# Most API methods are supported over the Websocket, HTTP, and MQTT (if configured) transports. File Transfer requests (upload and download) exclusive to HTTP. The Websocket is required to receive server generated events such as gcode responses. For information on how to set up the Websocket, please see the Appendix at the end of this document. ### HTTP API Overview Moonraker's HTTP API could best be described as "RESTish". Attempts are made to conform to REST standards, however the dynamic nature of Moonraker's API registration along with the desire to keep consistency between multiple API protocols results in an HTTP API that does not completely adhere to the standard. Moonraker is capable of parsing request arguments from the both the body (either JSON or form-data depending on the `Content-Type` header) and from the query string. All arguments are grouped together in one data structure, with body arguments taking precedence over query arguments. Thus if the same argument is supplied both in the body and in the query string the body argument would be used. It is left up to the client developer to decide exactly how they want to provide arguments, however future API documentation will make recommendations. As of March 1st 2021 this document exclusively illustrates arguments via the query string. All successful HTTP requests will return a json encoded object in the form of: ``` {result: } ``` Response data is generally an object itself, however for some requests this may simply be an "ok" string. Should a request result in an error, a standard error code along with an error specific message is returned. #### Query string type hints By default all arguments passed via the query string are represented as strings. Most endpoint handlers know the data type for each of their arguments, thus they can perform conversion from a string type if necessary. However some endpoints accept arguments of a "generic" type, thus the client is responsible for specifying the type if "string" is not desirable. This is not a problem for websocket requests as the JSON parser can extract the appropriate type. HTTP requests must provide "type hints" in these scenarios. Moonraker supplies support for the following query string type hints: - int - bool - float - json The `json` type hint can be specified to pass an array or an object via the query string. Remember to percent encode the json string so that the query string is correctly parsed. Type hints may be specified by post-fixing them to a key, with a ":" separating the key and the hint. For example, lets assume that we have a request that takes `seconds` (integer) and `enabled` (boolean) arguments. The query string with type hints might look like: ``` ?seconds:int=120&enabled:bool=true ``` A query string that takes a `value` argument with which we want to pass an object, `{foo: 21.5, bar: "hello"}` might look like: ``` ?value:json=%7B%22foo%22%3A21.5%2C%22bar%22%3A%22hello%22%7D ``` As you can see, a percent encoded json string is not human readable, thus using this functionality should be seen as a "last resort." If at all possible clients should attempt to put these arguments in the body of a request. ### JSON-RPC API Overview The Websocket and MQTT transports use the [JSON-RPC 2.0](https://jsonrpc.org) protocol. The Websocket transmits JSON-RPC objects in a text frame, whereas MQTT transmits them in the payload of a topic. When MQTT is configured Moonraker subscribes to an api request topic. After an api request is processed Moonraker publishes the return value to a response topic. By default these topics are `{instance_name}/moonraker/api/request` and `{instance_name}/moonraker/api/response`. The `{instance_name}` should be a unique identifier for each instance of Moonraker and defaults to the machine's host name. In addition, most JSON-RPC methods are available via the [JSONRPC HTTP request](#json-rpc-over-http). An encoded request should look something like: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "API method", "params": {"arg_one": 1, "arg_two": true}, "id": 354 } ``` The `params` field may be left out if the API request takes no arguments. The `id` should be a unique value that has no chance of colliding with other JSON-RPC requests. The `method` is the API method, as defined for each API in this document. !!! tip MQTT requests may provide an optional `mqtt_timestamp` keyword argument in the `params` field of the JSON-RPC request. To avoid potential collisions from time drift it is recommended to specify the timestamp in microseconds since the Unix Epoch. If provided Moonraker will use the timestamp to discard duplicate requests. It is recommended to either provide a timestamp or publish API requests at a QoS level of 0 or 2. A successful request will return a response like the following: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": {"res_data": "success"}, "id": 354 } ``` The `result` will generally contain an object, but as with the HTTP API in some cases it may simply return a string. The `id` field will return an id that matches the one provided by the request. Requests that result in an error will receive a properly formatted JSON-RPC response: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": {"code": 36000, "message": "Error Message"}, "id": 354 } ``` Some errors may not return a request ID, such as an improperly formatted request. The [moontest](https://www.github.com/arksine/moontest) repo includes a basic test interface with example usage for most of the requests below. It also includes a basic JSON-RPC implementation that uses promises to return responses and errors (see json-rpc.js). ### Websocket Connections #### Primary websocket The primary websocket supports Moonraker's JSON-RPC API. Most applications that desire a websocket connection will make use of the primary websocket. The primary websocket is available at: ``` ws://host_or_ip:port/websocket` ``` The primary websocket will remain connected until the application disconnects or Moonraker is shutdown. #### Bridge websocket The "bridge" websocket provides a near direct passthrough to Klipper's API Server. Klipper uses its own RPC protocol, which is effectively a simplified version of the JSON-RPC specification. Developers should refer to [Klipper's API documentation](https://www.klipper3d.org/API_Server.html) for details on the protocol and available APIs. !!! Note The bridge websocket is described as "near direct passthrough" because Moonraker handles the ETX (`0x03`) terminator internally. Applications can expect to receive complete JSON encoded messages in a text frame without the ETX terminator. Likewise applications should send JSON encoded messages without the ETX terminator. Messages may be sent using either text frames or binary frames. The bridge websocket provides access to diagnostic APIs that are not generally suitable for Moonraker's primary connection. These requests stream a substantial amount of data; bridge connections allow Moonraker to avoid decoding and re-encoding this data, reducing CPU load on the host. The "dump" requests, such as `motion_report/dump_stepper` and `adxl345/dump_adxl345`, are examples of APIs that should make use of the bridge websocket. The bridge websocket is available at: ``` ws://host_or_ip:port/klippysocket ``` The availability of bridge connections depends on Klippy's availablility. If Klippy is not running or its API server is not enabled then a bridge websocket connection cannot be established. Established bridge connections will close when Klippy is shutdown or restarted. Such connections will also be closed if Moonraker is restarted or shutdown. !!! Note If JWT or API Key authentication is required the application must use a [oneshot token](#generate-a-oneshot-token) when connecting to a bridge socket. Since Moonraker does not decode bridge requests it is not possible to authenticate post connection. ### Unix Socket Connection All JSON-RPC APIs available over the Websocket transport are also available over the Unix Domain Socket connection. Moonraker creates the socket file at `/comms/moonraker.sock` (ie: `~/printer_data/comms/moonraker.sock`). The Unix Socket expects UTF-8 encoded JSON-RPC byte strings. Each JSON-RPC request must be terminated with an ETX character (`0x03`). The Unix Socket is desirable for front ends and extensions running on the local machine as authentication is not necessary. There should be a small performance improvement due to the simplified transport protocol, however the impact of this is likely negligible. The `moontest` repo contains a [python script](https://github.com/Arksine/moontest/blob/master/scripts/unix_socket_test.py) to test comms over the unix socket. ### Jinja2 Template API Calls Some template options in Moonraker's configuration, such as those in the [button](configuration.md#button) component, may call Moonraker APIs through the `call_method(method_name, kwargs)` context function. The `call_method` function takes the API's JSON-RPC method name as its first parameter, followed by a set of keyword arguments as per the method's requirements. ```ini # moonraker.conf # Query Printer Objects example [button check_status] pin: gpio26 on_press: {% set query_objs = {"toolhead": ["position"], "print_stats": None} %} # JSON-RPC method is "printer.objects.query", which takes a single "objects" # argument {% set status = call_method("printer.objects.query", objects=query_objs) %} # do something with the value returned from the object query, perhaps # send a websocket notification or publish a mqtt topic # Publish button event to MQTT Topic [button check_status] pin: gpio26 on_release: # JSON-RPC method is "server.mqtt.publish" {% do call_method("server.mqtt.publish", topic="moonraker/mybutton", payload="Button Released") %} ``` ### Server Administration #### Query Server Info HTTP request: ```http GET /server/info ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.info", "id": 9546 } ``` Returns: An object containing various fields that report server state. ```json { "klippy_connected": true, "klippy_state": "ready", "components": [ "database", "file_manager", "klippy_apis", "machine", "data_store", "shell_command", "proc_stats", "history", "octoprint_compat", "update_manager", "power" ], "failed_components": [], "registered_directories": ["config", "gcodes", "config_examples", "docs"], "warnings": [ "Invalid config option 'api_key_path' detected in section [authorization]. Remove the option to resolve this issue. In the future this will result in a startup error.", "Unparsed config section [fake_section] detected. This may be the result of a component that failed to load. In the future this will result in a startup error." ], "websocket_count": 2, "moonraker_version": "v0.7.1-105-ge4f103c", "api_version": [1, 0, 0], "api_version_string": "1.0.0" } ``` !!! warning This object also includes `plugins` and `failed_plugins` fields that are now deprecated. They duplicate the information in `components` and `failed_components`, and will be removed in the future. Note that `klippy_state` will match the `state` value received from `/printer/info`. The `klippy_connected` item tracks the state of the unix domain socket connect to Klippy. The `components` key will return a list of enabled components. This can be used by clients to check if an optional component is available. Optional components that do not load correctly will not prevent the server from starting, thus any components that failed to load will be reported in the `failed_components` field. The `websocket_count` field reports the total number of connected websockets. #### Get Server Configuration HTTP request: ```http GET /server/config ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.config", "id": 5616 } ``` Returns: An object containing the server's full configuration. Note that this includes auxiliary configuration sections not part of `moonraker.conf`, for example the `update_manager static debian moonraker` section. Options not specified in `moonraker.conf` with default values are also included. ```json { { "config": { "server": { "host": "", "port": 7125, "ssl_port": 7130, "enable_debug_logging": true, "enable_asyncio_debug": false, "klippy_uds_address": "/tmp/klippy_uds", "max_upload_size": 210, "ssl_certificate_path": null, "ssl_key_path": null }, "dbus_manager": {}, "database": { "database_path": "~/.moonraker_database", "enable_database_debug": false }, "file_manager": { "enable_object_processing": true, "queue_gcode_uploads": true, "config_path": "~/printer_config", "log_path": "~/logs" }, "klippy_apis": {}, "machine": { "provider": "systemd_dbus" }, "shell_command": {}, "data_store": { "temperature_store_size": 1200, "gcode_store_size": 1000 }, "proc_stats": {}, "job_state": {}, "job_queue": { "load_on_startup": true, "automatic_transition": false, "job_transition_delay": 2, "job_transition_gcode": "\nM118 Transitioning to next job..." }, "http_client": {}, "announcements": { "dev_mode": false, "subscriptions": [] }, "authorization": { "login_timeout": 90, "force_logins": false, "cors_domains": [ "*.home", "http://my.mainsail.xyz", "http://app.fluidd.xyz", "*://localhost:*" ], "trusted_clients": [ "" ] }, "zeroconf": {}, "octoprint_compat": { "enable_ufp": true, "flip_h": false, "flip_v": false, "rotate_90": false, "stream_url": "/webcam/?action=stream", "webcam_enabled": true }, "history": {}, "secrets": { "secrets_path": "~/moonraker_secrets.ini" }, "mqtt": { "address": "eric-work.home", "port": 1883, "username": "{secrets.mqtt_credentials.username}", "password_file": null, "password": "{secrets.mqtt_credentials.password}", "mqtt_protocol": "v3.1.1", "instance_name": "pi-debugger", "default_qos": 0, "status_objects": { "webhooks": null, "toolhead": "position,print_time", "idle_timeout": "state", "gcode_macro M118": null }, "api_qos": 0, "enable_moonraker_api": true }, "template": {} }, "orig": { "DEFAULT": {}, "server": { "enable_debug_logging": "True", "max_upload_size": "210" }, "file_manager": { "config_path": "~/printer_config", "log_path": "~/logs", "queue_gcode_uploads": "True", "enable_object_processing": "True" }, "machine": { "provider": "systemd_dbus" }, "announcements": {}, "job_queue": { "job_transition_delay": "2.", "job_transition_gcode": "\nM118 Transitioning to next job...", "load_on_startup": "True" }, "authorization": { "trusted_clients": "\n192.168.1.0/24", "cors_domains": "\n*.home\nhttp://my.mainsail.xyz\nhttp://app.fluidd.xyz\n*://localhost:*" }, "zeroconf": {}, "octoprint_compat": {}, "history": {}, "secrets": { "secrets_path": "~/moonraker_secrets.ini" }, "mqtt": { "address": "eric-work.home", "port": "1883", "username": "{secrets.mqtt_credentials.username}", "password": "{secrets.mqtt_credentials.password}", "enable_moonraker_api": "True", "status_objects": "\nwebhooks\ntoolhead=position,print_time\nidle_timeout=state\ngcode_macro M118" } }, "files": [ { "filename": "moonraker.conf", "sections": [ "server", "file_manager", "machine", "announcements", "job_queue", "authorization", "zeroconf", "octoprint_compat", "history", "secrets" ] }, { "filename": "include/extras.conf", "sections": [ "mqtt" ] } ] } } ``` #### Request Cached Temperature Data HTTP request: ```http GET /server/temperature_store?include_monitors=false ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.temperature_store", "params": { "include_monitors": false }, "id": 2313 } ``` Parameters: - `include_monitors`: _Optional, defaults to `false`._ When set to `true` the response will include sensors reported as `temperature monitors` by Klipper. A temperature monitor may report `null` values in the `temperatures` field, applications should be sure that they are modified to handle this condition before setting `inlcude_monitors` to `true`. Returns: An object where the keys are the available temperature sensor names, and with the value being an array of stored temperatures. The array is updated every 1 second by default, containing a total of 1200 values (20 minutes). The array is organized from oldest temperature to most recent (left to right). Note that when the host starts each array is initialized to 0s. ```json { "extruder": { "temperatures": [21.05, 21.12, 21.1, 21.1, 21.1], "targets": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "powers": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }, "temperature_fan my_fan": { "temperatures": [21.05, 21.12, 21.1, 21.1, 21.1], "targets": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "speeds": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], }, "temperature_sensor my_sensor": { "temperatures": [21.05, 21.12, 21.1, 21.1, 21.1] } } ``` #### Request Cached GCode Responses HTTP request: ```http GET /server/gcode_store?count=100 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.gcode_store", "params": { "count": 100 }, "id": 7643} ``` The `count` argument is optional, limiting number of returned items in the response to the value specified. If omitted, the entire gcode store will be returned (up to 1000 responses). Returns: An object with the field `gcode_store` that contains an array of objects. Each object will contain `message`, `time`, and `type` fields. The `time` field is reported in Unix Time. The `type` field will either be `command` or `response`. ```json { "gcode_store": [ { "message": "FIRMWARE_RESTART", "time": 1615832299.1167388, "type": "command" }, { "message": "// Klipper state: Ready", "time": 1615832309.9977088, "type": "response" }, { "message": "M117 This is a test", "time": 1615834094.8662775, "type": "command" }, { "message": "G4 P1000", "time": 1615834098.761729, "type": "command" }, { "message": "STATUS", "time": 1615834104.2860553, "type": "command" }, { "message": "// Klipper state: Ready", "time": 1615834104.3299904, "type": "response" } ] } ``` #### Rollover Logs Requests a manual rollover for log files registered with Moonraker's log management facility. Currently these are limited to `moonraker.log` and `klippy.log`. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/logs/rollover Content-Type: application/json { "application": "moonraker" } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.logs.rollover", "params": { "application": "moonraker" }, "id": 4656 } ``` Parameters: - `application` - (Optional) The name of the application to rollover. Currently can be `moonraker` or `klipper`. The default is to rollover all logs. !!! Note Moonraker must be able to manage Klipper's systemd service to perform a manual rollover. The rollover will fail under the following conditions: - Moonraker cannot detect Klipper's systemd unit - Moonraker cannot detect the location of Klipper's files - A print is in progress Returns: An object in the following format: ```json { "rolled_over": [ "moonraker", "klipper" ], "failed": {} } ``` - `rolled_over` - An array of application names successfully rolled over. - `failed` - An object containing information about failed applications. The key will match an application name and its value will be an error message. #### Restart Server HTTP request: ```http POST /server/restart ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.restart", "id": 4656 } ``` Returns: `ok` upon receipt of the restart request. After the request is returns, the server will restart. Any existing connection will be disconnected. A restart will result in the creation of a new server instance where the configuration is reloaded. #### Identify Connection This method provides a way for persistent clients to identify themselves to Moonraker. This information may be used by Moonraker perform an action or present information based on if a specific client is connected. Currently this method is only available to websocket and unix socket connections. Once this endpoint returns success it cannot be called again, repeated calls will result in an error. HTTP request: `Not Available` JSON-RPC request (Websocket/Unix Socket Only): ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.connection.identify", "params": { "client_name": "moontest", "version": "0.0.1", "type": "web", "url": "http://github.com/arksine/moontest", "access_token": "", "api_key": "" }, "id": 4656 } ``` Parameters: - `client_name`: (required) The name of your client, such as `Mainsail`, `Fluidd`, `KlipperScreen`, `MoonCord`, etc. - `version`: (required) The current version of the connected client - `type`: (required) Application type. May be one of `web`, `mobile`, `desktop`, `display`, `bot`, `agent` or `other`. These should be self explanatory, use `other` if your client does not fit any of the prescribed options. - `url`: (required) The url for your client's homepage - `access_token`: (optional) A JSON Web Token that may be used to assign a logged in user to the connection. See the [authorization](#authorization) section for APIs used to create and refresh the access token. - `api_key`:. (optional) The system API Key. This key may be used to grant access to clients that do not wish to implement user authentication. Note that if the `access_token` is also supplied then this parameter will be ignored. !!! Note When identifying as an `agent`, only one instance should be connected to Moonraker at a time. If multiple agents of the same `client_name` attempt to identify themselves this endpoint will return an error. See the [extension APIs](#extension-apis) for more information about `agents`. Returns: The connection's unique identifier. ```json { "connection_id": 1730367696 } ``` #### Get Websocket ID !!! Warning This method is deprecated. Please use the [identify endpoint](#identify-connection) to retrieve the Websocket's UID HTTP request: `Not Available` JSON-RPC request (Websocket/Unix Socket Only): ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.websocket.id", "id": 4656 } ``` Returns: The connected websocket's unique identifier. ```json { "websocket_id": 1730367696 } ``` #### JSON-RPC over HTTP Exposes the JSON-RPC interface over HTTP. All JSON-RPC methods with corresponding HTTP APIs are available. Methods exclusive to other transports, such as [Identify Connection](#identify-connection), are not available. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/jsonrpc Content-Type: application/json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.info", "id": 5153 } ``` !!! Note If authentication is required it must be part of the HTTP request, either using the API Key Header (`X-Api-Key`) or JWT Bearer Token. Returns: The full JSON-RPC response. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 5153, "result": { "state": "ready", "state_message": "Printer is ready", "hostname": "my-pi-hostname", "software_version": "v0.9.1-302-g900c7396", "cpu_info": "4 core ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)", "klipper_path": "/home/pi/klipper", "python_path": "/home/pi/klippy-env/bin/python", "log_file": "/tmp/klippy.log", "config_file": "/home/pi/printer.cfg", } } ``` !!! Note This request will never return an HTTP error. When an error is encountered a JSON-RPC error response will be returned. ### Printer Administration #### Get Klippy host information HTTP Request: ```http GET /printer/info ``` JSON-RPC Request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.info", "id": 5445 } ``` Returns: An object containing the build version, cpu info, Klippy's current state. ```json { "state": "ready", "state_message": "Printer is ready", "hostname": "my-pi-hostname", "software_version": "v0.9.1-302-g900c7396", "cpu_info": "4 core ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)", "klipper_path": "/home/pi/klipper", "python_path": "/home/pi/klippy-env/bin/python", "log_file": "/tmp/klippy.log", "config_file": "/home/pi/printer.cfg", } ``` #### Emergency Stop HTTP request: ```http POST /printer/emergency_stop ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.emergency_stop", "id": 4564 } ``` !!! note This endpoint will immediately halt the printer and put it in a "shutdown" state. It should be used to implement an "emergency stop" button and also used if a user enters `M112`(emergency stop) via a console. Returns: `ok` #### Host Restart HTTP request: ```http POST /printer/restart ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.restart", "id": 4894 } ``` Returns: `ok` #### Firmware Restart HTTP request: ```http POST /printer/firmware_restart ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.firmware_restart", "id": 8463 } ``` Returns: `ok` ### Printer Status #### List available printer objects HTTP request: ```http GET /printer/objects/list ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.objects.list", "id": 1454 } ``` Returns: An array of "printer objects" that are currently available for query or subscription. This list will be passed in an `objects` parameter. ```json { "objects": ["gcode", "toolhead", "bed_mesh", "configfile",...] } ``` #### Query printer object status HTTP request: ```http GET /printer/objects/query?gcode_move&toolhead&extruder=target,temperature ``` The above will request a status update for all `gcode_move` and `toolhead` attributes. Only the `temperature` and `target` attributes are requested for the `extruder`. JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.objects.query", "params": { "objects": { "gcode_move": null, "toolhead": ["position", "status"] } }, "id": 4654 } ``` !!! note A `null` value will fetch all available attributes for its key. Returns: An object where the top level items are "eventtime" and "status". The "status" item contains data about the requested update. ```json { "eventtime": 578243.57824499, "status": { "gcode_move": { "absolute_coordinates": true, "absolute_extrude": true, "extrude_factor": 1, "gcode_position": [0, 0, 0, 0], "homing_origin": [0, 0, 0, 0], "position": [0, 0, 0, 0], "speed": 1500, "speed_factor": 1, }, "toolhead": { "position": [0, 0, 0, 0], "status": "Ready" } } } ``` See [Klipper's status reference](https://www.klipper3d.org/Status_Reference.html) for details on the printer objects available for query. #### Subscribe to printer object status HTTP request: ```http POST /printer/objects/subscribe?connection_id=123456789&gcode_move&extruder` ``` !!! note The HTTP API requires that a `connection_id` is passed via the query string or as part of the form. This should be the [ID reported](#get-websocket-id) from a currently connected websocket. A request that includes only the `connection_id` argument will cancel the subscription on the specified websocket. This request is not available over MQTT as it can not be set per client. Instead MQTT can publish printer status by setting the `status_objects` option in the `[mqtt]` section. JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.objects.subscribe", "params": { "objects": { "gcode_move": null, "toolhead": ["position", "status"] } }, "id": 5434 } ``` !!! note If `objects` is set to an empty object then the subscription will be cancelled. Returns: Status data for objects in the request, with the format matching that of the `/printer/objects/query`: ```json { "eventtime": 578243.57824499, "status": { "gcode_move": { "absolute_coordinates": true, "absolute_extrude": true, "extrude_factor": 1, "gcode_position": [0, 0, 0, 0], "homing_origin": [0, 0, 0, 0], "position": [0, 0, 0, 0], "speed": 1500, "speed_factor": 1, }, "toolhead": { "position": [0, 0, 0, 0], "status": "Ready" } } } ``` See [Klipper's status reference](https://www.klipper3d.org/Status_Reference.html) for details on the printer objects available for subscription. Status updates for subscribed objects are sent asynchronously over the websocket. See the [notify_status_update](#subscriptions) notification for details. #### Query Endstops HTTP request: ```http GET /printer/query_endstops/status ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.query_endstops.status", "id": 3456 } ``` Returns: An object containing the current endstop state, where each field is an endstop identifier, with a string value of "open" or "TRIGGERED". ```json { "x": "TRIGGERED", "y": "open", "z": "open" } ``` ### GCode APIs #### Run a gcode: HTTP request: ```http POST /printer/gcode/script?script=G28 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.gcode.script", "params": { "script": "G28" }, "id": 7466} ``` !!! warning When `M112`(emergency stop) is requested via this endpoint it will not immediately stop the printer. `M112` will be placed on the gcode queue and executed after all previous gcodes are complete. If a client detects `M112` via user input (such as a console) it should request the `/printer/emergency_stop` endpoint to immediately halt the printer. This may be done in addition to sending the `M112` gcode if desired. Returns: `ok` when the gcode has completed execution. #### Get GCode Help HTTP request: ```http GET /printer/gcode/help ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.gcode.help", "id": 4645 } ``` Returns: An object where they keys are gcode handlers and values are the associated help strings. Note that help strings are not available for default gcode handlers such as G1, G28, etc, nor are they available for extended handlers that failed to register a description in Klippy. ```json { "RESTORE_GCODE_STATE": "Restore a previously saved G-Code state", "PID_CALIBRATE": "Run PID calibration test", "QUERY_ADC": "Report the last value of an analog pin", "TUNING_TOWER": "Tool to adjust a parameter at each Z height", "SAVE_CONFIG": "Overwrite config file and restart", "SET_DISPLAY_GROUP": "Set the active display group", "SAVE_GCODE_STATE": "Save G-Code coordinate state", "SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE": "Set pressure advance parameters", "SET_GCODE_OFFSET": "Set a virtual offset to g-code positions", "BED_TILT_CALIBRATE": "Bed tilt calibration script", ... } ``` ### Print Management #### Print a file HTTP request: ```http POST /printer/print/start?filename=test_print.gcode ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.print.start", "params": { "filename": "test_pring.gcode" }, "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: `ok` #### Pause a print HTTP request: ```http POST /printer/print/pause ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.print.pause", "id": 4564 } ``` Returns: `ok` #### Resume a print HTTP request: ```http POST /printer/print/resume ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.print.resume", "id": 1465 } ``` Returns: `ok` #### Cancel a print HTTP request: ```http POST /printer/print/cancel ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.print.cancel", "id": 2578 } ``` Returns: `ok` ### Machine Commands #### Get System Info HTTP request: ```http GET /machine/system_info ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.system_info", "id": 4665 } ``` Returns: Information about the host system in the following format: ```json { "system_info": { "cpu_info": { "cpu_count": 4, "bits": "32bit", "processor": "armv7l", "cpu_desc": "ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)", "serial_number": "b898bdb4", "hardware_desc": "BCM2835", "model": "Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2", "total_memory": 945364, "memory_units": "kB" }, "sd_info": { "manufacturer_id": "03", "manufacturer": "Sandisk", "oem_id": "5344", "product_name": "SU32G", "product_revision": "8.0", "serial_number": "46ba46", "manufacturer_date": "4/2018", "capacity": "29.7 GiB", "total_bytes": 31914983424 }, "distribution": { "name": "Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)", "id": "raspbian", "version": "10", "version_parts": { "major": "10", "minor": "", "build_number": "" }, "like": "debian", "codename": "buster" }, "available_services": [ "klipper", "klipper_mcu", "moonraker" ], "instance_ids": { "moonraker": "moonraker", "klipper": "klipper" }, "service_state": { "klipper": { "active_state": "active", "sub_state": "running" }, "klipper_mcu": { "active_state": "active", "sub_state": "running" }, "moonraker": { "active_state": "active", "sub_state": "running" } }, "virtualization": { "virt_type": "none", "virt_identifier": "none" }, "python": { "version": [ 3, 7, 3, "final", 0 ], "version_string": "3.7.3 (default, Jan 22 2021, 20:04:44) [GCC 8.3.0]" }, "network": { "wlan0": { "mac_address": "", "ip_addresses": [ { "family": "ipv4", "address": "", "is_link_local": false }, { "family": "ipv6", "address": "", "is_link_local": false }, { "family": "ipv6", "address": "fe80::", "is_link_local": true } ] } }, "canbus": { "can0": { "tx_queue_len": 128, "bitrate": 500000, "driver": "mcp251x" }, "can1": { "tx_queue_len": 128, "bitrate": 500000, "driver": "gs_usb" } } } } ``` !!! note If no SD Card is detected the `sd_info` field will contain an empty object. #### Shutdown the Operating System HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/shutdown ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.shutdown", "id": 4665 } ``` Returns: This request will not return. The machine will shutdown and the socket connection will drop. #### Reboot the Operating System HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/reboot ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.reboot", "id": 4665 } ``` Returns: This request will not return. The machine will reboot and the socket connection will drop. #### Restart a system service Uses: `sudo systemctl restart {name}` Services allowed: * `crowsnest` * `MoonCord` * `moonraker` * `moonraker-telegram-bot` * `klipper` * `KlipperScreen` * `sonar` * `webcamd` HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/services/restart?service={name} ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.services.restart", "params": { "service": "{name}" }, "id": 4656} ``` Returns: `ok` when complete. !!! note If `moonraker` is chosen, the return value will be sent prior to the service restart. #### Stop a system service Stops a system service via `sudo systemctl stop `. Currently only `webcamd` and `klipper` are supported. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/services/stop?service={name} ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.services.stop", "params": { "service": "{name}" }, "id": 4645 } ``` Returns: `ok` #### Start a system service Starts a system service via `sudo systemctl start `. Currently only `webcamd` and `klipper` are supported. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/services/start?service={name} ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.services.start", "params": { "service": "{name}" }, "id": 4645 } ``` Returns: `ok` #### Get Moonraker Process Stats Returns system usage information about the moonraker process. HTTP request: ```http GET /machine/proc_stats ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.proc_stats", "id": 7896 } ``` Returns: An object in the following format: ```json { "moonraker_stats": [ { "time": 1626612666.850755, "cpu_usage": 2.66, "memory": 24732, "mem_units": "kB" }, { "time": 1626612667.8521338, "cpu_usage": 2.62, "memory": 24732, "mem_units": "kB" } ], "throttled_state": { "bits": 0, "flags": [] }, "cpu_temp": 45.622, "network": { "lo": { "rx_bytes": 113516429, "tx_bytes": 113516429, "bandwidth": 3342.68 }, "wlan0": { "rx_bytes": 48471767, "tx_bytes": 113430843, "bandwidth": 4455.91 } }, "system_cpu_usage": { "cpu": 2.53, "cpu0": 3.03, "cpu1": 5.1, "cpu2": 1.02, "cpu3": 1 }, "system_uptime": 2876970.38089603, "websocket_connections": 4 } ``` Process information is sampled every second. The `moonraker_stats` field will return up to 30 samples, each sample with the following fields: - `time`: Time of the sample (in seconds since the Epoch) - `cpu_usage`: A floating point value between 0-100, representing the CPU usage of the Moonraker process. - `memory`: Integer value representing the current amount of memory allocated in RAM (resident set size). - `mem_units`: A string identifying the units of the value in the `memory` field. This is typically "kB", but not guaranteed. If the system running Moonraker supports `vcgencmd` then Moonraker will check the current throttled flags via `vcgencmd get_throttled` and report them in the `throttled_state` field: - `bits`: An integer value that represents the bits reported by `vcgencmd get_throttled` - `flags`: Descriptive flags parsed out of the bits. One or more of the following flags may be reported: - "Under-Voltage Detected" - "Frequency Capped" - "Currently Throttled" - "Temperature Limit Active" - "Previously Under-Volted" - "Previously Frequency Capped" - "Previously Throttled" - "Previously Temperature Limited" The first four flags indicate an active throttling condition, whereas the last four indicate a previous condition (may or may not still be active). If `vcgencmd` is not available `throttled_state` will report `null`. If the system reports CPU temp at `/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0` then temperature will be supplied in the `cpu_temp` field. Otherwise the field will be set to `null`. If the system reports network statistics at `/proc/net/dev` then the `network` field will contain network statistics. All available interfaces will be tracked. Each interface reports the following fields: - `rx_bytes`: total number of bytes received over the interface - `tx_bytes`: total number of bytes transferred over the interface - `bandwidth`: estimated current bandwidth used (both rx and tx) in bytes/second If network information is not available then the `network` field will contain an empty object. If the system reports cpu usage at `/proc/stat` then the `system_cpu_usage` field will contain an object with cpu usage data. The `cpu` field of this object reports total cpu usage, while each `cpuX` field is usage per core. The `websocket_connections` field reports the number of active websockets currently connected to moonraker. #### Get Sudo Info Retrieve sudo information status. Optionally checks if Moonraker has permission to run commands as root. HTTP request: ```http GET /machine/sudo/info?check_access=false ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.sudo.info", "params": { "check_access": false }, "id": 7896 } ``` Parameters: - `check_access`: A boolean value, when set to `true` Moonraker will attempt to run a command with elevated permissions. The result will be returned in the `sudo_access` field of the response. Defaults to `false`. Returns: An object in the following format: ```json { "sudo_access": null, "linux_user": "pi", "sudo_requested": false, "request_messages": [] } ``` - `sudo_access`: The result of a request to check access. Returns `true` if Moonraker has sudo permission, `false` if it does not, and `null` if `check_access` is `false`. - `linux_user`: The current linux user running Moonraker. - `sudo_requested`: Returns true if Moonraker is currently requesting sudo access. - `request_messages`: An array of strings, each string describing a pending sudo request. The array will be empty if no sudo requests are pending. #### Set sudo password Sets/updates the sudo password currently used by Moonraker. When the password is set using this endpoint the change is not persistent across restarts. If Moonraker has one or more pending sudo requests they will be processed. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/sudo/password Content-Type: application/json { "password": "linux_user_password" } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.sudo.password", "params": { "password": "linux_user_password" }, "id": 7896 } ``` Parameters: - `password`: The linux user password used to grant elevated permission. This parameter must be provided. Returns: An object in the following format: ```json { "sudo_responses": [ "Sudo password successfully set." ], "is_restarting": false } ``` - `sudo_responses`: An array of one or more sudo responses. If there are pending sudo requests each request will provide a response. - `is_restarting`: A boolean value indicating that a sudo request prompted Moonraker to restart its service. This request will return an error if the supplied password is incorrect or if any pending sudo requests fail. ### File Operations Most file operations are available over both APIs, however file upload and file download are currently only available via HTTP APIs. Moonraker organizes local directories into "roots". For example, gcodes are located at `http:\\host\server\files\gcodes\*`, otherwise known as the "gcodes" root. The following roots are available: - gcodes - config - config_examples (read-only) - docs (read-only) Write operations (upload, delete, make directory, remove directory) are only available on the `gcodes` and `config` roots. Note that the `config` root is only available if the `config_path` option has been set in Moonraker's configuration. #### List available files Walks through a directory and fetches all files. All file names include a path relative to the specified `root`. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/files/list?root={root_folder} ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.files.list", "params": { "root": "{root_folder}" }, "id": 4644 } ``` !!! tip If the `root` argument is omitted the request will default to the `gcodes` root. !!! note The `gcodes` root will only return files with valid gcode extensions. Returns: A list of objects, where each object contains file data. ```json [ { "path": "3DBenchy_0.15mm_PLA_MK3S_2h6m.gcode", "modified": 1615077020.2025201, "size": 4926481, "permissions": "rw" }, { "path": "Shape-Box_0.2mm_PLA_Ender2_20m.gcode", "modified": 1614910966.946807, "size": 324236, "permissions": "rw" }, { "path": "test_dir/A-Wing.gcode", "modified": 1605202259, "size": 1687387, "permissions": "rw" }, { "path": "test_dir/CE2_CubeTest.gcode", "modified": 1614644445.4025, "size": 1467339, "permissions": "rw" }, { "path": "test_dir/V350_Engine_Block_-_2_-_Scaled.gcode", "modified": 1615768477.5133543, "size": 189713016, "permissions": "rw" }, ] ``` #### List registered roots Reports all "root" directories registered with Moonraker. Information such as location on disk and permissions are included. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/files/roots ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.files.roots", "id": 4644 } ``` Returns: A list of objects, where each object contains file data: ```json [ { "name": "config", "path": "/home/pi/printer_data/config", "permissions": "rw" }, { "name": "logs", "path": "/home/pi/printer_data/logs", "permissions": "r" }, { "name": "gcodes", "path": "/home/pi/printer_data/gcodes", "permissions": "rw" }, { "name": "config_examples", "path": "/home/pi/klipper/config", "permissions": "r" }, { "name": "docs", "path": "/home/pi/klipper/docs", "permissions": "r" } ] ``` #### Get GCode Metadata Get metadata for a specified gcode file. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/files/metadata?filename={filename} ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.files.metadata", "params": { "filename": "{filename}" }, "id": 3545 } ``` Parameters: - `filename`: Path to the gcode file, relative to the `gcodes` root. For example, if the file is located at `http://host/server/files/gcodes/tools/drill_head.gcode`, the `filename` should be specified as `tools/drill_head.gcode` Returns: Metadata for the requested file if it exists. If any fields failed parsing they will be omitted. The metadata will always include the file name, modified time, and size. ```json { "print_start_time": null, "job_id": null, "size": 4926481, "modified": 1615077020.2025201, "slicer": "SuperSlicer", "slicer_version": "2.2.52", "layer_height": 0.15, "first_layer_height": 0.2, "object_height": 48.05, "filament_total": 4056.4, "estimated_time": 7569, "thumbnails": [ { "width": 32, "height": 32, "size": 2596, "relative_path": ".thumbs/3DBenchy_0.15mm_PLA_MK3S_2h6m-32x32.png" }, { "width": 400, "height": 300, "size": 73308, "relative_path": ".thumbs/3DBenchy_0.15mm_PLA_MK3S_2h6m-400x300.png" } ], "first_layer_bed_temp": 60, "first_layer_extr_temp": 215, "gcode_start_byte": 79451, "gcode_end_byte": 4915668, "filename": "3DBenchy_0.15mm_PLA_MK3S_2h6m.gcode" } ``` !!! Note The `print_start_time` and `job_id` fields are initialized to `null`. They will be updated for each print job if the user has the `[history]` component configured #### Scan GCode Metadata Initiate a metadata scan for a selected file. If the file has already been scanned the endpoint will force a rescan HTTP request: ```http GET /server/files/metascan?filename={filename} ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.files.metascan", "params": { "filename": "{filename}" }, "id": 3545 } ``` Parameters: - `filename`: Path to the gcode file, relative to the `gcodes` root. For example, if the file is located at `http://host/server/files/gcodes/tools/drill_head.gcode`, the `filename` should be specified as `tools/drill_head.gcode` Returns: - An object containing the metadata resulting from the scan, matching the return value of the [Get Metdata Endpoint](#get-gcode-metadata). #### Get GCode Thumbnails Returns thumbnail information for a supplied gcode file. If no thumbnail information is available HTTP request: ```http GET /server/files/thumbnails?filename={filename} ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.files.thumbnails", "params": { "filename": "{filename}" }, "id": 3545 } ``` Parameters: - `filename`: Path to the gcode file, relative to the `gcodes` root. For example, if the file is located at `http://host/server/files/gcodes/tools/drill_head.gcode`, the `filename` should be specified as `tools/drill_head.gcode` Returns: An array of objects containing thumbnail information. If no thumbnail information exists for the specified file then the returned array wil be empty. ```json [ { "width": 32, "height": 32, "size": 1551, "thumbnail_path": "test/.thumbs/CE2_FanCover-120mm-Mesh-32x32.png" }, { "width": 300, "height": 300, "size": 31819, "thumbnail_path": "test/.thumbs/CE2_FanCover-120mm-Mesh.png" } ] ``` !!! Note This information is the same as reported in the `thumbnails` field of a [metadata](#get-gcode-metadata) object, with one exception. The `thumbnail_path` field in the result above contains a path relative to the `gcodes` root, whereas the `relative_path` field reported in the metadata is relative to the gcode file's parent folder. #### Get directory information Returns a list of files and subdirectories given a supplied path. Unlike `/server/files/list`, this command does not walk through subdirectories. This request will return all files in a directory, including files in the `gcodes` root that do not have a valid gcode extension. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/files/directory?path=gcodes/my_subdir&extended=true ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.files.get_directory", "params": { "path": "gcodes/my_subdir", "extended": true }, "id": 5644 } ``` !!! tip If the `path` argument is omitted then the command will return directory information from the `gcodes` root. The `extended` argument is optional and defaults to false. If supplied and set to true then data returned for gcode files will also include metadata (if available). Returns: An object containing file and subdirectory information in the following format: ```json { "dirs": [ { "modified": 1615768162.0412788, "size": 4096, "permissions": "rw", "dirname": "test" }, { "modified": 1613569827.489749, "size": 4096, "permissions": "rw", "dirname": "Cura" }, { "modified": 1615767459.6265886, "size": 4096, "permissions": "rw", "dirname": "thumbs" } ], "files": [ { "modified": 1615578004.9639666, "size": 7300692, "permissions": "rw", "filename": "Funnel_0.2mm_PLA_Ender2_2h4m.gcode" }, { "modified": 1589156863.9726968, "size": 4214831, "permissions": "rw", "filename": "CE2_Pi3_A+_CaseLID.gcode" }, { "modified": 1615030592.7722695, "size": 2388774, "permissions": "rw", "filename": "CE2_calicat.gcode" }, ], "disk_usage": { "total": 7522213888, "used": 4280369152, "free": 2903625728 }, "root_info": { "name": "gcodes", "permissions": "rw" } } ``` #### Create directory Creates a directory at the specified path. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/files/directory?path=gcodes/my_new_dir ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.files.post_directory", "params": { "path": "gcodes/my_new_dir" }, "id": 6548 } ``` Returns: Information about the created directory ```json { "item": { "path": "my_new_dir", "root": "gcodes", "modified": 1676983427.3732708, "size": 4096, "permissions": "rw" }, "action": "create_dir" } ``` #### Delete directory Deletes a directory at the specified path. HTTP request: ```http DELETE /server/files/directory?path=gcodes/my_subdir&force=false ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.files.delete_directory", "params": { "path": "gcodes/my_subdir", "force": false }, "id": 6545 } ``` !!! warning If the specified directory contains files then the delete request will fail unless the `force` argument is set to `true`. Returns: Information about the deleted directory ```json { "item": { "path": "my_subdir", "root": "gcodes", "modified": 0, "size": 0, "permissions": "" }, "action": "delete_dir" } ``` #### Move a file or directory Moves a file or directory from one location to another. The following conditions must be met for a move successful move: - The source must exist - The user (typically "pi") must have the appropriate file permissions - Neither the source nor destination can be loaded by the `virtual_sdcard`. If the source is a directory, it must not contain a file loaded by the `virtual_sdcard`. When specifying the `source` and `dest`, the `root` directory should be prefixed. Currently the only supported roots for `dest` are `gcodes`" and `config`". This API may also be used to rename a file or directory. Be aware that an attempt to rename a directory to a directory that already exists will result in *moving* the source directory into the destination directory. Also be aware that renaming a file to a file that already exists will result in overwriting the existing file. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/files/move?source=gcodes/testdir/my_file.gcode&dest=gcodes/subdir/my_file.gcode ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.files.move", "params": { "source": "gcodes/testdir/my_file.gcode", "dest": "gcodes/subdir/my_file.gcode" }, "id": 5664 } ``` Returns: Information about the moved file or directory ```json { "result": { "item": { "root": "gcodes", "path": "subdir/my_file.gcode", "modified": 1676940082.8595376, "size": 384096, "permissions": "rw" }, "source_item": { "path": "testdir/my_file.gcode", "root": "gcodes" }, "action": "move_file" } } ``` !!! Note The `item` field contains file info for the destination. The `source_item` contains the `path` and `root` the item was moved from. The `action` field will be `move_file` if the source is a file or `move_dir` if the source is a directory. #### Copy a file or directory Copies a file or directory from one location to another. A successful copy has the prerequisites as a move with one exception, a copy may complete if the source file or directory is loaded by the `virtual_sdcard`. As with the move API, the `source` and `dest` should have the root prefixed to the path. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/files/copy?source=gcodes/my_file.gcode&dest=gcodes/subdir/my_file.gcode ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.files.copy", "params": { "source": "gcodes/my_file.gcode", "dest": "gcodes/subdir/my_file.gcode" }, "id": 5623 } ``` Returns: Information about the copied file or directory ```json { "item": { "root": "gcodes", "path": "subdir/my_file.gcode", "modified": 1676940082.8595376, "size": 384096, "permissions": "rw" }, "action": "create_file" } ``` !!! Note The `item` field contains file info for the destination. The `action` field will be `create_file` if a new file was created, `modify_file` if an exiting file was overwitten, or `create_dir` if an entire directory was copied. #### Create a ZIP archive Creates a `zip` file consisting of one or more files. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/files/zip Content-Type: application/json { "dest": "config/errorlogs.zip", "items": [ "config/printer.cfg", "logs", "gcodes/subfolder" ], "store_only": false } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.files.zip", "params": { "dest": "config/errorlogs.zip", "items": [ "config/printer.cfg", "logs", "gcodes/subfolder" ], "store_only": false }, "id": 5623 } ``` Parameters: - `dest` - (Optional) - Relative path to the destination zip. The first element of the path must be valid `root` with write access. If the path contains subfolders the parent folder must exist. The default is `config/collection-{timestamp}.zip`, where `{timestamp}` is generated based on the localtime. - `items` - (Required) - An array of relative paths containing files and or folders to include in the archive. Each item must meet the following requirements: - The first element of the item must be a registered `root` with read access. - Each item must point to a valid file or folder. - Moonraker must have permission to read the specified files and/or directories. - If the path is to a directory then all files with read permissions are included. Subfolders are not included recursively. - `store_only` - (Optional) - If set to `true` then the archive will not compress its contents. Otherwise the traditional `deflation` algorithm is used to compress the archives contents. The default is `false`. Returns: An object in the following format: ```json { "destination": { "root": "config", "path": "errorlogs.zip", "modified": 1676984423.8892415, "size": 420, "permissions": "rw" }, "action": "zip_files" } ``` - `destination` - an object containing the destination `root` and a path to the file relative to the root. - `action` - The file action, will be `zip_files` #### File download Retrieves file `filename` at root `root`. The `filename` must include the relative path if it is not in the root folder. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/files/{root}/{filename} ``` JSON-RPC request: Not Available Returns: The requested file #### File upload Upload a file. Currently files may be uploaded to the `gcodes` or `config` roots, with `gcodes` being the default. If one wishes to upload to a subdirectory, the path may be added to the upload's file name (relative to the root). If the directory does not exist an error will be returned. Alternatively, the `path` form argument may be set, as explained below. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/files/upload` Content-Type: multipart/form-data ------FormBoundaryemap3PkuvKX0B3HH Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="myfile.gcode" Content-Type: application/octet-stream ------FormBoundaryemap3PkuvKX0B3HH-- ``` The file must be uploaded in the request's body `multipart/form-data` (ie: ``). The following arguments may also be added to the form-data: - `root`: The root location in which to upload the file. Currently this may be `gcodes` or `config`. If not specified the default is `gcodes`. - `path`: This argument may contain a path (relative to the root) indicating a subdirectory to which the file is written. If a `path` is present the server will attempt to create any subdirectories that do not exist. - `checksum`: A SHA256 hex digest calculated by the client for the uploaded file. If this argument is supplied the server will compare it to its own checksum calculation after the upload has completed. A checksum mismatch will result in a 422 error. Arguments available only for the `gcodes` root: - `print`: If set to "true", Klippy will attempt to start the print after uploading. Note that this value should be a string type, not boolean. This provides compatibility with OctoPrint's upload API. JSON-RPC request: Not Available Returns: Information about the uploaded file. Note that `print_started` is only included when the supplied root is set to `gcodes`. ```json { "item": { "path": "Lock Body Shim 1mm_0.2mm_FLEX_MK3S_2h30m.gcode", "root": "gcodes", "modified": 1676984527.636818, "size": 71973, "permissions": "rw" }, "print_started": false, "print_queued": false, "action": "create_file" } ``` #### File delete Delete a file in the requested root. If the file exists in a subdirectory, its relative path must be part of the `{filename}` argument. HTTP request: ```http DELETE /server/files/{root}/{filename} ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.files.delete_file", "params": { "path": "{root}/{filename}" }, "id": 1323 } ``` Returns: Information about the deleted file ```json { "item": { "path": "Lock Body Shim 1mm_0.2mm_FLEX_MK3S_2h30m.gcode", "root": "gcodes", "size": 0, "modified": 0, "permissions": "" }, "action": "delete_file" } ``` #### Download klippy.log !!! Note Logs are now available in the `logs` root. Front ends should consider presenting all available logs using "file manager" type of UI. That said, If Klipper has not been configured to write logs in the `logs` root then this endpoint is available as a fallback. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/files/klippy.log ``` JSON-RPC request: Not Available Returns: The requested file #### Download moonraker.log !!! Note Logs are now available in the `logs` root. Front ends should consider presenting all available logs using "file manager" type of UI. That said, If Moonraker has not been configured to write logs in the `logs` root then this endpoint is available as a fallback. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/files/moonraker.log ``` JSON-RPC request: Not Available Returns: The requested file ### Authorization The Authorization endpoints are enabled when the user has the `[authorization]` component configured in `moonraker.conf`. Untrusted clients must use either a JSON Web Token or an API key to access Moonraker's HTTP APIs. JWTs should be included in the `Authorization` header as a `Bearer` type for each HTTP request. If using an API Key it should be included in the `X-Api-Key` header for each HTTP Request. Websocket authentication can be achieved via the request itself or post connection. Unlike HTTP requests it is not necessasry to pass a token and/or API Key to each request. The [identify connection](#identify-connection) endpoint takes optional `access_token` and `api_key` parameters that may be used to authentiate a user already logged in, otherwise the `login` API may be used for authentication. Websocket connections will stay authenticated until the connection is closed or the user logs out. !!! note ECMAScript imposes limitations on certain requests that prohibit the developer from modifying the HTTP headers (ie: The request to open a websocket, "download" requests that open a dialog). In these cases it is recommended for the developer to request a `oneshot_token`, then send the result via the `token` query string argument in the desired request. !!! warning It is strongly recommended that arguments for the below APIs are passed in the request's body. #### Login User HTTP Request: ```http POST /access/login Content-Type: application/json { "username": "my_user", "password": "my_password", "source": "moonraker" } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "access.login", "params": { "username": "my_user", "password": "my_password", "source": "moonraker" }, "id": 1323 } ``` Arguments: - `username`: The user login name. This argument is required. - `password`: The user password. This arugment is required. - `source`: The authentication source. Can be `moonraker` or `ldap`. The default is `moonraker`. Returns: An object the logged in username, auth token, refresh token, and action summary: ```json { "username": "my_user", "token": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiAiTW9vbnJha2VyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2MTg4NzY4MDAuNDgxNjU1LCAiZXhwIjogMTYxODg4MDQwMC40ODE2NTUsICJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJteV91c2VyIiwgInRva2VuX3R5cGUiOiAiYXV0aCJ9.QdieeEskrU0FrH7rXKuPDSZxscM54kV_vH60uJqdU9g", "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiAiTW9vbnJha2VyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2MTg4NzY4MDAuNDgxNzUxNCwgImV4cCI6IDE2MjY2NTI4MDAuNDgxNzUxNCwgInVzZXJuYW1lIjogIm15X3VzZXIiLCAidG9rZW5fdHlwZSI6ICJyZWZyZXNoIn0.btJF0LJfymInhGJQ2xvPwkp2dFUqwgcw4OA_wE-EcCM", "action": "user_logged_in", "source": "moonraker" } ``` - The `token` field is a JSON Web Token used to authorize the user. It should be included in the `Authorization` header as a `Bearer` type for all HTTP requests. The `token` expires after 1 hour. - The `refresh_token` field contains a JWT that can be used to generate new tokens after they are expire. See the [refresh token section](#refresh-json-web-token) for details. !!! Note This endpoint may be accessed by unauthorized clients. A 401 would only be returned if the authentication failed. #### Logout Current User HTTP Request: ```http POST /access/logout ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "access.logout", "id": 1323 } ``` Returns: An object containing the logged out username and action summary. ```json { "username": "my_user", "action": "user_logged_out" } ``` #### Get Current User HTTP Request: ```http GET /access/user ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "access.get_user", "id": 1323 } ``` Returns: An object containing the currently logged in user name, the source and the date on which the user was created (in unix time). ```json { "username": "my_user", "source": "moonraker", "created_on": 1618876783.8896716 } ``` #### Create User HTTP Request: ```http POST /access/user Content-Type: application/json { "username": "my_user", "password": "my_password" } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "access.post_user", "params": { "username": "my_user", "password": "my_password" }, "id": 1323 } ``` Returns: An object containing the created user name, an auth token, a refresh token, the source, and an action summary. Creating a user also effectively logs the user in. ```json { "username": "my_user", "token": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiAiTW9vbnJha2VyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2MTg4NzY3ODMuODkxNjE5LCAiZXhwIjogMTYxODg4MDM4My44OTE2MTksICJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJteV91c2VyIiwgInRva2VuX3R5cGUiOiAiYXV0aCJ9.oH0IShTL7mdlVs4kcx3BIs_-1j0Oe-qXezJKjo-9Xgo", "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiAiTW9vbnJha2VyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2MTg4NzY3ODMuODkxNzAyNCwgImV4cCI6IDE2MjY2NTI3ODMuODkxNzAyNCwgInVzZXJuYW1lIjogIm15X3VzZXIiLCAidG9rZW5fdHlwZSI6ICJyZWZyZXNoIn0.a6ZeRjk8RQQJDDH0JV-qGY_d_HIgfI3XpsqUlUaFT7c", "source": "moonraker", "action": "user_created" } ``` !!! note Unlike `/access/login`, `/access/user` is a protected endpoint. To create a new user a client must either be trusted, use the API Key, or be logged in as another user. #### Delete User Deletes a registered user. !!! note A request to delete a user MUST come from an authorized source other than the account to be deleted. This can be a "trusted user", the "api key user", or any other user account. HTTP Request: ```http DELETE /access/user Content-Type: application/json { "username": "my_username" } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "access.delete_user", "params": { "username": "my_username" }, "id": 1323 } ``` Returns: The username of the deleted user and an action summary. This effectively logs the user out, as all outstanding tokens will be invalid. ```json { "username": "my_user", "action": "user_deleted" } ``` #### List Available Users HTTP Request: ```http GET /access/users/list ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "access.users.list", "id": 1323 } ``` Returns: A list of created users on the system ```json { "users": [ { "username": "testuser", "source": "moonraker", "created_on": 1618771331.1685035 }, { "username": "testuser2", "source": "ldap", "created_on": 1620943153.0191233 } ] } ``` #### Reset User Password HTTP Request: ```http POST /access/user/password Content-Type: application/json { "password": "my_current_password", "new_password": "my_new_pass" } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "access.user.password", "params": { "password": "my_current_password", "new_password": "my_new_pass" }, "id": 1323 } ``` Returns: The username and action summary. ```json { "username": "my_user", "action": "user_password_reset" } ``` #### Refresh JSON Web Token This endpoint can be used to refresh an expired auth token. If this request returns an error then the refresh token is no longer valid and the user must login with their credentials. HTTP Request: ```http POST /access/refresh_jwt Content-Type: application/json { "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiAiTW9vbnJha2VyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2MTg4Nzc0ODUuNzcyMjg5OCwgImV4cCI6IDE2MjY2NTM0ODUuNzcyMjg5OCwgInVzZXJuYW1lIjogInRlc3R1c2VyIiwgInRva2VuX3R5cGUiOiAicmVmcmVzaCJ9.Y5YxGuYSzwJN2WlunxlR7XNa2Y3GWK-2kt-MzHvLbP8" } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "access.refresh_jwt", "params": { "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiAiTW9vbnJha2VyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2MTg4Nzc0ODUuNzcyMjg5OCwgImV4cCI6IDE2MjY2NTM0ODUuNzcyMjg5OCwgInVzZXJuYW1lIjogInRlc3R1c2VyIiwgInRva2VuX3R5cGUiOiAicmVmcmVzaCJ9.Y5YxGuYSzwJN2WlunxlR7XNa2Y3GWK-2kt-MzHvLbP8" }, "id": 1323 } ``` Returns: The username, new auth token, the source and action summary. ```json { "username": "my_user", "token": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiAiTW9vbnJha2VyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2MTg4NzgyNDMuNTE2Nzc5MiwgImV4cCI6IDE2MTg4ODE4NDMuNTE2Nzc5MiwgInVzZXJuYW1lIjogInRlc3R1c2VyIiwgInRva2VuX3R5cGUiOiAiYXV0aCJ9.Ia_X_pf20RR4RAEXcxalZIOzOBOs2OwearWHfRnTSGU", "source": "moonraker", "action": "user_jwt_refresh" } ``` !!! Note This endpoint may be accessed by unauthorized clients. A 401 would only be returned if the refresh token is invalid. #### Generate a Oneshot Token Javascript is not capable of modifying the headers for some HTTP requests (for example, the `websocket`), which is a requirement to apply JWT or API Key authorization. To work around this clients may request a Oneshot Token and pass it via the query string for these requests. Tokens expire in 5 seconds and may only be used once, making them relatively safe for inclusion in the query string. HTTP request: ```http GET /access/oneshot_token ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "access.oneshot_token", "id": 1323 } ``` Returns: A temporary token that may be added to a request's query string for access to any API endpoint. The query string should be added in the form of: ``` ?token={base32_random_token} ``` #### Retrieve information about authorization endpoints HTTP Request: ```http GET /access/info ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "access.info", "id": 1323 } ``` Returns: An object containing information about authorization endpoints, such as default_source and available_sources. ```json { "default_source": "moonraker", "available_sources": [ "moonraker", "ldap" ] } ``` #### Get the Current API Key HTTP request: ```http GET /access/api_key ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "access.get_api_key", "id": 1323 } ``` Returns: The current API key #### Generate a New API Key HTTP request: ```http POST /access/api_key ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "access.post_api_key", "id": 1323 } ``` Returns: The newly generated API key. This overwrites the previous key. Note that the API key change is applied immediately, all subsequent HTTP requests from untrusted clients must use the new key. Changing the API Key will not affect open websockets authenticated using the previous API Key. ### Database APIs The following endpoints provide access to Moonraker's lmdb database. The database is divided into `namespaces`. Each client may define its own namespace to store information. From the client's point of view, a namespace is an `object`. Items in the database are accessed by providing a namespace and a key. A key may be specified as string, where a "." is a delimiter, to access nested fields. Alternatively the key may be specified as an array of strings, where each string references a nested field. This is useful for scenarios where your namespace contains keys that include a "." character. !!! note Moonraker reserves the `moonraker`, `gcode_metadata`, and `history` namespaces. Clients may read from these namespaces but they may not modify them. For example, assume the following object is stored in the "superclient" namespace: ```json { "settings": { "console": { "enable_autocomplete": true } }, "theme": { "background_color": "black" } } ``` One may access the `enable_autocomplete` field by supplying `superclient` as the `namespace` argument and `settings.console.enable_autocomplete` or `["settings", "console", "enable_autocomplete"]` as the `key` argument for the request. The entire settings object could be accessed by providing `settings` or `["settings"]` as the `key` argument. The entire namespace may be read by omitting the `key` argument, however as explained below it is not possible to modify a namespace without specifying a key. #### List namespaces Lists all available namespaces. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/database/list ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.database.list", "id": 8694 } ``` Returns: An object containing an array of namespaces in the following format: ```json { "namespaces": [ "gcode_metadata", "history", "moonraker", "test_namespace" ] } ``` #### Get Database Item Retrieves an item from a specified namespace. The `key` argument may be omitted, in which case an object representing the entire namespace will be returned in the `value` field. If the `key` is provided and does not exist in the database an error will be returned. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/database/item?namespace={namespace}&key={key} ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.database.get_item", "params": { "namespace": "{namespace}", "key": "{key}" }, "id": 5644 } ``` Returns: An object containing the requested `namespace`, `key`, and `value`. ```json { "namespace": "moonraker", "key": "file_manager.metadata_version", "value": 2 } ``` #### Add Database Item Inserts an item into the database. If the `namespace` does not exist it will be created. If the `key` specifies a nested field, all parents will be created if they do not exist. If the key exists it will be overwritten with the provided `value`. The `key` parameter must be provided, as it is not possible to assign a value directly to a namespace. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/database/item?namespace={namespace}&key={key}value={value}` ``` !!! note If the `value` is not a string type, the `value` argument must provide a [type hint](#query-string-type-hints). Alternatively, arguments may be passed via the request body in JSON format. For example: ```http POST /server/database/item Content-Type: application/json { "namespace": "my_client", "key": "settings.some_count", "value": 100 } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.database.post_item", "params": { "namespace": "{namespace}", "key": "{key}", "value": 100 }, "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: An object containing the inserted `namespace`, `key`, and `value`. ```json { "namespace": "test", "key": "settings.some_count", "value": 9001 } ``` #### Delete Database Item Deletes an item from a `namespace` at the specified `key`. If the key does not exist in the namespace an error will be returned. If the deleted item results in an empty namespace, the namespace will be removed from the database. HTTP request: ```http DELETE /server/database/item?namespace={namespace}&key={key} ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.database.delete_item", "params": { "namespace": "{namespace}", "key": "{key}" }, "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: An object containing the `namespace`, `key`, and `value` of the deleted item. ```json { "namespace": "test", "key": "settings.some_count", "value": 9001 } ``` ### Job Queue APIs The following endpoints may be used to manage Moonraker's job queue. Note that Moonraker's Job Queue is implemented as a FIFO queue and it may contain multiple references to the same job. !!! Note All filenames provided to and returned by these endpoints are relative to the `gcodes` root. #### Retrieve the job queue status Retrieves the current state of the job queue HTTP request: ```http GET /server/job_queue/status ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.job_queue.status", "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: The current state of the job queue: ```json { "queued_jobs": [ { "filename": "job1.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D99C90", "time_added": 1636151050.7666452, "time_in_queue": 21.89680004119873 }, { "filename": "job2.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D991F0", "time_added": 1636151050.7766452, "time_in_queue": 21.88680004119873 }, { "filename": "subdir/job3.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D99D80", "time_added": 1636151050.7866452, "time_in_queue": 21.90680004119873 } ], "queue_state": "ready" } ``` Below is a description of the returned fields: - `queued_jobs`: an array of objects representing each queued job. Each object contains the `filename` of the enqueued job and a unique `job_id` generated for each job. The `job_id` is a 64-bit Hexadecimal string value. On 32-bit systems the most significant bits will always contain zeros. Items are ordered by the time they were queued, the first item will be the next job loaded. - `queue_state`: The current state of the queue. Can be one of the following: - `ready`: The queue is active and will load the next job upon completion of the current job - `loading`: The queue is currently loading the next job. If the user specified a `job_transition_delay` and/or `job_transition_gcode`, the queue will remain in the `loading` state until both are completed or an error is encountered. - `starting`: The queue enters this state after the `loading` phase is complete before attempting to start the job. - `paused`: The queue is currently paused and will not load the next job upon completion of the current job. The queue will enter the `paused` state if an error is encountered during the `loading` or `starting` phases, or if the user pauses the queue through the provided endpoint. - `time_added`: The time (in Unix Time) the job was added to the queue - `time_in_queue`: The cumulative amount of time (in seconds) the job has been pending in the queue #### Enqueue a job Adds a job, or an array of jobs, to the end of the job queue. The same filename may be specified multiple times to queue a job that repeats. When multiple jobs are specified they will be enqueued in the order they are received. !!! Note The request will be aborted and return an error if any of the supplied files do not exist. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/job_queue/job?filenames=job1.gcode,job2.gcode,subdir/job3.gcode ``` !!! Note Multiple jobs should be comma separated as shown above. Alternatively `filenames` maybe be specified as a json object in the body of the request. ```http POST /server/job_queue/job Content-Type: application/json { "filenames": [ "job1.gcode", "job2.gcode", "subdir/job3.gcode" ], "reset": false } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.job_queue.post_job", "params": { "filenames": [ "job1.gcode", "job2.gcode", "subdir/job3.gcode" ], "reset": false }, "id": 4654 } ``` Parameters: - `reset`: A boolean value indicating whether Moonraker should clear the existing queued jobs before adding the new jobs. Defaults to `false`. Returns: The current state of the job queue: ```json { "queued_jobs": [ { "filename": "job1.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D99C90", "time_added": 1636151050.7666452, "time_in_queue": 21.89680004119873 }, { "filename": "job2.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D991F0", "time_added": 1636151050.7766452, "time_in_queue": 21.88680004119873 }, { "filename": "subdir/job3.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D99D80", "time_added": 1636151050.7866452, "time_in_queue": 21.90680004119873 } ], "queue_state": "ready" } ``` #### Remove a Job Removes one or more jobs from the queue. !!! Note Unlike the POST version of this method, it is not necessary that all job ids exist. If any supplied job id does not exist in the queue it will be silently ignored. Clients can verify the contents of the queue via the return value. HTTP request: ```http DELETE /server/job_queue/job?job_ids=0000000066D991F0,0000000066D99D80 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.job_queue.delete_job", "params": { "job_ids": [ "0000000066D991F0". "0000000066D99D80" ] }, "id": 4654 } ``` !!! Tip Alternatively `all=true` (`"all": true` for JSON-RPC) may specified to clear the job queue. Returns: The current state of the job queue: ```json { "queued_jobs": [ { "filename": "job1.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D99C90", "time_added": 1636151050.7666452, "time_in_queue": 21.89680004119873 } ], "queue_state": "ready" } ``` #### Pause the job queue Sets the job queue state to "pause", which prevents the next job in the queue from loading after an job in progress is complete. !!! Note If the queue is paused while the queue is in the `loading` state the load will be aborted. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/job_queue/pause ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.job_queue.pause", "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: The current state of the job queue: ```json { "queued_jobs": [ { "filename": "job1.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D99C90", "time_added": 1636151050.7666452, "time_in_queue": 21.89680004119873 }, { "filename": "job2.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D991F0", "time_added": 1636151050.7766452, "time_in_queue": 21.88680004119873 }, { "filename": "subdir/job3.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D99D80", "time_added": 1636151050.7866452, "time_in_queue": 21.90680004119873 } ], "queue_state": "paused" } ``` #### Start the job queue Starts the job queue. If Klipper is ready to start a print the next job in the queue will be loaded. Otherwise the queue will be put into the "ready" state, enabling automatic transition after the next completed print. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/job_queue/start ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.job_queue.start", "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: The current state of the job queue: ```json { "queued_jobs": [ { "filename": "job1.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D99C90", "time_added": 1636151050.7666452, "time_in_queue": 21.89680004119873 }, { "filename": "job2.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D991F0", "time_added": 1636151050.7766452, "time_in_queue": 21.88680004119873 }, { "filename": "subdir/job3.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D99D80", "time_added": 1636151050.7866452, "time_in_queue": 21.90680004119873 } ], "queue_state": "loading" } ``` #### Perform a Queue Jump Jumps a job to the front of the queue. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/job_queue/jump?job_id=0000000066D991F0 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.job_queue.jump", "params" { "job_id": "0000000066D991F0" }, "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: The current state of the job queue: ```json { "queued_jobs": [ { "filename": "job2.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D991F0", "time_added": 1636151050.7766452, "time_in_queue": 21.88680004119873 }, { "filename": "job1.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D99C90", "time_added": 1636151050.7666452, "time_in_queue": 21.89680004119873 }, { "filename": "subdir/job3.gcode", "job_id": "0000000066D99D80", "time_added": 1636151050.7866452, "time_in_queue": 21.90680004119873 } ], "queue_state": "loading" } ``` ### Announcement APIs The following endpoints are available to manage announcements. See [the appendix](#announcements) for details on how announcements work and recommendations for your implementation. #### List announcements Retrieves a list of current announcements. The `include_dismissed` argument is optional and defaults to `true`. If set to `false` dismissed entries will be omitted from the return value. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/announcements/list?include_dismissed=false ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.announcements.list", "params": { "include_dismissed": false }, "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: The current list of announcements, in descending order (newest to oldest) sorted by `date` and a list of feeds Moonraker is currently subscribed to: ```json { { "entries": [ { "entry_id": "arksine/moonlight/issue/3", "url": "https://github.com/Arksine/moonlight/issues/3", "title": "Test announcement 3", "description": "Test Description [with a link](https://moonraker.readthedocs.io).", "priority": "normal", "date": 1647459219, "dismissed": false, "date_dismissed": null, "dismiss_wake": null, "source": "moonlight", "feed": "moonlight" }, { "entry_id": "arksine/moonlight/issue/2", "url": "https://github.com/Arksine/moonlight/issues/2", "title": "Announcement Test Two", "description": "This is a high priority announcement. This line is included in the description.", "priority": "high", "date": 1646855579, "dismissed": false, "date_dismissed": null, "dismiss_wake": null, "source": "moonlight", "feed": "moonlight" }, { "entry_id": "arksine/moonlight/issue/1", "url": "https://github.com/Arksine/moonlight/issues/1", "title": "Announcement Test One", "description": "This is the description. Anything here should appear in the announcement, up to 512 characters.", "priority": "normal", "date": 1646854678, "dismissed": false, "date_dismissed": null, "dismiss_wake": null, "source": "moonlight", "feed": "moonlight" }, { "entry_id": "arksine/moonraker/issue/349", "url": "https://github.com/Arksine/moonraker/issues/349", "title": "PolicyKit warnings; unable to manage services, restart system, or update packages", "description": "This announcement is an effort to get ahead of a coming change that will certainly result in issues. PR #346 has been merged, and with it are some changes to Moonraker's default behavior.", "priority": "normal", "date": 1643392406, "dismissed": false, "source": "moonlight", "feed": "Moonraker" } ], "feeds": [ "moonraker", "klipper", "moonlight" ] } } ``` #### Update announcements Requests that Moonraker check for announcement updates. This is generally not required in production, as Moonraker will automatically check for updates every 30 minutes. However, during development this endpoint is useful to force an update when it is necessary to perform integration tests. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/announcements/update ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.announcements.update", "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: The current list of announcements, in descending order (newest to oldest) sorted by `date`, and a `modified` field that contains a boolean value indicating if the update resulted in a change: ```json { "entries": [ { "entry_id": "arksine/moonraker/issue/349", "url": "https://github.com/Arksine/moonraker/issues/349", "title": "PolicyKit warnings; unable to manage services, restart system, or update packages", "description": "This announcement is an effort to get ahead of a coming change that will certainly result in issues. PR #346 has been merged, and with it are some changes to Moonraker's default behavior.", "priority": "normal", "date": 1643392406, "dismissed": false, "source": "moonlight", "feed": "Moonraker" }, { "entry_id": "arksine/moonlight/issue/1", "url": "https://github.com/Arksine/moonlight/issues/1", "title": "Announcement Test One", "description": "This is the description. Anything here should appear in the announcement, up to 512 characters.", "priority": "normal", "date": 1646854678, "dismissed": true, "source": "moonlight", "feed": "Moonlight" }, { "entry_id": "arksine/moonlight/issue/2", "url": "https://github.com/Arksine/moonlight/issues/2", "title": "Announcement Test Two", "description": "This is a high priority announcement. This line is included in the description.", "priority": "high", "date": 1646855579, "dismissed": false, "source": "moonlight", "feed": "Moonlight" }, { "entry_id": "arksine/moonlight/issue/3", "url": "https://github.com/Arksine/moonlight/issues/3", "title": "Test announcement 3", "description": "Test Description [with a link](https://moonraker.readthedocs.io).", "priority": "normal", "date": 1647459219, "dismissed": false, "source": "moonlight", "feed": "Moonlight" } ], "modified": false } ``` #### Dismiss an announcement Sets the dismiss flag of an announcement to `true`. The `entry_id` field is required. The `entry_id` contains forward slashes so remember to escape the ID if including it in the query string of an HTTP request. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/announcements/dismiss?entry_id=arksine%2Fmoonlight%2Fissue%2F1&wake_time=600 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.announcements.dismiss", "params": { "entry_id": "arksine/moonlight/issue/1", "wake_time": 600 }, "id": 4654 } ``` Parameters: - `entry_id`: The entry identifier. This field may contain forward slashes so it should be url escaped when placed in the query string of an http request. This parameter is required. - `wake_time`: The time, in seconds, in which the entry's `dismissed` state will revert to false. This parameter is optional, if omitted the entry will be dismissed indefinitely. Returns: The `entry_id` of the dismissed entry: ```json { "entry_id": "arksine/moonlight/issue/1" } ``` #### List announcement feeds HTTP request: ```http GET /server/announcements/feeds ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.announcements.feeds", "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: A list of feeds the instance of Moonraker is subscribed to. ```json { "feeds": [ "moonraker", "klipper" ] } ``` #### Add an announcement feed Specifies a new feed for Moonraker's `announcements` component to query in addition to `moonraker`, `klipper`, and feeds configured in `moonraker.conf`. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/announcements/feed?name=my_feed ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.announcements.post_feed", "params": { "name": "my_feed" }, "id": 4654 } ``` Parameters: - `name`: The name of the new feed. This parameter is required. Returns: The name of the new feed and the action taken. The `action` will be `added` if a new feed added, or `skipped` if the feed already exists. ```json { "feed": "my_feed", "action": "added" } ``` #### Remove an announcement feed Removes a subscribed feed. Only feeds previously subscribed to using the [add feed](#add-an-announcement-feed) API may be removed. Feeds configured in `moonraker.conf` may not be removed. HTTP request: ```http DELETE /server/announcements/feed?name=my_feed ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.announcements.delete_feed", "params": { "name": "my_feed" }, "id": 4654 } ``` Parameters: - `name`: The name of the new feed to remove. This parameter is required. Returns: The name of the new feed and the action taken. The `action` will be `removed` if the operation was successful. ```json { "feed": "my_feed", "action": "removed" } ``` ### Webcam APIs The following APIs are available to manage webcam configuration: #### List Webcams HTTP request: ```http GET /server/webcams/list ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.webcams.list", "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: A list of configured webcams: ```json { "webcams": [ { "name": "testcam3", "location": "door", "service": "mjpegstreamer", "enabled": true, "icon": "mdiWebcam", "target_fps": 20, "target_fps_idle": 5, "stream_url": "http://camera.lan/webcam?action=stream", "snapshot_url": "http://camera.lan/webcam?action=snapshot", "flip_horizontal": false, "flip_vertical": true, "rotation": 90, "aspect_ratio": "4:3", "extra_data": {}, "source": "config", "uid": "55d3801e-fdc1-438d-8728-2fff8b83b909" }, { "name": "tc2", "location": "printer", "service": "mjpegstreamer", "enabled": true, "icon": "mdiWebcam", "target_fps": 15, "target_fps_idle": 5, "stream_url": "http://printer.lan/webcam?action=stream", "snapshot_url": "http://printer.lan/webcam?action=snapshot", "flip_horizontal": false, "flip_vertical": false, "rotation": 0, "aspect_ratio": "4:3", "extra_data": {}, "source": "database", "uid": "65e51c8a-6763-41d4-8e76-345bb6e8e7c3" }, { "name": "TestCam", "location": "printer", "service": "mjpegstreamer", "enabled": true, "icon": "mdiWebcam", "target_fps": 15, "target_fps_idle": 5, "stream_url": "/webcam/?action=stream", "snapshot_url": "/webcam/?action=snapshot", "flip_horizontal": false, "flip_vertical": false, "rotation": 0, "aspect_ratio": "4:3", "extra_data": {}, "source": "database", "uid": "341778f9-387f-455b-8b69-ff68442d41d9" } ] } ``` #### Get Webcam Information HTTP request: ```http GET /server/webcams/item?uid=341778f9-387f-455b-8b69-ff68442d41d9 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.webcams.get_item", "params": { "uid": "341778f9-387f-455b-8b69-ff68442d41d9" }, "id": 4654 } ``` Parameters: - `uid`: The webcam's assigned unique ID. This parameter is optional, when not specified the request will fallback to the `name` parameter. - `name`: The name of the webcam to request information for. If the named webcam is not available the request will return with an error. This parameter must be provided when the `uid` is omitted. Returns: The full configuration for the requested webcam: ```json { "webcam": { "name": "TestCam", "location": "printer", "service": "mjpegstreamer", "enabled": true, "icon": "mdiWebcam", "target_fps": 15, "target_fps_idle": 5, "stream_url": "/webcam/?action=stream", "snapshot_url": "/webcam/?action=snapshot", "flip_horizontal": false, "flip_vertical": false, "rotation": 0, "aspect_ratio": "4:3", "extra_data": {}, "source": "database", "uid": "341778f9-387f-455b-8b69-ff68442d41d9" } } ``` #### Add or update a webcam Adds a new webcam entry or updates an existing entry. When updating an entry only the fields provided will be modified. !!! Note A webcam configured via `moonraker.conf` cannot be updated or overwritten using this API. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/webcams/item Content-Type: application/json { "name": "cam_name", "snapshot_url": "http://printer.lan:8080/webcam?action=snapshot", "stream_url": "http://printer.lan:8080/webcam?action=stream" } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.webcams.post_item", "params": { "name": "cam_name", "snapshot_url": "/webcam?action=snapshot", "stream_url": "/webcam?action=stream" }, "id": 4654 } ``` Parameters: - `uid`: The unique ID of the webcam. This parameter may be specified to modify an existing webcam. New entries must omit the `uid`. - `name`: The name of the camera to add or update. This parameter must be provided for new entries. - `location`: A description of the webcam location, ie: what the webcam is observing. The default is `printer` for new entries. - `icon`: The name of the icon to use for the camera. The default is `mdiWebcam` for new entries. - `enabled`: A boolean value to indicate if this webcam should be enabled. Default is True for new entries. - `service`: The name of the webcam application streaming service. The default is "mjpegstreamer" for new entries. - `target_fps`: The target framerate. The default is 15 for new entries. - `target_fps_idle`: The target framerate when the printer is idle. The default is 5 for new entries. - `stream_url`: The url for the camera stream request. This may be a full url or a url relative to Moonraker's host machine. If the url is relative it is assumed that the stream is available over http on port 80. This parameter must be provided for new entries. - `snapshot_url`: The url for the camera snapshot request. This may be a full url or a url relative to Moonraker's host machine. If the url is relative it is assumed that the snapshot is available over http on port 80. The default is an empty string for new entries. - `flip_horizontal`: A boolean value indicating whether the stream should be flipped horizontally. The default is false for new entries. - `flip_vertical`: A boolean value indicating whether the stream should be flipped vertically. The default is false for new entries. - `rotation`: An integer value indicating the amount of clockwise rotation to apply to the stream. May be 0, 90, 180, or 270. The default is 0 for new entries. - `aspect_ratio`: The aspect ratio to display for the camera. Note that this option is specific to certain services, otherwise it is ignored. The default is `4:3` for new entries. - `extra_data`: Additional webcam data set by the front end in the form of a json object. This may be used to store any additional webcam options and/or data. The default is an empty object for new entries. !!! Tip When modifying existing entries it is possible to rename an existing item by specifying its current `uid` and a new value for `name`. Keep in mind that names must be unique, an attempt to rename an existing webcam to another name that is reserved will result in an error. Returns: The full configuration for the added/updated webcam: ```json { "webcam": { "name": "TestCam", "location": "printer", "service": "mjpegstreamer", "enabled": true, "icon": "mdiWebcam", "target_fps": 15, "target_fps_idle": 5, "stream_url": "/webcam/?action=stream", "snapshot_url": "/webcam/?action=snapshot", "flip_horizontal": false, "flip_vertical": false, "rotation": 0, "aspect_ratio": "4:3", "extra_data": {}, "source": "database", "uid": "341778f9-387f-455b-8b69-ff68442d41d9" } } ``` #### Delete a webcam !!! Note A webcam configured via `moonraker.conf` cannot be deleted using this API. HTTP request: ```http DELETE /server/webcams/uid?name=341778f9-387f-455b-8b69-ff68442d41d9 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.webcams.delete_item", "params": { "uid": "341778f9-387f-455b-8b69-ff68442d41d9" }, "id": 4654 } ``` Parameters: - `uid`: The webcam's assigned unique ID. This parameter is optional, when not specified the request will fallback to the `name` parameter. - `name`: The name of the webcam to delete. If the named webcam is not available the request will return with an error. This parameter must be provided when the `uid` is omitted. Returns: The full configuration of the deleted webcam: ```json { "webcam": { "name": "TestCam", "location": "printer", "service": "mjpegstreamer", "target_fps": 15, "stream_url": "/webcam/?action=stream", "snapshot_url": "/webcam/?action=snapshot", "flip_horizontal": false, "flip_vertical": false, "rotation": 0, "source": "database", "uid": "341778f9-387f-455b-8b69-ff68442d41d9" } } ``` #### Test a webcam Resolves a webcam's stream and snapshot urls. If the snapshot is served over http, a test is performed to see if the url is reachable. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/webcams/test?uid=341778f9-387f-455b-8b69-ff68442d41d9 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.webcams.test", "params": { "uid": "341778f9-387f-455b-8b69-ff68442d41d9" }, "id": 4654 } ``` Parameters: - `uid`: The webcam's assigned unique ID. This parameter is optional, when not specified the request will fallback to the `name` parameter. - `name`: The name of the webcam to test. If the named webcam is not available the request will return with an error. This parameter must be provided when the `uid` is omitted. Returns: Test results in the following format ```json { "name": "TestCam", "snapshot_reachable": true, "snapshot_url": "", "stream_url": "" } ``` ### Notifier APIs The following APIs are available to view and tests notifiers. #### List Notifiers HTTP request: ```http GET /server/notifiers/list ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.notifiers.list", "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: A list of configured notifiers: ```json { "notifiers": [ { "name": "print_start", "url": "tgram://{bottoken}/{ChatID}", "events": [ "started" ], "body": "Your printer started printing '{event_args[1].filename}'", "title": null, "attach": null }, { "name": "print_complete", "url": "tgram://{bottoken}/{ChatID}", "events": [ "complete" ], "body": "Your printer completed printing '{event_args[1].filename}", "title": null, "attach": "" }, { "name": "print_error", "url": "tgram://{bottoken}/{ChatID}", "events": [ "error" ], "body": "{event_args[1].message}", "title": null, "attach": "" } ] } ``` ### Update Manager APIs The following endpoints are available when the `[update_manager]` component has been configured: #### Get update status Retrieves the current state of each item available for update. Items may include the linux package manager (`system`), applications such as `moonraker` and `klipper`, web clients such as `mainsail` and `fluidd`, and other configured applications/extensions. HTTP request: ```http GET /machine/update/status?refresh=false ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.update.status", "params": { "refresh": false }, "id": 4644 } ``` Parameters: - `refresh`: (Optional) When set to true state for all updaters will be refreshed. The default is `false`. A request to refresh is aborted under the following conditions: - An update is in progress - A print is in progress - The update manager hasn't completed initialization - A previous refresh has occured within the last 60 seconds !!! Note The `refresh` parameter is deprecated. Client developers should use the [refresh endpoint](#refresh-application-state) to request a refresh. Returns: Status information for each update package. Note that `mainsail` and `fluidd` are present as clients configured in `moonraker.conf` ```json { "busy": false, "github_rate_limit": 60, "github_requests_remaining": 57, "github_limit_reset_time": 1615836932, "version_info": { "system": { "package_count": 4, "package_list": [ "libtiff5", "raspberrypi-sys-mods", "rpi-eeprom-images", "rpi-eeprom" ] }, "moonraker": { "channel": "dev", "debug_enabled": true, "is_valid": true, "configured_type": "git_repo", "corrupt": false, "info_tags": [], "detected_type": "git_repo", "remote_alias": "arksine", "branch": "master", "owner": "?", "repo_name": "moonraker", "version": "v0.7.1-364", "remote_version": "v0.7.1-364", "rollback_version": "v0.7.1-360", "current_hash": "ecfad5cff15fff1d82cb9bdc64d6b548ed53dfaf", "remote_hash": "ecfad5cff15fff1d82cb9bdc64d6b548ed53dfaf", "is_dirty": false, "detached": true, "commits_behind": [], "git_messages": [], "full_version_string": "v0.7.1-364-gecfad5c", "pristine": true, "recovery_url": "https://github.com/Arksine/moonraker.git", "remote_url": "https://github.com/Arksine/moonraker.git", "warnings": [], "anomalies": [ "Unofficial remote url: https://github.com/Arksine/moonraker-fork.git", "Repo not on offical remote/branch, expected: origin/master, detected: altremote/altbranch", "Detached HEAD detected" ] }, "mainsail": { "name": "mainsail", "owner": "mainsail-crew", "version": "v2.1.1", "remote_version": "v2.1.1", "rollback_version": "v2.0.0", "configured_type": "web", "channel": "stable", "info_tags": [ "desc=Mainsail Web Client", "action=some_action" ], "warnings": [], "anomalies": [], "is_valid": true }, "fluidd": { "name": "fluidd", "owner": "fluidd-core", "version": "v1.16.2", "remote_version": "v1.16.2", "rollback_version": "v1.15.0", "configured_type": "web", "channel": "beta", "info_tags": [], "warnings": [], "anomalies": [], "is_valid": true }, "klipper": { "channel": "dev", "debug_enabled": true, "is_valid": true, "configured_type": "git_repo", "corrupt": false, "info_tags": [], "detected_type": "git_repo", "remote_alias": "origin", "branch": "master", "owner": "Klipper3d", "repo_name": "klipper", "version": "v0.10.0-1", "remote_version": "v0.10.0-41", "rollback_version": "v0.9.1-340", "current_hash": "4c8d24ae03eadf3fc5a28efb1209ce810251d02d", "remote_hash": "e3cbe7ea3663a8cd10207a9aecc4e5458aeb1f1f", "is_dirty": false, "detached": false, "commits_behind": [ { "sha": "e3cbe7ea3663a8cd10207a9aecc4e5458aeb1f1f", "author": "Kevin O'Connor", "date": "1644534721", "subject": "stm32: Clear SPE flag on a change to SPI CR1 register", "message": "The stm32 specs indicate that the SPE bit must be cleared before\nchanging the CPHA or CPOL bits.\n\nReported by @cbc02009 and @bigtreetech.\n\nSigned-off-by: Kevin O'Connor ", "tag": null }, { "sha": "99d55185a21703611b862f6ce4b80bba70a9c4b5", "author": "Kevin O'Connor", "date": "1644532075", "subject": "stm32: Wait for transmission to complete before returning from spi_transfer()", "message": "It's possible for the SCLK pin to still be updating even after the\nlast byte of data has been read from the receive pin. (In particular\nin spi mode 0 and 1.) Exiting early from spi_transfer() in this case\ncould result in the CS pin being raised before the final updates to\nSCLK pin.\n\nAdd an additional wait at the end of spi_transfer() to avoid this\nissue.\n\nSigned-off-by: Kevin O'Connor ", "tag": null }, ], "git_messages": [], "full_version_string": "v0.10.0-1-g4c8d24ae-shallow", "pristine": true, "recovery_url": "https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper.git", "remote_url": "https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper.git", "warnings": [], "anomalies": [], } } } ``` Below is an explanation for each field: - `busy`: set to true if an update is in progress. Moonraker will not allow concurrent updates. - `github_rate_limit`: the maximum number of github API requests the user currently is allowed. An unauthenticated user typically has 60 requests per hour. - `github_requests_remaining`: the number of API request the user currently has remaining. - `github_limit_reset_time`: the time when the rate limit will reset, reported as seconds since the epoch (aka Unix Time). Extensions configured with the `git_repo` type will contain the following fields: - `configured_type`: the application type configured by the user - `detected_type`: the application type as detected by Moonraker. - `channel`: the currently configured update channel. For Moonraker and Klipper this is set in the `[update_manager]` configuration. For clients the channel is determined by the configured type - `pristine`: Indicates that there are no modified files or untracked source files in a `git_repo`. A repo with untracked files can still be updated, however a repo with modified files (ie: `dirty`) cannot be updated. - `owner`: the owner of the repo / application - `branch`: the name of the current git branch. This should typically be "master". - `remote_alias`: the alias for the remote. This should typically be "origin". - `version`: abbreviated version of the current repo on disk - `remote_version`: abbreviated version of the latest available update - `rollback_version`: version the repo will revert to when a rollback is requested - `full_version_string`: The complete version string of the current repo. - `current_hash`: hash of the most recent commit on disk - `remote_hash`: hash of the most recent commit pushed to the remote - `is_valid`: true if the `git_repo` is valid and can be updated. - `corrupt`: Indicates that the git repo has been corrupted. When a repo is in this state it a hard recovery (ie: re-cloning the repo) is necessary. Note that the most common cause of repo corruption is removing power from the host machine without safely shutting down. Damaged storage can also lead to repo corruption. - `is_dirty`: true if a `git_repo` has modified files. A dirty repo cannot be updated. - `detached`: true if the `git_repo` is currently in a detached state. - `debug_enabled`: True when debug flag has been set via the command line. When debug is enabled Moonraker will allow detached updates. - `commits_behind`: A list of commits behind. Up to 30 "untagged" commits will be reported. Moonraker checks the last 100 commits for tags, any commits beyond the last 30 with a tag will also be reported. - `git_messages`: If a repo is in the "invalid" state this field will hold a list of string messages containing the output of the last failed git command. Note that it is possible for a git command to fail without providing output (for example, it may become non-responsive and time out), so it is possible for this field to be an empty list when the repo is invalid. - `info_tags`: These are tags defined in the `[update_manager client_name]` configuration for each client. Client developers my define what tags, if any, users will configure. They can choose to use those tags to display information or perform an additional action after an update if necessary. - `recovery_url`: The url Moonraker will use to re-clone the repo when a hard recovery is requested. If this reports a "?" then a hard recovery is not possible. - `remote_url`: The url for the currently configured remote. - `warnings`: An array of strings that describe warnings detected during repo init. These warnings provide additional context when the `is_valid` field reports `true`. - `anomalies`: An array of strings that describe anomalies found during initialization. An anomaly can be defined as an unexpected condition, they will not result in an invalid state, nor will they prevent an update. For example, when the detected remote url does not match the configured/expected url Moonraker will fall back to the detected url and report this condition as an anomaly. Extensions configured with the `web` type will contain the following fields: - `channel`: channel to fetch updates from - `configured_type`: will be `web` - `name`: name of the configured client - `owner`: the owner of the client - `version`: version of the installed client. - `remote_version`: version of the latest release published to GitHub - `rollback_version`: version the client will revert to when a rollback is requested - `info_tags`: These are tags defined in the `[update_manager client_name]` configuration for each client. Client developers my define what tags, if any, users will configure. They can choose to use those tags to display information or perform an additional action after an update if necessary. - `is_valid`: A boolean that reports true if an update is possible, false if an update cannot be performed. - `warnings`: An array of strings that describe warnings detected during updater init. These warnings add context when the `is_valid` field reports `true`. - `anomalies`: An array of strings that describe anomalies found during initialization. An anomaly can be defined as an unexpected condition, they will not result in an invalid state, nor will they prevent an update. For example, when the configured repo to check for updates does not match the detected repo Moonraker will fall back to the detected repo and report this condition as an anomaly. The `system` object contains the following fields: - `package_count`: the number of system packages available for update - `package_list`: an array containing the names of packages available for update #### Refresh update status Refreshes the internal update state for the requested item(s). HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/update/refresh?name=klipper ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.update.refresh", "params": { "name": "klipper" }, "id": 4644 } ``` Parameters: - `name`: (Optional) The name of the specified application. If omitted all registered applications will be refreshed. Returns: An object containing full update status matching the response in the [status endpoint](#get-update-status). !!! Note This endpoint will raise 503 error under the following conditions: - An update is in progress - A print is in progress - The update manager hasn't completed initialization !!! Warning Applications should use care when calling this method as a refresh is CPU intensive and may be time consuming. Moonraker can be configured to refresh state periodically, thus it is recommended that applications avoid their own procedural implementations. Instead it is best to call this API only when a user requests a refresh. #### Perform a full update Attempts to update all configured items in Moonraker. Updates are performed in the following order: - `system` if enabled - All configured clients - Klipper - Moonraker HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/update/full ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.update.full", "id": 4645 } ``` Returns: `ok` when complete #### Update Moonraker Pulls the most recent version of Moonraker from GitHub and restarts the service. If an update is requested while a print is in progress then this request will return an error. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/update/moonraker ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.update.moonraker", "id": 4645 } ``` Returns: `ok` when complete #### Update Klipper Pulls the most recent version of Klipper from GitHub and restarts the service. If an update is requested while a print is in progress then this request will return an error. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/update/klipper ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.update.klipper", "id": 5745 } ``` Returns: `ok` when complete #### Update Client If one more more `[update_manager client client_name]` sections have been configured this endpoint can be used to install the most recently published release of the client. If an update is requested while a print is in progress then this request will return an error. The `name` argument is required, it's value should match the `client_name` of the configured section. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/update/client?name={client_name} ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.update.client", "params": { "name": "client_name" }, "id": 8546 } ``` Returns: `ok` when complete #### Update System Packages Upgrades system packages. Currently only `apt-get` is supported. If an update is requested while a print is in progress then this request will return an error. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/update/system ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.update.system", "id": 4564 } ``` Returns: `ok` when complete #### Recover a corrupt repo On occasion a git command may fail resulting in a repo in a dirty or invalid state. When this happens it is possible to recover. The `name` argument must specify the name of the repo to recover, it must be of a git repo type. There are two methods of recovery, the `hard` argument determines which method is used: - `hard == true`: Moonraker will remove the old directory entirely. It will then attempt to recover with `rsync` by restoring a backup of a recent valid repo. - `hard == false`: Will run `git clean -f -d` followed by `git reset --hard {remote}/{branch}`. This is useful for recovering dirty repos that are valid. It is possible that this will work on an invalid repo, however it will not work on a corrupt repo. The `hard` argument defaults to `false`. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/update/recover?name=moonraker&hard=false ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.update.recover", "params": { "name": "moonraker", "hard": false }, "id": 4564 } ``` Returns: `ok` when complete #### Rollback to the previous version HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/update/rollback?name=moonraker ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.update.rollback", "params": { "name": "moonraker" }, "id": 4564 } ``` Returns: `ok` when complete ### Power APIs The APIs below are available when the `[power]` component has been configured. #### Get Device List HTTP request: ```http GET /machine/device_power/devices ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"machine.device_power.devices", "id": 5646 } ``` Returns: An array of objects containing info for each configured device. ```json { "devices": [ { "device": "green_led", "status": "off", "locked_while_printing": true, "type": "gpio" }, { "device": "printer", "status": "off", "locked_while_printing": false, "type": "tplink_smartplug" } ] } ``` #### Get Device Status Returns the status for a single configured device. HTTP request: ```http GET /machine/device_power/device?device=green_led ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.device_power.get_device", "params": { "device": "green_led" }, "id": 4564 } ``` Returns: An object containing power state for the requested device: ```json { "green_led": "off" } ``` #### Set Device State Toggle, turn on, or turn off a specified device. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/device_power/device?device=green_led&action=on ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.device_power.post_device", "params": { "device": "green_led", "action": "on" }, "id": 4564 } ``` !!! note The `action` argument may be `on`, `off`, or `toggle`. Any other value will result in an error. Returns: An object containing new power state for the requested device: ```json { "green_led": "off" } ``` #### Get Batch Device Status Get power status for the requested devices. At least one device must be specified. HTTP request: ```http GET /machine/device_power/status?dev_one&dev_two ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.device_power.status", "params": { "dev_one":null, "dev_two": null }, "id": 4564 } ``` Returns: An object containing power state for each requested device: ```json { "green_led": "off", "printer": "off" } ``` #### Batch Power On Devices Power on the requested devices. At least one device must be specified. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/device_power/on?dev_one&dev_two ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.device_power.on", "params": { "dev_one":null, "dev_two": null }, "id": 4564 } ``` An object containing power state for each requested device: ```json { "green_led": "on", "printer": "on" } ``` #### Batch Power Off Devices Power off the requested devices. At least one device must be specified. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/device_power/off?dev_one&dev_two ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "machine.device_power.off", "params": { "dev_one": null, "dev_two": null }, "id": 4564 } ``` An object containing power state for each requested device: ```json { "green_led": "off", "printer": "off" } ``` ### WLED APIs The APIs for WLED are available when the `[wled]` component has been configured. For lower-level control of wled consider using the WLED [JOSN API](https://kno.wled.ge/interfaces/json-api/) directly. #### Get strips HTTP request: ```http GET /machine/wled/strips ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"machine.wled.strips", "id": 7123 } ``` Returns: Strip information for all wled strips. ```json { "result": { "strips": { "lights": { "strip": "lights", "status": "on", "chain_count": 79, "preset": -1, "brightness": 255, "intensity": -1, "speed": -1, "error": null }, "desk": { "strip": "desk", "status": "on", "chain_count": 60, "preset": 8, "brightness": -1, "intensity": -1, "speed": -1, "error": null } } } } ``` #### Get strip status HTTP request: ```http GET /machine/wled/status?strip1&strip2 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"machine.wled.status", "params": { "lights": null, "desk": null }, "id": 7124 } ``` Returns: Strip information for requested strips. ```json { "result": { "lights": { "strip": "lights", "status": "on", "chain_count": 79, "preset": -1, "brightness": 255, "intensity": -1, "speed": -1, "error": null }, "desk": { "strip": "desk", "status": "on", "chain_count": 60, "preset": 8, "brightness": -1, "intensity": -1, "speed": -1, "error": null } } } ``` #### Turn strip on Turns the specified strips on to the initial colors or intial preset. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/wled/on?strip1&strip2 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"machine.wled.on", "params": { "lights": null, "desk": null }, "id": 7125 } ``` Returns: Strip information for requested strips. ```json { "result": { "lights": { "strip": "lights", "status": "on", "chain_count": 79, "preset": -1, "brightness": 255, "intensity": -1, "speed": -1, "error": null }, "desk": { "strip": "desk", "status": "on", "chain_count": 60, "preset": 8, "brightness": -1, "intensity": -1, "speed": -1, "error": null } } } ``` #### Turn strip off Turns off all specified strips. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/wled/off?strip1&strip2 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"machine.wled.off", "params": { "lights": null, "desk": null }, "id": 7126 } ``` Returns: The new state of the specified strips. ```json { "result": { "lights": { "strip": "lights", "status": "off", "chain_count": 79, "preset": -1, "brightness": 255, "intensity": -1, "speed": -1, "error": null }, "desk": { "strip": "desk", "status": "off", "chain_count": 60, "preset": 8, "brightness": -1, "intensity": -1, "speed": -1, "error": null } } } ``` #### Toggle strip on/off state Turns each strip off if it is on and on if it is off. HTTP request: ```http POST /machine/wled/off?strip1&strip2 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"machine.wled.toggle", "params": { "lights": null, "desk": null }, "id": 7127 } ``` Returns: The new state of the specified strips. ```json { "result": { "lights": { "strip": "lights", "status": "on", "chain_count": 79, "preset": -1, "brightness": 255, "intensity": -1, "speed": -1, "error": null }, "desk": { "strip": "desk", "status": "off", "chain_count": 60, "preset": 8, "brightness": -1, "intensity": -1, "speed": -1, "error": null } } } ``` #### Control individual strip state Toggle, turn on, turn off, turn on with preset, turn on with brightness, or turn on preset will some of brightness, intensity, and speed. Or simply set some of brightness, intensity, and speed. HTTP requests: Turn strip `lights` off ```http POST /machine/wled/strip?strip=lights&action=off ``` Turn strip `lights` on to the initial colors or intial preset. ```http POST /machine/wled/strip?strip=lights&action=on ``` Turn strip `lights` on activating preset 3. ```http POST /machine/wled/strip?strip=lights&action=on&preset=3 ``` Turn strip `lights` on activating preset 3 while specifying speed and intensity. ```http POST /machine/wled/strip?strip=lights&action=on&preset=3&intensity=50&speed=255 ``` Change strip `lights` brightness (if on) and speed (if a preset is active). ```http POST /machine/wled/strip?strip=lights&action=control&brightness=99&speed=50 ``` JSON-RPC request: Returns information for the specified strip. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"machine.wled.get_strip", "params": { "strip": "lights", }, "id": 7128 } ``` Calls the action with the arguments for the specified strip. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"machine.wled.post_strip", "params": { "strip": "lights", "action": "on", "preset": 1, "brightness": 255, "intensity": 255, "speed": 255 }, "id": 7129 } ``` !!! note The `action` argument may be `on`, `off`, `toggle` or `control`. Any other value will result in an error. The `intensity` and `speed` arguments are only used if a preset is active. Permitted ranges are 1-255 for `brightness` and 0-255 for `intensity` and `speed`. When action is `on` a `preset` with some or all of `brightness`, `intensity` and `speed` may also be specified. If the action `control` is used one or all of `brightness`, `intensity`, and `speed` must be specified. Returns: State of the strip. ```json { "result": { "lights": { "strip": "lights", "status": "on", "chain_count": 79, "preset": 1, "brightness": 50, "intensity": 255, "speed": 255, "error": null } } } ``` ### Sensor APIs The APIs below are available when the `[sensor]` component has been configured. #### Get Sensor List HTTP request: ```http GET /server/sensors/list ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"server.sensors.list", "id": 5646 } ``` Returns: An array of objects containing info for each configured sensor. ```json { "sensors": { "sensor1": { "id": "sensor1", "friendly_name": "Sensor 1", "type": "mqtt", "values": { "value1": 0, "value2": 119.8 } } } } ``` #### Get Sensor Information Returns the status for a single configured sensor. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/sensors/info?sensor=sensor1 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.sensors.info", "params": { "sensor": "sensor1" }, "id": 4564 } ``` Returns: An object containing sensor information for the requested sensor: ```json { "id": "sensor1", "friendly_name": "Sensor 1", "type": "mqtt", "values": { "value1": 0.0, "value2": 120.0 } } ``` #### Get Sensor Measurements Returns all recorded measurements for a configured sensor. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/sensors/measurements?sensor=sensor1 ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.sensors.measurements", "params": { "sensor": "sensor1" }, "id": 4564 } ``` Returns: An object containing all recorded measurements for the requested sensor: ```json { "sensor1": { "value1": [ 3.1, 3.2, 3.0 ], "value2": [ 120.0, 120.0, 119.9 ] } } ``` #### Get Batch Sensor Measurements Returns recorded measurements for all sensors. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/sensors/measurements ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.sensors.measurements", "id": 4564 } ``` Returns: An object containing all measurements for every configured sensor: ```json { "sensor1": { "value1": [ 3.1, 3.2, 3.0 ], "value2": [ 120.0, 120.0, 119.9 ] }, "sensor2": { "value_a": [ 1, 1, 0 ] } } ``` ### Spoolman APIs The following APIs are available to interact with the Spoolman integration: #### Set active spool Set the ID of the spool that Moonraker should report usage to Spoolman of. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/spoolman/spool_id Content-Type: application/json { "spool_id": 1 } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.spoolman.post_spool_id", "params": { "spool_id": 1 }, "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: The id of the now active spool: ```json { "spool_id": 1 } ``` !!! note Send an empty object, `{}`, to un-set the spool ID and stop any reporting. The response `spool_id` will then be set to *null* #### Get active spool Retrieve the ID of the spool to which Moonraker reports usage for Spoolman. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/spoolman/spool_id ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.spoolman.get_spool_id", "id": 4654 } ``` Returns: The id of the active spool: ```json { "spool_id": 1 } ``` !!! note The `spool_id` can be *null* if there is no active spool. #### Proxy Moonraker supplies a proxy endpoint where you have full access to the Spoolman API without having to configure the endpoint yourself. See Spoolman's [OpenAPI Description](https://donkie.github.io/Spoolman/) for detailed information about it's API. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/spoolman/proxy Content-Type: application/json { "request_method": "POST", "path": "/v1/spool", "query": "a=1&b=4", "body": { "filament_id": 1 } } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.spoolman.proxy", "params": { "request_method": "POST", "path": "/v1/spool", "query": "a=1&b=4", "body": { "filament_id": 1 } }, "id": 4654 } ``` The following parameters are available. `request_method` and `path` are required, the rest are optional. - `request_method`: The HTTP request method, e.g. `GET`, `POST`, `DELETE`, etc. - `path`: The endpoint, including API version, e.g. `/v1/filament`. - `query`: The query part of the URL, e.g. `filament_material=PLA&vendor_name=Prima`. - `body`: The request body for the request. Returns: The json response from the Spoolman server. ### OctoPrint API emulation Partial support of OctoPrint API is implemented with the purpose of allowing uploading of sliced prints to a moonraker instance. Currently we support Slic3r derivatives and Cura with Cura-OctoPrint. #### Version information HTTP request: ```http GET /api/version ``` JSON-RPC request: Not Available Returns: An object containing simulated OctoPrint version information ```json { "server": "1.5.0", "api": "0.1", "text": "OctoPrint (Moonraker v0.3.1-12)" } ``` #### Server status HTTP request: ```http GET /api/server ``` JSON-RPC request: Not Available Returns: An object containing simulated OctoPrint server status ```json { "server": "1.5.0", "safemode": "settings" } ``` #### Login verification & User information HTTP request: ```http GET /api/login ``` JSON-RPC request: Not Available Returns: An object containing stubbed OctoPrint login/user verification ```json { "_is_external_client": false, "_login_mechanism": "apikey", "name": "_api", "active": true, "user": true, "admin": true, "apikey": null, "permissions": [], "groups": ["admins", "users"], } ``` #### Get settings HTTP request: ```http GET /api/settings ``` JSON-RPC request: Not Available Returns: An object containing stubbed OctoPrint settings. The webcam route is hardcoded to Fluidd/Mainsail default path. We say we have the UFP plugin installed so that Cura-OctoPrint will upload in the preferred UFP format. ```json { "plugins": { "UltimakerFormatPackage": { "align_inline_thumbnail": false, "inline_thumbnail": false, "inline_thumbnail_align_value": "left", "inline_thumbnail_scale_value": "50", "installed": true, "installed_version": "0.2.2", "scale_inline_thumbnail": false, "state_panel_thumbnail": true } }, "feature": { "sdSupport": false, "temperatureGraph": false }, "webcam": { "flipH": false, "flipV": false, "rotate90": false, "streamUrl": "/webcam/?action=stream", "webcamEnabled": true } } ``` #### OctoPrint File Upload HTTP request: ```http POST /api/files/local ``` JSON-RPC request: Not Available Alias for Moonraker's [file upload API](#file-upload). #### Get Job status HTTP request: ```http GET /api/job ``` JSON-RPC request: Not Available Returns: An object containing stubbed OctoPrint Job status ```json { "job": { "file": {"name": null}, "estimatedPrintTime": null, "filament": {"length": null}, "user": null }, "progress": { "completion": null, "filepos": null, "printTime": null, "printTimeLeft": null, "printTimeOrigin": null }, "state": "Offline" } ``` #### Get Printer status HTTP request: ```http GET /api/printer ``` JSON-RPC request: Not Available Returns: An object containing OctoPrint Printer status ```json { "temperature": { "tool0": { "actual": 22.25, "offset": 0, "target": 0 }, "bed": { "actual": 22.25, "offset": 0, "target": 0 }, ... }, "state": { "text": "state", "flags": { "operational": true, "paused": false, "printing": false, "cancelling": false, "pausing": false, "error": false, "ready": false, "closedOrError": false } } } ``` #### Send GCode command HTTP request: ```http POST /api/printer/command Content-Type: application/json { "commands": ["G28"] } ``` JSON-RPC request: Not Available Returns: An empty JSON object ```json {} ``` #### List Printer profiles HTTP request: ```http GET /api/printerprofiles ``` JSON-RPC request: Not Available Returns: An object containing simulates OctoPrint Printer profile ```json { "profiles": { "_default": { "id": "_default", "name": "Default", "color": "default", "model": "Default", "default": true, "current": true, "heatedBed": true, "heatedChamber": false } } } ``` ### History APIs The APIs below are available when the `[history]` component has been configured. #### Get job list HTTP request: ```http GET /server/history/list?limit=50&start=50&since=1&before=5&order=asc ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"server.history.list", "params":{ "limit": 50, "start": 10, "since": 464.54, "before": 1322.54, "order": "asc" }, "id": 5656 } ``` All arguments are optional. Arguments are as follows: - `start` Record number to start from (i.e. 10 would start at the 10th print) - `limit` Maximum Number of prints to return (default: 50) - `before` All jobs before this UNIX timestamp - `since` All jobs after this UNIX timestamp - `order` Define return order `asc` or `desc` (default) Returns: An array of requested historical jobs: ```json { "count": 1, "jobs": [ { "job_id": "000001", "exists": true, "end_time": 1615764265.6493807, "filament_used": 7.83, "filename": "test/history_test.gcode", "metadata": { // Object containing metadata at time of job }, "print_duration": 18.37201827496756, "status": "completed", "start_time": 1615764496.622146, "total_duration": 18.37201827496756 }, ] } ``` #### Get job totals HTTP request: ```http GET /server/history/totals ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"server.history.totals", "id": 5656 } ``` Returns: An object containing the following total job statistics: ```json { "job_totals": { "total_jobs": 3, "total_time": 11748.077333278954, "total_print_time": 11348.794790096988, "total_filament_used": 11615.718840001999, "longest_job": 11665.191012736992, "longest_print": 11348.794790096988 } } ``` #### Reset totals Resets the persistent "job totals" to zero. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/history/reset_totals ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.history.reset_totals", "id": 5534 } Returns: The totals prior to the reset: ```json { "last_totals": { "total_jobs": 3, "total_time": 11748.077333278954, "total_print_time": 11348.794790096988, "total_filament_used": 11615.718840001999, "longest_job": 11665.191012736992, "longest_print": 11348.794790096988 } } ``` #### Get a single job HTTP request: ```http GET /server/history/job?uid= ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"server.history.get_job", "params":{"uid": "{uid}"}, "id": 4564 } ``` Returns: Data associated with the job ID in the following format: ```json { "job": { "job_id": "000001", "exists": true, "end_time": 1615764265.6493807, "filament_used": 7.83, "filename": "test/history_test.gcode", "metadata": { // Object containing metadata at time of job }, "print_duration": 18.37201827496756, "status": "completed", "start_time": 1615764496.622146, "total_duration": 18.37201827496756 } } ``` #### Delete job HTTP request: ```http DELETE /server/history/job?uid= ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.history.delete_job", "params":{ "uid": "{uid}" }, "id": 5534 } ``` !!! tip It is possible to replace the `uid` argument with `all=true` to delete all jobs in the history database. Returns: An array of deleted job ids ```json [ "000000", "000001", ] ``` ### MQTT APIs The following API is available when `[mqtt]` has been configured. !!! Note These requests are not available over the `mqtt` transport as they are redundant. MQTT clients can publish and subscribe to topics directly. #### Publish a topic HTTP request: ```http POST /server/mqtt/publish Content-Type: application/json { "topic": "home/test/pub", "payload": "hello", "qos": 0, "retain": false, "timeout": 5 } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"server.mqtt.publish", "params":{ "topic": "home/test/pub", "payload": "hello", "qos": 0, "retain": false, "timeout": 5 }, "id": 4564 } ``` Only the `topic` parameter is required. Below is an explanation for each parameter: - `topic`: The topic to publish. - `payload`: Payload to send with the topic. May be a boolean, float, integer, string, object, or array. All values are converted to strings prior to publishing. Objects and Arrays are JSON encoded. If omitted an empty payload is sent. - `qos`: QOS level to use when publishing the topic. Must be an integer value from 0 to 2. If omitted the system configured default is used. - `retain`: If set to `true` the MQTT broker will retain the payload of this request. Note that only the mostly recently tagged payload is retained. When other clients first subscribe to the topic they immediately receive the retained message. The default is `false`. - `timeout`: A float value in seconds. By default requests with QoS levels of 1 or 2 will block until the Broker acknowledges confirmation. This option applies a timeout to the request, returning a 504 error if the timeout is exceeded. Note that the topic will still be published if the QoS level is 1 or 2. !!! tip To clear a retained value of a topic, publish the topic with an empty payload and `retain` set to `true`. Returns: The published topic: ```json { "topic": "home/test/pub" } ``` #### Subscribe to a topic HTTP request: ```http POST /server/mqtt/subscribe Content-Type: application/json { "topic": "home/test/sub", "qos": 0, "timeout": 5 } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"server.mqtt.subscribe", "params":{ "topic": "home/test/sub", "qos": 0, "timeout": 5 }, "id": 4564 } ``` Only the `topic` parameter is required. Below is an explanation for each paramater: - `topic`: The topic to subscribe. Note that wildcards may not be used. - `qos`: QOS level to use when subscribing to the topic. Must be an integer value from 0 to 2. If omitted the system configured default is used. - `timeout`: A float value in seconds. By default requests will block indefinitely until a response is received. This option applies a timeout to the request, returning a 504 error if the timeout is exceeded. The subscription will be removed after a timeout. !!! note If the topic was previously published with a retained payload this request will return with the retained value. Returns: The subscribed topic and its payload: ```json { "topic": "home/test/pub", "payload": "test" } ``` If the payload is json encodable it will be returned as an object or array. Otherwise it will be a string. ### Extension APIs Moonraker currently has limited support for 3rd party extensions. These extensions must create a websocket connect and [identify](#identify-connection) themselves as an `agent`. Agents may host their own JSON-RPC methods that other clients may call. Agents may also emit events that are broadcast to all other websocket connections. #### List Extensions Returns a list of all available extensions. Currently Moonraker can only be officially extended through connected `agents`. HTTP request: ```http GET /server/extensions/list ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"server.extensions.list", "id": 4564 } ``` Returns: A list of connected agents, where each item is an object containing the agent's identity: ```json { "agents": [ { "name": "moonagent", "version": "0.0.1", "type": "agent", "url": "https://github.com/arksine/moontest" } ] } ``` #### Call an extension method This API may be used to call a method on a connected agent. The request effectively relays a JSON-RPC request from a client to the agent. HTTP request: ```http POST /server/extensions/request Content-Type: application/json { "agent": "moonagent", "method": "moontest.hello_world", "arguments": {"argone": true, "argtwo": 9000} } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"server.extensions.request", "params":{ "agent": "moonagent", "method": "moontest.hello_world", "arguments": {"argone": true, "argtwo": 9000} }, "id": 4564 } ``` Parameters: - `agent`: The name of the agent. This parameter is required. - `method`: The name of the method to call on the agent. Agents determine the method names they expose. This parameter is required. - `arguments`: This parameter is optional, depending on if the method being called takes parameters. This should be either an array of positional arguments or an object of keyword arguments. Returns: The result returned by the JSON-RPC call to the agent. This can be any JSON value as determined by the agent. #### Send an agent event !!! Note This API is only available to websocket connections that have identified themselves as an `agent` type. HTTP Request: Not Available JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"connection.send_event", "params":{ "event": "my_event", "data": {"my_arg": "optional data"} } } ``` Parameters: - `event`: The name of the event. This may be any name as determined by the agent, with the exception of the reserved names noted below. - `data`: Optional supplemental data sent with the event. This can be any JSON value. !!! Note The `connected` and `disconnected` events are reserved for use by Moonraker. Returns: `ok` if an `id` was present in the request, otherwise no response is returned. Once received, Moonraker will broadcast this event via the [agent event notification](#agent-events) to all other connections. #### Register a method with Klipper Allows agents to register remote methods with Klipper. These methods may be called in `gcode_macros`. !!! Note This API is only available to websocket connections that have identified themselves as an `agent` type. HTTP Request: Not Available JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"connection.register_remote_method", "params": { "method_name": "firemon_alert_heated" } } ``` Parameters: - `method_name`: The name of the desired method. Agents should make sure that the name is unique. One recommendation is to prefix the agent's name to each method it registers. Returns: `ok` if registration is successful. An error is returned if the method name is already registered. !!! Note Methods registered by agents will persist until the agent disconnects. Upon connection, it is only necessary that they register their desired methods once. Example: Presume an application named `firemon` has connected to Moonraker's websocket and identified itself as an `agent`. After identification it registers a remote method named `firemon_alert_heated`. In addition, the user the following `gcode_macro` configured in `printer.cfg`: ```ini # printer.cfg [gcode_macro ALERT_HEATED] gcode: {% if not params %} {action_call_remote_method("firemon_alert_heated")} {% else %} {% set htr = params.HEATER|default("unknown") %} {% set tmp = params.TEMP|default(0)|float %} {action_call_remote_method( "firemon_alert_heated", heater=htr, temp=tmp)} {% endif %} ``` When the `ALERT_HEATED HEATER=extruder TEMP=200` gcode is executed by Klipper, the agent will receive the following: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"firemon_alert_heated", "params": { "heater": "extruder", "temp": 200 } } ``` When the `ALERT_HEATED` gcode is executed with no parameters, the agent will receive the following: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"monitor_alert_heated" } ``` !!! Note Methods called from Klipper never contain the "id" field, as Klipper does not accept return values to remote methods. ### Debug APIs The APIs in this section are available when Moonraker the debug argument (`-g`) has been supplied via the command line. Some API may also depend on Moonraker's configuration, ie: an optional component may choose to register a debug API. !!! Warning Debug APIs may expose security vulnerabilities. They should only be enabled by developers on secured machines. #### List Database Namespaces (debug) Debug version of [List Namespaces](#list-namespaces). Return value includes namespaces exlusively reserved for Moonraker. Only availble when Moonraker's debug features are enabled. HTTP request: ```http GET /debug/database/list ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "debug.database.list", "id": 8694 } ``` #### Get Database Item (debug) Debug version of [Get Database Item](#get-database-item). Keys within protected and forbidden namespaces are accessible. Only availble when Moonraker's debug features are enabled. !!! Warning Moonraker's forbidden namespaces include items such as user credentials. This endpoint should NOT be implemented in front ends directly. HTTP request: ```http GET /debug/database/item?namespace={namespace}&key={key} ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "debug.database.get_item", "params": { "namespace": "{namespace}", "key": "{key}" }, "id": 5644 } ``` #### Add Database Item (debug) Debug version of [Add Database Item](#add-database-item). Keys within protected and forbidden namespaces may be added. Only availble when Moonraker's debug features are enabled. !!! Warning This endpoint should be used for testing/debugging purposes only. Modifying protected namespaces outside of Moonraker can result in broken functionality and is not supported for production environments. Issues opened with reports/queries related to this endpoint will be redirected to this documentation and closed. ```http POST /debug/database/item Content-Type: application/json { "namespace": "my_client", "key": "settings.some_count", "value": 100 } ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "debug.database.post_item", "params": { "namespace": "{namespace}", "key": "{key}", "value": 100 }, "id": 4654 } ``` #### Delete Database Item (debug) Debug version of [Delete Database Item](#delete-database-item). Keys within protected and forbidden namespaces may be removed. Only availble when Moonraker's debug features are enabled. !!! Warning This endpoint should be used for testing/debugging purposes only. Modifying protected namespaces outside of Moonraker can result in broken functionality and is not supported for production environments. Issues opened with reports/queries related to this endpoint will be redirected to this documentation and closed. HTTP request: ```http DELETE /debug/database/item?namespace={namespace}&key={key} ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "debug.database.delete_item", "params": { "namespace": "{namespace}", "key": "{key}" }, "id": 4654 } ``` #### Test a notifier (debug) You can trigger a notifier manually using this endpoint. HTTP request: ```http POST /debug/notifiers/test?name=notifier_name ``` JSON-RPC request: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "debug.notifiers.test", "params": { "name": "notifier_name" }, "id": 4654 } ``` Parameters: - `name`: The name of the notifier to test. Returns: Test results in the following format ```json { "status": "success", "stats": { "print_duration": 0.0, "total_duration": 0.0, "filament_used": 0.0, "filename": "notifier_test.gcode", "state": "standby", "message": "" } } ``` ### Websocket notifications Printer generated events are sent over the websocket as JSON-RPC 2.0 notifications. These notifications are sent to all connected clients in the following format: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "{event method name}" } ``` OR ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "{event method name}", "params": [] } ``` If a notification has parameters, the `params` value will always be wrapped in an array as directed by the JSON-RPC standard. Currently all notifications available are broadcast with either no parameters or a single parameter. #### Gcode Response All of Klippy's gcode responses are forwarded over the websocket. They arrive as a "gcode_response" notification: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_gcode_response", "params": ["response message"] } ``` #### Subscriptions Status Subscriptions arrive as a "notify_status_update" notification: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_status_update", "params": [{}, ] } ``` The structure of the `status object` is identical to the structure that is returned from an [object query's](#query-printer-object-status) `status` field. The `eventtime` is a timestamp generated by Klipper when the update was originally pushed. This timestamp is a float value, relative to Klipper's monotonic clock. #### Klippy Ready Notify clients when Klippy has reported a ready state ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_klippy_ready" } ``` #### Klippy Shutdown Notify clients when Klippy has reported a shutdown state ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_klippy_shutdown" } ``` #### Klippy Disconnected Notify clients when Moonraker's connection to Klippy has terminated ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_klippy_disconnected" } ``` #### File List Changed When a client makes a change to a file or directory in a registered `root` (via upload, delete, move, etc) a notification is broadcast to alert all connected clients of the change: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_filelist_changed", "params": [ { "action": "{action}", "item": { "path": "{file or directory path relative to root}", "root": "{root}", "size": 46458, "modified": 545465, "permissions": "rw" }, "source_item": { "path": "{file or directory path relative to root}", "root": "{root_name}" } } ] } ``` !!! Note The `source_item` field is only present for `move_file` and `move_dir` actions. The `action` field will be set to one of the following values: - `create_file` - `create_dir` - `delete_file` - `delete_dir` - `move_file` - `move_dir` - `modify_file` - `root_update` Most of the above actions are self explanatory. The `root_update` notification is sent when a `root` folder has changed its location. This should be a rare event as folders are now managed in using the data folder structure. Notifications are bundled where applicable. For example, when a directory containing children is deleted a single `delete_dir` notification is pushed. Likewise, when a directory is moved or copied, a single `move_dir` or `create_dir` notification is pushed. Children that are moved, copied, or deleted as a result of a parent's action will not receive individual notifications. #### Update Manager Response The update manager will send asynchronous messages to the client during an update: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_update_response", "params": [ { "application": "{app_name}", "proc_id": 446461, "message": "Update Response Message", "complete": false } ] } ``` The fields reported in the response are as follows: - The `application` field contains the name of application currently being updated. Generally this will be either "moonraker", "klipper", "system", or "client". - The `proc_id` field contains a unique id associated with the current update process. This id is generated for each update request. - The `message` field contains an asynchronous message sent during the update process. - The `complete` field is set to true on the final message sent during an update, indicating that the update completed successfully. Otherwise it will be false. #### Update Manager Refreshed The update manager periodically auto refreshes the state of each application it is tracking. After an auto refresh has completed the following notification is broadcast: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_update_refreshed", "params": [{update_info}]} ``` Where `update_info` is an object that matches the response from an [update status](#get-update-status) request. #### CPU Throttled If the system supports throttled CPU monitoring Moonraker will send the following notification when it detects a change to the current throttled state: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_cpu_throttled", "params": [{throttled_state}] } ``` Where `throttled_state` is an object that matches the `throttled_state` field in the response from a [Moonraker process stats](#get-moonraker-process-stats) request. It is possible for clients to receive this notification multiple times if the system repeatedly transitions between an active and inactive throttled condition. #### Moonraker Process Statistic Update Moonraker will emit the following notification each time it samples its process statistics: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_proc_stat_update", "params": [{ "moonraker_stats": { "time": 1615837812.0894408, "cpu_usage": 1.99, "memory": 23636, "mem_units": "kB" }, "cpu_temp": 44.008, "network": { "lo": { "rx_bytes": 114555457, "tx_bytes": 114555457, "bandwidth": 2911.49 }, "wlan0": { "rx_bytes": 48773134, "tx_bytes": 115035939, "bandwidth": 3458.77 } }, "system_cpu_usage": { "cpu": 2.53, "cpu0": 3.03, "cpu1": 5.1, "cpu2": 1.02, "cpu3": 1 }, "websocket_connections": 2 }] } ``` As with the [proc_stats request](#get-moonraker-process-stats) the `cpu_temp` field will be set to `null` if the host machine does not support retrieving CPU temperatures at `/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0`. #### History Changed If the `[history]` module is enabled the following notification is sent when a job is added or finished: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_history_changed", "params": [ { "action": "added", "job": } ] } ``` The `action` field may be `added` or `finished`. The `job` field contains an object matches the one returned when requesting [job data](#get-a-single-job). #### Authorized User Created If the `[authorization]` module is enabled the following notification is sent when a new user is created: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_user_created", "params": [ { "username": "" } ] } ``` #### Authorized User Deleted If the `[authorization]` module is enabled the following notification is sent when an existing user is deleted. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_user_deleted", "params": [ { "username": "" } ] } ``` #### Authorized User Logged Out If the `[authorization]` module is enabled the following notification is sent when an existing user is logged out. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_user_logged_out", "params": [ { "username": "" } ] } ``` #### Service State Changed Moonraker monitors the state of systemd services it is authorized to track. When the state of a service changes the following notification is sent: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_service_state_changed", "params": [ { "klipper": { "active_state": "inactive", "sub_state": "dead" } } ] } ``` The example above shows that the `klipper` service has changed to `inactive`. #### Job Queue Changed Moonraker will send a `job_queue_changed` notification when a change is detected to the queue state or the queue itself: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_job_queue_changed", "params": [ { "action": "state_changed", "updated_queue": null, "queue_state": "paused" } ] } ``` The object sent with the notification contains the following fields: - `action`: The action taken to the queue which led to the notification. Will be a string set to one of the following values: - `state_changed`: The queue state has changed - `jobs_added`: One or more jobs were added to the queue - `jobs_removed`: One or more jobs were removed from the queue - `job_loaded`: A job was popped off the queue and successfully started - `updated_queue`: If the queue itself is changed this will be a list containing each item in the queue. If the queue has not changed this will be `null`. - `queue_state`: The current queue state #### Button Event Moonraker `[button]` components may be configured to emit websocket notifications. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_button_event", "params": [ { "name": "my_button", "type": "gpio", "event": { "elapsed_time": 0.09323832602240145, "received_time": 698614.214597004, "render_time": 698614.214728513, "pressed": false }, "aux": null } ] } ``` The `params` array will always contain a single object with the following fields: - `name`: The name of the configured button - `type`: The button type, currently this will always be `gpio` - `event`: An object with details about the button event, containing the following fields: - `elapsed_time`: The time elapsed (in seconds) since the last detected button event - `received_time`: The time the event was detected according to asyncio's monotonic clock. Note that this is not in "unix time". - `render_time`: The time the template was rendered (began execution) according to asyncio's monotonic clock. It is possible execution of an event may be delayed well beyond the `received_time`. - `pressed`: A boolean value to indicate if the button is currently pressed. - `aux`: This is an optional field where the button may specify any json encodable value. Clients may suggest a specific button configuration that includes details about the event. If no aux parameter is specified in the configuration this will be a `null` value. #### Announcement update event Moonraker will emit the `notify_announcement_update` notification when a announcement entries are added or removed: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_announcement_update", "params": [ { "entries": [ { "entry_id": "arksine/moonlight/issue/3", "url": "https://github.com/Arksine/moonlight/issues/3", "title": "Test announcement 3", "description": "Test Description [with a link](https://moonraker.readthedocs.io).", "priority": "normal", "date": 1647459219, "dismissed": false, "date_dismissed": null, "dismiss_wake": null, "source": "moonlight", "feed": "moonlight" }, { "entry_id": "arksine/moonlight/issue/2", "url": "https://github.com/Arksine/moonlight/issues/2", "title": "Announcement Test Two", "description": "This is a high priority announcement. This line is included in the description.", "priority": "high", "date": 1646855579, "dismissed": false, "date_dismissed": null, "dismiss_wake": null, "source": "moonlight", "feed": "moonlight" } { "entry_id": "arksine/moonraker/issue/349", "url": "https://github.com/Arksine/moonraker/issues/349", "title": "PolicyKit warnings; unable to manage services, restart system, or update packages", "description": "This announcement is an effort to get ahead of a coming change that will certainly result in issues. PR #346 has been merged, and with it are some changes to Moonraker's default behavior.", "priority": "normal", "date": 1643392406, "dismissed": false, "source": "moonlight", "feed": "Moonraker" } ] } ] } ``` The `params` array will contain an object with all current announcement entries. This object is identical to that returned by the [list announcements](#list-announcements) endpoint. #### Announcement dismissed event Moonraker will emit the `notify_announcement_dismissed` notification when a dismissed announcement is detected: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_announcement_dismissed", "params": [ { "entry_id": "arksine/moonlight/issue/3" } ] } ``` The `params` array will contain an object with the `entry_id` of the dismissed announcement. #### Announcement wake event Moonraker will emit the `notify_announcement_wake` notification when a specified `wake_time` for a dismissed announcement has expired. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_announcement_wake", "params": [ { "entry_id": "arksine/moonlight/issue/1" } ] } ``` The `params` array will contain an object with the `entry_id` of the announcement that is no longer dismissed. #### Sudo alert event Moonraker will emit the `notify_sudo_alert` notification when a component has requested sudo access. The event is also emitted when a sudo request has been granted. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_sudo_alert", "params": [ { "sudo_requested": true, "sudo_messages": [ "Sudo password required to update Moonraker's systemd service." ] } ] } ``` The `params` array contains an object with the following fields: - `sudo_requested`: Returns true if Moonraker is currently requesting sudo access. - `request_messages`: An array of strings, each string describing a pending sudo request. The array will be empty if no sudo requests are pending. #### Webcams changed event Moonraker will emit the `notify_webcams_changed` event when a configured webcam is added, removed, or updated. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_webcams_changed", "params": [ { "webcams": [ { "name": "tc2", "location": "printer", "service": "mjpegstreamer", "enabled": true, "icon": "mdiWebcam", "target_fps": 15, "target_fps_idle": 5, "stream_url": "http://printer.lan/webcam?action=stream", "snapshot_url": "http://printer.lan/webcam?action=snapshot", "flip_horizontal": false, "flip_vertical": false, "rotation": 0, "aspect_ratio": "4:3", "extra_data": {}, "source": "database" }, { "name": "TestCam", "location": "printer", "service": "mjpegstreamer", "enabled": true, "icon": "mdiWebcam", "target_fps": 15, "target_fps_idle": 5, "stream_url": "/webcam/?action=stream", "snapshot_url": "/webcam/?action=snapshot", "flip_horizontal": false, "flip_vertical": false, "rotation": 0, "aspect_ratio": "4:3", "extra_data": {}, "source": "database" } ] } ] } ``` The `webcams` field contans an array of objects like those returned by the [list webcams](#list-webcams) API. #### Spoolman active spool ID changed Moonraker will emit the `notify_active_spool_set` event when the active spool ID for the Spoolman integration has been changed. See the [Spoolman API](#spoolman-apis) for more information. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_active_spool_set", "params": [ { "spool_id": 1 } ] } ``` #### Agent Events Moonraker will emit the `notify_agent_event` notification when it an agent event is received. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_agent_event", "params": [ { "agent": "moonagent", "event": "connected", "data": { "name": "moonagent", "version": "0.0.1", "type": "agent", "url": "https://github.com/arksine/moontest" } } ] } ``` When an agent connects, all connections will receive a `connected` event for that agent, with its identity info in the `data` field. When an agent disconnects clients will receive a `disconnected` event with the data field omitted. All other events are determined by the agent, where each event may or may not include optional `data`. #### Sensor Events Moonraker will emit a `sensors:sensor_update` notification when a measurement from at least one monitored sensor changes. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "sensors:sensor_update", "params": [ { "sensor1": { "humidity": 28.9, "temperature": 22.4 } } ] } ``` When a sensor reading changes, all connections will receive a `sensors:sensor_update` event where the params contains a data struct with the sensor id as the key and the sensors letest measurements as value struct. ### Appendix #### Websocket setup The websocket is located at `ws://host:port/websocket`, for example: ```javascript var s = new WebSocket("ws://" + location.host + "/websocket"); ``` !!! tip A client using API Key authorization may request a [oneshot token](#generate-a-oneshot-token), applying the result to the websocket request's query string: ```http ws://host:port/websocket?token={32 character base32 string} ``` The following startup sequence is recommended for clients which make use of the websocket: 1. Attempt to connect to `/websocket` until successful using a timer-like mechanism 2. Once connected, query `/server/info` (or `server.info`) for the ready status. - If the response returns an error (such as 404) then either the client is not authorized or Moonraker is not running. Direct the user to SSH into the machine and check `/tmp/moonraker.log`. - If the response returns success, check the result's `klippy_state` field: - `klippy_state == "ready"`: you may proceed to request status of printer objects make subscriptions, get the file list, etc. - `klippy_state == "error"`: Klippy has experienced an error starting up - `klippy_state == "shutdown"`: Klippy is in a shutdown state. - `klippy_state == "startup"`: re-request `/server/info` in 2 seconds. - If `error` or `shutdown` is detected it might be wise to prompt the user. You can get a description from the `state_message` field of a `/printer/info` request. 3. Repeat step 2 until Klipper reports ready. 4. Clients should watch for the `notify_klippy_disconnected` event. If received then Klippy has either been stopped or restarted. In this state the client should repeat the steps above to determine when klippy is ready. #### Basic Print Status An advanced client will likely use subscriptions and notifications to interact with Moonraker, however simple clients such as home automation software and embedded devices (ie: ESP32) may only wish to monitor the status of a print. Below is a high level walkthrough for receiving print state via polling. - Set up a timer to poll at the desired interval. Depending on your use case, 1 to 2 seconds is recommended. - On each cycle, issue the following request: GET http://host/printer/objects/query?webhooks&virtual_sdcard&print_stats Or via JSON-RPC 2.0: { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "printer.objects.query", "params": { "objects": { "webhooks": null, "virtual_sdcard": null, "print_stats": null } }, "id": 5664 } - If the request returns an error or the returned `result.status` is an empty object, then this is an indication that Klippy either experienced an error or it is not properly configured. Each queried object should be available in `result.status`. The client should check to make sure that all objects are received before proceeding. - Inspect `webhooks.ready`. If the value is not `ready` the printer is not available. `webhooks.message` contains a message pertaining to the current state. - If the printer is ready, inspect `print_stats.state`. It may be one of the following values: - `standby`: No print in progress - `printing`: The printer is currently printing - `paused`: A print in progress has been paused - `error`: The print exited with an error. `print_stats.message` contains a related error message - `complete`: The last print has completed - If `print_stats.state` is not `standby` then `print_stats.filename` will report the name of the currently loaded file. - `print_stats.filename` can be used to fetch file metadata. It is only necessary to fetch metadata once per print. GET http://host/server/files/metadata?filename= Or via JSON-RPC 2.0: { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server.files.metadata", "params": { "filename": "{filename}" }, "id": 5643 } If metadata extraction failed then this request will return an error. Some metadata fields are only populated for specific slicers, and unsupported slicers will only return the size and modified date. - There are multiple ways to calculate the ETA, this example will use file progress, as it is possible calculate the ETA with or without metadata. - If `metadata.estimated_time` is available, the eta calculation can be done as: // assume "result" is the response from the status query let vsd = result.status.virtual_sdcard; let prog_time = vsd.progress * metadata.estimated_time; let eta = metadata.estimated_time - prog_time Alternatively, one can simply subtract the print duration from the estimated time: // assume "result" is the response from the status query let pstats = result.status.print_status; let eta = metadata.estimated_time - pstats.print_duration; if (eta < 0) eta = 0; - If no metadata is available, print duration and progress can be used to calculate the ETA: // assume "result" is the response from the status query let vsd = result.status.virtual_sdcard; let pstats = result.status.print_stats; let total_time = pstats.print_duration / vsd.progress; let eta = total_time - pstats.print_duration; - It is possible to query additional objects if a client wishes to display more information (ie: temperatures). See the [Printer Objects](printer_objects.md) documentation for details. #### Bed Mesh Coordinates The [Bed Mesh](printer_objects.md#bed_mesh) printer object may be used to generate three dimensional coordinates of a probed area (or mesh). Below is an example (in javascript) of how to transform the data received from a bed_mesh object query into an array of 3D coordinates. ```javascript // assume that we have executed an object query for bed_mesh and have the // result. This example generates 3D coordinates for the probed matrix, // however it would work with the mesh matrix as well function process_mesh(result) { let bed_mesh = result.status.bed_mesh let matrix = bed_mesh.probed_matrix; if (!(matrix instanceof Array) || matrix.length < 3 || !(matrix[0] instanceof Array) || matrix[0].length < 3) // make sure that the matrix is valid return; let coordinates = []; let x_distance = (bed_mesh.mesh_max[0] - bed_mesh.mesh_min[0]) / (matrix[0].length - 1); let y_distance = (bed_mesh.mesh_max[1] - bed_mesh.mesh_min[1]) / (matrix.length - 1); let x_idx = 0; let y_idx = 0; for (const x_axis of matrix) { x_idx = 0; let y_coord = bed_mesh.mesh_min[1] + (y_idx * y_distance); for (const z_coord of x_axis) { let x_coord = bed_mesh.mesh_min[0] + (x_idx * x_distance); x_idx++; coordinates.push([x_coord, y_coord, z_coord]); } y_idx++; } } // Use the array of coordinates visualize the probed area // or mesh.. ``` #### Converting to Unix Time Some of Moonraker's APIs return a date represented in Unix time. Most languages have functionality built in to convert Unix time to a workable object or string. For example, in JavaScript one might do something like the following: ```javascript for (let resp of result.gcode_store) { let date = new Date(resp.time * 1000); // Do something with date and resp.message ... } ``` #### Announcements Moonraker announcements are effectively push notifications that can be used to notify users of important information related the development and status of software in the Klipper ecosystem. This section will provide an overview of how the announcement system works, how to set up a dev environment, and provide recommendations on client implementation. ##### How announcements work Moonraker announcements are GitHub issues tagged with the `announcement` label. GitHub repos may registered with [moonlight](https://github.com/arksine/moonlight), which is responsible for generating RSS feeds from GitHub issues using GitHub's REST API. These RSS feeds are hosted on GitHub Pages, for example Moonraker's feed may be found [here](https://arksine.github.io/moonlight/assets/moonraker.xml). By centralizing GitHub API queries in `moonlight` we are able to poll multiple repos without running into API rate limit issues. Moonlight has has a workflow that checks all registered repos for new announcements every 30 minutes. In theory it would be able to check for announcements in up to 500 repos before exceeding GitHub's API rate limit. Moonraker's `[announcements]` component will always check the `klipper` and `moonraker` RSS feeds. It is possible to configure additional RSS feeds by adding them to the `subscriptions` option. The component will poll configured feeds every 30 minutes, resulting in maximum of 1 hour for new announcements to reach all users. When new issues are tagged with `announcement` these entries will be parsed and added to the RSS feeds. When the issue is closed they will be removed from the corresponding feed. Moonlight will fetch up to 20 announcements for each feed, if a repo goes over this limit older announcements will be removed. !!! Note It is also possible for Moonraker to generate announcements itself. For example, if a Moonraker component needs user feedback it may generate an announcement and notify all connected clients. From a client's perspective there is no need to treat announcements differently than any other announcement. ##### Setting up the dev environment Moonraker provides configuration to parse announcements from a local folder so that it is possible to manually add and remove entries, allowing client developers to perform integration tests: ```ini # moonraker.conf [announcements] dev_mode: True ``` With `dev_mode` enabled, Moonraker will look for`moonraker.xml` and `klipper.xml` in the following folder: ```shell ~/moonraker/.devel/announcement_xml ``` If moonraker is not installed in the home folder then substitute `~` for the parent folder location. This folder is in a hardcoded location to so as not to expose users to vulnerabilities associated with parsing XML. It is possible to configure Moonraker to search for your own feeds: ```ini # moonraker.conf [announcements] subscription: my_project dev_mode: True ``` The above configuration would look for `my_project.xml` in addition to `klipper.xml` and `moonraker.xml`. The developer may manually create the xml feeds or they may clone `moonlight` and leverage its script to generate a feed from issues created on their test repo. When local feeds have been modified one may call the [update announcements API](#update-announcements) to have Moonraker fetch the updates and add/remove entries. ##### RSS file structure Moonlight generates RSS feeds in XML format. Below is an example generated from moonlight's own issue tracker: ```xml arksine/moonlight https://github.com/Arksine/moonlight RSS Announcements for Moonraker Tue, 22 Mar 2022 23:19:04 GMT f2912192bf0d09cf18d8b8af22b2d3501627043e5afa3ebff0e45e4794937901 Test announcement 3 https://github.com/Arksine/moonlight/issues/3 Test Description [with a link](https://moonraker.readthedocs.io). Wed, 16 Mar 2022 19:33:39 GMT normal arksine/moonlight/issue/3 Announcement Test Two https://github.com/Arksine/moonlight/issues/2 This is a high priority announcement. This line is included in the description. Wed, 09 Mar 2022 19:52:59 GMT high arksine/moonlight/issue/2 Announcement Test One https://github.com/Arksine/moonlight/issues/1 This is the description. Anything here should appear in the announcement, up to 512 characters. Wed, 09 Mar 2022 19:37:58 GMT normal arksine/moonlight/issue/1 ``` Each xml file may contain only one `` element, and each `` element may contain only one channel. All items must be present aside from `moonlight:configHash`, which is used by the workflow to detect changes to moonlight's configuration. Most elements are self explanatory, developers will be most interested in adding and removing `` elements, as these are the basis for entries in Moonraker's announcement database. ##### Generating announcements from your own repo As mentioned previously, its possible to clone moonlight and use its rss script to generate announcements from issues in your repo: ```shell cd ~ git clone https://github.com/arksine/moonlight cd moonlight virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 .venv source .venv/bin/activate pip install httpx[http2] deactivate ``` To add your repo edit `~/moonlight/src/config.json`: ```json { "moonraker": { "repo_owner": "Arksine", "repo_name": "moonraker", "description": "API Host For Klipper", "authorized_creators": ["Arksine"] }, "klipper": { "repo_owner": "Klipper3d", "repo_name": "klipper", "description": "A 3D Printer Firmware", "authorized_creators": ["KevinOConnor"] }, // Add your test repo info here. It should contain // fields matching those in "moonraker" and "klipper" // shown above. } ``` Once your repo is added, create one or more issues on your GitHub repo tagged with the `announcement` label. Add the `critical` label to one if you wish to test high priority announcements. You may need to create these labels in your repo before they can be added. Now we can use moonlight to generate the xml files: ```shell cd ~/moonlight source .venv/bin/activate src/update_rss.py deactivate ``` After the script has run it will generate the configured RSS feeds and store them in `~/moonlight/assets`. If using this method it may be useful to create a symbolic link to it in Moonraker's devel folder: ```shell cd ~/moonraker mkdir .devel cd .devel ln -s ~/moonlight/assets announcement_xml ``` If you haven't done so, configure Moonraker to subscribe to your feed and restart the Moonraker service. Otherwise you may call the [announcement update](#update-announcements) API to have Moonraker parse the announcements from your test feed. ##### Implementation details and recommendations When Moonraker detects a change to one or more feeds it will fire the [announcement update](#announcement-update-event) notification. It is also possible to [query the API for announcements](#list-announcements). Both the notification and the API return a list of announcement entries, where each entry is an object containing the following fields: - `entry_id`: A unique ID derived for each entry. Typically this is in the form of `{owner}/{repo}/issue/{issue number}`. - `url`: The url to the full announcement. This is generally a link to an issue on GitHub. - `title`: Announcement title, will match the title of the issue on GitHub. - `description`: The first paragraph of the announcement. Anything over 512 characters will be truncated. - `priority`: Can be `normal` or `high`. It is recommended that clients immediately alert the user when one or more `high` priority announcments are present. Issued tagged with the `critical` label will be assigned a `high` priority. - `date`: The announcement creation date in unix time. - `dismissed`: If set to `true` this announcement has been previously dismissed - `date_dismissed`: The date the announcement was dismissed in unix time. If the announcement has not been dismissed this value is `null`. - `dismiss_wake`: If the announcement was dismissed with a `wake_time` specified this is the time (in unix time) at which the `dismissed` state will revert. If the announcement is not dismissed or dismissed indefinitely this value will be `null`. - `source`: The source from which the announcement was generated. Can be `moonlight` or `internal`. - `feed`: The RSS feed for moonlight announcements. For example, this could be `Moonraker` or `Klipper`. If the announcement was generated internally this should match the name of the component that generated the announcement. When a client first connects to Moonraker it is recommended that the [list announcements](#list-announcements) API is called to retrieve the current list of entries. A client may then watch for the [announcement update](#announcement-update-event) and [announcement dismissed](#announcement-dismissed-event) notifications and update the UI accordingly. Client devs should decide how they want to present announcements to users. They could be treated as any other notification, for example a client may have a notification icon that shows the current number of unread announcements. Clients can mark an announcement as `read` by calling the [dismiss announcement](#dismiss-an-announcement) API. Any announcement entry with `dismissed = true` should be considered read. When a `high priority` announcement is detected it is recommended that clients present the announcement in a format that is immediately visible to the user. That said, it may be wise to allow users to opt out of this behavior via configuration. !!! Note If an announcement is dismissed, closed, then reopened the `dismissed` flag will reset to false. This is expected behavior as announcements are pruned from the database when they are no longer present in feeds. It isn't valid for repo maintaners to re-open a closed announcement. That said, its fine to close and re-open issues during development and testing using repos that are not yet registered with moonlight.