Many of today's popular controller boards ship with a bootloader capable of updating firmware via SD Card. While this is convenient in many circumstances, these bootloaders typically provide no other way to update firmware. This can be a nuisance if your board is mounted in a location that is difficult to access or if you need to update firmware often. After Klipper has been initially flashed to a controller it is possible to transfer new firmware to the SD Card and initiate the flashing procedure via ssh. Typical Upgrade Procedure ========================= The procedure for updating MCU firmware using the SD Card is similar to that of other methods. Instead of using `make flash` it is necessary to run a helper script, ``. Updating a BigTreeTech SKR 1.3 might look like the following: ``` sudo service klipper stop cd ~/klipper git pull make clean make menuconfig make ./scripts/ /dev/ttyACM0 btt-skr-v1.3 sudo service klipper start ``` It is up to the user to determine the device location and board name. If a user needs to flash multiple boards, `` (or `make flash` if appropriate) should be run for each board prior to restarting the Klipper service. Supported boards can be listed with the following command: ``` ./scripts/ -l ``` If you do not see your board listed it may be necessary to add a new board definition as [described below](#board-definitions). Advanced Usage ============== The above commands assume that your MCU connects at the default baud rate of 250000 and the firmware is located at `~/klipper/out/klipper.bin`. The `` script provides options for changing these defaults. All options can be viewed by the help screen: ``` ./scripts/ -h SD Card upload utility for Klipper usage: [-h] [-l] [-b <baud>] [-f <firmware>] <device> <board> positional arguments: <device> device serial port <board> board type optional arguments: -h show this message -l list available boards -b <baud> serial baud rate (default is 250000) -f <firmware> path to klipper.bin ``` If your board is flashed with firmware that connects at a custom baud rate it is possible to upgrade by specifying the `-b` option: ``` ./scripts/ -b 115200 /dev/ttyAMA0 btt-skr-v1.3 ``` If you wish to flash a build of Klipper located somewhere other than the default location it can be done by specifying the `-f` option: ``` ./scripts/ -f ~/downloads/klipper.bin /dev/ttyAMA0 btt-skr-v1.3 ``` Note that when upgrading a MKS Robin E3 it is not necessary to manually run `` and supply the resulting binary to ``. This procedure is automated during the upload process. Caveats ======= - As mentioned in the introduction, this method only works for upgrading firmware. The initial flashing procedure must be done manually per the instructions that apply to your controller board. - While it is possible to flash a build that changes the Serial Baud or connection interface (ie: from USB to UART), verification will always fail as the script will be unable to reconnect to the MCU to verify the current version. - Only boards that use SPI for SD Card communication are supported. Boards that use SDIO, such as the Flymaker Flyboard and MKS Robin Nano V1/V2, will not work. Board Definitions ================= Most common boards should be available, however it is possible to add a new board definition if necessary. Board definitions are located in `~/klipper/scripts/spi_flash/`. The definitions are stored in dictionary, for example: ```python BOARD_DEFS = { 'generic-lpc1768': { 'mcu': "lpc1768", 'spi_bus': "ssp1", "cs_pin": "P0.6" }, ...<further definitions> } ``` The following fields may be specified: - `mcu`: The mcu type. This can be retrevied after configuring the build via `make menuconfig` by running `cat .config | grep CONFIG_MCU`. This field is required. - `spi_bus`: The SPI bus connected to the SD Card. This should be retreived from the board's schematic. This field is required. - `cs_pin`: The Chip Select Pin connected to the SD Card. This should be retreived from the board schematic. This field is required. - `firmware_path`: The path on the SD Card where firmware should be transferred. The default is `firmware.bin`. - `current_firmware_path` The path on the SD Card where the renamed firmware file is located after a successful flash. The default is `firmware.cur`. If software SPI is required the `spi_bus` field should be set to `swspi` and the following additional field should be specified: - `spi_pins`: This should be 3 comma separated pins that are connected to the SD Card in the format of `miso,mosi,sclk`. It should be exceedingly rare that Software SPI is necessary, typically only boards with design errors will require it. The `btt-skr-pro` board definition provides an example. Prior to creating a new board definition one should check to see if an existing board definition meets the criteria necessary for the new board. If this is the case, a `BOARD_ALIAS` may be specified. For example, the following alias may be added to specify `my-new-board` as an alias for `generic-lpc1768`: ```python BOARD_ALIASES = { ...<previous aliases>, 'my-new-board': BOARD_DEFS['generic-lpc1768'], } ``` If you need a new board definition and you are uncomfortable with the procedure outlined above it is recommended that you request one in the [Klipper Community Discord](