#!/usr/bin/env python # Main code for host side printer firmware # # Copyright (C) 2016 Kevin O'Connor # # This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license. import sys, optparse, ConfigParser, logging, time, threading import gcode, toolhead, util, mcu, fan, heater, extruder, reactor, queuelogger message_startup = """ The klippy host software is attempting to connect. Please retry in a few moments. Printer is not ready """ message_restart = """ This is an unrecoverable error. Please correct the underlying issue and then manually restart the klippy host software. Printer is halted """ message_mcu_connect_error = """ This is an unrecoverable error. Please manually restart both the firmware and the host software. Error configuring printer """ message_shutdown = """ This is an unrecoverable error. Please correct the underlying issue and then manually restart both the firmware and the host software. Printer is shutdown """ class ConfigWrapper: error = ConfigParser.Error class sentinel: pass def __init__(self, printer, section): self.printer = printer self.section = section def get_wrapper(self, parser, option, default): if (default is not self.sentinel and not self.printer.fileconfig.has_option(self.section, option)): return default self.printer.all_config_options[ (self.section.lower(), option.lower())] = 1 try: return parser(self.section, option) except self.error, e: raise except: raise self.error("Unable to parse option '%s' in section '%s'" % ( option, self.section)) def get(self, option, default=sentinel): return self.get_wrapper(self.printer.fileconfig.get, option, default) def getint(self, option, default=sentinel): return self.get_wrapper(self.printer.fileconfig.getint, option, default) def getfloat(self, option, default=sentinel): return self.get_wrapper( self.printer.fileconfig.getfloat, option, default) def getboolean(self, option, default=sentinel): return self.get_wrapper( self.printer.fileconfig.getboolean, option, default) def getchoice(self, option, choices, default=sentinel): c = self.get(option, default) if c not in choices: raise self.error( "Option '%s' in section '%s' is not a valid choice" % ( option, self.section)) return choices[c] def getsection(self, section): return ConfigWrapper(self.printer, section) class Printer: def __init__(self, conffile, input_fd, is_fileinput=False): self.conffile = conffile self.reactor = reactor.Reactor() self.gcode = gcode.GCodeParser(self, input_fd, is_fileinput) self.stats_timer = self.reactor.register_timer(self.stats) self.connect_timer = self.reactor.register_timer( self.connect, self.reactor.NOW) self.all_config_options = {} self.state_message = message_startup self.debugoutput = self.dictionary = None self.fileconfig = None self.mcu = None self.objects = {} def set_fileoutput(self, debugoutput, dictionary): self.debugoutput = debugoutput self.dictionary = dictionary def stats(self, eventtime): out = [] out.append(self.gcode.stats(eventtime)) toolhead = self.objects.get('toolhead') out.append(toolhead.stats(eventtime)) out.append(self.mcu.stats(eventtime)) logging.info("Stats %.0f: %s" % (eventtime, ' '.join(out))) return eventtime + 1. def load_config(self): self.fileconfig = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() res = self.fileconfig.read(self.conffile) if not res: raise ConfigParser.Error("Unable to open config file %s" % ( self.conffile,)) self.mcu = mcu.MCU(self, ConfigWrapper(self, 'mcu')) if self.fileconfig.has_section('fan'): self.objects['fan'] = fan.PrinterFan( self, ConfigWrapper(self, 'fan')) if self.fileconfig.has_section('extruder'): self.objects['extruder'] = extruder.PrinterExtruder( self, ConfigWrapper(self, 'extruder')) if self.fileconfig.has_section('heater_bed'): self.objects['heater_bed'] = heater.PrinterHeater( self, ConfigWrapper(self, 'heater_bed')) self.objects['toolhead'] = toolhead.ToolHead( self, ConfigWrapper(self, 'printer')) def build_config(self): for oname in sorted(self.objects.keys()): self.objects[oname].build_config() self.gcode.build_config() self.mcu.build_config() def validate_config(self): valid_sections = dict([(s, 1) for s, o in self.all_config_options]) for section in self.fileconfig.sections(): section = section.lower() if section not in valid_sections: raise ConfigParser.Error("Unknown config file section '%s'" % ( section,)) for option in self.fileconfig.options(section): option = option.lower() if (section, option) not in self.all_config_options: raise ConfigParser.Error( "Unknown option '%s' in section '%s'" % ( option, section)) def connect(self, eventtime): try: self.load_config() if self.debugoutput is None: self.reactor.update_timer(self.stats_timer, self.reactor.NOW) else: self.mcu.connect_file(self.debugoutput, self.dictionary) self.mcu.connect() self.build_config() self.validate_config() self.gcode.set_printer_ready(True) self.state_message = "Running" except ConfigParser.Error, e: logging.exception("Config error") self.state_message = "%s%s" % (str(e), message_restart) self.reactor.update_timer(self.stats_timer, self.reactor.NEVER) except mcu.error, e: logging.exception("MCU error during connect") self.state_message = "%s%s" % (str(e), message_mcu_connect_error) self.reactor.update_timer(self.stats_timer, self.reactor.NEVER) except: logging.exception("Unhandled exception during connect") self.state_message = "Internal error during connect.%s" % ( message_restart) self.reactor.update_timer(self.stats_timer, self.reactor.NEVER) self.reactor.unregister_timer(self.connect_timer) return self.reactor.NEVER def run(self): try: self.reactor.run() except: logging.exception("Unhandled exception during run") return # If gcode exits, then exit the MCU self.stats(time.time()) self.mcu.disconnect() self.stats(time.time()) def get_state_message(self): return self.state_message def note_shutdown(self, msg): self.state_message = "Firmware shutdown: %s%s" % ( msg, message_shutdown) self.gcode.set_printer_ready(False) ###################################################################### # Startup ###################################################################### def read_dictionary(filename): dfile = open(filename, 'rb') dictionary = dfile.read() dfile.close() return dictionary def main(): usage = "%prog [options] " opts = optparse.OptionParser(usage) opts.add_option("-o", "--debugoutput", dest="outputfile", help="write output to file instead of to serial port") opts.add_option("-i", "--debuginput", dest="inputfile", help="read commands from file instead of from tty port") opts.add_option("-I", "--input-tty", dest="inputtty", default='/tmp/printer', help="input tty name (default is /tmp/printer)") opts.add_option("-l", "--logfile", dest="logfile", help="write log to file instead of stderr") opts.add_option("-v", action="store_true", dest="verbose", help="enable debug messages") opts.add_option("-d", dest="read_dictionary", help="file to read for mcu protocol dictionary") options, args = opts.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: opts.error("Incorrect number of arguments") conffile = args[0] input_fd = debuginput = debugoutput = bglogger = None debuglevel = logging.INFO if options.verbose: debuglevel = logging.DEBUG if options.inputfile: debuginput = open(options.inputfile, 'rb') input_fd = debuginput.fileno() else: input_fd = util.create_pty(options.inputtty) if options.outputfile: debugoutput = open(options.outputfile, 'wb') if options.logfile: bglogger = queuelogger.setup_bg_logging(options.logfile, debuglevel) else: logging.basicConfig(level=debuglevel) logging.info("Starting Klippy...") # Start firmware printer = Printer(conffile, input_fd, is_fileinput=debuginput is not None) if debugoutput: proto_dict = read_dictionary(options.read_dictionary) printer.set_fileoutput(debugoutput, proto_dict) printer.run() if bglogger is not None: bglogger.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()