update_manager: Don't use github's API to check repo version

The remote version info can be retrieved by simply doing a git fetch, then running "git rev-parse" and "git describe" on the desired remote branch.

Signed-off-by: Eric Callahan <arksine.code@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Arksine 2020-12-28 18:09:10 -05:00
parent 9993b1e656
commit 9501d72059
1 changed files with 37 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -23,10 +23,8 @@ MOONRAKER_PATH = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(
# TODO: May want to attempt to look up the disto for the correct
# klippy install script or have the user configure it
APT_CMD = "sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get"
REPO_PREFIX = "https://api.github.com/repos"
'moonraker': {
'repo_url': f"{REPO_PREFIX}/arksine/moonraker/branches/master",
'origin': "https://github.com/arksine/moonraker.git",
'install_script': "scripts/install-moonraker.sh",
'requirements': "scripts/moonraker-requirements.txt",
@ -36,7 +34,6 @@ REPO_DATA = {
'site_pkg_path': "lib/python3.7/site-packages",
'klipper': {
'repo_url': f"{REPO_PREFIX}/kevinoconnor/klipper/branches/master",
'origin': "https://github.com/kevinoconnor/klipper.git",
'install_script': "scripts/install-octopi.sh",
'requirements': "scripts/klippy-requirements.txt",
@ -198,16 +195,15 @@ class GitUpdater:
self.execute_cmd = umgr.execute_cmd
self.execute_cmd_with_response = umgr.execute_cmd_with_response
self.notify_update_response = umgr.notify_update_response
self.github_request = umgr.github_request
self.name = name
self.repo_path = path
self.env = env
self.version = self.cur_hash = self.remote_hash = "?"
self.version = self.cur_hash = "?"
self.remote_version = self.remote_hash = "?"
self.init_evt = Event()
self.debug = umgr.repo_debug
self.remote = "origin"
self.branch = "master"
self.github_url = None
self.is_valid = self.is_dirty = self.detached = False
@ -255,13 +251,13 @@ class GitUpdater:
await self.init_evt.wait(to)
async def refresh(self):
await self._check_local_version()
await self._check_remote_version()
await self._check_version()
async def _check_local_version(self):
async def _check_version(self):
self.is_valid = self.detached = False
self.cur_hash = self.branch = self.remote = "?"
self.version = self.remote_version = "?"
blist = await self.execute_cmd_with_response(
f"git -C {self.repo_path} branch --list")
@ -270,6 +266,7 @@ class GitUpdater:
branch = None
for b in blist.split("\n"):
b = b.strip()
if b[0] == "*":
branch = b[2:]
@ -287,35 +284,47 @@ class GitUpdater:
self.remote = await self.execute_cmd_with_response(
f"git -C {self.repo_path} config --get"
f" branch.{self.branch}.remote")
await self.execute_cmd(
f"git -C {self.repo_path} fetch {self.remote} --prune -q",
remote_url = await self.execute_cmd_with_response(
f"git -C {self.repo_path} remote get-url {self.remote}")
hash = await self.execute_cmd_with_response(
cur_hash = await self.execute_cmd_with_response(
f"git -C {self.repo_path} rev-parse HEAD")
remote_hash = await self.execute_cmd_with_response(
f"git -C {self.repo_path} rev-parse "
repo_version = await self.execute_cmd_with_response(
f"git -C {self.repo_path} describe --always "
"--tags --long --dirty")
remote_version = await self.execute_cmd_with_response(
f"git -C {self.repo_path} describe {self.remote}/{self.branch}"
" --always --tags --long")
except Exception:
self._log_exc("Error retreiving git info")
self.is_dirty = repo_version.endswith("dirty")
tag_version = "?"
ver_match = re.match(r"v\d+\.\d+\.\d-\d+", repo_version)
if ver_match:
tag_version = ver_match.group()
self.version = tag_version
self.cur_hash = hash
f"Repo Detected:\nPath: {self.path}\nRemote: {self.remote}\n"
f"Branch: {self.branch}\nHEAD SHA: {self.cur_hash}\n"
f"Version: {repo_version}")
url_info = re.match(r"https://github.com/(.*)/", remote_url)
if url_info is not None:
user = url_info.group(1)
self.github_url = f"{REPO_PREFIX}/{user}/{self.name}" \
versions = []
for ver in [repo_version, remote_version]:
tag_version = "?"
ver_match = re.match(r"v\d+\.\d+\.\d-\d+", ver)
if ver_match:
tag_version = ver_match.group()
self.version, self.remote_version = versions
self.cur_hash = cur_hash.strip()
self.remote_hash = remote_hash.strip()
f"Repo Detected:\nPath: {self.repo_path}\nRemote: {self.remote}\n"
f"Branch: {self.branch}\nRemote URL: {remote_url}\n"
f"Current SHA: {self.cur_hash}\n"
f"Remote SHA: {self.remote_hash}\nVersion: {self.version}\n"
f"Remote Version: {self.remote_version}\n"
f"Is Dirty: {self.is_dirty}\nIs Detached: {self.detached}")
if self.debug:
self.is_valid = True
self._log_info("Debug enabled, bypassing official repo check")
elif self.branch == "master" and self.remote == "origin":
if self.detached:
self._log_info("Detached HEAD detected, repo invalid")
@ -324,39 +333,21 @@ class GitUpdater:
if remote_url[-4:] != ".git":
remote_url += ".git"
if remote_url == REPO_DATA[self.name]['origin']:
self.github_url = REPO_DATA[name]['repo_url']
self.is_valid = True
self._log_info("Validity check for git repo passed")
self._log_info(f"Invalid git origin '{origin}'")
self._log_info(f"Invalid git origin url '{remote_url}'")
"Git repo not on offical remote/branch: "
async def _check_remote_version(self):
if self.github_url is None:
branch_info = await self.github_request(self.github_url)
except Exception:
raise self._log_exc(f"Error retreiving github info")
commit_hash = branch_info.get('commit', {}).get('sha', None)
if commit_hash is None:
self.is_valid = False
self.upstream_version = "?"
raise self._log_exc(f"Invalid github response", False)
self._log_info(f"Received latest commit hash: {commit_hash}")
self.remote_hash = commit_hash
async def update(self, update_deps=False):
if not self.is_valid:
raise self._log_exc("Update aborted, repo is not valid", False)
if self.is_dirty:
raise self._log_exc(
"Update aborted, repo is has been modified", False)
if self.remote_hash == "?":
await self._check_remote_version()
if self.remote_hash == self.cur_hash:
# No need to update
@ -385,7 +376,7 @@ class GitUpdater:
elif need_env_rebuild:
await self._update_virtualenv(True)
# Refresh local repo state
await self._check_local_version()
await self._check_version()
if self.name == "moonraker":
# Launch restart async so the request can return
# before the server restarts
@ -479,6 +470,7 @@ class GitUpdater:
'remote_alias': self.remote,
'branch': self.branch,
'version': self.version,
'remote_version': self.remote_version,
'current_hash': self.cur_hash,
'remote_hash': self.remote_hash,
'is_dirty': self.is_dirty,