2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @file stm32f1xx_hal_rtc.h
* @author MCD Application Team
* @brief Header file of RTC HAL module.
* @attention
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
* <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.</center></h2>
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
* This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
* the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32F1xx_HAL_RTC_H
#define __STM32F1xx_HAL_RTC_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
extern "C" {
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32f1xx_hal_def.h"
/** @addtogroup STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver
* @{
/** @addtogroup RTC
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
/** @addtogroup RTC_Private_Macros
* @{
#define IS_RTC_HOUR24(HOUR) ((HOUR) <= 23U)
#define IS_RTC_YEAR(YEAR) ((YEAR) <= 99U)
#define IS_RTC_MONTH(MONTH) (((MONTH) >= 1U) && ((MONTH) <= 12U))
#define IS_RTC_DATE(DATE) (((DATE) >= 1U) && ((DATE) <= 31U))
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @}
/** @addtogroup RTC_Private_Constants
* @{
/** @defgroup RTC_Timeout_Value Default Timeout Value
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @}
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
/** @defgroup RTC_EXTI_Line_Event RTC EXTI Line event
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
#define RTC_EXTI_LINE_ALARM_EVENT ((uint32_t)EXTI_IMR_MR17) /*!< External interrupt line 17 Connected to the RTC Alarm event */
* @}
* @}
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
/** @defgroup RTC_Exported_Types RTC Exported Types
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
* @brief RTC Time structure definition
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
typedef struct
uint8_t Hours; /*!< Specifies the RTC Time Hour.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 23 */
uint8_t Minutes; /*!< Specifies the RTC Time Minutes.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 59 */
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
uint8_t Seconds; /*!< Specifies the RTC Time Seconds.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 59 */
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
} RTC_TimeTypeDef;
* @brief RTC Alarm structure definition
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
typedef struct
RTC_TimeTypeDef AlarmTime; /*!< Specifies the RTC Alarm Time members */
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
uint32_t Alarm; /*!< Specifies the alarm ID (only 1 alarm ID for STM32F1).
This parameter can be a value of @ref RTC_Alarms_Definitions */
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
} RTC_AlarmTypeDef;
* @brief HAL State structures definition
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
typedef enum
HAL_RTC_STATE_RESET = 0x00U, /*!< RTC not yet initialized or disabled */
HAL_RTC_STATE_READY = 0x01U, /*!< RTC initialized and ready for use */
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
HAL_RTC_STATE_BUSY = 0x02U, /*!< RTC process is ongoing */
HAL_RTC_STATE_TIMEOUT = 0x03U, /*!< RTC timeout state */
HAL_RTC_STATE_ERROR = 0x04U /*!< RTC error state */
} HAL_RTCStateTypeDef;
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
* @brief RTC Configuration Structure definition
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
typedef struct
uint32_t AsynchPrediv; /*!< Specifies the RTC Asynchronous Predivider value.
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x00 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFF or RTC_AUTO_1_SECOND
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
If RTC_AUTO_1_SECOND is selected, AsynchPrediv will be set automatically to get 1sec timebase */
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
uint32_t OutPut; /*!< Specifies which signal will be routed to the RTC Tamper pin.
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
This parameter can be a value of @ref RTC_output_source_to_output_on_the_Tamper_pin */
} RTC_InitTypeDef;
* @brief RTC Date structure definition
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
typedef struct
uint8_t WeekDay; /*!< Specifies the RTC Date WeekDay (not necessary for HAL_RTC_SetDate).
This parameter can be a value of @ref RTC_WeekDay_Definitions */
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
uint8_t Month; /*!< Specifies the RTC Date Month (in BCD format).
This parameter can be a value of @ref RTC_Month_Date_Definitions */
uint8_t Date; /*!< Specifies the RTC Date.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 1 and Max_Data = 31 */
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
uint8_t Year; /*!< Specifies the RTC Date Year.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 99 */
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
} RTC_DateTypeDef;
* @brief Time Handle Structure definition
typedef struct __RTC_HandleTypeDef
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
typedef struct
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
RTC_TypeDef *Instance; /*!< Register base address */
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
RTC_InitTypeDef Init; /*!< RTC required parameters */
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
RTC_DateTypeDef DateToUpdate; /*!< Current date set by user and updated automatically */
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
HAL_LockTypeDef Lock; /*!< RTC locking object */
__IO HAL_RTCStateTypeDef State; /*!< Time communication state */
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
void (* AlarmAEventCallback)(struct __RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc); /*!< RTC Alarm A Event callback */
void (* Tamper1EventCallback)(struct __RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc); /*!< RTC Tamper 1 Event callback */
void (* MspInitCallback)(struct __RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc); /*!< RTC Msp Init callback */
void (* MspDeInitCallback)(struct __RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc); /*!< RTC Msp DeInit callback */
} RTC_HandleTypeDef;
* @brief HAL RTC Callback ID enumeration definition
typedef enum
HAL_RTC_ALARM_A_EVENT_CB_ID = 0x00u, /*!< RTC Alarm A Event Callback ID */
HAL_RTC_TAMPER1_EVENT_CB_ID = 0x04u, /*!< RTC Tamper 1 Callback ID */
HAL_RTC_MSPINIT_CB_ID = 0x0Eu, /*!< RTC Msp Init callback ID */
HAL_RTC_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID = 0x0Fu /*!< RTC Msp DeInit callback ID */
} HAL_RTC_CallbackIDTypeDef;
* @brief HAL RTC Callback pointer definition
typedef void (*pRTC_CallbackTypeDef)(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc); /*!< pointer to an RTC callback function */
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @}
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup RTC_Exported_Constants RTC Exported Constants
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
/** @defgroup RTC_Automatic_Prediv_1_Second Automatic calculation of prediv for 1sec timebase
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @}
/** @defgroup RTC_Input_parameter_format_definitions Input Parameter Format
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
#define RTC_FORMAT_BIN 0x000000000U
#define RTC_FORMAT_BCD 0x000000001U
* @}
/** @defgroup RTC_Month_Date_Definitions Month Definitions
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
/* Coded in BCD format */
#define RTC_MONTH_JANUARY ((uint8_t)0x01)
#define RTC_MONTH_FEBRUARY ((uint8_t)0x02)
#define RTC_MONTH_MARCH ((uint8_t)0x03)
#define RTC_MONTH_APRIL ((uint8_t)0x04)
#define RTC_MONTH_MAY ((uint8_t)0x05)
#define RTC_MONTH_JUNE ((uint8_t)0x06)
#define RTC_MONTH_JULY ((uint8_t)0x07)
#define RTC_MONTH_AUGUST ((uint8_t)0x08)
#define RTC_MONTH_SEPTEMBER ((uint8_t)0x09)
#define RTC_MONTH_OCTOBER ((uint8_t)0x10)
#define RTC_MONTH_NOVEMBER ((uint8_t)0x11)
#define RTC_MONTH_DECEMBER ((uint8_t)0x12)
* @}
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
/** @defgroup RTC_WeekDay_Definitions WeekDay Definitions
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
#define RTC_WEEKDAY_MONDAY ((uint8_t)0x01)
#define RTC_WEEKDAY_TUESDAY ((uint8_t)0x02)
#define RTC_WEEKDAY_WEDNESDAY ((uint8_t)0x03)
#define RTC_WEEKDAY_THURSDAY ((uint8_t)0x04)
#define RTC_WEEKDAY_FRIDAY ((uint8_t)0x05)
#define RTC_WEEKDAY_SATURDAY ((uint8_t)0x06)
#define RTC_WEEKDAY_SUNDAY ((uint8_t)0x00)
* @}
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
/** @defgroup RTC_Alarms_Definitions Alarms Definitions
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
#define RTC_ALARM_A 0U /*!< Specify alarm ID (mainly for legacy purposes) */
* @}
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
/** @defgroup RTC_output_source_to_output_on_the_Tamper_pin Output source to output on the Tamper pin
* @{
#define RTC_OUTPUTSOURCE_NONE 0x00000000U /*!< No output on the TAMPER pin */
#define RTC_OUTPUTSOURCE_CALIBCLOCK BKP_RTCCR_CCO /*!< RTC clock with a frequency divided by 64 on the TAMPER pin */
#define RTC_OUTPUTSOURCE_ALARM BKP_RTCCR_ASOE /*!< Alarm pulse signal on the TAMPER pin */
#define RTC_OUTPUTSOURCE_SECOND (BKP_RTCCR_ASOS | BKP_RTCCR_ASOE) /*!< Second pulse signal on the TAMPER pin */
* @}
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
/** @defgroup RTC_Interrupts_Definitions Interrupts Definitions
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
#define RTC_IT_OW RTC_CRH_OWIE /*!< Overflow interrupt */
#define RTC_IT_ALRA RTC_CRH_ALRIE /*!< Alarm interrupt */
#define RTC_IT_SEC RTC_CRH_SECIE /*!< Second interrupt */
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
#define RTC_IT_TAMP1 BKP_CSR_TPIE /*!< TAMPER Pin interrupt enable */
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @}
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
/** @defgroup RTC_Flags_Definitions Flags Definitions
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
#define RTC_FLAG_RTOFF RTC_CRL_RTOFF /*!< RTC Operation OFF flag */
#define RTC_FLAG_RSF RTC_CRL_RSF /*!< Registers Synchronized flag */
#define RTC_FLAG_OW RTC_CRL_OWF /*!< Overflow flag */
#define RTC_FLAG_ALRAF RTC_CRL_ALRF /*!< Alarm flag */
#define RTC_FLAG_SEC RTC_CRL_SECF /*!< Second flag */
#define RTC_FLAG_TAMP1F BKP_CSR_TEF /*!< Tamper Interrupt Flag */
* @}
* @}
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup RTC_Exported_macros RTC Exported Macros
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
/** @brief Reset RTC handle state
* @param __HANDLE__: RTC handle.
* @retval None
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
(__HANDLE__)->MspInitCallback = NULL;\
(__HANDLE__)->MspDeInitCallback = NULL;\
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @brief Disable the write protection for RTC registers.
* @param __HANDLE__: specifies the RTC handle.
* @retval None
* @brief Enable the write protection for RTC registers.
* @param __HANDLE__: specifies the RTC handle.
* @retval None
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @brief Enable the RTC Alarm interrupt.
* @param __HANDLE__: specifies the RTC handle.
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
* @param __INTERRUPT__: specifies the RTC Alarm interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
* @arg RTC_IT_ALRA: Alarm A interrupt
* @retval None
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @brief Disable the RTC Alarm interrupt.
* @param __HANDLE__: specifies the RTC handle.
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
* @param __INTERRUPT__: specifies the RTC Alarm interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
* @arg RTC_IT_ALRA: Alarm A interrupt
* @retval None
* @brief Check whether the specified RTC Alarm interrupt has been enabled or not.
* @param __HANDLE__: specifies the RTC handle.
* @param __INTERRUPT__: specifies the RTC Alarm interrupt sources to be checked
* This parameter can be:
* @arg RTC_IT_ALRA: Alarm A interrupt
* @retval None
#define __HAL_RTC_ALARM_GET_IT_SOURCE(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) ((((((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CRH)& ((__INTERRUPT__)))) != RESET)? SET : RESET)
* @brief Get the selected RTC Alarm's flag status.
* @param __HANDLE__: specifies the RTC handle.
* @param __FLAG__: specifies the RTC Alarm Flag sources to be enabled or disabled.
* This parameter can be:
* @retval None
#define __HAL_RTC_ALARM_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__) (((((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CRL) & (__FLAG__)) != RESET)? SET : RESET)
* @brief Check whether the specified RTC Alarm interrupt has occurred or not.
* @param __HANDLE__: specifies the RTC handle.
* @param __INTERRUPT__: specifies the RTC Alarm interrupt sources to check.
* This parameter can be:
* @arg RTC_IT_ALRA: Alarm A interrupt
* @retval None
#define __HAL_RTC_ALARM_GET_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) (((((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CRL) & (__INTERRUPT__)) != RESET)? SET : RESET)
* @brief Clear the RTC Alarm's pending flags.
* @param __HANDLE__: specifies the RTC handle.
* @param __FLAG__: specifies the RTC Alarm Flag sources to be enabled or disabled.
* This parameter can be:
* @retval None
#define __HAL_RTC_ALARM_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CRL) = ~(__FLAG__)
* @brief Enable interrupt on ALARM Exti Line 17.
* @retval None.
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
* @brief Disable interrupt on ALARM Exti Line 17.
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @retval None.
* @brief Enable event on ALARM Exti Line 17.
* @retval None.
* @brief Disable event on ALARM Exti Line 17.
* @retval None.
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
* @brief ALARM EXTI line configuration: set falling edge trigger.
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @retval None.
* @brief Disable the ALARM Extended Interrupt Falling Trigger.
* @retval None.
* @brief ALARM EXTI line configuration: set rising edge trigger.
* @retval None.
* @brief Disable the ALARM Extended Interrupt Rising Trigger.
* This parameter can be:
* @retval None.
* @brief ALARM EXTI line configuration: set rising & falling edge trigger.
* @retval None.
do{ \
} while(0U)
* @brief Disable the ALARM Extended Interrupt Rising & Falling Trigger.
* This parameter can be:
* @retval None.
do{ \
} while(0U)
* @brief Check whether the specified ALARM EXTI interrupt flag is set or not.
* @retval EXTI ALARM Line Status.
* @brief Clear the ALARM EXTI flag.
* @retval None.
* @brief Generate a Software interrupt on selected EXTI line.
* @retval None.
* @}
/* Include RTC HAL Extension module */
#include "stm32f1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h"
/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup RTC_Exported_Functions
* @{
/* Initialization and de-initialization functions ****************************/
/** @addtogroup RTC_Exported_Functions_Group1
* @{
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_Init(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_DeInit(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc);
void HAL_RTC_MspInit(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc);
void HAL_RTC_MspDeInit(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc);
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
/* Callbacks Register/UnRegister functions ***********************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_RegisterCallback(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc, HAL_RTC_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID, pRTC_CallbackTypeDef pCallback);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_UnRegisterCallback(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc, HAL_RTC_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID);
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @}
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
/* RTC Time and Date functions ************************************************/
/** @addtogroup RTC_Exported_Functions_Group2
* @{
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_SetTime(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc, RTC_TimeTypeDef *sTime, uint32_t Format);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_GetTime(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc, RTC_TimeTypeDef *sTime, uint32_t Format);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_SetDate(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc, RTC_DateTypeDef *sDate, uint32_t Format);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_GetDate(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc, RTC_DateTypeDef *sDate, uint32_t Format);
* @}
/* RTC Alarm functions ********************************************************/
/** @addtogroup RTC_Exported_Functions_Group3
* @{
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_SetAlarm(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc, RTC_AlarmTypeDef *sAlarm, uint32_t Format);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_SetAlarm_IT(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc, RTC_AlarmTypeDef *sAlarm, uint32_t Format);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_DeactivateAlarm(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc, uint32_t Alarm);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_GetAlarm(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc, RTC_AlarmTypeDef *sAlarm, uint32_t Alarm, uint32_t Format);
void HAL_RTC_AlarmIRQHandler(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_PollForAlarmAEvent(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc, uint32_t Timeout);
void HAL_RTC_AlarmAEventCallback(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc);
* @}
/* Peripheral State functions *************************************************/
/** @addtogroup RTC_Exported_Functions_Group4
* @{
HAL_RTCStateTypeDef HAL_RTC_GetState(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc);
* @}
/* Peripheral Control functions ***********************************************/
/** @addtogroup RTC_Exported_Functions_Group5
* @{
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTC_WaitForSynchro(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc);
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @}
* @}
* @}
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
* @}
2019-07-22 03:29:14 +03:00
2018-03-31 16:34:59 +03:00
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __STM32F1xx_HAL_RTC_H */
/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/