# Support for micro-controller chip based temperature sensors
# Copyright (C) 2020  Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
# This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.
import logging
import mcu


class PrinterTemperatureMCU:
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.printer = config.get_printer()
        self.base_temperature = self.slope = None
        self.temp1 = self.adc1 = self.temp2 = self.adc2 = None
        self.min_temp = self.max_temp = 0.
        self.debug_read_cmd = None
        # Read config
        mcu_name = config.get('sensor_mcu', 'mcu')
        self.temp1 = config.getfloat('sensor_temperature1', None)
        if self.temp1 is not None:
            self.adc1 = config.getfloat('sensor_adc1', minval=0., maxval=1.)
            self.temp2 = config.getfloat('sensor_temperature2', None)
            if self.temp2 is not None:
                self.adc2 = config.getfloat('sensor_adc2', minval=0., maxval=1.)
        # Setup ADC port
        ppins = config.get_printer().lookup_object('pins')
        self.mcu_adc = ppins.setup_pin('adc',
                                       '%s:ADC_TEMPERATURE' % (mcu_name,))
        self.mcu_adc.setup_adc_callback(REPORT_TIME, self.adc_callback)
        query_adc = config.get_printer().load_object(config, 'query_adc')
        query_adc.register_adc(config.get_name(), self.mcu_adc)
        # Register callbacks
        if self.printer.get_start_args().get('debugoutput') is not None:
            self.mcu_adc.setup_minmax(SAMPLE_TIME, SAMPLE_COUNT,
    def setup_callback(self, temperature_callback):
        self.temperature_callback = temperature_callback
    def get_report_time_delta(self):
        return REPORT_TIME
    def adc_callback(self, read_time, read_value):
        temp = self.base_temperature + read_value * self.slope
        self.temperature_callback(read_time + SAMPLE_COUNT * SAMPLE_TIME, temp)
    def setup_minmax(self, min_temp, max_temp):
        self.min_temp = min_temp
        self.max_temp = max_temp
    def calc_adc(self, temp):
        return (temp - self.base_temperature) / self.slope
    def calc_base(self, temp, adc):
        return temp - adc * self.slope
    def _mcu_identify(self):
        # Obtain mcu information
        mcu = self.mcu_adc.get_mcu()
        self.debug_read_cmd = mcu.lookup_query_command(
            "debug_read order=%c addr=%u", "debug_result val=%u")
        self.mcu_type = mcu.get_constants().get("MCU", "")
        # Run MCU specific configuration
        cfg_funcs = [
            ('sam3', self.config_sam3), ('sam4', self.config_sam4),
            ('samd21', self.config_samd21), ('samd51', self.config_samd51),
            ('stm32f1', self.config_stm32f1), ('stm32f2', self.config_stm32f2),
            ('stm32f4', self.config_stm32f4),
            ('stm32f042', self.config_stm32f042),
            ('stm32f070', self.config_stm32f070),
            ('', self.config_unknown)]
        for name, func in cfg_funcs:
            if self.mcu_type.startswith(name):
        logging.info("mcu_temperature '%s' nominal base=%.6f slope=%.6f",
                     mcu.get_name(), self.base_temperature, self.slope)
        # Setup manual base/slope override
        if self.temp1 is not None:
            if self.temp2 is not None:
                self.slope = (self.temp2 - self.temp1) / (self.adc2 - self.adc1)
            self.base_temperature = self.calc_base(self.temp1, self.adc1)
        # Setup min/max checks
        adc_range = [self.calc_adc(t) for t in [self.min_temp, self.max_temp]]
        self.mcu_adc.setup_minmax(SAMPLE_TIME, SAMPLE_COUNT,
                                  minval=min(adc_range), maxval=max(adc_range),
    def config_unknown(self):
        raise self.printer.config_error("MCU temperature not supported on %s"
                                        % (self.mcu_type,))
    def config_sam3(self):
        self.slope = 3.3 / .002650
        self.base_temperature = self.calc_base(27., 0.8 / 3.3)
    def config_sam4(self):
        self.slope = 3.3 / .004700
        self.base_temperature = self.calc_base(27., 1.44 / 3.3)
    def config_samd21(self, addr=0x00806030):
        def get1v(val):
            if val & 0x80:
                val = 0x100 - val
            return 1. - val / 1000.
        cal1 = self.read32(addr)
        cal2 = self.read32(addr + 4)
        room_temp = ((cal1 >> 0) & 0xff) + ((cal1 >> 8) & 0xf) / 10.
        hot_temp = ((cal1 >> 12) & 0xff) + ((cal1 >> 20) & 0xf) / 10.
        room_1v = get1v((cal1 >> 24) & 0xff)
        hot_1v = get1v((cal2 >> 0) & 0xff)
        room_adc = ((cal2 >> 8) & 0xfff) * room_1v / (3.3 * 4095.)
        hot_adc = ((cal2 >> 20) & 0xfff) * hot_1v / (3.3 * 4095.)
        self.slope = (hot_temp - room_temp) / (hot_adc - room_adc)
        self.base_temperature = self.calc_base(room_temp, room_adc)
    def config_samd51(self):
    def config_stm32f1(self):
        self.slope = 3.3 / -.004300
        self.base_temperature = self.calc_base(25., 1.43 / 3.3)
    def config_stm32f2(self):
        self.slope = 3.3 / .002500
        self.base_temperature = self.calc_base(25., .76 / 3.3)
    def config_stm32f4(self, addr1=0x1FFF7A2C, addr2=0x1FFF7A2E):
        cal_adc_30 = self.read16(addr1) / 4095.
        cal_adc_110 = self.read16(addr2) / 4095.
        self.slope = (110. - 30.) / (cal_adc_110 - cal_adc_30)
        self.base_temperature = self.calc_base(30., cal_adc_30)
    def config_stm32f042(self):
        self.config_stm32f4(addr1=0x1FFFF7B8, addr2=0x1FFFF7C2)
    def config_stm32f070(self):
        self.slope = 3.3 / -.004300
        cal_adc_30 = self.read16(0x1FFFF7B8) / 4095.
        self.base_temperature = self.calc_base(30., cal_adc_30)
    def read16(self, addr):
        params = self.debug_read_cmd.send([1, addr])
        return params['val']
    def read32(self, addr):
        params = self.debug_read_cmd.send([2, addr])
        return params['val']

def load_config(config):
    pheaters = config.get_printer().load_object(config, "heaters")
    pheaters.add_sensor_factory("temperature_mcu", PrinterTemperatureMCU)