239 lines
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239 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Script that tries to find how much stack space each function in an
# object is using.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
# This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.
# Usage:
# avr-objdump -d out/klipper.elf | scripts/checkstack.py
import sys
import re
# Functions that change stacks
# List of functions we can assume are never called.
# insn_addr:called_function [usage_at_call_point+caller_preamble,total_usage]
# insn_addr:called_function [u+c,t,usage_to_yield_point]
class function:
def __init__(self, funcaddr, funcname):
self.funcaddr = funcaddr
self.funcname = funcname
self.basic_stack_usage = 0
self.max_stack_usage = None
self.yield_usage = -1
self.max_yield_usage = None
self.total_calls = 0
# called_funcs = [(insnaddr, calladdr, stackusage), ...]
self.called_funcs = []
self.subfuncs = {}
# Update function info with a found "yield" point.
def noteYield(self, stackusage):
if self.yield_usage < stackusage:
self.yield_usage = stackusage
# Update function info with a found "call" point.
def noteCall(self, insnaddr, calladdr, stackusage):
if (calladdr, stackusage) in self.subfuncs:
# Already noted a nearly identical call - ignore this one.
self.called_funcs.append((insnaddr, calladdr, stackusage))
self.subfuncs[(calladdr, stackusage)] = 1
# Find out maximum stack usage for a function
def calcmaxstack(info, funcs):
if info.max_stack_usage is not None:
info.max_stack_usage = max_stack_usage = info.basic_stack_usage
info.max_yield_usage = max_yield_usage = info.yield_usage
total_calls = 0
seenbefore = {}
# Find max of all nested calls.
for insnaddr, calladdr, usage in info.called_funcs:
callinfo = funcs.get(calladdr)
if callinfo is None:
calcmaxstack(callinfo, funcs)
if callinfo.funcname not in seenbefore:
seenbefore[callinfo.funcname] = 1
total_calls += callinfo.total_calls + 1
funcnameroot = callinfo.funcname.split('.')[0]
if funcnameroot in IGNORE:
# This called function is ignored - don't contribute it to
# the max stack.
totusage = usage + callinfo.max_stack_usage
totyieldusage = usage + callinfo.max_yield_usage
if funcnameroot in STACKHOP:
# Don't count children of this function
totusage = totyieldusage = usage
if totusage > max_stack_usage:
max_stack_usage = totusage
if callinfo.max_yield_usage >= 0 and totyieldusage > max_yield_usage:
max_yield_usage = totyieldusage
info.max_stack_usage = max_stack_usage
info.max_yield_usage = max_yield_usage
info.total_calls = total_calls
# Try to arrange output so that functions that call each other are
# near each other.
def orderfuncs(funcaddrs, availfuncs):
l = [(availfuncs[funcaddr].total_calls
, availfuncs[funcaddr].funcname, funcaddr)
for funcaddr in funcaddrs if funcaddr in availfuncs]
out = []
while l:
count, name, funcaddr = l.pop(0)
info = availfuncs.get(funcaddr)
if info is None:
calladdrs = [calls[1] for calls in info.called_funcs]
del availfuncs[funcaddr]
out = out + orderfuncs(calladdrs, availfuncs) + [info]
return out
hex_s = r'[0-9a-f]+'
re_func = re.compile(r'^(?P<funcaddr>' + hex_s + r') <(?P<func>.*)>:$')
re_asm = re.compile(
r'^[ ]*(?P<insnaddr>' + hex_s
+ r'):\t[^\t]*\t(?P<insn>[^\t]+?)(?P<params>\t[^;]*)?'
+ r'[ ]*(; (?P<calladdr>0x' + hex_s
+ r') <(?P<ref>.*)>)?$')
def main():
unknownfunc = function(None, "<unknown>")
indirectfunc = function(-1, '<indirect>')
unknownfunc.max_stack_usage = indirectfunc.max_stack_usage = 0
unknownfunc.max_yield_usage = indirectfunc.max_yield_usage = -1
funcs = {-1: indirectfunc}
funcaddr = None
datalines = {}
cur = None
atstart = 0
stackusage = 0
# Parse input lines
for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
m = re_func.match(line)
if m is not None:
# Found function
funcaddr = int(m.group('funcaddr'), 16)
funcs[funcaddr] = cur = function(funcaddr, m.group('func'))
stackusage = 0
atstart = 1
m = re_asm.match(line)
if m is None:
if funcaddr not in datalines:
datalines[funcaddr] = line.split()
#print("other", repr(line))
insn = m.group('insn')
if insn == 'push':
stackusage += 1
if insn == 'rcall' and m.group('params').strip() == '.+0':
stackusage += 2
if atstart:
if insn in ['in', 'eor']:
cur.basic_stack_usage = stackusage
atstart = 0
insnaddr = m.group('insnaddr')
calladdr = m.group('calladdr')
if calladdr is None:
if insn == 'ijmp':
# Indirect tail call
cur.noteCall(insnaddr, -1, 0)
elif insn == 'icall':
cur.noteCall(insnaddr, -1, stackusage + 2)
# misc instruction
# Jump or call insn
calladdr = int(calladdr, 16)
ref = m.group('ref')
if '+' in ref:
# Inter-function jump.
elif insn in ('rjmp', 'jmp', 'brne', 'brcs'):
# Tail call
cur.noteCall(insnaddr, calladdr, 0)
elif insn in ('rcall', 'call'):
cur.noteCall(insnaddr, calladdr, stackusage + 2)
print("unknown call", ref)
cur.noteCall(insnaddr, calladdr, stackusage)
# Reset stack usage to preamble usage
stackusage = cur.basic_stack_usage
# Update for known indirect functions
funcsbyname = {}
for info in funcs.values():
funcnameroot = info.funcname.split('.')[0]
funcsbyname[funcnameroot] = info
mainfunc = funcsbyname.get('sched_main')
cmdfunc = funcsbyname.get('command_task')
eventfunc = funcsbyname.get('__vector_13')
for funcnameroot, info in funcsbyname.items():
if (funcnameroot.startswith('_DECL_taskfuncs_')
or funcnameroot.startswith('_DECL_initfuncs_')
or funcnameroot.startswith('_DECL_shutdownfuncs_')):
funcname = funcnameroot[funcnameroot.index('_', 7)+1:]
f = funcsbyname[funcname]
mainfunc.noteCall(0, f.funcaddr, mainfunc.basic_stack_usage + 2)
if funcnameroot.startswith('parser_'):
f = funcsbyname.get(funcnameroot[7:])
if f is not None:
numparams = int(datalines[info.funcaddr][2], 16)
stackusage = cmdfunc.basic_stack_usage + 2 + numparams * 4
cmdfunc.noteCall(0, f.funcaddr, stackusage)
if funcnameroot.endswith('_event'):
eventfunc.noteCall(0, info.funcaddr, eventfunc.basic_stack_usage + 2)
# Calculate maxstackusage
for info in funcs.values():
calcmaxstack(info, funcs)
# Sort functions for output
funcinfos = orderfuncs(funcs.keys(), funcs.copy())
# Show all functions
for info in funcinfos:
if info.max_stack_usage == 0 and info.max_yield_usage < 0:
yieldstr = ""
if info.max_yield_usage >= 0:
yieldstr = ",%d" % info.max_yield_usage
print("\n%s[%d,%d%s]:" % (info.funcname, info.basic_stack_usage
, info.max_stack_usage, yieldstr))
for insnaddr, calladdr, stackusage in info.called_funcs:
callinfo = funcs.get(calladdr, unknownfunc)
yieldstr = ""
if callinfo.max_yield_usage >= 0:
yieldstr = ",%d" % (stackusage + callinfo.max_yield_usage)
print(" %04s:%-40s [%d+%d,%d%s]" % (
insnaddr, callinfo.funcname, stackusage
, callinfo.basic_stack_usage
, stackusage+callinfo.max_stack_usage, yieldstr))
if __name__ == '__main__':