#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Script to parse a logging file, extract the stats, and graph them # # Copyright (C) 2016 Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net> # # This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license. import optparse, datetime import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot, matplotlib.dates, matplotlib.font_manager import matplotlib.ticker MAXBANDWIDTH=25000. MAXBUFFER=2. STATS_INTERVAL=5. TASK_MAX=0.0025 def parse_log(logname): f = open(logname, 'rb') out = [] for line in f: parts = line.split() if not parts or parts[0] not in ('Stats', 'INFO:root:Stats'): #if parts and parts[0] == 'INFO:root:shutdown:': # break continue prefix = "" keyparts = {} for p in parts[2:]: if p.endswith(':'): prefix = p if prefix == 'mcu:': prefix = '' continue name, val = p.split('=', 1) keyparts[prefix + name] = val if keyparts.get('bytes_write', '0') == '0': continue keyparts['#sampletime'] = float(parts[1][:-1]) out.append(keyparts) f.close() return out def find_print_restarts(data): last_print_time = 0. print_resets = [] for d in data: print_time = float(d.get('print_time', last_print_time)) buffer_time = float(d.get('buffer_time', 0.)) if print_time == last_print_time and not buffer_time: print_resets.append(d['#sampletime']) last_print_time = 0. elif buffer_time: last_print_time = print_time sample_resets = {} for d in data: st = d['#sampletime'] while print_resets and st > print_resets[0]: print_resets.pop(0) if not print_resets: break if st + 2. * MAXBUFFER > print_resets[0]: sample_resets[st] = 1 return sample_resets def plot_mcu(data, maxbw, outname, graph_awake=False): # Generate data for plot basetime = lasttime = data[0]['#sampletime'] lastbw = float(data[0]['bytes_write']) + float(data[0]['bytes_retransmit']) sample_resets = find_print_restarts(data) times = [] bwdeltas = [] loads = [] awake = [] hostbuffers = [] for d in data: st = d['#sampletime'] timedelta = st - lasttime if timedelta <= 0.: continue bw = float(d['bytes_write']) + float(d['bytes_retransmit']) if bw < lastbw: lastbw = bw continue load = float(d['mcu_task_avg']) + 3*float(d['mcu_task_stddev']) if st - basetime < 15.: load = 0. pt = float(d['print_time']) hb = float(d['buffer_time']) if not hb or hb >= MAXBUFFER or st in sample_resets: hb = 0. else: hb = 100. * (MAXBUFFER - hb) / MAXBUFFER hostbuffers.append(hb) times.append(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(st)) bwdeltas.append(100. * (bw - lastbw) / (maxbw * timedelta)) loads.append(100. * load / TASK_MAX) awake.append(100. * float(d.get('mcu_awake', 0.)) / STATS_INTERVAL) lasttime = st lastbw = bw # Build plot fig, ax1 = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() ax1.set_title("MCU bandwidth and load utilization") ax1.set_xlabel('Time') ax1.set_ylabel('Usage (%)') if graph_awake: ax1.plot_date(times, awake, 'b', label='Awake time') ax1.plot_date(times, bwdeltas, 'g', label='Bandwidth') ax1.plot_date(times, loads, 'r', label='MCU load') ax1.plot_date(times, hostbuffers, 'c', label='Host buffer') fontP = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties() fontP.set_size('x-small') ax1.legend(loc='best', prop=fontP) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M')) ax1.grid(True) fig.savefig(outname) def plot_frequency(data, outname): all_keys = {} for d in data: all_keys.update(d) graph_keys = {} for key in all_keys: if ((key in ("freq", "adj") or key.endswith(":freq") or key.endswith(":adj")) and key not in graph_keys): graph_keys[key] = ([], []) basetime = lasttime = data[0]['#sampletime'] for d in data: st = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(d['#sampletime']) for key, (times, values) in graph_keys.items(): val = d.get(key) if val not in (None, '0', '1'): times.append(st) values.append(float(val)) # Build plot fig, ax1 = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() ax1.set_title("MCU frequency") ax1.set_xlabel('Time') ax1.set_ylabel('Frequency') for key in sorted(graph_keys): times, values = graph_keys[key] ax1.plot_date(times, values, '.', label=key) fontP = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties() fontP.set_size('x-small') ax1.legend(loc='best', prop=fontP) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M')) ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%d')) ax1.grid(True) fig.savefig(outname) def main(): usage = "%prog [options] <logfile> <outname>" opts = optparse.OptionParser(usage) opts.add_option("-a", "--awake", action="store_true", help="graph mcu awake time") opts.add_option("-f", "--frequency", action="store_true", help="graph mcu frequency") options, args = opts.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: opts.error("Incorrect number of arguments") logname, outname = args data = parse_log(logname) if not data: return if options.frequency: plot_frequency(data, outname) return plot_mcu(data, MAXBANDWIDTH, outname, graph_awake=options.awake) if __name__ == '__main__': main()