Just a quick cleanup to where I flubbed the Z_OFFSET_APPLY_ENDSTOP and Z_OFFSET_APPLY_PROBE documentation
Signed-off-by: Ben Eastep <shifting@shifting.ca>
Restore old link behavior - each document file will have a single html
file ending in the ".html" suffix.
Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
- Keeps the markdown inside the code blocks as is
- Logs the modified lines (mkdocs serve —verbose)
Signed-off-by: Damien Martin <damlobster@gmail.com>
whilst this line is in Measuring_Resonances.md, users following this guide for other reasons have no cause reason to read that and don't have an explanation for what they didn't know they didn't do.
Signed-off-by: Rowland Straylight <rowlandstraylight@gmail.com>
Created two new extended gcodes: Z_OFFSET_APPLY_ENDSTOP, and Z_OFFSET_APPLY_PROBE.
These use the z gcode offset to revise the probe offset, or z endstop position
allowing users to make a frequently used babystepping value permanent without
manual config editing.
Signed-off-by: Ben Eastep <shifting@shifting.ca>
Document change in behavior of the controller_fan module.
Lookup heater objects in connect() event handler.
Return list of stepper names from stepper_enable.get_steppers().
Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
Allows contoller_fan sections to monitor only certain steppers instead of
all of them, similar to how heaters are currently handled.
Signed-off-by: Sophie Hirn <sophie.hirn@wyvernscale.com>
Do not infer the sercom from the config section name, as that
prevents one from using SPI buses on multiple samd mcus.
Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
- Add dual_carriage abilities for hybrid-corexy and hybrid-corexz
- Introduce the module idex_mode
- Fix add_stepper to the correct rail in hybrid-corexy
Signed-off-by: Fabrice GALLET <tircown@gmail.com>
Sometimes an automated filament load is implemented,
but extruder might not always extrude filament.
This adds a flag to check if this operation is possible.
Signed-off-by: Kamil Trzcinski <ayufan@ayufan.eu>
If a high UART frequency is used to communicate with TMC2208/TMC2209
drivers then it may not be possible for Klipper to communicate with
the drivers until they are reset. Note this in the troubleshooting
Reported by @matthewlloyd.
Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
The default pid_integral_max setting should be sufficient; it's not
necessary to complicate the documentation and config to support
Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
This is useful for macros that'd like to skip QGL if already leveled,
{% if not printer.quad_gantry_level.applied %}
{% endif %}
Signed-off-by: Michael Rose <elementation@gmail.com>
neopixel: add sync param to prevent waking toolhead
dotstar: refactor to match neopixel methods and add sync parameter
Signed-off-by: Paul McGowan <mental405@gmail.com>
ADXL345 3.3v and GND pins can be wired closer to the other
pins on RPi, which is often more convenient.
Signed-off-by: Dmitry Butyugin <dmbutyugin@google.com>
To support continuous belt printing, add nestable repeat
loop support via an `[sdcard_loop]` module.
Supported G-Code:
- SDCARD_LOOP_BEGIN COUNT=n ; Loop for N times, or infinitely if N is 0
- SDCARD_LOOP_END ; End of loop
- SDCARD_LOOP_DESIST ; Complete all loops without iterating
Marlin M808 compatibility example in `config/sample-macros.cfg`:
- M808 Ln ; Loop for N times, or infinitely if N is 0
- M808 ; End of loop
- M808 K ; Complete all loops without iterating
Added unit tests in test/klippy/sdcard_loop.test
See https://reprap.org/wiki/G-code#M808:_Set_or_Goto_Repeat_Marker
Signed-off-by: Jason S. McMullan <jason.mcmullan@gmail.com>
These commands were never used by the main code and are not
particularly helpful for debugging. Remove them to reduce code size -
in particular on the pru architecture.
Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
The Jinja2 "set" directive is more flexible and easier to understand
than default_parameter_XXX parameters. Deprecate it and encourage
using "set" as a replacement.
This also deprecates direct access to parameters via parameter name in
a macro. Going forward, the `params` pseudo-variable must be used to
access a parameter.
Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
Just a small attempt to make the build process slightly clearer
In the compilation instructions for the rPi mcu
Signed-off-by: Ben Eastep <shifting@shifting.ca>
Allow a larger velocity, accel, and square_corner_velocity than what
is specified in the config file.
Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
Move the reference of "printer" status fields from
Command_Templates.md to a new Status_Reference.md file.
Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
This is useful when a saved bed mesh is used to ensure that the bed level
has not drifted too far from where it was when the mesh was created.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Stuettgen <johannes.stuettgen@gmail.com>
Module which bring support for P2 devices running in connected mode. This enables using a Palette2 directly with Klippy without Octoprint, or without Palette2 plugins for Octoprint which are not functional out of the box with Klipper.
Signed-off-by: Clifford Roche <clifford.roche@gmail.com>
Create a sample-aliases.cfg with all the aliases that are currently
hardcoded in the klippy.pins.py module.
Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
This adds support for BMP280 and BME680 sensor ICs,
along with fixing calibration data readout for BME280.
Gas sensor readout for the BME680 is just the raw compensated value.
To get actual meaningful values, more research is needed.
Signed-off-by: Michael Kurz <michi.kurz@gmail.com>