
418 lines
16 KiB

# TMC2208 UART communication and configuration
# Copyright (C) 2018 Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
# This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.
import math, logging, collections
import tmc2130
Registers = {
"GCONF": 0x00, "GSTAT": 0x01, "IFCNT": 0x02, "SLAVECONF": 0x03,
"OTP_PROG": 0x04, "OTP_READ": 0x05, "IOIN": 0x06, "FACTORY_CONF": 0x07,
"IHOLD_IRUN": 0x10, "TPOWERDOWN": 0x11, "TSTEP": 0x12, "TPWMTHRS": 0x13,
"VACTUAL": 0x22, "MSCNT": 0x6a, "MSCURACT": 0x6b, "CHOPCONF": 0x6c,
"DRV_STATUS": 0x6f, "PWMCONF": 0x70, "PWM_SCALE": 0x71, "PWM_AUTO": 0x72
ReadRegisters = [
Fields = {}
Fields["GCONF"] = {
"I_scale_analog": 0x01,
"internal_Rsense": 0x01 << 1,
"en_spreadCycle": 0x01 << 2,
"shaft": 0x01 << 3,
"index_otpw": 0x01 << 4,
"index_step": 0x01 << 5,
"pdn_disable": 0x01 << 6,
"mstep_reg_select": 0x01 << 7,
"multistep_filt": 0x01 << 8,
"test_mode": 0x01 << 9
Fields["GSTAT"] = {
"reset": 0x01,
"drv_err": 0x01 << 1,
"uv_cp": 0x01 << 2
Fields["IFCNT"] = {
"IFCNT": 0xff
Fields["SLAVECONF"] = {
"SENDDELAY": 0x0f << 8
Fields["OTP_PROG"] = {
"OTPBIT": 0x07,
"OTPBYTE": 0x03 << 4,
"OTPMAGIC": 0xff << 8
Fields["OTP_READ"] = {
"otp_OTTRIM": 0x01 << 5,
"otp_internalRsense": 0x01 << 6,
"otp_TBL": 0x01 << 7,
"OTP_PWM_GRAD": 0x0f << 8,
"otp_pwm_autograd": 0x01 << 12,
"OTP_TPWMTHRS": 0x07 << 13,
"otp_PWM_OFS": 0x01 << 16,
"otp_PWM_REG": 0x01 << 17,
"otp_PWM_FREQ": 0x01 << 18,
"OTP_IHOLDDELAY": 0x03 << 19,
"OTP_IHOLD": 0x03 << 21,
"otp_en_spreadCycle": 0x01 << 23
# IOIN mapping depends on the driver type (SEL_A field)
# TMC222x (SEL_A == 0)
Fields["IOIN@TMC222x"] = {
"PDN_UART": 0x01 << 1,
"SPREAD": 0x01 << 2,
"DIR": 0x01 << 3,
"ENN": 0x01 << 4,
"STEP": 0x01 << 5,
"MS1": 0x01 << 6,
"MS2": 0x01 << 7,
"SEL_A": 0x01 << 8,
"VERSION": 0xff << 24
# TMC220x (SEL_A == 1)
Fields["IOIN@TMC220x"] = {
"ENN": 0x01,
"MS1": 0x01 << 2,
"MS2": 0x01 << 3,
"DIAG": 0x01 << 4,
"PDN_UART": 0x01 << 6,
"STEP": 0x01 << 7,
"SEL_A": 0x01 << 8,
"DIR": 0x01 << 9,
"VERSION": 0xff << 24,
Fields["FACTORY_CONF"] = {
"FCLKTRIM": 0x1f,
"OTTRIM": 0x03 << 8
Fields["IHOLD_IRUN"] = {
"IHOLD": 0x1f,
"IRUN": 0x1f << 8,
"IHOLDDELAY": 0x0f << 16
Fields["TPOWERDOWN"] = {
Fields["TSTEP"] = {
"TSTEP": 0xfffff
Fields["TPWMTHRS"] = {
"TPWMTHRS": 0xfffff
Fields["VACTUAL"] = {
"VACTUAL": 0xffffff
Fields["MSCNT"] = {
"MSCNT": 0x3ff
Fields["MSCURACT"] = {
"CUR_A": 0x1ff,
"CUR_B": 0x1ff << 16
Fields["CHOPCONF"] = {
"toff": 0x0f,
"hstrt": 0x07 << 4,
"hend": 0x0f << 7,
"TBL": 0x03 << 15,
"vsense": 0x01 << 17,
"MRES": 0x0f << 24,
"intpol": 0x01 << 28,
"dedge": 0x01 << 29,
"diss2g": 0x01 << 30,
"diss2vs": 0x01 << 31
Fields["DRV_STATUS"] = {
"otpw": 0x01,
"ot": 0x01 << 1,
"s2ga": 0x01 << 2,
"s2gb": 0x01 << 3,
"s2vsa": 0x01 << 4,
"s2vsb": 0x01 << 5,
"ola": 0x01 << 6,
"olb": 0x01 << 7,
"t120": 0x01 << 8,
"t143": 0x01 << 9,
"t150": 0x01 << 10,
"t157": 0x01 << 11,
"CS_ACTUAL": 0x1f << 16,
"stealth": 0x01 << 30,
"stst": 0x01 << 31
Fields["PWMCONF"] = {
"PWM_OFS": 0xff,
"PWM_GRAD": 0xff << 8,
"pwm_freq": 0x03 << 16,
"pwm_autoscale": 0x01 << 18,
"pwm_autograd": 0x01 << 19,
"freewheel": 0x03 << 20,
"PWM_REG": 0xf << 24,
"PWM_LIM": 0xf << 28
Fields["PWM_SCALE"] = {
"PWM_SCALE_SUM": 0xff,
"PWM_SCALE_AUTO": 0x1ff << 16
Fields["PWM_AUTO"] = {
"PWM_OFS_AUTO": 0xff,
"PWM_GRAD_AUTO": 0xff << 16
FieldFormatters = {
"I_scale_analog": (lambda v: "1(ExtVREF)" if v else ""),
"shaft": (lambda v: "1(Reverse)" if v else ""),
"drv_err": (lambda v: "1(ErrorShutdown!)" if v else ""),
"uv_cp": (lambda v: "1(Undervoltage!)" if v else ""),
"SEL_A": (lambda v: "%d(%s)" % (v, ["TMC222x", "TMC220x"][v])),
"VERSION": (lambda v: "%#x" % v),
"CUR_A": (lambda v: str(tmc2130.decode_signed_int(v, 9))),
"CUR_B": (lambda v: str(tmc2130.decode_signed_int(v, 9))),
"MRES": (lambda v: "%d(%dusteps)" % (v, 0x100 >> v)),
"otpw": (lambda v: "1(OvertempWarning!)" if v else ""),
"ot": (lambda v: "1(OvertempError!)" if v else ""),
"s2ga": (lambda v: "1(ShortToGND_A!)" if v else ""),
"s2gb": (lambda v: "1(ShortToGND_B!)" if v else ""),
"s2vsa": (lambda v: "1(LowSideShort_A!)" if v else ""),
"s2vsb": (lambda v: "1(LowSideShort_B!)" if v else ""),
"ola": (lambda v: "1(OpenLoad_A!)" if v else ""),
"olb": (lambda v: "1(OpenLoad_B!)" if v else ""),
"PWM_SCALE_AUTO": (lambda v: str(tmc2130.decode_signed_int(v, 9)))
# TMC2208 communication
# Generate a CRC8-ATM value for a bytearray
def calc_crc8(data):
crc = 0
for b in data:
for i in range(8):
if (crc >> 7) ^ (b & 0x01):
crc = (crc << 1) ^ 0x07
crc = (crc << 1)
crc &= 0xff
b >>= 1
return crc
# Add serial start and stop bits to a message in a bytearray
def add_serial_bits(data):
out = 0
pos = 0
for d in data:
b = (d << 1) | 0x200
out |= (b << pos)
pos += 10
res = bytearray()
for i in range((pos+7)//8):
res.append((out >> (i*8)) & 0xff)
return res
# Generate a tmc2208 read register message
def encode_tmc2208_read(sync, addr, reg):
msg = bytearray([sync, addr, reg])
return add_serial_bits(msg)
# Generate a tmc2208 write register message
def encode_tmc2208_write(sync, addr, reg, val):
msg = bytearray([sync, addr, reg, (val >> 24) & 0xff, (val >> 16) & 0xff,
(val >> 8) & 0xff, val & 0xff])
return add_serial_bits(msg)
# Extract a tmc2208 read response message
def decode_tmc2208_read(reg, data):
# Convert data into a long integer for easy manipulation
if len(data) != 10:
return None
mval = pos = 0
for d in bytearray(data):
mval |= d << pos
pos += 8
# Extract register value
val = ((((mval >> 31) & 0xff) << 24) | (((mval >> 41) & 0xff) << 16)
| (((mval >> 51) & 0xff) << 8) | ((mval >> 61) & 0xff))
# Verify start/stop bits and crc
encoded_data = encode_tmc2208_write(0x05, 0xff, reg, val)
if data != encoded_data:
return None
return val
# TMC2208 printer object
class TMC2208:
def __init__(self, config):
self.printer = config.get_printer()
self.name = config.get_name().split()[1]
# pin setup
ppins = self.printer.lookup_object("pins")
rx_pin_params = ppins.lookup_pin(
config.get('uart_pin'), can_pullup=True)
tx_pin_desc = config.get('tx_pin', None)
if tx_pin_desc is None:
tx_pin_params = rx_pin_params
tx_pin_params = ppins.lookup_pin(tx_pin_desc)
if rx_pin_params['chip'] is not tx_pin_params['chip']:
raise ppins.error("TMC2208 rx and tx pins must be on the same mcu")
self.mcu = rx_pin_params['chip']
self.pullup = rx_pin_params['pullup']
self.rx_pin = rx_pin_params['pin']
self.tx_pin = tx_pin_params['pin']
self.oid = self.mcu.create_oid()
self.tmcuart_send_cmd = None
# Add DUMP_TMC command
gcode = self.printer.lookup_object("gcode")
"DUMP_TMC", "STEPPER", self.name,
self.cmd_DUMP_TMC, desc=self.cmd_DUMP_TMC_help)
# Setup basic register values
self.ifcnt = None
self.regs = collections.OrderedDict()
self.field_helper = tmc2130.FieldHelper(
Fields, FieldFormatters, self.regs)
self.field_helper.set_field("pdn_disable", True)
self.field_helper.set_field("mstep_reg_select", True)
self.field_helper.set_field("multistep_filt", True)
steps = {'256': 0, '128': 1, '64': 2, '32': 3, '16': 4,
'8': 5, '4': 6, '2': 7, '1': 8}
mres = config.getchoice('microsteps', steps)
self.field_helper.set_field("MRES", mres)
# Calculate current
vsense = False
run_current = config.getfloat('run_current', above=0., maxval=2.)
hold_current = config.getfloat('hold_current', run_current,
above=0., maxval=2.)
sense_resistor = config.getfloat('sense_resistor', 0.110, above=0.)
irun = self.current_bits(run_current, sense_resistor, vsense)
ihold = self.current_bits(hold_current, sense_resistor, vsense)
if irun < 16 and ihold < 16:
vsense = True
irun = self.current_bits(run_current, sense_resistor, vsense)
ihold = self.current_bits(hold_current, sense_resistor, vsense)
self.field_helper.set_field("vsense", vsense)
self.field_helper.set_field("IHOLD", ihold)
self.field_helper.set_field("IRUN", irun)
# Setup stealthchop
sc_velocity = config.getfloat('stealthchop_threshold', 0., minval=0.)
sc_threshold = self.velocity_to_clock(config, sc_velocity, mres)
self.field_helper.set_field("en_spreadCycle", not sc_velocity)
self.field_helper.set_field("TPWMTHRS", sc_threshold)
# Allow other registers to be set from the config
set_config_field = self.field_helper.set_config_field
set_config_field(config, "toff", 3)
set_config_field(config, "hstrt", 5)
set_config_field(config, "hend", 0)
set_config_field(config, "TBL", 2, "driver_BLANK_TIME_SELECT")
set_config_field(config, "intpol", True, "interpolate")
set_config_field(config, "IHOLDDELAY", 8)
set_config_field(config, "TPOWERDOWN", 20)
set_config_field(config, "PWM_OFS", 36)
set_config_field(config, "PWM_GRAD", 14)
set_config_field(config, "pwm_freq", 1)
set_config_field(config, "pwm_autoscale", True)
set_config_field(config, "pwm_autograd", True)
set_config_field(config, "PWM_REG", 8)
set_config_field(config, "PWM_LIM", 12)
def current_bits(self, current, sense_resistor, vsense_on):
sense_resistor += 0.020
vsense = 0.32
if vsense_on:
vsense = 0.18
cs = int(32. * current * sense_resistor * math.sqrt(2.) / vsense
- 1. + .5)
return max(0, min(31, cs))
def velocity_to_clock(self, config, velocity, mres):
if not velocity:
return 0
stepper_name = config.get_name().split()[1]
stepper_config = config.getsection(stepper_name)
step_dist = stepper_config.getfloat('step_distance')
step_dist_256 = step_dist / (1 << mres)
threshold = int(TMC_FREQUENCY * step_dist_256 / velocity + .5)
return max(0, min(0xfffff, threshold))
def build_config(self):
bit_ticks = int(self.mcu.get_adjusted_freq() / 9000.)
"config_tmcuart oid=%d rx_pin=%s pull_up=%d tx_pin=%s bit_time=%d"
% (self.oid, self.rx_pin, self.pullup, self.tx_pin, bit_ticks))
cmd_queue = self.mcu.alloc_command_queue()
self.tmcuart_send_cmd = self.mcu.lookup_command(
"tmcuart_send oid=%c write=%*s read=%c", cq=cmd_queue)
def handle_connect(self):
for reg_name, val in self.regs.items():
self.set_register(reg_name, val)
def get_register(self, reg_name):
reg = Registers[reg_name]
msg = encode_tmc2208_read(0xf5, 0x00, reg)
if self.printer.get_start_args().get('debugoutput') is not None:
return 0
for retry in range(5):
params = self.tmcuart_send_cmd.send_with_response(
[self.oid, msg, 10], 'tmcuart_response', self.oid)
val = decode_tmc2208_read(reg, params['read'])
if val is not None:
return val
raise self.printer.config_error(
"Unable to read tmc2208 '%s' register %s" % (self.name, reg_name))
def set_register(self, reg_name, val):
msg = encode_tmc2208_write(0xf5, 0x00, Registers[reg_name] | 0x80, val)
if self.printer.get_start_args().get('debugoutput') is not None:
for retry in range(5):
ifcnt = self.ifcnt
if ifcnt is None:
self.ifcnt = ifcnt = self.get_register("IFCNT")
params = self.tmcuart_send_cmd.send_with_response(
[self.oid, msg, 0], 'tmcuart_response', self.oid)
self.ifcnt = self.get_register("IFCNT")
if self.ifcnt == (ifcnt + 1) & 0xff:
raise self.printer.config_error(
"Unable to write tmc2208 '%s' register %s" % (self.name, reg_name))
def get_microsteps(self):
return 256 >> self.field_helper.get_field("MRES")
def get_phase(self):
mscnt = self.field_helper.get_field("MSCNT", self.get_register("MSCNT"))
return mscnt >> self.field_helper.get_field("MRES")
cmd_DUMP_TMC_help = "Read and display TMC stepper driver registers"
def cmd_DUMP_TMC(self, params):
gcode = self.printer.lookup_object('gcode')
logging.info("DUMP_TMC %s", self.name)
for reg_name in ReadRegisters:
val = self.get_register(reg_name)
except self.printer.config_error as e:
raise gcode.error(str(e))
# IOIN has different mappings depending on the driver type
# (SEL_A field of IOIN reg)
if reg_name == "IOIN":
drv_type = self.field_helper.get_field("SEL_A", val)
reg_name = "IOIN@TMC220x" if drv_type else "IOIN@TMC222x"
msg = self.field_helper.pretty_format(reg_name, val)
def load_config_prefix(config):
return TMC2208(config)