docs: update documentation for the Authorization component

USER_CHANGE:  The "enable" and "api_key_file" options in the [authorizaton] section are now deprecated.  A new API Key will be generated.  Use the "" script to retrieve the new key.

Signed-off-by:  Eric Callahan <>
This commit is contained in:
Arksine 2021-04-19 20:45:37 -04:00
parent 64e794f1b5
commit f4ebb93546
5 changed files with 246 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ to see if any action is necessary on their part. The date of the most
recent change is included.
[]( - March 10th 2021
[]( - April 19th 2021
[]( - March 15th 2021

View File

@ -54,19 +54,17 @@ gcode_store_size: 1000
## `[authorization]`
The `[authorization]` section provides configuration for Moonraker's
authorization module. This section is required.
authorization module.
# moonraker.conf
enabled: True
# Enables authorization. When set to true, requests must either contain
# a valid API key or originate from a trusted client. Default is True.
api_key_file: ~/.moonraker_api_key
# Path of the file that stores Moonraker's API key. The default is
# ~/.moonraker_api_key
# The time, in days, after which a user is forced to re-enter their
# credentials to log in. This period begins when a logged out user
# first logs in. Successive logins without logging out will not
# renew the timeout. The default is 90 days.
# A list of newline separated ip addresses and/or ip ranges that are

View File

@ -178,6 +178,29 @@ These options may be changed by editing
`/etc/systemd/system/moonraker.service`. The `` script
may also be used to modify the config file location.
### Retreiving the API Key
Some clients may require an API Key to connect to Moonraker. After the
`[authorization]` component is first configured Moonraker will automatically
generate an API Key. There are two ways in which the key may be retreived
by the user:
Retreive the API Key via the command line (SSH):
cd ~/moonraker/scripts
Retreive the API Key via the browser from a trusted client:
- Navigate to `http://{moonraker-host}/access/api_key`, where
`{moonraker-host}` is the host name or ip address of the desired
moonraker instance.
- The result will appear in the browser window in JSON format. Copy
The API Key without the quotes.
{"result": "8ce6ae5d354a4365812b83140ed62e4b"}
### Additional Notes
- Make sure that Moonraker and Klipper both have read and write access to the

View File

@ -2,6 +2,19 @@
This file will track changes that require user intervention,
such as a configuration change or a reinstallation.
### April 19th 2021
- The `[authorization]` module is now a component, thus is only
loaded if the user has it configured in `moonraker.conf`. This
deprecates the previous `enable` option, as it is enabled
if configured and disabled otherwise.
- The API Key is now stored in the database. This deprecates the
`api_key_file` option in the `[authorization]` module. Users can
no longer read the contents of the API Key file to retreive the
API Key. Instead, users can run `scripts/` to
print the API Key. Alternative a user can navigate to
`http://{moonraker-host}/access/api_key` from a trusted client
to retreive the API Key.
### March 10th 2021
- The `cors_domain` option in the `[authoriztion]` section is now
checked for dangerous entries. If a domain entry contains a

View File

@ -1431,9 +1431,209 @@ The requested file
### Authorization
Untrusted Clients must use a key to access the API by including it in the
`X-Api-Key` header for each HTTP Request. The APIs below allow authorized
clients to request or modify the current API Key.
The Authorization endpoints are enabled when the user has the
`[authorization]` component configured in `moonraker.conf`.
Untrusted clients must use either a JSON Web Token or an API key to access
Moonraker's HTTP APIs. JWTs should be included in the `Authorization`
header as a `Bearer` type for each HTTP request. If using an API Key it
should be included in the `X-Api-Key` header for each HTTP Request.
!!! warning
Clients should not use the query string to pass arguments to these
APIs. Arguments may be passed as part of the body either in JSON
format or as form-data.
#### Login User
HTTP Request:
POST /access/login
Content-Type: application/json
"username": "my_user",
"password": "my_password"
JSON-RPC request: Not Available
Returns: An object the logged in username, auth token, refresh token,
and action summary:
"username": "my_user",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiAiTW9vbnJha2VyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2MTg4NzY4MDAuNDgxNjU1LCAiZXhwIjogMTYxODg4MDQwMC40ODE2NTUsICJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJteV91c2VyIiwgInRva2VuX3R5cGUiOiAiYXV0aCJ9.QdieeEskrU0FrH7rXKuPDSZxscM54kV_vH60uJqdU9g",
"refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiAiTW9vbnJha2VyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2MTg4NzY4MDAuNDgxNzUxNCwgImV4cCI6IDE2MjY2NTI4MDAuNDgxNzUxNCwgInVzZXJuYW1lIjogIm15X3VzZXIiLCAidG9rZW5fdHlwZSI6ICJyZWZyZXNoIn0.btJF0LJfymInhGJQ2xvPwkp2dFUqwgcw4OA_wE-EcCM",
"action": "user_logged_in"
- The `token` field is a JSON Web Token used to authorize the user. It should
be included in the `Authorization` header as a `Bearer` type for all HTTP
requests. The `token` expires after 1 hour.
- The `refresh_token` field contains a JWT that can be used to generate new
tokens after they are expire. See the
[refresh token section](#refresh-json-web-token) for details.
!!! Note
This endpoint may be accessed by unauthorized clients. A 401 would
only be returned if the username and/or password is invalid.
#### Logout Current User
HTTP Request:
POST /access/logout
JSON-RPC request: Not Available
Returns: An object containing the logged out username and action summary.
"username": "my_user",
"action": "user_logged_out"
#### Get Current User
HTTP Request:
GET /access/user
JSON-RPC request: Not Available
Returns: An object containing the currently logged in user name and
the date on which the user was created (in unix time).
"username": "my_user",
"created_on": 1618876783.8896716
#### Create User
HTTP Request:
POST /access/user
Content-Type: application/json
"username": "my_user",
"password": "my_password"
JSON-RPC request: Not Available
Returns: An object containing the created user name, an auth token,
a refresh token, and an action summary. Creating a user also effectively
logs the user in.
"username": "my_user",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiAiTW9vbnJha2VyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2MTg4NzY3ODMuODkxNjE5LCAiZXhwIjogMTYxODg4MDM4My44OTE2MTksICJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJteV91c2VyIiwgInRva2VuX3R5cGUiOiAiYXV0aCJ9.oH0IShTL7mdlVs4kcx3BIs_-1j0Oe-qXezJKjo-9Xgo",
"refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiAiTW9vbnJha2VyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2MTg4NzY3ODMuODkxNzAyNCwgImV4cCI6IDE2MjY2NTI3ODMuODkxNzAyNCwgInVzZXJuYW1lIjogIm15X3VzZXIiLCAidG9rZW5fdHlwZSI6ICJyZWZyZXNoIn0.a6ZeRjk8RQQJDDH0JV-qGY_d_HIgfI3XpsqUlUaFT7c",
"action": "user_created"
!!! note
Unlike `/access/login`, `/access/user` is a protected endpoint. To
create a new user a client must either be trusted, use the API Key,
or be logged in as another user.
#### Delete User
Deletes the currently logged in user.
HTTP Request:
DELETE /access/user
Content-Type: application/json
"password": "my_password"
JSON-RPC request: Not Available
Returns: The username of the deleted user and an action summary. This
effectively logs the user out.
"username": "my_user",
"action": "user_deleted"
#### Reset User Password
HTTP Request:
POST /access/user/password
Content-Type: application/json
"password": "my_current_password",
"new_password": "my_new_pass"
JSON-RPC request: Not Available
Returns: The username and action summary.
"username": "my_user",
"action": "user_password_reset"
#### Refresh JSON Web Token
This endpoint can be used to refresh an expired auth token. If this
request returns an error then the refresh token is no longer valid and
the user must login with their credentials.
HTTP Request:
POST /access/refresh_jwt
Content-Type: application/json
"refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiAiTW9vbnJha2VyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2MTg4Nzc0ODUuNzcyMjg5OCwgImV4cCI6IDE2MjY2NTM0ODUuNzcyMjg5OCwgInVzZXJuYW1lIjogInRlc3R1c2VyIiwgInRva2VuX3R5cGUiOiAicmVmcmVzaCJ9.Y5YxGuYSzwJN2WlunxlR7XNa2Y3GWK-2kt-MzHvLbP8"
JSON-RPC request: Not Available
Returns: The username, new auth token, and action summary.
"username": "my_user",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiAiTW9vbnJha2VyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2MTg4NzgyNDMuNTE2Nzc5MiwgImV4cCI6IDE2MTg4ODE4NDMuNTE2Nzc5MiwgInVzZXJuYW1lIjogInRlc3R1c2VyIiwgInRva2VuX3R5cGUiOiAiYXV0aCJ9.Ia_X_pf20RR4RAEXcxalZIOzOBOs2OwearWHfRnTSGU",
"action": "user_jwt_refresh"
!!! Note
This endpoint may be accessed by unauthorized clients. A 401 would
only be returned if the refresh token is invalid.
#### Generate a Oneshot Token
Javascript is not capable of modifying the headers for some HTTP requests
(for example, the `websocket`), which is a requirement to apply JWT or API Key
authorization. To work around this clients may request a Oneshot Token and
pass it via the query string for these requests. Tokens expire in 5 seconds
and may only be used once, making them relatively safe for inclusion in the
query string.
HTTP request:
GET /access/oneshot_token
JSON-RPC request: Not Available
A temporary token that may be added to a request's query string for access
to any API endpoint. The query string should be added in the form of:
#### Get the Current API Key
HTTP request:
@ -1459,29 +1659,6 @@ The newly generated API key. This overwrites the previous key. Note that
the API key change is applied immediately, all subsequent HTTP requests
from untrusted clients must use the new key.
#### Generate a Oneshot Token
Javascript is not capable of modifying the headers for some HTTP requests
(for example, the `websocket`), which is a requirement to apply `X-Api-Key`
authorization. To work around this clients may request a Oneshot Token and
pass it via the query string for these requests. Tokens expire in 5 seconds
and may only be used once, making them relatively safe for inclusion in the
query string.
HTTP request:
GET /access/oneshot_token
JSON-RPC request: Not Available
A temporary token that may be added to a request's query string for access
to any API endpoint. The query string should be added in the form of:
### Database APIs
The following endpoints provide access to Moonraker's ldbm database. The
database is divided into `namespaces`. Each client may define its own