This document describes the commands that Klipper supports. These are
commands that one may enter into the OctoPrint terminal tab.

# G-Code commands

Klipper supports the following standard G-Code commands:
- Move (G0 or G1): `G1 [X<pos>] [Y<pos>] [Z<pos>] [E<pos>] [F<speed>]`
- Dwell: `G4 P<milliseconds>`
- Move to origin: `G28 [X] [Y] [Z]`
- Turn off motors: `M18` or `M84`
- Wait for current moves to finish: `M400`
- Use absolute/relative distances for extrusion: `M82`, `M83`
- Use absolute/relative coordinates: `G90`, `G91`
- Set position: `G92 [X<pos>] [Y<pos>] [Z<pos>] [E<pos>]`
- Set speed factor override percentage: `M220 S<percent>`
- Set extrude factor override percentage: `M221 S<percent>`
- Set acceleration: `M204 S<value>` OR `M204 P<value> T<value>`
  - Note: If S is not specified and both P and T are specified, then
    the acceleration is set to the minimum of P and T. If only one of
    P or T is specified, the command has no effect.
- Get extruder temperature: `M105`
- Set extruder temperature: `M104 [T<index>] [S<temperature>]`
- Set extruder temperature and wait: `M109 [T<index>] S<temperature>`
  - Note: M109 always waits for temperature to settle at requested
- Set bed temperature: `M140 [S<temperature>]`
- Set bed temperature and wait: `M190 S<temperature>`
  - Note: M190 always waits for temperature to settle at requested
- Set fan speed: `M106 S<value>`
- Turn fan off: `M107`
- Emergency stop: `M112`
- Get current position: `M114`
- Get firmware version: `M115`

For further details on the above commands see the
[RepRap G-Code documentation](

Klipper's goal is to support the G-Code commands produced by common
3rd party software (eg, OctoPrint, Printrun, Slic3r, Cura, etc.) in
their standard configurations. It is not a goal to support every
possible G-Code command. Instead, Klipper prefers human readable
["extended G-Code commands"](#extended-g-code-commands).

If one requires a less common G-Code command then it may be possible
to implement it with a custom
[gcode_macro config section]( For
example, one might use this to implement: `G12`, `G29`, `G30`, `G31`,
`M42`, `M80`, `M81`, `T1`, etc.

## G-Code SD card commands

Klipper also supports the following standard G-Code commands if the
[virtual_sdcard config section]( is
- List SD card: `M20`
- Initialize SD card: `M21`
- Select SD file: `M23 <filename>`
- Start/resume SD print: `M24`
- Pause SD print: `M25`
- Set SD position: `M26 S<offset>`
- Report SD print status: `M27`

In addition, the following extended commands are availble when the
"virtual_sdcard" config section is enabled.
- Load a file and start SD print: `SDCARD_PRINT_FILE FILENAME=<filename>`
- Unload file and clear SD state: `SDCARD_RESET_FILE`

## G-Code arcs

The following standard G-Code commands are available if a
[gcode_arcs config section]( is
- Controlled Arc Move (G2 or G3): `G2 [X<pos>] [Y<pos>] [Z<pos>]
  [E<pos>] [F<speed>] I<value> J<value>`

## G-Code firmware retraction

The following standard G-Code commands are available if a
[firmware_retraction config section](
is enabled:
- Retract: `G10`
- Unretract: `G11`

## G-Code display commands

The following standard G-Code commands are available if a
[display config section]( is enabled:
- Display Message: `M117 <message>`
- Set build percentage: `M73 P<percent>`

## Other available G-Code commands

The following standard G-Code commands are currently available, but
using them is not recommended:
- Get Endstop Status: `M119` (Use QUERY_ENDSTOPS instead.)

# Extended G-Code Commands

Klipper uses "extended" G-Code commands for general configuration and
status.  These extended commands all follow a similar format - they
start with a command name and may be followed by one or more
parameters. For example: `SET_SERVO SERVO=myservo ANGLE=5.3`. In this
document, the commands and parameters are shown in uppercase, however
they are not case sensitive. (So, "SET_SERVO" and "set_servo" both run
the same command.)

The following standard commands are supported:
- `QUERY_ENDSTOPS`: Probe the axis endstops and report if they are
  "triggered" or in an "open" state. This command is typically used to
  verify that an endstop is working correctly.
- `QUERY_ADC [NAME=<config_name>] [PULLUP=<value>]`: Report the last
  analog value received for a configured analog pin. If NAME is not
  provided, the list of available adc names are reported. If PULLUP is
  provided (as a value in Ohms), the raw analog value along with the
  equivalent resistance given that pullup is reported.
- `GET_POSITION`: Return information on the current location of the
- `SET_GCODE_OFFSET [X=<pos>|X_ADJUST=<adjust>]
  [Y=<pos>|Y_ADJUST=<adjust>] [Z=<pos>|Z_ADJUST=<adjust>]
  [MOVE=1 [MOVE_SPEED=<speed>]]`: Set a positional offset to apply to
  future G-Code commands. This is commonly used to virtually change
  the Z bed offset or to set nozzle XY offsets when switching
  extruders. For example, if "SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0.2" is sent, then
  future G-Code moves will have 0.2mm added to their Z height. If the
  X_ADJUST style parameters are used, then the adjustment will be
  added to any existing offset (eg, "SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=-0.2" followed
  by "SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z_ADJUST=0.3" would result in a total Z offset
  of 0.1). If "MOVE=1" is specified then a toolhead move will be
  issued to apply the given offset (otherwise the offset will take
  effect on the next absolute G-Code move that specifies the given
  axis). If "MOVE_SPEED" is specified then the toolhead move will be
  performed with the given speed (in mm/s); otherwise the toolhead
  move will use the last specified G-Code speed.
- `SAVE_GCODE_STATE [NAME=<state_name>]`: Save the current
  g-code coordinate parsing state. Saving and restoring the g-code
  state is useful in scripts and macros. This command saves the
  current g-code absolute coordinate mode (G90/G91), absolute extrude
  mode (M82/M83), origin (G92), offset (SET_GCODE_OFFSET), speed
  override (M220), extruder override (M221), move speed, current XYZ
  position, and relative extruder "E" position. If NAME is provided it
  allows one to name the saved state to the given string. If NAME is
  not provided it defaults to "default".
- `RESTORE_GCODE_STATE [NAME=<state_name>]
  [MOVE=1 [MOVE_SPEED=<speed>]]`: Restore a state previously saved via
  SAVE_GCODE_STATE. If "MOVE=1" is specified then a toolhead move will
  be issued to move back to the previous XYZ position. If "MOVE_SPEED"
  is specified then the toolhead move will be performed with the given
  speed (in mm/s); otherwise the toolhead move will use the restored
  g-code speed.
- `PID_CALIBRATE HEATER=<config_name> TARGET=<temperature>
  [WRITE_FILE=1]`: Perform a PID calibration test. The specified
  heater will be enabled until the specified target temperature is
  reached, and then the heater will be turned off and on for several
  cycles. If the WRITE_FILE parameter is enabled, then the file
  /tmp/heattest.txt will be created with a log of all temperature
  samples taken during the test.
- `TURN_OFF_HEATERS`: Turn off all heaters.
- `TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR=<config_name> [MINIMUM=<target>] [MAXIMUM=<target>]`:
  Wait until the given temperature sensor is at or above the supplied
  MINIMUM and/or at or below the supplied MAXIMUM.
  [ACCEL_TO_DECEL=<value>] [SQUARE_CORNER_VELOCITY=<value>]`: Modify
  the printer's velocity limits. Note that one may only set values
  less than or equal to the limits specified in the config file.
- `SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE HEATER=<heater_name> [TARGET=<target_temperature>]`:
  Sets the target temperature for a heater. If a target temperature is
  not supplied, the target is 0.
- `ACTIVATE_EXTRUDER EXTRUDER=<config_name>`: In a printer with
  multiple extruders this command is used to change the active
- `SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE [EXTRUDER=<config_name>] [ADVANCE=<pressure_advance>]
  [SMOOTH_TIME=<pressure_advance_smooth_time>]`: Set pressure advance
  parameters. If EXTRUDER is not specified, it defaults to the active
  [DISTANCE=<distance>]`: Set a new value for the provided extruder's
  "step distance". The "step distance" is
  `rotation_distance/(full_steps_per_rotation*microsteps)`. Value is
  not retained on Klipper reset. Use with caution, small changes can
  result in excessive pressure between extruder and hot end. Do proper
  calibration steps with filament before use. If 'DISTANCE' value is
  not included command will return current step distance.
- `SET_STEPPER_ENABLE STEPPER=<config_name> ENABLE=[0|1]`: Enable or
  disable only the given stepper. This is a diagnostic and debugging
  tool and must be used with care. Disabling an axis motor does not
  reset the homing information. Manually moving a disabled stepper may
  cause the machine to operate the motor outside of safe limits. This
  can lead to damage to axis components, hot ends, and print surface.
- `STEPPER_BUZZ STEPPER=<config_name>`: Move the given stepper forward
  one mm and then backward one mm, repeated 10 times. This is a
  diagnostic tool to help verify stepper connectivity.
- `MANUAL_PROBE [SPEED=<speed>]`: Run a helper script useful for
  measuring the height of the nozzle at a given location. If SPEED is
  specified, it sets the speed of TESTZ commands (the default is
  5mm/s). During a manual probe, the following additional commands are
  - `ACCEPT`: This command accepts the current Z position and
  concludes the manual probing tool.
  - `ABORT`: This command terminates the manual probing tool.
  - `TESTZ Z=<value>`: This command moves the nozzle up or down by the
    amount specified in "value". For example, `TESTZ Z=-.1` would move
    the nozzle down .1mm while `TESTZ Z=.1` would move the nozzle up
    .1mm. The value may also be `+`, `-`, `++`, or `--` to move the
    nozzle up or down an amount relative to previous attempts.
- `Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE [SPEED=<speed>]`: Run a helper script useful
  for calibrating a Z position_endstop config setting. See the
  MANUAL_PROBE command for details on the parameters and the
  additional commands available while the tool is active.
- `TUNING_TOWER COMMAND=<command> PARAMETER=<name> START=<value>
  FACTOR=<value> [BAND=<value>]`: A tool for tuning a parameter on
  each Z height during a print. The tool will run the given COMMAND
  with the given PARAMETER assigned to the value using the formula
  `value = start + factor * z_height`. If BAND is provided then the
  adjustment will only be made every BAND millimeters of z height - in
  that case the formula used is `value = start + factor *
  ((floor(z_height / band) + .5) * band)`.
- `SET_DISPLAY_GROUP [DISPLAY=<display>] GROUP=<group>`: Set the
  active display group of an lcd display. This allows to define
  multiple display data groups in the config,
  e.g. `[display_data <group> <elementname>]` and switch between them
  using this extended gcode command. If DISPLAY is not specified it
  defaults to "display" (the primary display).
- `SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT [TIMEOUT=<timeout>]`:  Allows the user to set the
  idle timeout (in seconds).
- `RESTART`: This will cause the host software to reload its config
  and perform an internal reset. This command will not clear error
  state from the micro-controller (see FIRMWARE_RESTART) nor will it
  load new software (see
  [the FAQ](
- `FIRMWARE_RESTART`: This is similar to a RESTART command, but it
  also clears any error state from the micro-controller.
- `SAVE_CONFIG`: This command will overwrite the main printer config
  file and restart the host software. This command is used in
  conjunction with other calibration commands to store the results of
  calibration tests.
- `STATUS`: Report the Klipper host software status.
- `HELP`: Report the list of available extended G-Code commands.

## G-Code Macro Commands

The following command is available when a
[gcode_macro config section]( is
enabled (also see the
[command templates guide](
  VALUE=<value>`: This command allows one to change the value of a
  gcode_macro variable at run-time. The provided VALUE is parsed as a
  Python literal.

## Custom Pin Commands

The following command is available when an
[output_pin config section]( is
- `SET_PIN PIN=config_name VALUE=<value> CYCLE_TIME=<cycle_time>`

Note: Hardware PWM does not currently support the CYCLE_TIME parameter
and will use the cycle time defined in the config.

## Manually Controlled Fans Commands

The following command is available when a
[fan_generic config section]( is
- `SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=config_name SPEED=<speed>` This command sets
  the speed of a fan. <speed> must be between 0.0 and 1.0.

## Neopixel and Dotstar Commands

The following command is available when a
[neopixel config section]( or
[dotstar config section]( is enabled:
- `SET_LED LED=<config_name> RED=<value> GREEN=<value> BLUE=<value>
  WHITE=<value> [INDEX=<index>] [TRANSMIT=0]`: This sets the LED
  output. Each color `<value>` must be between 0.0 and 1.0. The WHITE
  option is only valid on RGBW LEDs. If multiple LED chips are
  daisy-chained then one may specify INDEX to alter the color of just
  the given chip (1 for the first chip, 2 for the second, etc.). If
  INDEX is not provided then all LEDs in the daisy-chain will be set
  to the provided color. If TRANSMIT=0 is specified then the color
  change will only be made on the next SET_LED command that does not
  specify TRANSMIT=0; this may be useful in combination with the INDEX
  parameter to batch multiple updates in a daisy-chain.

## Servo Commands

The following commands are available when a
[servo config section]( is enabled:
- `SET_SERVO SERVO=config_name [ANGLE=<degrees> | WIDTH=<seconds>]`:
  Set the servo position to the given angle (in degrees) or pulse
  width (in seconds). Use `WIDTH=0` to disable the servo output.

## Manual stepper Commands

The following command is available when a
[manual_stepper config section]( is
- `MANUAL_STEPPER STEPPER=config_name [ENABLE=[0|1]]
  [SET_POSITION=<pos>] [SPEED=<speed>] [ACCEL=<accel>]
  [MOVE=<pos> [STOP_ON_ENDSTOP=[1|2|-1|-2]] [SYNC=0]]`: This command
  will alter the state of the stepper. Use the ENABLE parameter to
  enable/disable the stepper. Use the SET_POSITION parameter to force
  the stepper to think it is at the given position. Use the MOVE
  parameter to request a movement to the given position. If SPEED
  and/or ACCEL is specified then the given values will be used instead
  of the defaults specified in the config file. If an ACCEL of zero is
  specified then no acceleration will be performed. If
  STOP_ON_ENDSTOP=1 is specified then the move will end early should
  the endstop report as triggered (use STOP_ON_ENDSTOP=2 to complete
  the move without error even if the endstop does not trigger, use -1
  or -2 to stop when the endstop reports not triggered). Normally
  future G-Code commands will be scheduled to run after the stepper
  move completes, however if a manual stepper move uses SYNC=0 then
  future G-Code movement commands may run in parallel with the stepper

## Extruder stepper Commands

The following command is available when an
[extruder_stepper config section](
is enabled:
- `SYNC_STEPPER_TO_EXTRUDER STEPPER=<extruder_stepper config_name>
  [EXTRUDER=<extruder config_name>]`: This command will cause the given
  STEPPER to become synchronized to the given EXTRUDER, overriding
  the extruder defined in the "extruder_stepper" config section.

## Probe

The following commands are available when a
[probe config section]( is enabled (also see
the [probe calibrate guide](
- `PROBE [PROBE_SPEED=<mm/s>] [LIFT_SPEED=<mm/s>] [SAMPLES=<count>]
  [SAMPLES_RESULT=median|average]`: Move the nozzle downwards until
  the probe triggers. If any of the optional parameters are provided
  they override their equivalent setting in the
  [probe config section](
- `QUERY_PROBE`: Report the current status of the probe ("triggered"
  or "open").
  [SAMPLE_RETRACT_DIST=<mm>]`: Calculate the maximum, minimum,
  average, median, and standard deviation of multiple probe
  samples. By default, 10 SAMPLES are taken. Otherwise the optional
  parameters default to their equivalent setting in the probe config
- `PROBE_CALIBRATE [SPEED=<speed>] [<probe_parameter>=<value>]`: Run a
  helper script useful for calibrating the probe's z_offset. See the
  PROBE command for details on the optional probe parameters. See the
  MANUAL_PROBE command for details on the SPEED parameter and the
  additional commands available while the tool is active. Please note,
  the PROBE_CALIBRATE command uses the speed variable to move in XY direction
  as well as Z.

## BLTouch

The following command is available when a
[bltouch config section]( is enabled (also
see the [BL-Touch guide](
- `BLTOUCH_DEBUG COMMAND=<command>`: This sends a command to the
  BLTouch. It may be useful for debugging. Available commands are:
  `pin_down`, `touch_mode`, `pin_up`, `self_test`, `reset`,
  (*1): `set_5V_output_mode`, `set_OD_output_mode`, `output_mode_store`

  *** Note that the commands marked by (*1) are solely supported
      by a BL-Touch V3.0 or V3.1(+)

- `BLTOUCH_STORE MODE=<output_mode>`: This stores an output mode in the
  EEPROM of a BLTouch V3.1 Available output_modes are: `5V`, `OD`

## Delta Calibration

The following commands are available when the
[delta_calibrate config section](
is enabled (also see the [delta calibrate guide](
- `DELTA_CALIBRATE [METHOD=manual] [<probe_parameter>=<value>]`: This
  command will probe seven points on the bed and recommend updated
  endstop positions, tower angles, and radius. See the PROBE command
  for details on the optional probe parameters. If METHOD=manual is
  specified then the manual probing tool is activated - see the
  MANUAL_PROBE command above for details on the additional commands
  available while this tool is active.
- `DELTA_ANALYZE`: This command is used during enhanced delta
  calibration. See [Delta Calibrate]( for details.

## Bed Tilt

The following commands are available when the
[bed_tilt config section]( is enabled:
- `BED_TILT_CALIBRATE [METHOD=manual] [<probe_parameter>=<value>]`:
  This command will probe the points specified in the config and then
  recommend updated x and y tilt adjustments. See the PROBE command
  for details on the optional probe parameters. If METHOD=manual is
  specified then the manual probing tool is activated - see the
  MANUAL_PROBE command above for details on the additional commands
  available while this tool is active.

## Mesh Bed Leveling

The following commands are available when the
[bed_mesh config section]( is enabled
(also see the [bed mesh guide](
- `BED_MESH_CALIBRATE [METHOD=manual] [<probe_parameter>=<value>]
  This command probes the bed using generated points specified by the
  parameters in the config. After probing, a mesh is generated and
  z-movement is adjusted according to the mesh. See the PROBE command
  for details on the optional probe parameters. If METHOD=manual is
  specified then the manual probing tool is activated - see the
  MANUAL_PROBE command above for details on the additional commands
  available while this tool is active.
- `BED_MESH_OUTPUT PGP=[<0:1>]`: This command outputs the current probed
  z values and current mesh values to the terminal.  If PGP=1 is specified
  the x,y coordinates generated by bed_mesh, along with their associated
  indices, will be output to the terminal.
- `BED_MESH_MAP`: Like to BED_MESH_OUTPUT, this command prints the current
  state of the mesh to the terminal.  Instead of printing the values in a
  human readable format, the state is serialized in json format. This allows
  octoprint plugins to easily capture the data and generate height maps
  approximating the bed's surface.
- `BED_MESH_CLEAR`: This command clears the mesh and removes all
  z adjustment.  It is recommended to put this in your end-gcode.
- `BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD=<name> SAVE=<name> REMOVE=<name>`: This
  command provides profile management for mesh state.  LOAD will
  restore the mesh state from the profile matching the supplied name.
  SAVE will save the current mesh state to a profile matching the
  supplied name.  Remove will delete the profile matching the
  supplied name from persistent memory.  Note that after SAVE or
  REMOVE operations have been run the SAVE_CONFIG gcode must be run
  to make the changes to peristent memory permanent.

## Bed Screws Helper

The following commands are available when the
[bed_screws config section]( is enabled
(also see the
[manual level guide](
- `BED_SCREWS_ADJUST`: This command will invoke the bed screws
  adjustment tool. It will command the nozzle to different locations
  (as defined in the config file) and allow one to make adjustments to
  the bed screws so that the bed is a constant distance from the

## Bed Screws Tilt Adjust Helper

The following commands are available when the
[screws_tilt_adjust config section](
is enabled (also see the
[manual level guide](
- `SCREWS_TILT_CALCULATE [<probe_parameter>=<value>]`: This command
  will invoke the bed screws adjustment tool. It will command the
  nozzle to different locations (as defined in the config file)
  probing the z height and calculate the number of knob turns to
  adjust the bed level. See the PROBE command for details on the
  optional probe parameters.
  IMPORTANT: You MUST always do a G28 before using this command.

## Z Tilt

The following commands are available when the
[z_tilt config section]( is enabled:
- `Z_TILT_ADJUST [<probe_parameter>=<value>]`: This command will probe
  the points specified in the config and then make independent
  adjustments to each Z stepper to compensate for tilt. See the PROBE
  command for details on the optional probe parameters.

## Dual Carriages

The following command is available when the
[dual_carriage config section]( is
- `SET_DUAL_CARRIAGE CARRIAGE=[0|1]`: This command will set the active
  carriage. It is typically invoked from the activate_gcode and
  deactivate_gcode fields in a multiple extruder configuration.

## TMC stepper drivers

The following commands are available when any of the
[tmcXXXX config sections](
are enabled:
- `DUMP_TMC STEPPER=<name>`: This command will read the TMC driver
  registers and report their values.
- `INIT_TMC STEPPER=<name>`: This command will intitialize the TMC
  registers. Needed to re-enable the driver if power to the chip is
  turned off then back on.
  This will adjust the run and hold currents of the TMC driver.
  (HOLDCURRENT is not applicable to tmc2660 drivers.)
- `SET_TMC_FIELD STEPPER=<name> FIELD=<field> VALUE=<value>`: This
  will alter the value of the specified register field of the TMC
  driver. This command is intended for low-level diagnostics and
  debugging only because changing the fields during run-time can lead
  to undesired and potentially dangerous behavior of your printer.
  Permanent changes should be made using the printer configuration
  file instead. No sanity checks are performed for the given values.

## Endstop adjustments by stepper phase

The following commands are available when an
[endstop_phase config section]( is
enabled (also see the [endstop phase guide](
  parameter is provided then this command will reports statistics on
  endstop stepper phases during past homing operations. When a STEPPER
  parameter is provided it arranges for the given endstop phase
  setting to be written to the config file (in conjunction with the
  SAVE_CONFIG command).

## Force movement

The following commands are available when the
[force_move config section]( is
- `FORCE_MOVE STEPPER=<config_name> DISTANCE=<value> VELOCITY=<value>
  [ACCEL=<value>]`: This command will forcibly move the given stepper
  the given distance (in mm) at the given constant velocity (in
  mm/s). If ACCEL is specified and is greater than zero, then the
  given acceleration (in mm/s^2) will be used; otherwise no
  acceleration is performed. If acceleration is not performed then it
  can lead to the micro-controller reporting "No next step" errors
  (avoid these errors by specifying an ACCEL value or use a very low
  VELOCITY). No boundary checks are performed; no kinematic updates
  are made; other parallel steppers on an axis will not be moved. Use
  caution as an incorrect command could cause damage! Using this
  command will almost certainly place the low-level kinematics in an
  incorrect state; issue a G28 afterwards to reset the kinematics.
  This command is intended for low-level diagnostics and debugging.
- `SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION [X=<value>] [Y=<value>] [Z=<value>]`: Force
  the low-level kinematic code to believe the toolhead is at the given
  cartesian position. This is a diagnostic and debugging command; use
  SET_GCODE_OFFSET and/or G92 for regular axis transformations. If an
  axis is not specified then it will default to the position that the
  head was last commanded to. Setting an incorrect or invalid position
  may lead to internal software errors. This command may invalidate
  future boundary checks; issue a G28 afterwards to reset the

## Send message (respond) to host

The following commands are availabe when the
[respond config section]( is enabled.
- `M118 <message>`: echo the message prepended with the configured
  default prefix (or `echo: ` if no prefix is configured).
- `RESPOND MSG="<message>"`: echo the message prepended with the
  configured default prefix (or `echo: ` if no prefix is configured).
- `RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG="<message>"`: echo the message prepended with
  `echo: `.
- `RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="<message>"`: echo the message prepended
  with `// `.  Octopint can be configured to respond to these messages
  (e.g.  `RESPOND TYPE=command MSG=action:pause`).
- `RESPOND TYPE=error MSG="<message>"`: echo the message prepended
  with `!! `.
- `RESPOND PREFIX=<prefix> MSG="<message>"`: echo the message
  prepended with `<prefix>`. (The `PREFIX` parameter will take
  priority over the `TYPE` parameter)

## Pause Resume

The following commands are available when the
[pause_resume config section]( is
- `PAUSE`: Pauses the current print. The current position is captured
  for restoration upon resume.
- `RESUME [VELOCITY=<value>]`: Resumes the print from a pause, first
  restoring the previously captured position.  The VELOCITY parameter
  determines the speed at which the tool should return to the original
  captured position.
- `CLEAR_PAUSE`: Clears the current paused state without resuming the
  print. This is useful if one decides to cancel a print after a
  PAUSE. It is recommended to add this to your start gcode to make
  sure the paused state is fresh for each print.

## Filament Sensor

The following command is available when the
[filament_switch_sensor config section](
is enabled.
- `QUERY_FILAMENT_SENSOR SENSOR=<sensor_name>`: Queries the current
  status of the filament sensor. The data displayed on the terminal
  will depend on the sensor type defined in the confguration.
- `SET_FILAMENT_SENSOR SENSOR=<sensor_name> ENABLE=[0|1]`: Sets the
  filament sensor on/off. If ENABLE is set to 0, the filament sensor
  will be disabled, if set to 1 it is enabled.

## Firmware Retraction

The following commands are available when the
[firmware_retraction config section](
is enabled. These commands allow you to utilise the firmware
retraction feature available in many slicers, to reduce stringing
during non-extrusion moves from one part of the print to another.
Appropriately configuring pressure advance reduces the length of
retraction required.
  parameters used by firmware retraction. RETRACT_LENGTH determines
  the length of filament to retract and unretract. The speed of
  retraction is adjusted via RETRACT_SPEED, and is typically set
  relatively high. The speed of unretraction is adjusted via
  UNRETRACT_SPEED, and is not particularly critical, although often
  lower than RETRACT_SPEED. In some cases it is useful to add a small
  amount of additional length on unretraction, and this is set via
  UNRETRACT_EXTRA_LENGTH. SET_RETRACTION is commonly set as part of
  slicer per-filament configuration, as different filaments require
  different parameter settings.
- `GET_RETRACTION`: Queries the current parameters used by firmware
  retraction and displays them on the terminal.
- `G10`: Retracts the extruder using the currently configured
- `G11`: Unretracts the extruder using the currently configured

## Skew Correction

The following commands are available when the
[skew_correction config section](
is enabled (also see the [skew correction guide](
- `SET_SKEW [XY=<ac_length,bd_length,ad_length>] [XZ=<ac,bd,ad>]
  [YZ=<ac,bd,ad>] [CLEAR=<0|1>]`: Configures the [skew_correction]
  module with measurements (in mm) taken from a calibration print.
  One may enter measurements for any combination of planes, planes not
  entered will retain their current value. If `CLEAR=1` is entered
  then all skew correction will be disabled.
- `GET_CURRENT_SKEW`: Reports the current printer skew for each plane
  in both radians and degrees. The skew is calculated based on
  parameters provided via the `SET_SKEW` gcode.
- `CALC_MEASURED_SKEW [AC=<ac_length>] [BD=<bd_length>]
  [AD=<ad_length>]`: Calculates and reports the skew (in radians and
  degrees) based on a measured print. This can be useful for
  determining the printer's current skew after correction has been
  applied. It may also be useful before correction is applied to
  determine if skew correction is necessary. See
  for details on skew calibration objects and measurements.
- `SKEW_PROFILE [LOAD=<name>] [SAVE=<name>] [REMOVE=<name>]`: Profile
  management for skew_correction. LOAD will restore skew state from
  the profile matching the supplied name. SAVE will save the current
  skew state to a profile matching the supplied name. Remove will
  delete the profile matching the supplied name from persistent
  memory. Note that after SAVE or REMOVE operations have been run the
  SAVE_CONFIG gcode must be run to make the changes to peristent
  memory permanent.

## Delayed GCode

The following command is enabled if a
[delayed_gcode config section]( has
been enabled (also see the
[template guide](
- `UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE [ID=<name>] [DURATION=<seconds>]`:  Updates the
  delay duration for the identified [delayed_gcode] and starts the timer
  for gcode execution.  A value of 0 will cancel a pending delayed gcode
  from executing.

## Save Variables

The following command is enabled if a
[save_variables config section](
has been enabled:
- `SAVE_VARIABLE VARIABLE=<name> VALUE=<value>`: Saves the variable to
  disk so that it can be used across restarts. All stored variables
  are loaded into the `printer.save_variables.variables` dict at
  startup and can be used in gcode macros. The provided VALUE is
  parsed as a Python literal.

## Resonance compensation

The following command is enabled if an
[input_shaper config section]( has
been enabled (also see the
[resonance compensation guide](
- `SET_INPUT_SHAPER [SHAPER_FREQ_X=<shaper_freq_x>]
  [DAMPING_RATIO_Y=<damping_ratio_y>] [SHAPER_TYPE=<shaper>]
  [SHAPER_TYPE_X=<shaper_type_x>] [SHAPER_TYPE_Y=<shaper_type_y>]`:
  Modify input shaper parameters. Note that SHAPER_TYPE parameter
  resets input shaper for both X and Y axes even if different shaper
  types have been configured in [input_shaper] section. SHAPER_TYPE
  cannot be used together with either of SHAPER_TYPE_X and
  SHAPER_TYPE_Y parameters. See
  [config reference]( for more
  details on each of these parameters.

## Temperature Fan Commands

The following command is available when a
[temperature_fan config section](
is enabled:
- `SET_TEMPERATURE_FAN_TARGET temperature_fan=<temperature_fan_name>
  [target=<target_temperature>] [min_speed=<min_speed>]  [max_speed=<max_speed>]`: Sets the target temperature for a
  temperature_fan. If a target is not supplied, it is set to the
  specified temperature in the config file. If speeds are not supplied, no change is applied.

## Adxl345 Accelerometer Commands

The following commands are available when an
[adxl345 config section]( is enabled:
- `ACCELEROMETER_MEASURE [CHIP=<config_name>] [RATE=<value>]
  [NAME=<value>]`: Starts accelerometer measurements at the requested
  number of samples per second. If CHIP is not specified it defaults
  to "default". Valid rates are 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600,
  and 3200. The command works in a start-stop mode: when executed for
  the first time, it starts the measurements, next execution stops
  them. If RATE is not specified, then the default value is used
  (either from `printer.cfg` or `3200` default value). The results of
  measurements are written to a file named
  `/tmp/adxl345-<chip>-<name>.csv` where `<chip>` is the name of the
  accelerometer chip (`my_chip_name` from `[adxl345 my_chip_name]`) and
  `<name>` is the optional NAME parameter. If NAME is not specified it
  defaults to the current time in "YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS" format. If the
  accelerometer does not have a name in its config section (simply
  `[adxl345]`) <chip> part of the name is not generated.
- `ACCELEROMETER_QUERY [CHIP=<config_name>] [RATE=<value>]`: queries
  accelerometer for the current value. If CHIP is not specified it
  defaults to "default". If RATE is not specified, the default value
  is used. This command is useful to test the connection to the
  ADXL345 accelerometer: one of the returned values should be a
  free-fall acceleration (+/- some noise of the chip).

## Resonance Testing Commands

The following commands are available when a
[resonance_tester config section](
is enabled (also see the
[measuring resonances guide](
- `MEASURE_AXES_NOISE`: Measures and outputs the noise for all axes of
  all enabled accelerometer chips.
- `TEST_RESONANCES AXIS=<axis> OUTPUT=<resonances,raw_data>
  [NAME=<name>] [FREQ_START=<min_freq>] [FREQ_END=<max_freq>]
  [HZ_PER_SEC=<hz_per_sec>] [INPUT_SHAPING=[<0:1>]]`: Runs the resonance
  test in all configured probe points for the requested axis (X or Y)
  and measures the acceleration using the accelerometer chips configured
  for the respective axis. If `INPUT_SHAPING=0` or not set (default),
  disables input shaping for the resonance testing, because it is not valid
  to run the resonance testing with the input shaper enabled.
  `OUTPUT` parameter is a comma-separated list of which outputs will be
  written. If `raw_data` is requested, then the raw accelerometer data
  is written into a file or a series of files
  `/tmp/raw_data_<axis>_[<point>_]<name>.csv` with (`<point>_` part of
  the name generated only if more than 1 probe point is configured).
  If `resonances` is specified, the frequency response is calculated
  (across all probe points) and written into
  `/tmp/resonances_<axis>_<name>.csv` file. If unset, OUTPUT defaults
  to `resonances`, and NAME defaults to the current time in
- `SHAPER_CALIBRATE [AXIS=<axis>] [NAME=<name>]
  [FREQ_START=<min_freq>] [FREQ_END=<max_freq>]
  [HZ_PER_SEC=<hz_per_sec>] [MAX_SMOOTHING=<max_smoothing>]`:
  Similarly to `TEST_RESONANCES`, runs the resonance test as configured,
  and tries to find the optimal parameters for the input shaper for the
  requested axis (or both X and Y axes if `AXIS` parameter is unset).
  If `MAX_SMOOTHING` is unset, its value is taken from `[resonance_tester]`
  section, with the default being unset. See the
  [Max smoothing]( of the measuring
  resonances guide for more information on the use of this feature.
  The results of the tuning are printed to the console, and the frequency
  responses and the different input shapers values are written to a CSV
  file(s) `/tmp/calibration_data_<axis>_<name>.csv`. Unless specified, NAME
  defaults to the current time in "YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS" format. Note that
  the suggested input shaper parameters can be persisted in the config
  by issuing `SAVE_CONFIG` command.