_restart | printer.restart | | post_printer_firmware_restart | printer.firmware_restart | | get_printer_objects_list | printer.objects.list | | get_printer_objects_query | printer.objects.query | | post_printer_objects_subscribe | printer.objects.subscribe | | get_printer_query_endstops_status | printer.query_endstops.status | | post_printer_gcode_script | printer.gcode.script | | get_printer_gcode_help | printer.gcode.help | | post_printer_print_start | printer.print.start | | post_printer_print_pause | printer.print.pause | | post_printer_print_resume | printer.print.resume | | post_printer_print_cancel | printer.print.cancel | | post_machine_reboot | machine.reboot | | post_machine_shutdown | machine.shutdown | | get_server_temperature_store | server.temperature_store | | get_file_list | server.files.list | | get_file_metadata | server.files.metadata | | get_directory | server.files.get_directory | | post_directory | server.files.post_directory | | delete_directory | server.files.delete_directory | | post_file_move | server.files.move | | post_file_copy | server.files.copy | - The "power" plugin APIs have changed. This affects both HTTP and Websocket APIs. They were originally added to the "/printer" path, however this adds the possibility of a naming conflict. The new APIs are as follows: - `GET /machine/gpio_power/devices` : `machine.gpio_power.devices` - `GET /machine/gpio_power/status` : `machine.gpio_power.status` - `POST /machine/gpio_power/on` : `machine.gpio_power.on` - `POST /machine/gpio_power/off` : `machine.gpio_power.off` ### September 1st 2020 - A new notification has been added: `notify_metdata_update`. This notification is sent when Moonraker parses metdata from a new upload. Note that the upload must be made via the API, files manually (using SAMBA, SCP, etc) do not trigger a notification. The notification is sent in the following format: ``` {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify_metadata_update", params: [metadata]} ``` Where `metadata` is an object in the following format: ```json { filename: "file name", size: , modified: "last modified date", slicer: "Slicer Name", first_layer_height: , layer_height: , object_height: , estimated_time: