
13 KiB

This document is a reference of printer status information available in Klipper macros, display fields, and via the API Server.

The fields in this document are subject to change - if using an attribute be sure to review the Config Changes document when upgrading the Klipper software.


The following information is available in the bed_mesh object:

  • profile_name, mesh_min, mesh_max, probed_matrix, mesh_matrix: Information on the currently active bed_mesh.


The following information is available in the configfile object (this object is always available):

  • settings.<section>.<option>: Returns the given config file setting (or default value) during the last software start or restart. (Any settings changed at run-time will not be reflected here.)
  • config.<section>.<option>: Returns the given raw config file setting as read by Klipper during the last software start or restart. (Any settings changed at run-time will not be reflected here.) All values are returned as strings.


The following information is available in the display_status object (this object is automatically available if a display config section is defined):

  • progress: The progress value of the last M73 G-Code command (or virtual_sdcard.progress if no recent M73 received).
  • message: The message contained in the last M117 G-Code command.


The following information is available in fan, heater_fan some_name and controller_fan some_name objects:

  • speed: The fan speed as a float between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • rpm: The measured fan speed in rotations per minute if the fan has a tachometer_pin defined.


The following information is available in filament_switch_sensor some_name objects:

  • enabled: Returns True if the switch sensor is currently enabled.
  • filament_detected: Returns True if the sensor is in a triggered state.


The following information is available in filament_motion_sensor some_name objects:

  • enabled: Returns True if the motion sensor is currently enabled.
  • filament_detected: Returns True if the sensor is in a triggered state.


The following information is available in the firmware_retraction object:

  • retract_length, retract_speed, unretract_extra_length, unretract_speed: The current settings for the firmware_retraction module. These settings may differ from the config file if a SET_RETRACTION command alters them.


The following information is available in gcode_macro some_name objects:


The following information is available in the gcode_move object (this object is always available):

  • gcode_position: The current position of the toolhead relative to the current G-Code origin. That is, positions that one might directly send to a G1 command. It is possible to access the x, y, z, and e components of this position (eg, gcode_position.x).
  • position: The last commanded position of the toolhead using the coordinate system specified in the config file. It is possible to access the x, y, z, and e components of this position (eg, position.x).
  • homing_origin: The origin of the gcode coordinate system (relative to the coordinate system specified in the config file) to use after a G28 command. The SET_GCODE_OFFSET command can alter this position. It is possible to access the x, y, and z components of this position (eg, homing_origin.x).
  • speed: The last speed set in a G1 command (in mm/s).
  • speed_factor: The "speed factor override" as set by an M220 command. This is a floating point value such that 1.0 means no override and, for example, 2.0 would double requested speed.
  • extrude_factor: The "extrude factor override" as set by an M221 command. This is a floating point value such that 1.0 means no override and, for example, 2.0 would double requested extrusions.
  • absolute_coordinates: This returns True if in G90 absolute coordinate mode or False if in G91 relative mode.
  • absolute_extrude: This returns True if in M82 absolute extrude mode or False if in M83 relative mode.


The following information is available in the hall_filament_width_sensor object:

  • is_active: Returns True if the sensor is currently active.
  • Diameter, Raw: The last read values from the sensor.


The following information is available for heater objects such as extruder, heater_bed, and heater_generic:

  • temperature: The last reported temperature (in Celsius as a float) for the given heater.
  • target: The current target temperature (in Celsius as a float) for the given heater.
  • power: The last setting of the PWM pin (a value between 0.0 and 1.0) associated with the heater.


The following information is available in the heaters object (this object is available if any heater is defined):

  • available_heaters: Returns a list of all currently available heaters by their full config section names, e.g. ["extruder", "heater_bed", "heater_generic my_custom_heater"].
  • available_sensors: Returns a list of all currently available temperature sensors by their full config section names, e.g. ["extruder", "heater_bed", "heater_generic my_custom_heater", "temperature_sensor electronics_temp"].


The following information is available in the idle_timeout object (this object is always available):

  • state: The current state of the printer as tracked by the idle_timeout module. It is one of the following strings: "Idle", "Printing", "Ready".
  • printing_time: The amount of time (in seconds) the printer has been in the "Printing" state (as tracked by the idle_timeout module).


The following information is available in mcu and mcu some_name objects:

  • mcu_version: The Klipper code version reported by the micro-controller.
  • mcu_build_versions: Information on the build tools used to generate the micro-controller code (as reported by the micro-controller).
  • mcu_constants.<constant_name>: Compile time constants reported by the micro-controller. The available constants may differ between micro-controller architectures and with each code revision.
  • last_stats.<statistics_name>: Statistics information on the micro-controller connection.


The following information is available in output_pin some_name objects:

  • value: The "value" of the pin, as set by a SET_PIN command.


The following information is available in the palette2 object:

  • ping: Amount of the last reported Palette 2 ping in percent.
  • remaining_load_length: When starting a Palette 2 print, this will be the amount of filament to load into the extruder.
  • is_splicing: True when the Palette 2 is splicing filament.


The following information is available in the pause_resume object:

  • is_paused: Returns true if a PAUSE command has been executed without a corresponding RESUME.


The following information is available in the print_stats object (this object is automatically available if a virtual_sdcard config section is defined):

  • filename, total_duration, print_duration, filament_used, state, message: Estimated information about the current print when a virtual_sdcard print is active.


The following information is available in the probe object (this object is also available if a bltouch config section is defined):

  • last_query: Returns True if the probe was reported as "triggered" during the last QUERY_PROBE command. Note, if this is used in a macro, due to the order of template expansion, the QUERY_PROBE command must be run prior to the macro containing this reference.
  • last_z_result: Returns the Z result value of the last PROBE command. Note, if this is used in a macro, due to the order of template expansion, the PROBE (or similar) command must be run prior to the macro containing this reference.


The following information is available in the quad_gantry_level object (this object is available if quad_gantry_level is defined):

  • applied: True if the gantry leveling process has been run and completed successfully.


The following information is available in the query_endstops object (this object is available if any endstop is defined):

  • last_query["<endstop>"]: Returns True if the given endstop was reported as "triggered" during the last QUERY_ENDSTOP command. Note, if this is used in a macro, due to the order of template expansion, the QUERY_ENDSTOP command must be run prior to the macro containing this reference.


The following information is available in servo some_name objects:

  • printer["servo <config_name>"].value: The last setting of the PWM pin (a value between 0.0 and 1.0) associated with the servo.


The following information is available in the system_stats object (this object is always available):

  • sysload, cputime, memavail: Information on the host operating system and process load.

temperature sensors

The following information is available in

bme280 config_section_name, htu21d config_section_name, lm75 config_section_name, and temperature_host config_section_name objects:

  • temperature: The last read temperature from the sensor.
  • humidity, pressure, gas: The last read values from the sensor (only on bme280, htu21d, and lm75 sensors).


The following information is available in temperature_fan some_name objects:

  • temperature: The last read temperature from the sensor.
  • target: The target temperature for the fan.


The following information is available in temperature_sensor some_name objects:

  • temperature: The last read temperature from the sensor.
  • measured_min_temp, measured_max_temp: The lowest and highest temperature seen by the sensor since the Klipper host software was last restarted.


The following information is available in the toolhead object (this object is always available):

  • position: The last commanded position of the toolhead relative to the coordinate system specified in the config file. It is possible to access the x, y, z, and e components of this position (eg, position.x).
  • extruder: The name of the currently active extruder. For example, in a macro one could use printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].target to get the target temperature of the current extruder.
  • homed_axes: The current cartesian axes considered to be in a "homed" state. This is a string containing one or more of "x", "y", "z".
  • axis_minimum, axis_maximum: The axis travel limits (mm) after homing. It is possible to access the x, y, z components of this limit value (eg, axis_minimum.x, axis_maximum.z).
  • max_velocity, max_accel, max_accel_to_decel, square_corner_velocity: The current printing limits that are in effect. This may differ from the config file settings if a SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT (or M204) command alters them at run-time.
  • stalls: The total number of times (since the last restart) that the printer had to be paused because the toolhead moved faster than moves could be read from the G-Code input.


The following information is available in the virtual_sdcard object:

  • is_active: Returns True if a print from file is currently active.
  • progress: An estimate of the current print progress (based of file size and file position).
  • file_position: The current position (in bytes) of an active print.


The following information is available in the webhooks object (this object is always available):

  • state: Returns a string indicating the current Klipper state. Possible values are: "ready", "startup", "shutdown", "error".
  • state_message: A human readable string giving additional context on the current Klipper state.


The following information is available in the z_tilt object (this object is available if z_tilt is defined):

  • applied: True if the z-tilt leveling process has been run and completed successfully.