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This document keeps a record of all changes to Moonraker's remote
facing APIs.
### September 30th 2020
- Two new endpoints have been added:
- `GET /server/info` (``)
- `GET /server/gcode_store` (`server.gcode_store`)
See for details on their usage.
### September 7th 2020
- A new websocket API has been added, `server.files.delete_file`:
{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "server.files.delete_file", params:
{path: "<root>/<file_name>"}, id: <request id>}
Where <root> is either "gcodes" or "config", and <file_name> is
the relative path to the file for deletion. For example:
`path: "gcodes/my_sub_dir/my_gcode_file.gcode"`
### September 3rd 2020
- The Websocket APIs have changed for clarity. The APIs methods now
use namespaces similar to those found in common programming languages.
This change affects all websocket APIs, however websocket events have
not changed. Below is a chart mapping the Previous API to the New API:
| Previous Websocket Method | New Websocket Method |
| get_printer_info | |
| post_printer_emergency_stop | printer.emergency_stop |
| post_printer_restart | printer.restart |
| post_printer_firmware_restart | printer.firmware_restart |
| get_printer_objects_list | printer.objects.list |
| get_printer_objects_query | printer.objects.query |
| post_printer_objects_subscribe | printer.objects.subscribe |
| get_printer_query_endstops_status | printer.query_endstops.status |
| post_printer_gcode_script | printer.gcode.script |
| get_printer_gcode_help | |
| post_printer_print_start | printer.print.start |
| post_printer_print_pause | printer.print.pause |
| post_printer_print_resume | printer.print.resume |
| post_printer_print_cancel | printer.print.cancel |
| post_machine_reboot | machine.reboot |
| post_machine_shutdown | machine.shutdown |
| get_server_temperature_store | server.temperature_store |
| get_file_list | server.files.list |
| get_file_metadata | server.files.metadata |
| get_directory | server.files.get_directory |
| post_directory | server.files.post_directory |
| delete_directory | server.files.delete_directory |
| post_file_move | server.files.move |
| post_file_copy | server.files.copy |
- The "power" plugin APIs have changed. This affects both HTTP and
Websocket APIs. They were originally added to the "/printer" path,
however this adds the possibility of a naming conflict. The new
APIs are as follows:
- `GET /machine/gpio_power/devices` : `machine.gpio_power.devices`
- `GET /machine/gpio_power/status` : `machine.gpio_power.status`
- `POST /machine/gpio_power/on` : `machine.gpio_power.on`
- `POST /machine/gpio_power/off` : ``
### September 1st 2020
- A new notification has been added: `notify_metdata_update`. This
notification is sent when Moonraker parses metdata from a new upload.
Note that the upload must be made via the API, files manually (using
SAMBA, SCP, etc) do not trigger a notification. The notification is
sent in the following format:
{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify_metadata_update", params: [metadata]}
Where `metadata` is an object in the following format:
filename: "file name",
size: <file size>,
modified: "last modified date",
slicer: "Slicer Name",
first_layer_height: <in mm>,
layer_height: <in mm>,
object_height: <in mm>,
estimated_time: <time in seconds>,
filament_total: <in mm>,
thumbnails: [
width: <in pixels>,
height: <in pixels>,
size: <length of string>,
data: <base64 string>
}, ...
### August 16th 2020
- The structure of data returned from `/printer/info` (`get_printer_info`)
has changed to the following format:
state: "<klippy state>",
state_message: "<current state message>",
hostname: "<hostname>",
software_version: "<version>",
cpu_info: "<cpu_info>",
klipper_path: "<moonraker use only>",
python_path: "<moonraker use only>",
log_file: "<moonraker use only>",
config_file: "<moonraker use only>",
The "state" item can be one of the following:
- "startup" - Klippy is in the process of starting up
- "ready" - Klippy is ready
- "shutdown" - Klippy has shutdown
- "error" - Klippy has experienced an error during startup
The message from each state can be found in the `state_message`.
- A `webhooks` printer object has been added, available for subscription or
query. It includes the following items:
- `state` - Printer state identical to that returned from `/printer/info`
- `state_message` - identical to that returned from `/printer/info`
- `/printer/objects/status` (`get_printer_objects_status`) has been renamed to
`/printer/objects/query` (`get_printer_objects_query`). The format of the
websocket request has changed, it should now look like the following:
jsonrpc: "2.0",
method: "get_printer_objects_query",
params: {
objects: {
gcode: null,
toolhead: ["position", "status"]
id: <request id>
As shown above, printer objects are now wrapped in an "objects" parameter.
When a client wishes to subscribe to all items of a printer object, they
should now be set to `null` rather than an empty array.
The return value has also changed:
eventtime: <klippy time of update>,
status: {
gcode: {
busy: true,
gcode_position: [0, 0, 0 ,0],
toolhead: {
position: [0, 0, 0, 0],
status: "Ready",
The `status` item now contains the requested status.
- `/printer/objects/subscription` (`post_printer_objects_subscription`) is now
`printer/objects/subscribe` (`post_printer_objects_subscribe`). This
request takes parameters in the same format as the `query`. It now returns
state for all currently subscribed objects (in the same format as a `query`).
This data can be used to initialize all local state after the request
- Subscriptions are now pushed as "diffs". Clients will only recieve updates
for subscribed items when that data changes. This requires that clients
initialize their local state with the data returned from the subscription
- The structure of data returned from `/printer/objects/list` has changed. It
now returns an array of available printer objects:
{ objects: ["gcode", "toolhead", "bed_mesh", "configfile",....]}
- The `notify_klippy_state_changed` notification has been removed. Clients
can subscribe to `webhooks` and use `webhooks.state` to be notified of
transitions to the "ready" and "shutdown" states
- A `notify_klippy_disconnected` event has been added to notify clients
when the connection between Klippy and Moonraker has been terminated.
This event is sent with no parameters:
{jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify_klippy_disconnected"}