// Support for querying magnetic angle sensors via SPI // // Copyright (C) 2021 Kevin O'Connor // // This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license. #include "basecmd.h" // oid_alloc #include "board/misc.h" // timer_read_time #include "board/gpio.h" // gpio_out_write #include "board/irq.h" // irq_disable #include "command.h" // DECL_COMMAND #include "sched.h" // DECL_TASK #include "spicmds.h" // spidev_transfer enum { SA_CHIP_A1333, SA_CHIP_AS5047D, SA_CHIP_TLE5012B, SA_CHIP_MAX }; DECL_ENUMERATION("spi_angle_type", "a1333", SA_CHIP_A1333); DECL_ENUMERATION("spi_angle_type", "as5047d", SA_CHIP_AS5047D); DECL_ENUMERATION("spi_angle_type", "tle5012b", SA_CHIP_TLE5012B); enum { TCODE_ERROR = 0xff }; enum { SE_OVERFLOW, SE_SCHEDULE, SE_SPI_TIME, SE_CRC, SE_DUP, SE_NO_ANGLE }; #define MAX_SPI_READ_TIME timer_from_us(50) struct spi_angle { struct timer timer; uint32_t rest_ticks; struct spidev_s *spi; uint16_t sequence; uint8_t flags, chip_type, data_count, time_shift, overflow; uint8_t data[48]; }; enum { SA_PENDING = 1<<2, }; static struct task_wake angle_wake; // Event handler that wakes spi_angle_task() periodically static uint_fast8_t angle_event(struct timer *timer) { struct spi_angle *sa = container_of(timer, struct spi_angle, timer); uint8_t flags = sa->flags; if (sa->flags & SA_PENDING) sa->overflow++; else sa->flags = flags | SA_PENDING; sched_wake_task(&angle_wake); sa->timer.waketime += sa->rest_ticks; return SF_RESCHEDULE; } void command_config_spi_angle(uint32_t *args) { uint8_t chip_type = args[2]; if (chip_type > SA_CHIP_MAX) shutdown("Invalid spi_angle chip type"); struct spi_angle *sa = oid_alloc(args[0], command_config_spi_angle , sizeof(*sa)); sa->timer.func = angle_event; sa->spi = spidev_oid_lookup(args[1]); if (!spidev_have_cs_pin(sa->spi)) shutdown("angle sensor requires cs pin"); sa->chip_type = chip_type; } DECL_COMMAND(command_config_spi_angle, "config_spi_angle oid=%c spi_oid=%c spi_angle_type=%c"); // Report local measurement buffer static void angle_report(struct spi_angle *sa, uint8_t oid) { sendf("spi_angle_data oid=%c sequence=%hu data=%*s" , oid, sa->sequence, sa->data_count, sa->data); sa->data_count = 0; sa->sequence++; } // Send spi_angle_data message if buffer is full static void angle_check_report(struct spi_angle *sa, uint8_t oid) { if (sa->data_count + 3 > ARRAY_SIZE(sa->data)) angle_report(sa, oid); } // Add an error indicator to the measurement buffer static void angle_add_error(struct spi_angle *sa, uint_fast8_t error_code) { sa->data[sa->data_count] = TCODE_ERROR; sa->data[sa->data_count + 1] = error_code; sa->data[sa->data_count + 2] = 0; sa->data_count += 3; } // Add a measurement to the buffer static void angle_add_data(struct spi_angle *sa, uint32_t stime, uint32_t mtime , uint_fast16_t angle) { uint32_t tdiff = mtime - stime; if (sa->time_shift) tdiff = (tdiff + (1<<(sa->time_shift - 1))) >> sa->time_shift; if (tdiff >= TCODE_ERROR) { angle_add_error(sa, SE_SCHEDULE); return; } sa->data[sa->data_count] = tdiff; sa->data[sa->data_count + 1] = angle; sa->data[sa->data_count + 2] = angle >> 8; sa->data_count += 3; } // a1333 sensor query static void a1333_query(struct spi_angle *sa, uint32_t stime) { uint8_t msg[2] = { 0x32, 0x00 }; uint32_t mtime1 = timer_read_time(); spidev_transfer(sa->spi, 1, sizeof(msg), msg); uint32_t mtime2 = timer_read_time(); // Data is latched on first sclk edge of response if (mtime2 - mtime1 > MAX_SPI_READ_TIME) angle_add_error(sa, SE_SPI_TIME); else if (msg[0] & 0x80) angle_add_error(sa, SE_CRC); else angle_add_data(sa, stime, mtime1, (msg[0] << 9) | (msg[1] << 1)); } // as5047d sensor query static void as5047d_query(struct spi_angle *sa, uint32_t stime) { uint8_t msg[2] = { 0x7F, 0xFE }; uint32_t mtime1 = timer_read_time(); spidev_transfer(sa->spi, 0, sizeof(msg), msg); uint32_t mtime2 = timer_read_time(); // Data is latched on CS pin rising after query request if (mtime2 - mtime1 > MAX_SPI_READ_TIME) { angle_add_error(sa, SE_SPI_TIME); return; } msg[0] = 0xC0; msg[1] = 0x00; spidev_transfer(sa->spi, 1, sizeof(msg), msg); uint_fast8_t parity = msg[0] ^ msg[1]; parity ^= parity >> 4; parity ^= parity >> 2; parity ^= parity >> 1; if (parity & 1) angle_add_error(sa, SE_CRC); else if (msg[0] & 0x40) angle_add_error(sa, SE_NO_ANGLE); else angle_add_data(sa, stime, mtime2, (msg[0] << 10) | (msg[1] << 2)); } #define TLE_READ 0x80 #define TLE_READ_LATCH (TLE_READ | 0x04) #define TLE_REG_AVAL 0x02 // crc8 "J1850" calculation for tle5012b messages static uint8_t crc8(uint8_t crc, uint8_t data) { crc ^= data; int i; for (i=0; i<8; i++) crc = crc & 0x80 ? (crc << 1) ^ 0x1d : crc << 1; return crc; } // microsecond delay helper static inline void udelay(uint32_t usecs) { uint32_t end = timer_read_time() + timer_from_us(usecs); while (!timer_is_before(end, timer_read_time())) irq_poll(); } // tle5012b sensor query static void tle5012b_query(struct spi_angle *sa, uint32_t stime) { struct gpio_out cs_pin = spidev_get_cs_pin(sa->spi); // Latch data (data is latched on rising CS of a NULL message) gpio_out_write(cs_pin, 0); udelay(1); irq_disable(); gpio_out_write(cs_pin, 1); uint32_t mtime = timer_read_time(); irq_enable(); uint8_t msg[6] = { TLE_READ_LATCH, (TLE_REG_AVAL << 4) | 0x01, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; uint8_t start_crc = 0x3f; // 0x3f == crc8(crc8(0xff, msg[0]), msg[1]) spidev_transfer(sa->spi, 1, sizeof(msg), msg); uint8_t crc = ~crc8(crc8(start_crc, msg[2]), msg[3]); if (crc != msg[5]) angle_add_error(sa, SE_CRC); else if (!(msg[4] & (1<<4))) angle_add_error(sa, SE_NO_ANGLE); else if (!(msg[2] & 0x80)) angle_add_error(sa, SE_DUP); else angle_add_data(sa, stime, mtime, (msg[2] << 9) | (msg[3] << 1)); } void command_query_spi_angle(uint32_t *args) { uint8_t oid = args[0]; struct spi_angle *sa = oid_lookup(oid, command_config_spi_angle); sched_del_timer(&sa->timer); sa->flags = 0; if (!args[2]) { // End measurements if (sa->data_count) angle_report(sa, oid); sendf("spi_angle_end oid=%c sequence=%hu", oid, sa->sequence); return; } // Start new measurements query sa->timer.waketime = args[1]; sa->rest_ticks = args[2]; sa->sequence = 0; sa->data_count = 0; sa->time_shift = args[3]; sched_add_timer(&sa->timer); } DECL_COMMAND(command_query_spi_angle, "query_spi_angle oid=%c clock=%u rest_ticks=%u time_shift=%c"); // Background task that performs measurements void spi_angle_task(void) { if (!sched_check_wake(&angle_wake)) return; uint8_t oid; struct spi_angle *sa; foreach_oid(oid, sa, command_config_spi_angle) { uint_fast8_t flags = sa->flags; if (!(flags & SA_PENDING)) continue; irq_disable(); uint32_t stime = sa->timer.waketime; uint_fast8_t overflow = sa->overflow; sa->flags = 0; sa->overflow = 0; irq_enable(); stime -= sa->rest_ticks; while (overflow--) { angle_add_error(sa, SE_OVERFLOW); angle_check_report(sa, oid); } uint_fast8_t chip = sa->chip_type; if (chip == SA_CHIP_A1333) a1333_query(sa, stime); else if (chip == SA_CHIP_AS5047D) as5047d_query(sa, stime); else if (chip == SA_CHIP_TLE5012B) tle5012b_query(sa, stime); angle_check_report(sa, oid); } } DECL_TASK(spi_angle_task);