heater: Move adc logic into Thermistor class

The Thermistor (and Linear) class should handle all the details of
reading the ADC values and converting them to temperatures.  So, move
that logic out of the Heater() class.

Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
This commit is contained in:
Kevin O'Connor 2018-04-04 14:13:59 -04:00
parent 7e78b2665e
commit 0fc4f0946e
2 changed files with 51 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class ControlAutoTune:
self.pwm_samples.append((read_time + heater.PWM_DELAY, value))
self.last_pwm = value
self.heater.set_pwm(read_time, value)
def adc_callback(self, read_time, temp):
def temperature_callback(self, read_time, temp):
self.temp_samples.append((read_time, temp))
if self.heating and temp >= self.heater.target_temp:
self.heating = False

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@ -11,11 +11,18 @@ import math, logging, threading
# Analog voltage to temperature converter for thermistors
class Thermistor:
def __init__(self, config, params):
self.pullup = config.getfloat('pullup_resistor', 4700., above=0.)
ppins = config.get_printer().lookup_object('pins')
self.mcu_adc = ppins.setup_pin('adc', config.get('sensor_pin'))
self.mcu_adc.setup_adc_callback(REPORT_TIME, self.adc_callback)
self.temperature_callback = None
self.c1 = self.c2 = self.c3 = 0.
if 'beta' in params:
@ -47,12 +54,20 @@ class Thermistor:
self.c3 = 0.
self.c2 = 1. / params['beta']
self.c1 = inv_t1 - self.c2 * ln_r1
def calc_temp(self, adc):
adc = max(.00001, min(.99999, adc))
def setup_minmax(self, min_temp, max_temp):
adc_range = [self.calc_adc(min_temp), self.calc_adc(max_temp)]
self.mcu_adc.setup_minmax(SAMPLE_TIME, SAMPLE_COUNT,
minval=min(adc_range), maxval=max(adc_range))
def setup_callback(self, temperature_callback):
self.temperature_callback = temperature_callback
def adc_callback(self, read_time, read_value):
# Calculate temperature from adc
adc = max(.00001, min(.99999, read_value))
r = self.pullup * adc / (1.0 - adc)
ln_r = math.log(r)
inv_t = self.c1 + self.c2 * ln_r + self.c3 * ln_r**3
return 1.0/inv_t + KELVIN_TO_CELCIUS
temp = 1.0/inv_t + KELVIN_TO_CELCIUS
self.temperature_callback(read_time, temp)
def calc_adc(self, temp):
inv_t = 1. / (temp - KELVIN_TO_CELCIUS)
if self.c3:
@ -69,11 +84,22 @@ class Thermistor:
class Linear:
def __init__(self, config, params):
adc_voltage = config.getfloat('adc_voltage', 5., above=0.)
ppins = config.get_printer().lookup_object('pins')
self.mcu_adc = ppins.setup_pin('adc', config.get('sensor_pin'))
self.mcu_adc.setup_adc_callback(REPORT_TIME, self.adc_callback)
self.temperature_callback = None
slope = (params['t2'] - params['t1']) / (params['v2'] - params['v1'])
self.gain = adc_voltage * slope
self.offset = params['t1'] - params['v1'] * slope
def calc_temp(self, adc):
return adc * self.gain + self.offset
def setup_minmax(self, min_temp, max_temp):
adc_range = [self.calc_adc(min_temp), self.calc_adc(max_temp)]
self.mcu_adc.setup_minmax(SAMPLE_TIME, SAMPLE_COUNT,
minval=min(adc_range), maxval=max(adc_range))
def setup_callback(self, temperature_callback):
self.temperature_callback = temperature_callback
def adc_callback(self, read_time, read_value):
temp = read_value * self.gain + self.offset
self.temperature_callback(read_time, temp)
def calc_adc(self, temp):
return (temp - self.offset) / self.gain
@ -95,9 +121,6 @@ Sensors = {
# Heater
@ -108,14 +131,14 @@ class error(Exception):
class Heater:
error = error
def __init__(self, config):
printer = config.get_printer()
def __init__(self, config, sensor):
self.sensor = sensor
self.name = config.get_name()
sensor_type = config.get('sensor_type')
pheater = printer.lookup_object('heater')
self.sensor = pheater.setup_sensor(sensor_type, config)
printer = config.get_printer()
self.min_temp = config.getfloat('min_temp', minval=KELVIN_TO_CELCIUS)
self.max_temp = config.getfloat('max_temp', above=self.min_temp)
self.sensor.setup_minmax(self.min_temp, self.max_temp)
self.min_extrude_temp = config.getfloat(
'min_extrude_temp', 170., minval=self.min_temp, maxval=self.max_temp)
self.max_power = config.getfloat('max_power', 1., above=0., maxval=1.)
@ -135,13 +158,7 @@ class Heater:
'pwm_cycle_time', 0.100, above=0., maxval=REPORT_TIME)
self.mcu_adc = ppins.setup_pin('adc', config.get('sensor_pin'))
adc_range = [self.sensor.calc_adc(self.min_temp),
self.mcu_adc.setup_minmax(SAMPLE_TIME, SAMPLE_COUNT,
minval=min(adc_range), maxval=max(adc_range))
self.mcu_adc.setup_adc_callback(REPORT_TIME, self.adc_callback)
is_fileoutput = self.mcu_adc.get_mcu().is_fileoutput()
is_fileoutput = self.mcu_pwm.get_mcu().is_fileoutput()
self.can_extrude = self.min_extrude_temp <= 0. or is_fileoutput
self.control = algo(self, config)
# pwm caching
@ -164,14 +181,13 @@ class Heater:
self.name, value, pwm_time,
self.last_temp, self.last_temp_time, self.target_temp)
self.mcu_pwm.set_pwm(pwm_time, value)
def adc_callback(self, read_time, read_value):
temp = self.sensor.calc_temp(read_value)
def temperature_callback(self, read_time, temp):
with self.lock:
self.last_temp = temp
self.last_temp_time = read_time
self.can_extrude = (temp >= self.min_extrude_temp)
self.control.adc_callback(read_time, temp)
#logging.debug("temp: %.3f %f = %f", read_time, read_value, temp)
self.control.temperature_callback(read_time, temp)
#logging.debug("temp: %.3f %f = %f", read_time, temp)
# External commands
def set_temp(self, print_time, degrees):
if degrees and (degrees < self.min_temp or degrees > self.max_temp):
@ -180,7 +196,7 @@ class Heater:
with self.lock:
self.target_temp = degrees
def get_temp(self, eventtime):
print_time = self.mcu_adc.get_mcu().estimated_print_time(eventtime) - 5.
print_time = self.mcu_pwm.get_mcu().estimated_print_time(eventtime) - 5.
with self.lock:
if self.last_temp_time < print_time:
return 0., self.target_temp
@ -218,7 +234,7 @@ class ControlBangBang:
self.heater = heater
self.max_delta = config.getfloat('max_delta', 2.0, above=0.)
self.heating = False
def adc_callback(self, read_time, temp):
def temperature_callback(self, read_time, temp):
if self.heating and temp >= self.heater.target_temp+self.max_delta:
self.heating = False
elif not self.heating and temp <= self.heater.target_temp-self.max_delta:
@ -251,7 +267,7 @@ class ControlPID:
self.prev_temp_time = 0.
self.prev_temp_deriv = 0.
self.prev_temp_integ = 0.
def adc_callback(self, read_time, temp):
def temperature_callback(self, read_time, temp):
time_diff = read_time - self.prev_temp_time
# Calculate change of temperature
temp_diff = temp - self.prev_temp
@ -293,19 +309,19 @@ class PrinterHeaters:
self.heaters = {}
def add_sensor(self, sensor_type, params):
self.sensors[sensor_type] = params
def setup_sensor(self, sensor_type, config):
if sensor_type not in self.sensors:
raise self.printer.config_error("Unknown temperature sensor '%s'" % (
params = self.sensors[sensor_type]
return params['class'](config, params)
def setup_heater(self, config):
heater_name = config.get_name()
if heater_name == 'extruder':
heater_name = 'extruder0'
if heater_name in self.heaters:
raise config.error("Heater %s already registered" % (heater_name,))
self.heaters[heater_name] = heater = Heater(config)
sensor_type = config.get('sensor_type')
if sensor_type not in self.sensors:
raise self.printer.config_error("Unknown temperature sensor '%s'" % (
params = self.sensors[sensor_type]
sensor = params['class'](config, params)
self.heaters[heater_name] = heater = Heater(config, sensor)
return heater
def lookup_heater(self, heater_name):
if heater_name == 'extruder':